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  1. #1 Zitieren
    Warrior Avatar von SlamDunk
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    May 2005
    I'll update this post as more stuff emerges.


    Gaming Lives [Bild: new.gif]

    Atomic Gamer [Bild: new.gif]

    GameFocus [Bild: new.gif]

    RPG Site


    Gamertag Radio

    GamesRadar US



    RPG Gamer
    - At any time, you can fast-travel back to your ship and switch your companion with another crew member
    - Just one island makes up about 70% of Risen's main land mass
    - 40-60 hours of gameplay

    Gaming Nexus
    - Companions can lead you to key points of interest
    - If you're stuck, companions can be asked for advice

    - One companion on foot at a time
    - Companions have different strenghts and abilities
    - DirectX 9 only

    - Hands-on demo at gamescom 2011 (18-21.8.)


    Just Push Start

    PC Gamer

    Video Interviews:

    Multiplayer [Bild: new.gif]

    GameTrailers: Character Progression Interview with Daniel Oberlerchner
    - Release date: first half of 2012


    First live footage!
    SlamDunk ist offline Geändert von SlamDunk (06.07.2011 um 23:20 Uhr)

  2. #2 Zitieren
    Veteran Avatar von Aetherian
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    Jan 2006
    Somewhere dark.......
    It's a nice start, hoped for some more detailed info though. Curious to see how the game will play out, if it'll remind you of the old Gothic games like they say it does.
    Aetherian ist offline

  3. #3 Zitieren
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    May 2011
    edit: wrong thread it seems o.O
    drunknmunkey ist offline Geändert von drunknmunkey (10.06.2011 um 11:56 Uhr)

  4. #4 Zitieren
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    Mar 2011
    Warszawa, Polska
    Nice! Even though it won't be the same medieval fantasy world we're used to from Gothic and Risen 1, I think they made a good move with the pirates' settings as they're the first developers ever to create an RPG with this theme. I think it will be very cool to rise in the ranks of the pirates and also more realistic than we got used to in RPGs.
    Assassin of Kings ist offline

  5. #5 Zitieren
    Fighter Avatar von AshleyG
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    Jun 2010
    It seems most people are not excited at all about Risen 2 (because it's not the medevial fantasy type). C'mon there'll be pirates . So cool, it was quite a success in G2 addon (my favorite camp).
    It seems the combat system will be more interesting (you can kick an enemy to flip him).
    Something that sounds really cool: you'll have a ship, and you can bring your friends with you (yay ). That's the best part! Finally we get that!!!

    Ps: I also like fps that are not about WW2....
    AshleyG ist offline

  6. #6 Zitieren
    Knight Avatar von RobinHood 13.
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    I'm hoping they will make some advances in AI, animal group behaviour and so on.
    Generally make the world more dynamic/lively.
    The witcher 2 puts Bioware in their place on how storytelling should be, and I doubt Risen 2 can top that. They should rather focus on things the other games don't do (like the above).

    If they make combat like the consolish games, including the witcher, with their rotating camera = "not direct" control of character, I will not be pleased. It's so incredibly inaccurate and non-immersing.
    RobinHood 13. ist offline

  7. #7 Zitieren
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    WoP Servers
    Zitat Zitat von RobinHood 13. Beitrag anzeigen
    If they make combat like the consolish games, including the witcher, with their rotating camera = "not direct" control of character, I will not be pleased. It's so incredibly inaccurate and non-immersing.
    The combat system is mainly done and they say it is the most complex and direct combat system in any PB game till now.
    For the most recent Elex news, the new Piranha Bytes RPG, visit us at World of Elex!!!
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  8. #8 Zitieren
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    Warszawa, Polska
    Zitat Zitat von RobinHood 13. Beitrag anzeigen
    If they make combat like the consolish games, including the witcher, with their rotating camera = "not direct" control of character, I will not be pleased. It's so incredibly inaccurate and non-immersing.
    What's so bad about that? I personally like to rotate the camera and see how the character looks at front, in all of his splendor.
    Assassin of Kings ist offline

  9. #9 Zitieren
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    Jul 2007
    Boy am I bored of the same info... I guess it's my fault for reading all previews and interviews from different magazines when I should stick with just one or two.

    But i've seen some info being repeated so much that it makes me think that all the key aspects about R2 are:
    - throwing sand in people faces and distracting them with a parrot
    - developing a console version at the same time with the pc one so it won't be crappy
    - the pirates houses looking like temporary houses only
    - the story being linear at first and less linear in the 3rd chapter
    - the game looks better than the first

    Also what bothers me is that all previews seem to trash R1 as if it was such a crappy game that R2 can only be better. It feels like they are selling their souls to the devil in order to attract new gamers to the brand by accepting the fact that R1 was crap. I think they should be proud about R1 instead of pretending they will make a new kind of game that might please people who didn't like R1.
    glumetzul ist offline

  10. #10 Zitieren
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    ^^ I think they ARE proud of it since it filled their pockets, but advertising and selling was never the path of the virtuous. So they say what must be said.
    For the most recent Elex news, the new Piranha Bytes RPG, visit us at World of Elex!!!
    Maladiq ist offline

  11. #11 Zitieren
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    Jul 2007
    Well clearly you expect a developer/publisher to claim that the sequel is better than the original game.

    But then there are two ways of doing that.
    1. After the success of <insert title here>, we've managed to develop <insert key aspects> even further in this sequel and bla bla bla.
    2. We are aware that <insert title here> had some problems with <insert key aspects here> but we've decided to <insert solution here> for this sequel.

    The first approach would please old fans more as they are told that the sequel will be much like the first game that they loved and even better while new audience might not be interested in the sequel of a game that they didn't like in the first place.

    The second approach, might bring some new customers because they are told that even if they didn't like the first title, the new one will be different. But at the same time, this might upset old fans that won't enjoy seing their favorite title being bashed by the producers themselves. And if they are so eager to bash the first title in contrast to the sequel how are those old fans to know for sure that the sequel won't be so diffrerent from the original that they might not like it after all.

    I have my faith in PB and think that R2 will be nice but I must say I don't like the approach they chose in promoting the game. Reminds me a lot of the downfall of Gothic and JoWood.
    glumetzul ist offline

  12. #12 Zitieren
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    WoP Servers
    For the most recent Elex news, the new Piranha Bytes RPG, visit us at World of Elex!!!
    Maladiq ist offline

  13. #13 Zitieren
    Warrior Avatar von SacredGamer
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    Jun 2009
    Not every revealing.
    Although If WOR news item is to go by, they showed the Xbox 360 version, which I'm happy that they did.
    As it sort of shows that there happy with the state of the X360, shame we couldn't see more.

    Why didnt somebody sneak a camera inside the presentation

    Guess were going to have to wait to GamesCom next to see some more?
    SacredGamer ist offline

  14. #14 Zitieren
    Fighter Avatar von AshleyG
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    Jun 2010
    Zitat Zitat von glumetzul Beitrag anzeigen
    makes me think that all the key aspects about R2 are
    all previews seem to trash R1 as if it was such a crappy game that R2 can only be better...
    I bet they all got the same presentation There's no more info coming out from the source (pb)...

    And was Risen great? I got quite diseappointed. It was a step back Gothic1 for the liveness and character deepness I'd say!
    But anyway, I don't remember reading R1 was crap? Just the xbox version.
    AshleyG ist offline

  15. #15 Zitieren
    Knight Commander Avatar von Demonium
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    Zitat Zitat von SacredGamer Beitrag anzeigen
    Not every revealing.
    Although If WOR news item is to go by, they showed the Xbox 360 version, which I'm happy that they did.
    Dont be so sure that was the Xbox version, because at 0:32 of that video, next to the Xbox there was a PC case powered on...So perhaps it was a Pc preview...
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  16. #16 Zitieren
    Warrior Avatar von SacredGamer
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    Zitat Zitat von Demonium Beitrag anzeigen
    Dont be so sure that was the Xbox version, because at 0:32 of that video, next to the Xbox there was a PC case powered on...So perhaps it was a Pc preview...
    I know I know that may not have been the Xbox version on-screen.
    But they did show it, I've seen two previews mention it.
    Which sort of shows that they're not ashamed to show it unlike Risen 1 for obvious reasons.
    The Xbox version was probably there to provide comparison between the two and just in case there something wrong with the PC Version.
    SacredGamer ist offline

  17. #17 Zitieren
    Schwertmeister Avatar von warstrike
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    WOW ....so many "news" ...
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  18. #18 Zitieren
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    Behind you
    ugh, i am so tired of the god damn bloom
    Kirov Class ist offline

  19. #19 Zitieren
    Warrior Avatar von SlamDunk
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    May 2005
    Hey, guys. I've added a few more previews to the first post.

    Joystiq's preview is an embarrassing thing to read. Did you guys know that these "hardcore" European RPGs that we love are frustrating, inaccessible and have clumsy and difficult mechanics with awkward user interfaces?
    SlamDunk ist offline

  20. #20 Zitieren
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    Mike has worked in the Joystiq Network for years now, as lead blogger and senior editor on WoW.com and one of the founding editors on Massively.com.

    ^ When a person who play MMORPGs comments on a game which requires more interaction than CLICK mouse CLICK HOTKEY, of course he is going to blatantly bash the mechanics. I am glad he ended the preview on a rather friendly note, but overall, I still cannot understand him.
    Talek ist offline

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