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    This may not be a topic of great interest amoungst all Gothic fans, but I was wondering what people were hoping mood of Gothic 3 would feel like.

    In my opinion the mood of the Gothic games has always been critical to what makes the series so great and unique. In the old camp of Gothic there was a feeling of an unstable order maintained soley by the bullying will of the Ore Barons and their cronies. Everyone was armed, and people whispered about "being careful about what you talked about" and if you weren't wary you could be ambushed and beaten to a pulp by some thug who was paid to punish you for not paying your protection money. The uneasy feeling was also very similar to what you found in Korhinis, where the the farmers told of Orcs at the outskirts of their land, and where you'd even find one a not far from the gates of Korhinis itself!

    Personally I hope the mood in G3 is closest to the feel you got when you returned to the Valley of Mines to find the world turned upside down and hell on earth. The opressing and downbeat music, the blasted and burned landscape, the hoardes of orcs and the scattered pockets of despairing and sometimes doggedly determined survivors. Imho it was an awesome and totally unique atmosphere that's never really been mimiced by any other game I've played. Only Guild Wars' post Searing world and Final Fantasy 6's World of Ruin come close. And when you think of it the invasion of the valley it's just another part of the invasion of Myrtana, so it should hopefully feel very similar, but on a much larger scale. And with even more panic!

    Anyway, what do you guys think? Do you feel the same, or do you think the mood of Gothic could now use a change of tone with our hero finally arriving on the mainland? Maybe it should be more civilized and ordered in some places since there's some standing countries and cities that are more advanced that Kohrinis?

  2. Homepage besuchen Beiträge anzeigen #2
    Knight Avatar von DeadlyArrow
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    Actually not many games (even good ones) has good atmosphere. I like Gothic, coz I atmosphere of the world is really great. I think in G3 it will be a bit different but some kind of G1 atmo.

  3. Beiträge anzeigen #3
    Abenteurer Avatar von andrea-d
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    i love the Gothic series, cuz of the atmo... GothicI is the best cuz of the barrier and the life inside the camps, GothicII is also good but imo not as good as GothicI even if the gameplay is better
    " I swear by the myth of the Gods, and by the power of the Holy Flame, that my knowledges and my deeds from now on and forever shall be one with the fire. Until my body shall return to the realm of Beliar and the fire of my life be estinguished."

    - Master Corristo, Gothic

  4. Beiträge anzeigen #4
    Knight Commander
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    I think in atmosphere, Gothic can not be beaten by other games. Maybe some adventure games can challenge it, like Broken Sword and Monkey Island. (Mainly the 3rd) I hope G3 will continue to develop it's atmosphere to a brand new and better level.

  5. Homepage besuchen Beiträge anzeigen #5
    Halbgott Avatar von Sowilo
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    I would like to see an atmosphere in G³ which u can compare with Gothic1. But I have doubts that thats will work because Piranha Bytes said that u will be known as the dragon killer and the population think that u r "the one" who will set them free.

  6. Beiträge anzeigen #6
    Abenteurer Avatar von andrea-d
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    well it doesnt mean that the atmo is gonna change...
    " I swear by the myth of the Gods, and by the power of the Holy Flame, that my knowledges and my deeds from now on and forever shall be one with the fire. Until my body shall return to the realm of Beliar and the fire of my life be estinguished."

    - Master Corristo, Gothic

  7. Beiträge anzeigen #7
    Veteran Avatar von MladjanDJ
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    Atmosphere,I remember how it feels when I first enter walley of mines in G2.Night,down the road Jergan told me what's is going on:invasion,orcks,dragons,it realy is scary.Then when I got to the Castle thous paladins scared to death.I love Gothic atmosphere I hope PB will keep that in G3.

  8. Homepage besuchen Beiträge anzeigen #8
    Chosen One Avatar von rekinu
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    Well they said that in G3 the atmosphere will be just like in G1.It surely will be the panic and destrucution in the air...I loved the atmo from G1, and that from G2 too altough it was different from the one before.

    Maybe it should be more civilized and ordered in some places since there's some standing countries and cities that are more advanced that Kohrinis?
    I don't think there are cities more advanced than Khorinis. Theoretic Khorinis should be a "new" town where all the merchants are coming and going...If you read a book from G1(can't remember name) there it is said that if you want something you always find it in Khorinis.Anything you search for you find it in Khorinis. So I think in the old days, the people from harbour wore respected ppl too. The city was very rich and very advanced...

  9. Beiträge anzeigen #9
    Knight Commander
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    Yes, was. As Diego said, Khorinis is a dump now by the orc war.
    MladjanDJ, when i first got to the colony, i couldn't get into the castle, the orcs slaughtered me always, and i couldn't find the way to get in there. I tried to swim down the river, and almost everything, so i had to wait for the morning, and then i could see the way.
    OT: But there's a little cave from the river, where you can find a scavenger transform spell, and you can past the orc guards without attacking you.

  10. Beiträge anzeigen #10
    Chosen One Avatar von rockfest
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    Well, i hope that g3 will have a different atmosphere but close enough to that in g1.

  11. Beiträge anzeigen #11
    Veteran Avatar von MladjanDJ
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    Zitat Zitat von Petyamester
    Yes, was. As Diego said, Khorinis is a dump now by the orc war.
    MladjanDJ, when i first got to the colony, i couldn't get into the castle, the orcs slaughtered me always, and i couldn't find the way to get in there. I tried to swim down the river, and almost everything, so i had to wait for the morning, and then i could see the way.
    OT: But there's a little cave from the river, where you can find a scavenger transform spell, and you can past the orc guards without attacking you.
    Scaryed Petymaster waiting in a cave,cold,dark
    You waited the morning in the game,Hell I waited the realy morning the sun thru my windows,it is scary orcs even I imagine dragons from the sky.And how I got in,firs I run around whole castle then saw broken wall.

  12. Beiträge anzeigen #12
    Knight Commander Avatar von Godcrusher
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    Ah gothic games are good just because of the atmo. That makes them uniqe.
    And yes lie i said many times i wish that g3 atmo whoud be similar to g1 atmo.

  13. Beiträge anzeigen #13
    Deus Avatar von WernerTWC
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    Zitat Zitat von Godcrusher
    Ah gothic games are good just because of the atmo. That makes them uniqe.
    And yes lie i said many times i wish that g3 atmo whoud be similar to g1 atmo.
    The words i have in mind, told by you!
    And i think they try exactly to do that, bring back the "dark" atmo to G3, and step back from the sometimes too colorful, too happy atmo from G2 (imho).

  14. Beiträge anzeigen #14
    Adventurer Avatar von Haitham
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    What do you mean by Atmospheres? I know that Atmospheres is the layer of the sky in visual matters, but someone said something about scary things..etc so that means it is a virtual enviroment in the game or a visual enviroment in the game?

    If it is visual thingy, i think Gothic1 got really bad but exciting atmosphere. Bad by graphics, but nice that it gives the true idea. Barrier, Grief..etc

    In Gothic2 it is just normal, normal as in any other game. So i expect Gothic3's Atmo to be! **

  15. Beiträge anzeigen #15
    Knight Commander Avatar von Godcrusher
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    Atmosphere as a feeling when playing gothic games.In g1 atmo was( with one word)-fantastic. Its like you amagine the best game whoud be-but even better. G2 atmo was also fine but something was missing. Something big. And i hope that that wont miss in g3.

  16. Beiträge anzeigen #16
    Adventurer Avatar von alexxx2k5
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    indeed the g1 atmosphere was great.....
    there are some places where u get sucked in the game like
    night at the brotherhood temple, clouded sky at new camp with barier and rain......also the music is great for the game

    i could just feel the sea air at the cromanin tower in g1

    i'm eager to play g3

  17. Homepage besuchen Beiträge anzeigen #17
    Chosen One Avatar von rekinu
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    I think you forgot the fogy, raining mornings from new camp

  18. Beiträge anzeigen #18
    Adventurer Avatar von alexxx2k5
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    and those spooky minecrawler caves

  19. Beiträge anzeigen #19
    Ranger Avatar von SkySaint
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    And dont forget the secret room where you find the chest with rune inside it when playing as a mage...
    soooo MAJESTIC can't explain it,just cool...
    I want to have some fun...

  20. Homepage besuchen Beiträge anzeigen #20
    Knight Avatar von DeadlyArrow
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    majestic actually means "royal" (in french, i guess)
    but i understand, nice feeling at that place

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