Yo, yo. It's time. A no shitto guide to modding icons in ELEX: because you're worth it [plus because we don't have a directly dedicated tool(s) for this procedure]! Compiled from the info that was all over the place; posted initially by the good homies who know their stuff. Intro done, let's go.


1. First of all, one will need the "starter" pack from this LINK. It contains the unpacked but compiled Icon.elexfll file that's the native ELEX format for its icon sheet (or atlas). It also includes the unpacked and decompiled file in the Icons.dds format that one can easily edit in a graphic program (like Photoshop).
2. For mutual clarity, for edits, we will be using Photoshop with the plugin from this LINK. It's from nVidia, it's for textures, and it works with tons of graphic formats, including DirectDrawSurface [DDS] as well. Three things here:

- remember to select the "Adobe Photoshop Plugin" and not the "Standalone Application"
- one might have to log in in order to download it
- its installation is very straightforward, with pointing to the PS main directory

3. Now, opening the decompiled icon sheet DDS file in PS [Photoshop] will bring up this window:

Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

Make sure to select the options shown. The "Load Alpha (...)" is the most important! If one has color profiles in PS enabled, discard the conversion of the file's working colors to one of the predefined, just for safety.

Now, alter the file, but remember one thing: there will be 4 channels in total in the Channels section of PS for the Icons.dds file, and, for simplicity (if not familiar with graphic edits or not a digital artist), what's in the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) needs to be reflected in the Alpha one! Otherwise, weird artifacts shall appear. One can copy and paste contents of the RGB channels in the Alpha channel, by the way.

4. Now, with edits committed, save the file. This will bring up this window:

Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

The most prominent settings when saving are: 8888 BGRA 32-bit inner format for DDS and no mipmaps (don't select the Generate Mipmaps option). Just select what's in the picture above and it should be alright. It has set the Highest compression effort, and the Export Premultiplied Alpha on and the DDS: Use DXT10 Header on too to make sure there's no alpha padding "bleeding" into icons' 64 x 64 pixels boundaries. One might experiment themselves, but overall, there should be zero performance impact with these options chosen.

5. Now this is the entryway into the hacking zone. One will need a hex editor, and, once again, for mutual clarity, we will be using HxD that can be grabbed from this LINK. One can download the installable or portable, no big difference. However, we will be using the English language release, so pay attention if using a different language.

6. Open the edited Icons.dds file in HxD. It will make a window appear, similar to the one below, if using the default config:

Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

Imposing, isn't it? Now, read carefully, to understand the general concept behind these hex editing moves: it means copying and pasting of the data block (with the new changes) that's valid for both files, decompiled and compiled. Here comes the most important rule of all hex edits: the data block candidate to copy and paste *NEEDS* to be the same size as the one to be replaced!

7. Then from HxD, click Edit and select Data Block; this will bring up this window:

Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

This is it. Since the beginning of the eligible data block is known for the Icons.dds, enter these into the, respectively, start offset and end offset: 3DF0 and FFAAB0. Once selected, copy that block with the CTRL + C.

8. Now open the Icon.elexfll file in HxD. That will too bring the window like the one above, in the point number 6. Here too, one will have to select the data block, like in the point number 7. The, respectively, start offset and end offset for the Icon.elexfll file: 40E640 and 1405360.

ULTRA WARNING!!! One more time, a reminder: the copied data block needs to have the same size as the one that will get replaced! With HxD it's pretty easy to gauge if selections are valid, since at the bottom ("status bar"), one will have the beginning of the offset and the total length, like in this window:

Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

Therefore, with both selections in both tab, compare if they are of the same length (like in the example: if selected FF6D30 in the Icons.dds, then need to select FF6D30 in the Icon.elexfll too!). If not, adjust manually. Can freely select the 00s.

Paste the selection from the .DDS to the .ELEXFLL file with the CTRL + V.

Might not be successful on the first try, but there's no shortcut to it, so repeat as needed, take a break, and try again. Remember the thumb rule!

9. Now, save the Icon.elexfll file in HxD.
10. Proceed to pack the edited file from the previous point via ELEXResman from this LINK. However, make sure the file is in the FlashLibrary subdirectory of the mod (thus, with the mod's main directory named the ExtraELEXMod , the FlashLibrary has to be its subdirectory for the whole gambit to work). Select the 2 in the archive numbering/generatio n scheme (should be enough if not using any other mods; otherwise, adjust accordingly or try on a clean ELEX installation).
11. This guide assumed you want to alter the existing icons. If you want to add a new one, then you can select any empty 64 x 64 pixels area (remember that you can use the grid option in PS, where the gridline is every 64 pixels and the subdivisions are per 1, to get a nice grid matching the icons' boundaries). The empty spaces are majorly already "coded" into the file's string table, therefore you can use the code like "Image406" or "Image872" in your scripts for icons. Here's the list of empty "ImageXXX" codes:

Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
45 Icon_Cunning
46 Icon_Intelligence
47 Icon_Dexterity
48 Icon_Strength
49 Icon_Items
50 Icon_Quests
51 Icon_Map
52 Icon_Toughness
53 Icon_Armor
54 Icon_Attributes
55 Icon_Perks
56 Icon_Armor_Leg
57 Icon_Armor_Body
58 Icon_Armor_Head
59 Icon_Shot_03
60 Icon_Shot_02
61 Icon_Shot_01
62 Icon_Items_Plants
63 Image19
64 Icon_Items_Misc
65 Icon_Items_Materials
66 Icon_Items_Food
67 Icon_Items_Keys
68 Icon_Craft_Potions
69 Icon_PerkBuildMechWeapon
70 Icon_PerkSalvageWeapons
71 Icon_PerkBuildAmmo
72 Icon_Items_Stims
73 Icon_PerkInjector
74 Icon_Perks_Outlaw
75 Icon_Perks_Cleric
76 Icon_Items_Potions
77 Icon_PerkOneManArmy
78 Icon_PerkPSIPower01
79 Icon_PerkBuildTechWeapon
80 Icon_PerkBattery
81 Icon_PerkPSI
82 Icon_Perks_Berserker
83 Icon_PerkSpell01
84 Icon_PerkSeekingShot
85 Icon_PerkScatterShot
86 Icon_PerkEnchantWeapon
87 Icon_PerkMana
88 Icon_PerkMagic
89 Icon_Craft_ApplySocket
90 Icon_Items_Sockets
91 Icon_Craft_Cook
92 Image48
93 Icon_Weapons
94 Icon_PerkExtraStamina
95 Icon_PerkExtraHealth
96 Icon_PerkRobotKiller
97 Icon_PerkMutantKiller
98 Icon_Perk6thSense
99 Icon_PerkAdventurer
100 Icon_PerkArmor
101 Icon_PerkPoisonResist
102 Icon_PerkColdResist
103 Icon_PerkFireResist
104 Icon_PerkRadResist
105 Overlay_DamageType_PSI
106 Overlay_DamageType_Reflect
107 Icon_Map_User
108 Icon_PerkJewelry
109 Icon_Weapons_TwoHanded
110 Icon_Weapons_OneHanded
111 Icon_PerkJetPackAttack
112 Icon_PerkHeavyWeapon
113 Icon_PerkGrenades
114 Icon_PerkCritChance
115 Icon_PerkReload
116 Icon_PerkAttackPower
117 Icon_PerkParadePower
118 Icon_Weapons_Heavy
119 Icon_PerkMeleeWeapons
120 Icon_Weapons_Rifle
121 Icon_PerkMining
122 Icon_PerkHackingTime
123 Icon_PerkHackingExtraTry
124 Icon_PerkHacking
125 Icon_PerkChemistry
126 Icon_PerkModifyWeapons
127 Icon_PerkPickpocket
128 Icon_PerkPickpocket2ndTry
129 Icon_PerkLockpick
130 Icon_PerkLockpickBreak
131 Icon_Items_Tools
132 Icon_Perks_Crafting
133 Icon_Craft_Jewelry
134 Icon_PerkEater
135 Icon_Perks_Survival
136 Icon_PerkTrophies
137 Icon_Perks_Personality
138 Icon_Trade_Sell
139 Icon_Trade_Buy
140 Icon_Trade_ShoppingCart
141 Icon_PerkAnimalFriend
142 Icon_PerkEmotional
143 Icon_PerkNeutral
144 Icon_PerkSynthetic
145 Icon_PerkExtraAttribute
146 Icon_PerkAdvocat
147 Icon_PerkParty
148 Icon_PerkSkillSurvival
149 Icon_PerkSkillCombat
150 Icon_PerkSkillPersonality
151 Icon_PerkBarter
152 Icon_PerkQuestXP
153 Icon_PerkBookXP
154 Icon_PerkMonsterXP
155 Image111
156 Icon_Loot_PutIn
157 Icon_Loot_Take
158 Icon_PerkAttributePoints
159 Icon_PerkSuggestion
160 Image
161 Image117
162 Image118
163 Image119
164 Image120
165 Icon_PerkOutlaw
166 Icon_PerkCleric
167 Icon_PerkBerserker
168 Icon_Weapons_Spell
169 Icon_PerkRangedWeapons
170 Icon_Perks_Combat
171 Icon_PerkSkillCrafting
172 Icon_Armor_Hand
173 Icon_Armor_Neck
174 Icon_PerkDrugCapacity
175 Icon_Quests_Running
176 Icon_Quests_Written
177 Icon_Quests_MissionItems
178 Icon_Quests_Audiologs
179 Icon_Quests_Recipe
180 Icon_PerkHeavyWeapons
181 Icon_Quests_Finished
182 Image138
183 Icon_Power_ChainLightning
184 Icon_Power_BlackHole
185 Icon_Power_EMP
186 Icon_PerkSenseMachines
187 Icon_PerkShield
188 Icon_PerkRangedBuff
189 Icon_PerkPhasing
190 Icon_PerkForceWave
191 Icon_PerkRageMode
192 Icon_PerkProjection
193 Icon_PerkCamouflage
194 Icon_PerkSenseLife
195 Icon_PerkPoisonAura
196 Icon_PerkSummonGhostAnimal
197 Icon_PerkHPintoMana
198 Icon_PerkMeleeBuff
199 Icon_PerkArmorBuff
200 Icon_PerkHeal
201 Icon_PerkCleansing
202 Icon_PerkRegeneration
203 Icon_PerkResistance
204 Icon_PerkLastStand
205 Icon_PerkItemSight
206 Icon_PerkImmuneToStatuseffects
207 Icon_PerkDoubleDamage
208 Icon_PerkHalfDamage
209 Icon_PerkAnimalinstinct
210 Overlay_DamageType_Fire
211 Overlay_DamageType_Radiation
212 Overlay_DamageType_Ice
213 Overlay_DamageType_Poison
214 Overlay_DamageType_Energy
215 Overlay_DamageType_Bleed
216 Overlay_DamageType_EMP
217 Icon_DamageType_Bleed
218 Icon_DamageType_Fire
219 Icon_DamageType_Poison
220 Icon_DamageType_Energy
221 Icon_DamageType_Radiation
222 Icon_DamageType_EMP
223 Icon_DamageType_Ice
224 Icon_Map_PartyMember
225 Icon_Map_Teacher
226 Icon_Map_Trader
227 Icon_Map_QuestClient
228 Icon_Map_QuestTarget
229 Icon_Map_Teleporter
230 Icon_Map_Player
231 Overlay_Level_3
232 Overlay_Level_2
233 Overlay_Level_1
234 Image190
235 Image191
236 Icon_PerkSocketry
237 Icon_1h_Sword_CLE_Officer
238 Icon_1h_Sword_BSK_Horn
239 Icon_1h_Sword_OUT_Curved
240 Icon_1h_Sword_OUT_Straight
241 Icon_1h_Sword_CLE_Trooper
242 Icon_1h_Sword_BSK_Broad
243 Icon_2h_Sword_BSK_Nature
244 Icon_2h_Sword_BSK_Crystal
245 Icon_2h_Axe_BSK_Double
246 Icon_2h_Axe_BSK_Single
247 Icon_2h_Axe_OUT_Edge
248 Icon_2h_Axe_OUT_Curve
249 Icon_1h_Axe_BSK_Beard
250 Icon_1h_Axe_OUT_Double
251 Icon_1h_Axe_OUT_Single
252 Icon_1h_Axe_BSK_Beak
253 Icon_1h_Hammer_OUT_Wrench
254 Icon_1h_Hammer_OUT_Screw
255 Icon_1h_Hammer_CLE_Blade
256 Icon_1h_Hammer_BSK_Club
257 Icon_1h_Hammer_CLE_Pad
258 Icon_1h_Hammer_BSK_Mace
259 Icon_2h_Hammer_CLE_Single
260 Icon_2h_Hammer_BSK_Double
261 Icon_2h_Hammer_BSK_Single
262 Icon_2h_Hammer_CLE_Double
263 Icon_Shield_BSK_heavy
264 Icon_Shield_CLE
265 Icon_Shield_BSK_light
266 Icon_Shield_OUT
267 Icon_Bow_BSK_1
268 Icon_Bow_BSK_2
269 Icon_Bow_BSK_3
270 Icon_Blaster_Plasma_Commando
271 Icon_Blaster_Plasma_Trooper
272 Icon_Rifle_Plasma_Commando
273 Icon_Rifle_Plasma_Trooper
274 Icon_GrenadeLaucher_Out_Heavy
275 Icon_GrenadeLaucher_Out_Junk
276 Icon_Flamethrower_CLE_Heavy
277 Icon_Flamethrower_CLE_Light
278 Icon_Crossbow_OUT_Light
279 Icon_Crossbow_OUT_Heavy
280 Icon_Speargun_OUT_Fullbody
281 Icon_Speargun_OUT_Airtank
282 Icon_Slugthrower_Out_Burst
283 Icon_Slugthrower_Out_Single
284 Icon_Shotgun_OUT_Scrap
285 Icon_Shotgun_OUT_Double
286 Icon_Blaster_Laser_Trooper
287 Icon_Rifle_Laser_Trooper
288 Icon_Rifle_Laser_Commando
289 Icon_Blaster_Laser_Commando
290 Icon_Rocketlauncher_OUT_Long
291 Icon_Rocketlauncher_OUT_Short
292 Icon_Ammo_Shot_Default
293 Icon_Ammo_Shot_Shrapnel
294 Icon_Ammo_Shot_Rad
295 Icon_Ammo_RL_Frag
296 Icon_Ammo_RL_Explosive
297 Icon_Ammo_RL_Plasma
298 Icon_Ammo_GL_Explosive
299 Icon_Ammo_GL_Plasma
300 Icon_Ammo_GL_Frag
301 Icon_Grenade_Rad
302 Icon_Grenade_Explosive
303 Icon_Grenade_Frag
304 Icon_Ammo_Laser
305 Icon_Ammo_Bolt_Default
306 Icon_Ammo_Bolt_Explosive
307 Icon_Ammo_Bolt_Bleed
308 Icon_Ammo_Spear_Bleed
309 Icon_Ammo_Spear_Default
310 Icon_Ammo_Spear_Pierce
311 Icon_Book
312 Icon_Wri_Letter
313 Icon_Val_ToiletPaper_Standard
314 Icon_Val_ToiletPaper_Deluxe
315 Icon_Val_OldMoney
316 Icon_Pouch
317 Icon_Val_Elexit
318 Icon_Val_Cigarette_Pack
319 Icon_Val_Cigarette_Box
320 Icon_Val_Cigarette
321 Icon
322 Icon_Pl_Heal_Small_2
323 Icon_Pl_Heal_Small_1
324 Icon_Pl_Heal_Medium_1
325 Icon_Pl_Heal_Large_1
326 Icon_Pl_Common_1
327 Icon_Misc_StrawBroom
328 Icon_Misc_OldMediKit
329 Icon_Misc_Mug
330 Icon_Misc_ElectricScrap
331 Icon_IDCardPack
332 Icon_IDCard
333 Icon_Key
334 Icon_Fo_Meat
335 Icon_Fo_Meat_Raw
336 Icon_Fo_EnergyDrink
337 Icon_Fo_BeefJerkey
338 Icon_Audiolog
339 Icon_Misc_MechanicalScrap
340 Icon_Val_ElexitBag_Large
341 Icon_Misc_OilLamp
342 Icon_Wri_Letter_WantedPosterRay
343 Icon_At_Claw
344 Icon_At_Teeth
345 Image308
346 Icon_Pl_Common_2
347 Icon_Po_Battery_Small
348 Icon_Po_Battery_Medium
349 Icon_Po_Battery_Large
350 Image316
351 Icon_Fo_Soup
352 Icon_Fo_Booze
353 Icon_Fo_Mushroom
354 Image320
355 Image321
356 Icon_Jewelry_Rings
357 Image323
358 Icon_Val_Goblet_1
359 Icon_Val_Goblet_2
360 Icon_Fo_Stew
361 Icon_Misc_Cutlery
362 Image329
363 Image_Blah
364 Image331
365 Icon_Bolt
366 Old
367 blah
368 Icon_Helmet_CLE_Low1
369 Icon_Pants_BSK_Adv_02
370 Icon_Helmet_BSK_Adv_01
371 old
372 Icon_Helmet_OUT_Adv_01_1
373 Icon_Helmet_OUT_High1
374 Icon_GenericSpellfist
375 Icon_DamageType_PSI
376 Icon_DamageType_Reflect
377 Icon_SocketItem_Empty
378 Icon_Items_ToolsAndKeys
379 Image351
380 Image352
381 Icon_SocketItem_Blue_Small
382 Icon_SocketItem_Blue_Medium
383 Icon_SocketItem_Blue_Large
384 Icon_SocketItem_Green_Small
385 Icon_SocketItem_Green_Medium
386 Icon_SocketItem_Green_Large
387 Icon_SocketItem_Red_Small
388 Icon_SocketItem_Red_Medium
389 Icon_SocketItem_Red_Large
390 Icon_SocketItem_White_Small
391 Icon_SocketItem_White_Medium
392 Icon_SocketItem_White_Large
393 Icon_SocketItem_Yellow_Small
394 Icon_SocketItem_Yellow_Medium
395 Icon_SocketItem_Yellow_Large
396 Image368
397 Image369
398 Image370
399 Image371
400 Image372
401 Image373
402 Image374
403 Icon_Map_TeacherTrader
404 Icon_Map_TeleporterInactive
405 Icon_LearnPoints
406 Icon_AttributePoints
407 Image379
408 Image380
409 Image381
410 Image382
411 Image383
412 Image384
413 Image385
414 Image386
415 Image387
416 Icon_Misc_Hammer
417 Image389
418 Image390
419 Image391
420 Icon_Misc_Cup
421 Image393
422 Image394
423 Image395
424 Icon_Misc_Wrench
425 Icon_Misc_Jackhammer
426 Image398
427 Image399
428 Image400
429 Image401
430 Image402
431 Icon_Box
432 Icon_Weapons_Ammo
433 Icon_ToyCar_1
434 Image406
435 Image407
436 Image408
437 Image409
438 Image410
439 Image411
440 Image412
441 Image413
442 Image414
443 Image415
444 Image416
445 Icon_Helmet_OUT_Low
446 Icon_Helmet_OUT_High
447 Icon_Helmet_CLE_Mid
448 Icon_Helmet_CLE_High
449 Icon_Helmet_CLE_Low
450 Icon_Helmet_BSK_Adv_02
451 Icon_Helmet_BSK_Low
452 Icon_Helmet_BSK_High
453 Icon_Helmet_BSK_Mid
454 Icon_Helmet_ALB_Mid
455 Icon_Helmet_ALB_Mage
456 Icon_Helmet_OUT_Mid
457 Icon_Helmet_ALB_High
458 Icon_Helmet_OUT_Adv_02
459 Icon_Helmet_OUT_Adv_01
460 Icon_Helmet_CLE_Adv_01
461 Icon_Body_CLE_Low
462 Icon_Body_OUT_Mid
463 Icon_Body_OUT_High
464 Icon_Body_OUT_Adv_02
465 Icon_Body_CLE_Mid
466 Icon_Body_CLE_High
467 Icon_Body_CLE_Adv_01
468 Icon_Body_BSK_Mid
469 Icon_Body_BSK_Adv_01
470 Icon_Body_BSK_High
471 Icon_Body_BSK_Adv_02
472 Icon_Body_CLE_Adv_02
473 Icon_Body_ALB_Mid
474 Icon_Body_ALB_Mage
475 Icon_Body_ALB_High
476 Icon_Body_OUT_Adv_01
477 Icon_Body_OUT_Low
478 Image450
479 Image451
480 Image452
481 Image453
482 Icon_Device_1
483 Image455
484 Icon_CrossAnchor
485 Image457
486 Image458
487 Icon_Body_BSK_Low
488 Icon_Pants_OUT_High
489 Icon_Pants_OUT_Mid
490 Icon_Pants_OUT_Low
491 Image463
492 Image464
493 Image465
494 Image466
495 Image467
496 Image468
497 Image469
498 Image470
499 Image471
500 Icon_Val_IronOre
501 Image473
502 Image474
503 Image475
504 Image476
505 Image477
506 Image478
507 Image479
508 Image480
509 Icon_Pants_BSK_Adv_01
510 Icon_Pants_OUT_Adv_02
511 Icon_Pants_OUT_Adv_01
512 Icon_Pants_CLE_Low
513 Icon_Pants_CLE_Mid
514 Icon_Pants_CLE_High
515 Icon_Pants_CLE_Adv_02
516 Icon_Pants_CLE_Adv_01
517 Icon_Pants_BSK_Low
518 Icon_Pants_BSK_High
519 Icon_Pants_BSK_Mid
520 Icon_Amulet01
521 Icon_Amulet02
522 Icon_Amulet03
523 Icon_Amulet04
524 Icon_Amulet05
525 Icon_Amulet06
526 Icon_Amulet07
527 Icon_Amulet08
528 Icon_Amulet09
529 Icon_Amulet10
530 Icon_Amulet11
531 Icon_Amulet12
532 Icon_Amulet13
533 Icon_Amulet14
534 Icon_Amulet15
535 Icon_Amulet16
536 Icon_Amulet17
537 Icon_Amulet18
538 Icon_Amulet19
539 Icon_Amulet20
540 Icon_Amulet21
541 Icon_Amulet22
542 Icon_Amulet23
543 Icon_Amulet24
544 Icon_Amulet25
545 Icon_Amulet26
546 Icon_Amulet27
547 Icon_Ring01
548 Icon_Ring02
549 Icon_Ring03
550 Icon_Ring04
551 Icon_Ring05
552 Icon_Ring06
553 Icon_Ring07
554 Icon_Ring08
555 Icon_Ring09
556 Icon_Ring10
557 Icon_Ring11
558 Icon_Ring12
559 Icon_Ring13
560 Icon_Ring14
561 Icon_Ring15
562 Icon_Ring16
563 Icon_Ring17
564 Icon_Ring18
565 Icon_Ring19
566 Icon_Ring20
567 Icon_Ring21
568 Icon_Ring22
569 Icon_Ring23
570 Icon_Ring24
571 Icon_Ring25
572 Icon_Ring26
573 Icon_Ring27
574 Icon_Ring28
575 Icon_Ring29
576 Image550
577 Icon_Scrapmetal
578 Icon_WeaponSystem
579 Image553
580 Image554
581 Icon_Gear
582 Image556
583 Icon_Hydraulic
584 Icon_SensingDevice
585 Icon_Transmitter
586 Image560
587 Image561
588 Icon_Module_1
589 Icon_Device_2
590 Icon_Electric_Device_3
591 Image565
592 Icon_Electric_Device_2
593 Electric_Device_1
594 Icon_Val_GoldOre
595 Icon_Val_Sulfur
596 Image570
597 Icon_ToyCar_2
598 Icon_Misc_Plate
599 Icon_Val_ToyDinosaur_1
600 Icon_Key_Lockpick
601 Image575
602 Icon_Misc_Wine
603 Icon_Po_Elex_Small
604 Icon_Po_Elex_Medium
605 Icon_Po_Elex_Large
606 Icon_Po_Capacity_Perm
607 Icon_Po_Stamina_perm
608 Icon_Po_Mana_Small
609 Icon_Po_Mana_Medium
610 Icon_Po_Mana_Large
611 Icon_Po_Mana_Full
612 Icon_Po_Mana_Perm
613 Icon_Po_Healing_Small
614 Icon_Po_Healing_Medium
615 Icon_Po_Healing_Large
616 Icon_Po_Healing_Full
617 Icon_Po_Healing_Perm
618 Icon_Po_Battery_Full
619 Icon_Po_Battery_perm
620 Icon_Stim_Stamina_Reg
621 Icon_Stim_Skill_Personality
622 Icon_Stim_Skill_Craft
623 Icon_Stim_Resist_Weaken
624 Icon_Stim_Skill_Survival
625 Icon_Stim_Skill_Combat
626 icon_stim_senseitems
627 icon_stim_resistance
628 Icon_Stim_Resist_Poison
629 Icon_Stim_Resist_Rad
630 Icon_Stim_Resist_Fire
631 Icon_Stim_Resist_Bleed
632 icon_stim_ragemode
633 icon_stim_immunetostatuseffects
634 icon_stim_regeneration
635 icon_Stim_HalfDamage
636 icon_stim_DoubleDamage
637 icon_stim_AnimalInstinct
638 Icon_Recipe_Po_Elex_small
639 Icon_Recipe_Po_Elex_medium
640 Icon_Recipe_Po_Elex_large
641 Image618
642 It_Wri_Recipe_Blank
643 Icon_Recipe_Po_Healing_Small
644 Icon_Recipe_Po_Healing_medium
645 Icon_Recipe_Po_Healing_large
646 Icon_Recipe_Po_Healing_full
647 Icon_Recipe_Po_Healing_Perm
648 Icon_Recipe_Po_Mana_small
649 Icon_Recipe_Po_Mana_medium
650 Icon_Recipe_Po_Mana_large
651 Icon_Recipe_Po_Mana_full
652 Icon_Recipe_Po_Mana_Perm
653 Icon_Recipe_Po_Capacity_perm
654 Icon_Recipe_Po_Stamina_perm
655 Icon_Recipe_Stim_RageMode
656 Icon_Recipe_Stim_AnimalInstinct
657 Icon_Recipe_Stim_DoubleDamage
658 Icon_Recipe_Stim_HalfDamage
659 Icon_Recipe_Stim_ImmuneToStatusEffects
660 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Regeneration
661 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Resist_Bleed
662 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Resist_Fire
663 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Resist_Poison
664 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Skill_Survival
665 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Resist_Weaken
666 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Resistance
667 Icon_Recipe_Stim_SenseItems
668 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Skill_Combat
669 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Skill_Craft
670 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Skill_Personality
671 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Stamina_Reg
672 Icon_Recipe_Stim_Resist_Rad
673 Icon_Fo_Can
674 Icon_Fo_Powerbar
675 Icon_Fo_Bread
676 Icon_Fo_Apple
677 Icon_Fo_Beer
678 Icon_Use_Elex
679 Icon_Use_Mana
680 Icon_Sun_SixthSense
681 Icon_Sun_SenseMachines
682 Icon_Sun_SenseLife
683 Icon_Sun_ItemSight
684 Icon_1h_Hammer_Club
685 Icon_Recipe_Po_Battery_small
686 Icon_Recipe_Po_Battery_medium
687 Icon_Recipe_Po_Battery_large
688 Icon_Recipe_Po_Battery_full
689 Icon_Recipe_Po_Battery_perm
690 Image667
691 Image668
692 Image669
693 Image670
694 Image671
695 Image672
696 Image673
697 Icon_Recipe_Food_SenseMachines
698 Icon_Recipe_Food_RadResistance
699 Icon_Recipe_Food_SenseLife
700 Icon_Recipe_Food_ItemSight
701 Icon_Recipe_Food_SprintStamina
702 It_Recipe_Food_FireResistance
703 Icon_Recipe_Food_StrongerArmor
704 Icon_Recipe_Food_PoisonResistance
705 Icon_Recipe_Food_IceResistance
706 Image683
707 Icon_Recipe_Food_AttackPower
708 Image685
709 Icon_Recipe_Amulet01
710 Icon_Recipe_Amulet02
711 Icon_Recipe_Amulet03
712 Icon_Recipe_Amulet04
713 Icon_Recipe_Amulet05
714 Icon_Recipe_Amulet06
715 Icon_Recipe_Amulet07
716 Icon_Recipe_Amulet08
717 Icon_Recipe_Amulet09
718 Icon_Recipe_Amulet10
719 Icon_Recipe_Amulet11
720 Icon_Recipe_Amulet12
721 Icon_Recipe_Amulet13
722 Icon_Recipe_Amulet14
723 Icon_Recipe_Amulet15
724 Icon_Recipe_Amulet16
725 Icon_Recipe_Amulet17
726 Icon_Recipe_Amulet18
727 Icon_Recipe_Amulet19
728 Icon_Recipe_Amulet20
729 Icon_Recipe_Amulet21
730 Icon_Recipe_Amulet22
731 Icon_Recipe_Amulet23
732 Icon_Recipe_Amulet24
733 Icon_Recipe_Amulet25
734 Icon_Recipe_Amulet26
735 Icon_Recipe_Amulet27
736 Icon_Recipe_Ring01
737 Icon_Recipe_Ring02
738 Icon_Recipe_Ring03
739 Icon_Recipe_Ring04
740 Icon_Recipe_Ring05
741 Icon_Recipe_Ring06
742 Icon_Recipe_Ring07
743 Icon_Recipe_Ring08
744 Icon_Recipe_Ring09
745 Icon_Recipe_Ring10
746 Icon_Recipe_Ring11
747 Icon_Recipe_Ring12
748 Icon_Recipe_Ring13
749 Icon_Recipe_Ring14
750 Icon_Recipe_Ring15
751 Icon_Recipe_Ring16
752 Icon_Recipe_Ring17
753 Icon_Recipe_Ring18
754 Icon_Recipe_Ring19
755 Icon_Recipe_Ring20
756 Icon_Recipe_Ring21
757 Icon_Recipe_Ring22
758 Icon_Recipe_Ring23
759 Icon_Recipe_Ring24
760 Icon_Recipe_Ring25
761 Icon_Recipe_Ring26
762 Icon_Recipe_Ring27
763 Icon_Recipe_Ring28
764 Icon_Recipe_Ring29
765 Image743
766 Image744
767 Icon_Helmet_OUT_Adv_Mask_01
768 Icon_At_Beak
769 Icon_At_Bone
770 Icon_At_Exoskeleton
771 Icon_At_Feather
772 Icon_At_Foreleg
773 Icon_At_Fur
774 Icon_At_Giblets
775 Icon_At_Gland
776 Icon_At_Horn
777 Icon_At_HornPlate
778 Icon_At_Hose
779 Icon_At_Leather
780 Icon_At_LeatherDark
781 Icon_At_Mandibles
782 Icon_At_StalkerEar
783 Icon_At_Sting
784 Icon_At_TrollEye
785 Icon_At_Trollheart
786 Icon_At_Wing
787 Icon_Trade_All
788 Image768
789 Icon_Mode_Single
790 Icon_Mode_Burst
791 Icon_Mode_FullAuto
792 Image772
793 Image773
794 Icon_WeaponMode_Explosive
795 Icon_Spell_Flamethrower
796 Icon_Spell_Firefan
797 Icon_Spell_Fireball
798 Icon_WeaponMode_Shrapnel
799 Image779
800 Image780
801 Image781
802 Image782
803 Image783
804 Image784
805 Icon_Power_Grip
806 Icon_DamageType_Stasis
807 Icon_Power_PSI
808 Overlay_DamageType_Stasis
809 Icon_Spell_Firebolt
810 Image790
811 Icon_Spell_Iceball
812 Icon_Spell_Iceshards
813 Icon_Spell_Icewave
814 Icon_Spell_PoisonBall
815 Icon_Spell_PoisonCloud
816 Icon_Spell_Wasps
817 Icon_SpellFist_Fire
818 Icon_SpellFist_Poison
819 Icon_SpellFist_Ice
820 Image800
821 Image801
822 Image802
823 Overlay_DamageType_Pierce
824 Icon_WeaponMode_Pierce
825 Overlay_DamageType_Shrapnel
826 Overlay_DamageType_Explosive
827 Icon_Pl_Stamina_1
828 Icon_Pl_Fire
829 Icon_Pl_Ice
830 Icon_Pl_Heal_Full_1
831 Icon_Pl_Healroot
832 Image815
833 Icon_Pl_Mana_Full_1
834 Icon_Pl_Mana_Large_1
835 Icon_Pl_Mana_Medium_1
836 Icon_Pl_Mana_Small_1
837 Icon_Pl_Perm_1
838 Icon_Pl_Poison
839 Icon_Pl_Rad
840 Icon_Pl_Resist_1
841 Icon_Pl_Skill_1
842 Image825
843 Image826
844 Image827
845 Image828
846 Image829
847 Icon_Pl_Seedling_Broken
848 Image831
849 Image832
850 Icon_Ammo_Plasma
851 Icon_SkillAttackAbility
852 Icon_SkillParadeAbility
853 Icon_PSIFist_Force
854 Icon_PSIFist_Mind
855 Icon_PerkJetpack
856 Icon_Power_ForceField
857 Image840
858 Image841
859 Image842
860 Image843
861 Icon_Arrow
862 Image845
863 Icon_Ammo_Fuel
864 Image847
865 Image848
866 Icon_Misc_Medicine
867 Icon_Misc_Stim
868 Icon_Fo_SenseMachines_AppleBooze
869 Icon_Fo_RadResistance_BugMeatSoup
870 Icon_Fo_SenseLife_BloodyBurger
871 Icon_Fo_ItemSight_BugmeatPlate
872 Icon_Fo_SprintStamina_HighEnergySoup
873 Icon_Fo_FireResistance_BreadSoup
874 Icon_Fo_StrongerArmor_BoneSoup
875 Icon_Fo_PoisonResistance_GlandSoup
876 Icon_Fo_IceResistance_WarmingSoup
877 Icon_Fo_Water
878 Image862
879 Icon_Skull
880 Image864
881 Icon_SkillPersonality
882 Image866
883 Icon_Misc_DuctTape
884 Image868
885 Image869
886 Image870
887 Image871
888 Image872
889 Icon_Wri_BluePrint
890 Image874
891 Image875
892 Image876
893 Icon_1h_Axe_Rusty
894 Image878
895 Image879
896 Image880
897 Image881
898 Image882
899 Icon_Misc_ClericBook
900 Image884
901 Image885
902 Image886
903 Icon_Misc_NavigationNozzle_Harley
904 Icon_Misc_Casket
905 Icon_Misc_Bundle
906 Icon_Misc_Crate
907 Icon_Val_Goldcoin_1
908 Icon_Handgrenade_Explosive
909 Icon_Wri_LegendaryMap
910 Icon_Wri_TreasureMap
911 Icon_Misc_Keyring
912 Icon_Wri_Photo
913 Icon_XP
914 Icon_BonusMeleeWeapons
915 Icon_Soul
916 Icon_BonusRangedWeapons
917 Icon_BonusHeavyWeapon
918 Icon_BonusGrenades
919 Icon_BonusAttackPower
920 Icon_PlayerRank_ClericLow
921 Icon_PlayerRank_ClericMid
922 Icon_PlayerRank_ClericHigh
923 Icon_PlayerRank_OutlawLow
924 Icon_PlayerRank_OutlawMid
925 Icon_PlayerRank_OutlawHigh
926 Icon_PlayerRank_BerserkLow
927 Icon_PlayerRank_BerserkMid
928 Icon_PlayerRank_BerserkHigh
929 Image914
930 Icon_PlayerRank_None
931 Icon_Helmet_CLE_Adv_02
932 It_Misc_GrenadeBox
933 Icon_ProtectionArmor
934 Icon_BonusParadePower
935 Icon_BonusCritChance
936 Icon_BonusFireResist
937 Icon_BonusRadResist
938 Icon_BonusPoisonResist
939 Icon_BonusColdResist
940 Icon_Handgrenade_Timer
941 Icon_Handgrenade_Proximity
942 Icon_BonusArmor
943 Image928
944 Icon_Hitpoints
945 Icon_MaxHP
946 Icon_MaxStamina
947 Icon_Level
948 Icon_SkillCrafting
949 Icon_SkillSurvival
950 Icon_SkillCombat
951 Icon_SkillOutlaw
952 Icon_SkillBerserker
953 Icon_SkillCleric
954 Icon_Ammo_Shotgun
955 Image940
956 Icon_Ammo_Bolt
957 Image942
958 Icon_Ammo_Slugthrower
959 Icon_Ammo_Grenadelauncher
960 Icon_Ammo_Rocket
961 Icon_Ammo_Spear
962 Image948
963 Image949
964 Image950
965 Icon_Adjutor
966 Overlay_Level_Legendary
967 Image953
968 Icon_ResistanceLightning
969 Icon_ResistancePSI
970 Icon_ResistanceBleed
971 Icon_ResistanceExplosive
972 Icon_ResistanceEMP
973 Icon_ResistancePierce
974 Icon_ResistanceReflection
975 Image961
976 Image962
977 Icon_ResistanceFire
978 Icon_ResistanceRad
979 Icon_ResistancePoison
980 Icon_ResistanceCold
981 Icon_OneShotSpell_Bodyshield
982 Icon_OneShotSpell_Drone
983 Icon_OneShotSpell_ForceWave
984 Icon_OneShotSpell_Itemscanner
985 Icon_OneShotSpell_ForcePush
986 Image972
987 Icon_WeaponMode_Bleed
988 Icon_WeaponMode_Fire
989 Icon_WeaponMode_Poison
990 Icon_WeaponMode_Energy
991 Icon_WeaponMode_Radiation
992 Icon_WeaponMode_EMP
993 Icon_WeaponMode_Ice
994 Image980
995 Image981
996 Icon_SocketItemsBonusDamage
997 Icon_SocketItemsBonusCrewDamage
998 Icon_SocketItemsBonusHP
999 Icon_SocketItemsBonusCrewHP
1000 Icon_SocketItemsBonusHPPerHit
1001 Icon_SocketItemsBonusLowerResistOpponent
1002 Icon_SocketItemsBonusResistAll
1003 Icon_SocketItemsBonusCritChance
1004 Icon_SocketItemsBonusMonsterXP
1005 Icon_SocketItemsBonusQuestXP
1006 Icon_XPBonus
1007 Icon_OpponentLevel_Medium
1008 Icon_OpponentLevel_Easy
1009 Icon_OpponentLevel_Hard
1010 Icon_Healthregeneration
1011 Icon_Staminaregeneration
1012 Icon_PerkGuildEnergyRegeneration
1013 Icon_GuildEnergy
1014 Icon_Recipe_Food_Meat
1015 Icon_Misc_Flare_Red
1016 Icon_DamageType_Pierce
1017 Icon_DamageType_Explosive
1018 Icon_DamageType_Shrapnel
1019 Icon_DamageType_Lightning
1020 Overlay_DamageType_Lightning
1021 Overlay_DamageType_Wasps
1022 Overlay_DamageType_PowerGrip
1023 Icon_Po_Capacity_perm
1024 Image1012
1025 Image1013
1026 Image1014
1027 Icon_MaxGuildEnergy
1028 Image1016
1029 Image1017
1030 Image1018
1031 Image1019
1032 Image1020
1033 Image1021
1034 Image1022
1035 Image1023
1036 Image1024
1038 10000ELEXIT
1041 20PICS
1046 80HOURS
1047 100000ELEXIT
1049 300QUESTS
1050 1000ELEXIT
1058 ALLXP
1076 HUMAN
1087 Image51
1088 Image52
1089 Image53
1090 Image54
1091 Image55
1092 Image56
1093 Image57
1094 Image58
1095 Image59
1096 Image60
1097 Image61
1098 Image62
1099 Image63
1100 Image64
1101 Image65
1102 Image66
1103 Image67
1104 Image68
1105 Image69
1106 Image70
1107 Image71
1108 Image72
1109 Image73
1110 Image74
1111 Image75
1112 Image76
1113 Image77
1114 Image78
1115 Image79
1116 Image80
1117 Image81
1118 Image82
1119 Image83
1120 Image84
1121 Image85
1122 Image86
1123 Image87
1124 Image88
1125 Image89
1126 Image90
1127 Image91
1128 Image92
1129 Image93
1130 Image94
1131 Image95
1132 Image96
1133 Image97
1134 Image98
1135 Image99
1136 Image100
1137 Image101
1138 Image102
1139 Image103
1140 Image104
1141 Image105
1142 Image106
1143 Image107
1144 Image108
1145 Image109
1146 Image110
1147 Image112
1148 Image113
1149 Image114
1150 Image115
1151 Image116
1152 Image_Logo
1153 Image_PB
1154 Image_THQ
1155 Image_AndreB
1156 Image_TeamPB
1157 Image_Gamma
1158 http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin
1159 flash.display:MovieClip
1160 flash.display:Sprite
1161 flash.displayisplayObjectContainer
1162 flash.display:InteractiveObject
1163 flash.displayisplayObject
1164 flash.events:EventDispatcher
1165 hasOwnProperty
1166 Error
1167 err
1168 name
1169 imageClass
1170 imageData
1171 item
1172 flash.events
1173 EventDispatcher
1174 DisplayObject
1175 InteractiveObject
1176 DisplayObjectContainer
1177 Sprite

The icon sheet is of 32 x 32 icon squares, so 1024 in total. For "technical reasons" (typical PB ones, lol) not every "slot" is where you would expect it in the grid. But you will manage, knowing that the first empty spaces for your new, sexy icons start at the square of 407 that has the string of Image379; right after the square of 406 that has the string of Icon_AttributePoints (it's next to the icon of Ability/Skill/Learning Points).

That's all.