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  1. #1 Reply With Quote
    Mod-Starter Project  LordOfWAR's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    Risen - ModStarter (Online DB version)

    So, already finished our next update to the Risen - ModStarter. In this time we fixed previous mistakes and added support of some online services - "Internet Mods DB" , "MDS AutoUpdate" and e.t.c. With help of "Internet/Online Mods DB" it is possible now for all mod-makers to upload their mods into single database, where will be collected all info about Risen Mods. It also gives possibility to download uploaded mods to all others MDS users. We think that it will be useful and hope that you will use it.

    Note : It is needed to have Internet connection to use online services. Without connection, you can use only offline functions (use mods which is already in your local mod-list and e.t.c.).

    Overview :

    • It is needed to have installed Risen (any language) with patch 1.10 to launch this version of RMDS.
    • RMDS have Russian, German, Ukrainian, English, Italian, Polish (was added from version), Czech and Spanish (both languages was added in version) language interface. You can choose language from Menu->Options->Languages.
    • All languages texts was disjoined from program and placed in separate – “Languages.ini” file (In MDS folder). You also can add your own language by adding new section with language name and translated text there. After that you can select new language in MDS, from menu - "Options-Languages".
    • Main addition to MDS in this version it is support of “Online Mods DB”. There you can download new or add your own mods.
    • It is possible to launch Risen MDS without mods. It will give possibility to you to download only needed mods from online Mods DB.
    • MDS already have online checker for new version. On first MDS launch, it will ask for checking for updates on every program startup. But you can change this option in any time if you will change your mind from menu - "Options-Updates”.
    • After release of the official patch 1.10, it is not needed to install some other fixes to working with RMDS.
    • As it was in recently versions, RMDS include this programs : RisenAut, RisenPak, RisenCSV, RisenTAB, Custom Font Installer and Risen Tune. MDS also have possibility to "hide" savegames from different mods (by default this option - disabled) and it can change your savegame-dir to other (user-defined) path.

    Bug-Fixes :

    • Fixed bug which was connected with SaveGame Managaer, when option - "Enable working with savegames" was enabled and it was not possible to disable it. That's why some players said recently that their savegames was "hided" (replaced into other directory). Now this option is fixed and disabled by default.
    • "Working with savegames" which hide savegames from different mods, now completely safe for savegames themselfs (If will be enabled).
    • Fixed bug, with replacing savegame dir. In previous versions can cause problems with making new savegames or loading existing after changing this directory.
    • Fixed others mistakes in the program and languages texts.

    (!) Instruction : How to add my new mod into my local mod-list (on my computer) ?

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

    Quote from file - "Readme_eng.txt" :

    You can connect your own mods to the mds by creating new folder in FanMods, and add to there some needed to Risen and to mds files :

    1. You must necessarily have in mod folder at least one "\compiled\*.p0x" or "\common\*.p0x" file (in subfolder - compiled or common), if program will not found this files, then folder will be skipped. (p0x files, during integrating, will be copied to the Risen\Data\*\ folder (where * - compiled or common) with incremental number, that means - if there already exists file with name - templates.p02 , then templates.p0x file will have name - templates.p03 and e.t.c.).

    2. You can have in mod folder only one *.jpg file (size - 330х327 or 315х312), all others image resolutions was not tested (they will be resized to this resolution). If image will be not found, mds will use default one.

    3. You can have in mod folder *.rtf file (WordPad file), with full desription of mod, and e.t.c.

    4. You can have in mod folder only one readme.txt (or readme.rtf) file - short description of mod, wich will be displayed in program.

    5. To add or change text in the game, you can add *Mod.csv files (Where * - name of original csv or tab file, which you want to change). But it is recomended to extract original tab file into csv, then delete all not needed strings, add or change needed text and only then save this file to *Mod.csv and copy it to mod folder.

    6. In your mod folder, you can also add some *Mod.wrldatasc files. That means, for example - if you decide to update in your mod, Testlevel.wrldatasc file, you must have in mod folder, file with name - TestlevelMod.wrldatasc , where will be only new strings which then will be added into Testlevel.wrldatasc. (You also can add new strings or change existing strings. For example, let's see some original file (*.wrldatasc) which is in projects.pak. As we see, it's structure some like this :

    key2=value2 ...
    So, that means, that you can create TestlevelMod.wrldatasc file with same structure, add new keys, values, or new values for existing keys... and then, during integrating, MDS will repack projects.pak and write all strings (if file - TestlevelMod.wrldatasc will be without string - "[sectionname]", all strings will be added into Testlevel.wrldatasc as new strings into end of file, if not (if you will set needed section), all keys will be rewritten, and new will be added to the end of file too.) You must understand, that program will find needed file which we want to update (As we see, differents in names is in word - "*Mod.wrldatasc" and that means, that program can make search of needed file...), so it is not needed to add path to file which you whant to update somewhere into program, because projects.pak (and p0x files) will be extracted during integrating, file will be founded, updated and only changed files, then, will be packed to p0x...

    7. You can add to your mod folder - ModName.ini file, with next lines :

    Caption=name of the mod
    That means, that if you will add there name of your mod, program will add your mod to the list with this name, if not, program will use as name of your mod, caption of mod folder.

    8. You can have in your mod folder, some *.chx files - in this files can be your own cheats from your mod... they can be added into list of Cheats Pannel (Cheats Pannel was added only in this version, after you will click on some cheat, it will be copied into clipboard and there will be some aditional info displayed).

    Structure of this file must be like this (there can be many of this files in one mod folder) :

    9. Also you can have *.hotkey files in the your mod folder. This file contain info about hotkeys, i don't know possible it or not to add they in mods, but i already make this possibility... The list of HotKeys and they descriptions also added into right pannel of Cheats Pannel window.

    Structure of this files must be (it is almost same as with *.chx files) :

    Description=some with ctrl+s...

    That's all. If you will do all right, then after launching MDS, you will find your mod in the MDS mod-list.

    (!) Instruction : How to add my new mod into "Internet/Online Mods Database" ?

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

    To add your mod into Online Mods DB, to make possible to download it by others players, you must do next steps :

    1. You must add your mod to your local MDS mod-list as written in instruction above.
    2. Launch MDS, login into your MDS Online DB account and then open - "Add New Mod" tab.
    3. Select your mod and click - "Make files". If this mod was not added by other user recently, MDS will make 2 zip files, which you must upload to somewhere and then paste direct links in needed fields :

      Note : You can upload your mods there:

      Quote Originally Posted by LordOfWAR View Post
      Here is few file hostings, which provide direct links for your files (so they can be used for adding your mods into Mod-Starter OnlineDB):

      • If "full" mod file is not bigger than 10 Mb: http://upload.worldofplayers.de/ - Our wop file uploader. Can be used by wop users (only registered users can see the password). It is most stable place for mod files. Note: After uploading files to wop, you must post your links somewhere in this or other thread on the wop forum (to prevent file deletion after some time)...

      • If "full" mod file is bigger than 10 Mb:

        • http://www.dropbox.com/ - Free plan will give to you 2 GB space on hosting. You must create account for using it. It is possible to upload files with size not bigger than 300 Mb via web-browser. But there is no limit if you will upload files into public folder via dropbox desktop application. Note: For generating public link, you must upload files into public folder!

        • http://www.fileden.com/ - Free plan will give to you 1 GB space on hosting. You must create account for using it. Limits - 5 Gb bandwidth per month.
    4. Click on - "Add mod" button. MDS will allow to you to add new mod only if links will not be broken. Then mod with current name will be added into DB. If you are moderator - mod will be auto-confirmed, otherwise you must to wait until your mod will be activated by moderator. Temporary zip files will be deleted.


    That's all. After mod will be successfully added into DB, you can edit/delete it in any time from "Manage My Mods" tab.

    (!) Recommended to read that : Detailed description about new "MDS Online Features" :

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

    Risen - MDS "OnlineModDB" version provide to you possibility to use more stable version of Risen MDS, plus you can use our online Risen Mods DB.

    Online Mods DB - place, where will be collected all info and links for new Risen mods. MDS developed with high compatibility with this DB and can get a list of mods from there, show needed preview pictures and descriptions and sure you can download needed mods from DB or add new mods too...

    New features from Risen MDS version :

    1. It is possible to launch Risen MDS without mods. It will give possibility to you to download only needed mods from online Mods DB.
    2. Added possibility to delete checked mods by clicking right mouse button on your local mod list :

    3. All languages texts was disjoined from program and placed in separate - "Languages.ini" file (In MDS folder). You also can add your own language by adding new section with language name and translated text there. After that you can select new language in MDS, from Menu-Options-Languages :

    Important : Special chars not supported !

    4. MDS already have online checker for new version. On first MDS launch, it will ask for checking for updates on every program startup. But you can change this option in any time if you change your mind from "Menu-Options-Updates" :

    If new version will be avaliable, MDS will promt to launch MDS updater to apply new changes, if you will say yes, then MDS updater (it is separate program for MDS) will be launched :

    5. Main addition to MDS in this version it is support of "Online Mods DB". There you can download or add your own mods. After addition of new mod, it will be shown in overall list of mods only after MDS moderator will confirm it.

    On main form you can see new menu button - "Internet Mods DB" :

    After clicking this button, it will take 1-4 seconds (depends on your inet connection) to connect to online DB. If DB will not be on maintenance, then you will see another window with all mods in DB :

    They are sorted by addition date (last added mod, will be on the top of list). There you can mark only mods which are not already on your mod-list and then click "Download" button. All mods are downloaded and integrated separate from each other - one by one, so if you will click - "Abort Download" in middle of the process, that will mean that all previously integrated mods will not be deleted... After download will be finished, you must restart MDS to make possible to use new mods.

    Note : "High res Texture-Pack (Stones and Walls) V1.0" Mod, have an very big size (416 Mb in Zip archive), so it is possible to download it from MDS, but if you have not stable inet, then it is better to download it separately, because MDS will start download from begining if there will be some problem during download...

    Also after you will click on some mod from the list, MDS will download preview info for 1-2 secs and will display it in appropriate fields.

    In this same window we decided to add additional options. For example if you already have some mod, but in DB, author will only update example picture or description, then you can only update this picture or description file from DB by clicking right mouse button on picture or description - "Apply this ... to the same already existing mod in your mod-list..." :

    Also in this same window, you can see option - "Delete temporary files on exit". If this option enabled - that means that preview info what was downloaded during navigating between mods in online mod-list, will be deleted after closing this window. Or if this option will be disabled, that means that already downloaded preview info of mods will not be deleted and it will not be redownloaded every time after clicking on needed mod when restart MDS. (Must to say, that if author will update his mod in online DB, MDS will ignore this option and will redownload once this info for this mod).

    On this window you can only download already added mods by their authors, but if you want to download or update/edit your mod, you can click on "Add/Edit my own mod" button on this same window. After what, MDS will check for banned ip's and then it will give right to you to enter your login and password there. If you don't have account in MDS, then just enter your account name and password in needed fields, and account will be created with this info if this name doesn't taken recently :

    After successful login, you will see new window, where you can add new mods, edit your mods (or edit all mods if you are moderator) and manage your account (change password and e.t.c.).

    So, how to add new mods ? :

    • You must add your mod to your local MDS mod-list as written in instruction above.
    • Launch MDS, login into your MDS Online DB account and then open - "Add New Mod" tab.
    • Select your mod and click - "Make files". If this mod was not added by other user recently, MDS will make 2 zip files, which you must upload to somewhere and then paste direct links in needed fields :

      Note : You can upload your mods there:

      Quote Originally Posted by LordOfWAR View Post
      Here is few file hostings, which provide direct links for your files (so they can be used for adding your mods into Mod-Starter OnlineDB):

      • If "full" mod file is not bigger than 10 Mb: http://upload.worldofplayers.de/ - Our wop file uploader. Can be used by wop users (only registered users can see the password). It is most stable place for mod files. Note: After uploading files to wop, you must post your links somewhere in this or other thread on the wop forum (to prevent file deletion after some time)...

      • If "full" mod file is bigger than 10 Mb:

        • http://www.dropbox.com/ - Free plan will give to you 2 GB space on hosting. You must create account for using it. It is possible to upload files with size not bigger than 300 Mb via web-browser. But there is no limit if you will upload files into public folder via dropbox desktop application. Note: For generating public link, you must upload files into public folder!

        • http://www.fileden.com/ - Free plan will give to you 1 GB space on hosting. You must create account for using it. Limits - 5 Gb bandwidth per month.
    • Click on - "Add mod" button. MDS will allow to you to add new mod only if links will not be broken. Then mod with current name will be added into DB. If you are moderator - mod will be auto-confirmed, otherwise you must to wait until your mod will be activated by moderator. Temporary zip files will be deleted.

    That's all... After that, you can manage your mod (edit links, mod-name, delete mod or if you moderator - activate/deactivate mods and resetting mod to other user) by changing tab to "Manage Uploaded Mods" :

    Moderators also have other options - to show only not activated mods, and activating/deactivating all mods from the active list (by right mouse click on mod list)...

    And the last tab - "My Profile" will allow to you to change your password, your contact info and check list of moderators (if you - moderator, you also can check list of all users) :


    (!) Credits :

    For the excellent programs, which was also integrated into MDS : Risenaut, RisenPak, RisenTab and RisenCSV - NicoDE.

    Translation to the Italian language - Xardasrule (aka xardas66).

    Translation to the German language - foobar.

    Translation to the Polish language - Macrentofeth.

    Translation to the Czech language - El Kamil.

    Translation to the Spanish language - Ancalagon el negro.

    Beta Testers - Johnatan, Nimphomaniak, Looker, Xardasrule, Тать.


    (!) Download instructions :

    Download new - "Risen - ModStarter" without mods (we think that player can download only needed mods from Internet Mods DB), you can there - http://www.worldofrisen.de/english/download_70.htm

    If you already have old version of RMDS installed, then you must uninstall all currently installed mods from mod-starter and then uninstall old MDS too. Or if you already have many mods in your mod-list, then you can just install new version in the same folder with old version, after what you will have new RMDS with your mods in the mod-list.


    You also can read - "Readme_eng.txt" file, there - http://mdscp.5gigs.net/r/Readme_eng.txt

    Russian release thread - http://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum...d.php?t=799669
    English release thread (DS) - http://forum.deepsilver.com/forum/sh...ad.php?t=49383
    Italian release thread (risen-italia.it) - http://www.risen-italia.it/?p=2563
    Italian release thread (DS) - http://forum.deepsilver.com/forum/sh...d.php?p=461725

    Published by - LordOfWAR & Odin68 .

    P.S. If your mod already added into Online DB by other user, just let me know and I will replace it into your MDS account.

    UPDATE (03.05.10) : File is updated to version. You can check changelog there - http://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum...php?p=12742854

    UPDATE (19.07.10) : File is updated to version. You can check changelog there - http://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum...php?p=13405294

    UPDATE (05.09.10) : File is updated to version. You can check changelog there - http://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum...php?p=13854875

    UPDATE (10.04.11) : File is updated to version. You can check changelog there - http://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum...php?p=15794155

    UPDATE (02.07.11) : File is updated to version. You can check changelog there - http://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum...php?p=16558691

    UPDATE (28.04.2012) : File is updated to version. You can check changelog there - http://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum...php?p=18856313

    UPDATE (16.05.2012) : File is updated to version. You can check changelog there - http://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum...php?p=18986063
    #Stand With Ukraine
    LordOfWAR is offline Last edited by LordOfWAR; 03.06.2012 at 15:35.

  2. #2 Reply With Quote
    Mod-Starter Project  LordOfWAR's Avatar
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    I saw that new mod was added from - Larisa - "Satellite view in Harbor Town". Unfortunately your mod files was deleted from wop upload and I don't know why, so links are broken and I deleted this MOD from DB without confirmation... If it's size is not more than 2 Mb, you can upload it there - http://mdscp.5gigs.net/mods/mod_up.php

    P.S. If it's size is more than 2 MB, then just write to me in PM, we will upload it to Odin68 hosting... but I will also ask admins about wop upload...
    #Stand With Ukraine
    LordOfWAR is offline Last edited by LordOfWAR; 10.04.2011 at 13:11.

  3. #3 Reply With Quote
    Cat  Larisa's Avatar
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    Hmm... afaik wop upload from time to time checks the forums and if the uploaded files don't appear to have a link in the forum, they are deleted. If that's correct, we either should use the alternative you provided (mod starter blog's upload) or also post the links for the 2 files somewhere in here.

    A question: iirc I had a talk long time ago with Werner about this, can't find it now:
    Those letters in front of the folders containing the moddification are to tell the starter which mods change the same files, right?
    So, every new mod creator should check if his/her mod conflicts with another and if not, should pick the next available letter.
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  4. #4 Reply With Quote
    Mod-Starter Project  LordOfWAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larisa View Post
    Hmm... afaik wop upload from time to time checks the forums and if the uploaded files don't appear to have a link in the forum, they are deleted. If that's correct, we either should use the alternative you provided (mod starter blog's upload) or also post the links for the 2 files somewhere in here.
    I thought that it was deleted, but now I know that wop upload server id down due to hardware defect... but in any way we now working with Odin68 to make upload page on his web-site with limit - 8 Mb...

    Quote Originally Posted by Larisa View Post
    A question: iirc I had a talk long time ago with Werner about this, can't find it now:
    Those letters in front of the folders containing the moddification are to tell the starter which mods change the same files, right?
    So, every new mod creator should check if his/her mod conflicts with another and if not, should pick the next available letter.
    Mmm... I don't sure that I understand it right, but you mean mod-folder names ? :

    If yes, then this - "A_" or... helps MDS to sort mods in the mod list... because mod-starter find and sort mod-folders by it's names...


    Then, if Mod will be on the top of the list - it will be processed first, and so on... But it is clear that for example two installed mods which changes one texture will not work in one time - mod which will be below in the list - will have higher p0x number.

    But for mods which changes ingame texts or wrldatasc files, there is special functions which helps to add only new strings from each mod to the same original file and e.t.c. I hope that you understand what i mean...

    P.S. Your mod are confirmed now.
    #Stand With Ukraine
    LordOfWAR is offline Last edited by LordOfWAR; 10.04.2010 at 15:57.

  5. #5 Reply With Quote
    Waldläufer El Kamil's Avatar
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    I downloaded MDS and then I tried to download some mods and integrated them into the game. But when I launched the game, the mods weren't there. What am I doing wrong?
    El Kamil is offline

  6. #6 Reply With Quote
    Mod-Starter Project  LordOfWAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Kamil View Post
    I downloaded MDS and then I tried to download some mods and integrated them into the game. But when I launched the game, the mods weren't there. What am I doing wrong?
    Which mods are you tried ?

    UPD :

    And what game language you have ?
    #Stand With Ukraine
    LordOfWAR is offline Last edited by LordOfWAR; 11.04.2010 at 19:45.

  7. #7 Reply With Quote
    Waldläufer El Kamil's Avatar
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    I've tried Autumn patch, Naked mod and FireMage mod... I have english version of the game with czech language patch applied on it...
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  8. #8 Reply With Quote
    Mod-Starter Project  LordOfWAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Kamil View Post
    I've tried Autumn patch, Naked mod and FireMage mod... I have english version of the game with czech language patch applied on it...
    I'am just tried Autumn and FireMage mods - they are working great, but there really was an problem with Naked mod. I'am already fixed it and just reuploaded to Online DB with name - "Nude/Naked Mod". You can download and use it. Also you can mark old Nude mod in your local mod-list and delete it by clicking right mouse button on this mod list (After deleting old mod, MDS will auto restart).

    Thanks for the hint
    #Stand With Ukraine
    LordOfWAR is offline

  9. #9 Reply With Quote
    Waldläufer El Kamil's Avatar
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    Yeah, but my problem remains. These are the steps I am taking:

    1. download mod
    2. click - integrate into game
    3. click - start game

    And no mod there... How does the program integrate the mod into the game? I guess it copies some files into the Risen directory, doesn't it? Is there a possibility that it copies them in a wrong directory?
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  10. #10 Reply With Quote
    Mod-Starter Project  LordOfWAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Kamil View Post
    Yeah, but my problem remains. These are the steps I am taking:

    1. download mod
    2. click - integrate into game
    3. click - start game

    And no mod there... How does the program integrate the mod into the game? I guess it copies some files into the Risen directory, doesn't it? Is there a possibility that it copies them in a wrong directory?
    In every mod folder there is p0x files, which will be copied into your Risen data\compiled or data\common folder. Mod-Starter read path to risen folder from registry and if it exists, then MDS will works without additional questions to the user, but if it will not found your Risen folder then it will ask you to enter path to Risen.exe file.

    You can check working directory below the your local mod-list :

    If it will be needed to change it, you can do that from menu - "Options-Set new Risen path location".

    Also to work with p0x files it is needed to have Patch 1.10 installed, but if RMDS can integrate mods, that means that you pass version checks.

    It's also can be a problem, if you don't have rights to add/edit game files (in most cases - when you have game, which installed on system partition on Win-Vista or Win7).
    #Stand With Ukraine
    LordOfWAR is offline

  11. #11 Reply With Quote
    Waldläufer El Kamil's Avatar
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    When I click "start game", the game really starts, so I guess, there is no problem with the path to Risen.exe (which is correct). Patch 1.10 is installed - without it I could not even run the MDS.

    And I am running on Win XP without partition...

    edit: So when I click "integrate mod", the files are immediately copied into the Risen directory? Or are they copied only when I start the game?

    edit 2: For example the Autumn texture patch. It contains a file speedtrees.p0x ... what does the "x" mean? In my risen/data/compiled directory I've got three speedtrees.* files - speedtrees.p00 .p01 and .pak ... I just... if this isn't the problem.
    El Kamil is offline Last edited by El Kamil; 11.04.2010 at 23:27.

  12. #12 Reply With Quote
    Cat  Larisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Kamil View Post
    edit 2: For example the Autumn texture patch. It contains a file speedtrees.p0x ... what does the "x" mean? In my risen/data/compiled directory I've got three speedtrees.* files - speedtrees.p00 .p01 and .pak ... I just... if this isn't the problem.
    The x will be replaced with a number, the next one available. For example, if the modstarted detects 3 pak files: example.pak, example.p00 and example.p01, when copying the modification, it will change its extension from p0x to p02.
    Larisa is offline

  13. #13 Reply With Quote
    Mod-Starter Project  LordOfWAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Kamil View Post
    When I click "start game", the game really starts, so I guess, there is no problem with the path to Risen.exe (which is correct). Patch 1.10 is installed - without it I could not even run the MDS.

    And I am running on Win XP without partition...

    edit: So when I click "integrate mod", the files are immediately copied into the Risen directory? Or are they copied only when I start the game?

    edit 2: For example the Autumn texture patch. It contains a file speedtrees.p0x ... what does the "x" mean? In my risen/data/compiled directory I've got three speedtrees.* files - speedtrees.p00 .p01 and .pak ... I just... if this isn't the problem.
    After you will click on the "Integrate" button, all p0x files will be copied into needed folders with incremental "p0x" - number. So that means, that it is not necessary to launch Risen from Mod-starter (if you will not change savegame dir).

    Ok, lets find problem... for that I will need some info :

    1. Install only this mods - Autumn, Naked and FireMage mods.
    2. Go to mds folder and post there all data from fdm.dat and flm.dat (You can open them via notepad).

    For example my files :

    fdm.dat :

    E:\Games\Big Games\Risen\Data\compiled\images.p00
    E:\Games\Big Games\Risen\Data\compiled\speedtrees.p01
    E:\Games\Big Games\Risen\Data\common\materials.p00
    E:\Games\Big Games\Risen\Data\compiled\images.p01
    E:\Games\Big Games\Risen\Data\compiled\images.p02
    flm.dat :

    Autumn in Risen
    Nude/Naked Mod
    Fire Mage Mod
    3. Open your Risen\data\compiled folder. And write there a list of it's files. You can make an files tree if you know how, or just make an screenshot of needed window, like this :

    4. Do the same with Risen\data\common folder :

    5. Open Risen\bin folder. Then find ffc.dll file, go to it's properties and write there it's size in bytes. For example my - 499 712. Then go to the "Version" tab and write there it's version (file version and build version, from additional fields on this same window, or just make it's screenshot ). For example :

    #Stand With Ukraine
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  14. #14 Reply With Quote
    Waldläufer El Kamil's Avatar
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    Ok, here is the thing...


    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\compiled\images.pak
    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\compiled\speedtrees.p01
    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\common\materials.p00
    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\compiled\images.p00
    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\compiled\images.p01

    Autumn in Risen
    Nude/Naked Mod
    Fire Mage Mod

    [Bild: 914_compiled.jpg]


    [Bild: 974_common.jpg]

    ffc.dll: file size - 499 712 B, version: 1, 0, 96124, 0
    El Kamil is offline

  15. #15 Reply With Quote
    Mod-Starter Project  LordOfWAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Kamil View Post
    ffc.dll: file size - 499 712 B, version: 1, 0, 96124, 0
    File - ffc.dll and folder - "common" - looks ok...

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kamil View Post
    Ok, here is the thing...


    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\compiled\images.pak
    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\compiled\speedtrees.p01
    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\common\materials.p00
    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\compiled\images.p00
    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\compiled\images.p01
    fdm.dat - file which contains info about all p0x files which was copied by MDS into risen folder (with incremental p0x number). And there is interesting line :

    J:\Program Files\Deep Silver\Risen\Data\compiled\images.pak
    That means that MDS can't find original images.pak (497 MB!) file and it's others files (p00, p01 and so on) and that's why it creates new pak... in your case it is - Risen\Data\compiled\images.pak ...

    That's is not normal and it is interesting how you can launch risen at all... The easyest way to fix this problem - to reinstall game into other folder and then install official patch 1.10 on it. And then change working MDS directory to new risen folder...

    In your case, as I see from the screenshot, there is "images_back.pak", can you pls explain what are you doing with this file and why it is needed to have it's backup ? Probably you unpacked it to - "C:\Documents and Settings\ username \Local Settings\Application Data\Risen\data\" and deleted/renamed original pak file ? In this case it will be needed to uninstall installed mods from MDS, then delete unpacked data from "Documents and Settings\..." and restore original images.pak... And then it will be possible to install new mods again...

    P.S. As I can see, you also have russian and english speech files, plus p00 files from french and german language (which are not needed and can be deleted)... I can suppose that you experimented with the game, so probably you changed something important...
    #Stand With Ukraine
    LordOfWAR is offline Last edited by LordOfWAR; 12.04.2010 at 19:51.

  16. #16 Reply With Quote
    Waldläufer El Kamil's Avatar
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    Yeah, I made some changes some time ago, but I don't remember, what it was. So I better reinstaled the game and now it works fine. Thanks for help .
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  17. #17 Reply With Quote
    Mod-Starter Project  LordOfWAR's Avatar
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    Mods - Crystal-Mod/Patch and Sara-DressMod by Lolita - added successfully .
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  18. #18 Reply With Quote
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    I really would like to use this program, to download mods. But I can't connect to the internet with this program. it always says, that there is no internet. I also can not update the program, same error.

    Someone knows a solution?

    Thanks in advance
    pptakashi is offline

  19. #19 Reply With Quote
    Mod-Starter Project  LordOfWAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pptakashi View Post

    I really would like to use this program, to download mods. But I can't connect to the internet with this program. it always says, that there is no internet. I also can not update the program, same error.

    Someone knows a solution?

    Thanks in advance
    Did you use proxy ?
    #Stand With Ukraine
    LordOfWAR is offline Last edited by LordOfWAR; 19.04.2010 at 18:43.

  20. #20 Reply With Quote
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordOfWAR View Post
    Did you use proxy ?
    Haha, thanks for the tip!
    The problem is this:
    I am in China at the moment, and you know China has the great wall of internet, so many sites are cencored, or just not accessible. And I just figured out, that all sites with the ending "co.cc" are blocked in china. so if i want to connect to the mod database, nothing happens, because out of that reason.
    I use my anti great wall VPN, and now it works

    So if someone else is trying to use this program in china, just use proxy or vpn.

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