Here is a Risen 3 quest list with the respective quest parent. Semicolons as separators.
You can sort/group as you wish in Openoffice Calc (or Excel).
The underlying w_quest.hdr(doc) probably doesn't come from the latest patch!
(For a more current list I would need the latest w_quest.hdr.)
Note (as an example) that
No "800 Kila quests" (gEQuestType_Container) follows after "5 Player_FindTreasure_Finch_KIL kila_quests"
as it is arranged in the vanilla hdrdoc.
Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)Hier ist eine Risen 3 Questliste mit dem jeweiligen quest parent. Semikolons als Trenner.
Kann man/frau in Openoffice Calc (oder Excel) nach Belieben sortieren/gruppieren.
Die zugrundeliegende w_quest.hdr(doc) dürfte nicht aus dem letzten patch stammen.
(Für ne aktuellere Liste bräuchte ich die neueste w_quest.hdr.)
Beachte (als Beispiel), dass
Nummer "800 Kila quests" (gEQuestType_Container) nach "5 Player_FindTreasure_Finch_KIL kila_quests"
folgt, so wie es in der vanilla hdrdoc angeordnet ist.
sorted by/sortiert nach Quest Parent
(Semicolon eases import of csv file to OpenOffice calc. Save contence of list as csv for such.)
First line sorted wrong - sorry.Code:0; Kaan_RemoveWesi ; player_collectauriculciwesi 32; Player_WinAllSeabattles ; 37; Alvarez_PirateAlliance ; 41; PH_VenturoPuertoIsabella ; 84; FSB_FollowPatty ; 86; Player_PirateAlliance_Crow ; 110; Bones_GetPromotedMAG ; 117; PH_CS_Old_New_Enemies ; 125; Eldric_GhostRitual ; 163; Patty_TreasureHunting ; 164; Tut_LogTrigger ; 170; FogIsland_Quests ; 172; Calador_Quests ; 187; Alvarez_MeetHim ; 191; IsleOfThieves_Quests ; 201; Downes_EntryPermitted ; 204; CommentHelper_Run ; 223; player_EnterArea_NavZone ; 230; PH_VenturoScouts ; 232; HH_1_Duel ; 241; Taranis_Quests ; 256; Patty_FirstSkullCave ; 264; qh_Duel ; 266; PH_Donovan_DuelWithPistols ; 280; Bones_LeaveTUTFirstTime ; 284; Antigua_Quests ; 288; qh_Report_qh ; 308; PC_Hero_Ghost_Reunion ; 320; LavaPrototype_Ape ; 333; Nekroloth_KillHim ; 341; Bones_EntersNekrolothsLair ; 392; Player_KilledAllSeamonster ; 409; Player_CollectCorn ; 414; Bones_HalfBaked ; 427; Player_FindGold ; 436; CrabIsland_Quests ; 473; Eldric_OldKnowledge ; 477; Alvarez_KillHellHounds ; 504; Bones_GetPromotedDMJ ; 554; Player_FindHoras ; 567; SkullIsland_Quests ; 570; Edward_FindEldric ; 571; Crew_Quests ; 576; Martinez_Hunting ; 597; Bones_JoinFaction ; 616; Kurt_NaviTest ; 641; SBT_2_KillEnemyCrew ; 646; PH_Stahlbart_DrinksAtTower ; 678; player_EnterArea_AreaZone ; 708; Hoshi_TestQuest ; 714; Tao_CloseAllCrystalPortals ; 771; Horas_TheTraitor ; 788; Player_CollectCornSack ; 795; PH_Stahlbart_NearRum ; 800; Kila_Quests ; 801; Unlockables_LostTales ; 817; Bones_GetPromotedPIR ; 824; Tutorial ; 56; Milad_Container ; -1 322; Teleport_Quests ; -1 545; PH_Morgan_Triathlon ; -1 622; Takarigua_Quests ; -1 632; BrokenItems_Quests ; -1 807; LegendaryItems_Quests ; -1 77; Lami_HisLastShipment ; abbas_lostgnome 293; Lami_IsFound ; abbas_lostgnome 779; Lami_GnomeInHole ; abbas_lostgnome 8; Lumbrok_BringSeal ; abbas_reportwrongsuspect 301; Lumbrok_BringTheList ; abbas_reportwrongsuspect 306; Lumbrok_ErasmusConfrontHim ; abbas_reportwrongsuspect 680; Lumbrok_BringBookAway ; abbas_reportwrongsuspect 778; Abbas_ControlBisi ; abbas_reportwrongsuspect 118; Player_PlunderChestLumbrok ; agila_reportplunderthreechests 480; Player_PlunderChestFaruco ; agila_reportplunderthreechests 687; Player_PlunderChestNergal ; agila_reportplunderthreechests 373; Akila_ReportTheThief ; akila_reportluckycoin 774; Player_CollectLuckyCoin ; akila_reportluckycoin 851; Golmu_ReportStolenLuckyCoin ; akila_reportluckycoin 24; Magnus_DuellAgainstAli ; ali_becomeguardian 66; Ali_ReportMagnus ; ali_becomeguardian 19; Flynn_KillHellHound ; alvarez_killhellhounds 560; Ramon_KillHellHound ; alvarez_killhellhounds 665; Emma_KillHellHound ; alvarez_killhellhounds 710; Pansel_KillHellHound ; alvarez_killhellhounds 730; Zak_KillHellHound ; alvarez_killhellhounds 258; Player_PirateAlliance_INQ ; alvarez_piratealliance 380; Player_OwnsBigShip ; alvarez_piratealliance 482; Player_PirateAlliance_PIR ; alvarez_piratealliance 489; Player_PirateAlliance_Morgan ; alvarez_piratealliance 630; Player_PirateAlliance_MAG ; alvarez_piratealliance 674; Player_PirateAlliance_DMJ ; alvarez_piratealliance 14; Griffith_DuelHim_UNL_04 ; antigua_quests 27; Griffith_BringStuff_UNL_04 ; antigua_quests 39; Player_FindTreasure_Port_ANT ; antigua_quests 173; Flynn_FindHim ; antigua_quests 214; Edward_KillShadowsANT ; antigua_quests 224; Flynn_ReportToQuinn ; antigua_quests 274; Emma_FindHer ; antigua_quests 369; Ramon_BringCrystals ; antigua_quests 400; Pansel_ReportWorksAgain ; antigua_quests 429; Grace_ReportToWilson ; antigua_quests 534; Emma_BringIngredience ; antigua_quests 549; Player_FindTreasure_LuckyPirate_ANT ; antigua_quests 601; Player_FindTreasure_Morgan_KIL ; antigua_quests 735; Player_KillShadowMageGreed ; antigua_quests 93; Player_CollectValuableChalice ; asali_bringtokenoffriendship 87; Baker_FollowHimCrossroad ; baker_campguide 370; Baker_KillCavebats ; baker_campguide 453; Baker_FollowHimValley ; baker_campguide 529; Baker_FollowHimCave ; baker_campguide 531; Baker_FollowHimCamp ; baker_campguide 538; Baker_FollowHimShowcase ; baker_campguide 691; Baker_FollowHimUpside ; baker_campguide 759; Baker_FollowHimInsideCave ; baker_campguide 211; Balthasar_ReportBadGuy ; balthasar_reportreunion 586; Player_CollectCalypsosSkull ; balthasar_reportreunion 806; Player_CollectMessages ; balthasar_reportreunion 112; Iniko_PersuadeEvilEGB ; baraka_reportevilegb 158; Iniko_KillEvilEGB ; baraka_reportevilegb 819; Mud_BringHimToKILTemple ; baraka_thegreatgate 559; Player_CollectList ; bisi_collectlist 36; Player_PlunderBonesHiddentChest ; bones_darkexperiments 318; Player_FindShaman ; bones_darkexperiments 688; Hirutu_DarkHeartCleaning ; bones_darkexperiments 856; Bones_GoToSleep ; bones_darkexperiments 675; Drake_GetLastRank ; bones_getpromoteddmj 844; Magnus_GetLastRank ; bones_getpromotedmag 169; Hirutu_KissOfTheDead ; bones_joinfaction 519; Magnus_SwearingIn ; bones_joinfaction 696; Eldric_OldCovenant ; bones_joinfaction 552; Player_FoundSloop ; bones_leavetutfirsttime 649; Player_FindEggs ; booze_bringeggs 446; Booze_WantsHisSupply ; booze_losthismind 468; Booze_ReadyForParty ; booze_losthismind 528; Booze_Enough ; booze_losthismind 841; Booze_BringEggs ; booze_losthismind 206; Borbor_FollowHimToSecondPoint ; borbor_followhimtoindios 426; Borbor_FollowHimToFourthPoint ; borbor_followhimtoindios 487; Borbor_FollowHimToThirdPoint ; borbor_followhimtoindios 792; Borbor_FollowHimToFirstPoint ; borbor_followhimtoindios 338; Bran_TalkWithLogan ; bran_takehisbook 491; Player_CollectShell ; brian_bringshell 364; Brian_KillGiantRats ; brian_thecaveman 376; Player_FindEmptyCave ; brian_thecaveman 213; Player_HasKraken_Hilt ; brokenitems_quests 315; Player_HasSphere_Hilt ; brokenitems_quests 358; Player_HasSoulCaller_Blade ; brokenitems_quests 390; Player_HasMara_Hilt ; brokenitems_quests 412; Player_Smith_It_Sla_Flynn ; brokenitems_quests 471; Player_HasCoronationSword_Hilt ; brokenitems_quests 479; Player_HasMara_Blade ; brokenitems_quests 574; Player_HasCoronationSword_Blade ; brokenitems_quests 595; Player_Smith_CoronationSword ; brokenitems_quests 621; Player_HasKraken_Blade ; brokenitems_quests 658; Player_HasSphere_Blade ; brokenitems_quests 686; Player_Smith_It_Pie_Sphere ; brokenitems_quests 749; Player_Smith_It_Swd_Mara ; brokenitems_quests 846; Player_Smith_It_Blt_Kraken ; brokenitems_quests 227; Bronach_KillSnapper ; bronach_helphimhunt 135; Raka_ReportBrown_UNL02 ; brown_reportraka_unl02 247; Bruce_HelpHimHunt2 ; bruce_killshadowmage 317; Bruce_TalkToJaffar ; bruce_killshadowmage 344; Bruce_HelpHimHunt ; bruce_killshadowmage 671; Asali_BringTokenOfFriendship ; buddy_reportwaterfallclear 589; Drake_WhoHasSpell ; burke_skeleton_bringhimhome_unl_09 44; Iona_ReportToFenn ; calador_quests 85; NamelessHero_MeetHim ; calador_quests 111; Drake_ReportForNewRank ; calador_quests 124; Idrico_ReportDeadWaves_UNL08 ; calador_quests 149; Glen_KillBeachBeasts ; calador_quests 165; Kramer_DrinkingGame ; calador_quests 182; Cisco_GoAway ; calador_quests 198; Burke_FindMySkeleton_UNL_09 ; calador_quests 254; Kilian_KnifeThrowing ; calador_quests 272; Nate_FollowToCitadell ; calador_quests 303; Connor_ReportJoke01 ; calador_quests 349; Player_FindTreasure_John_WOD ; calador_quests 354; Cisco_LootGraves ; calador_quests 391; Henrik_DuelHim ; calador_quests 396; Bran_SellsPig ; calador_quests 456; Angus_FollowToFishertown ; calador_quests 470; Nikodim_FindCandleHolder ; calador_quests 494; Player_KillAwfulDragon ; calador_quests 500; Drake_ReportGhostEyes ; calador_quests 502; Drake_BringPowderToLighthouse ; calador_quests 507; Moe_DefeatHim ; calador_quests 536; Nate_BringProviant ; calador_quests 548; Mason_KillMarauders ; calador_quests 564; Bronach_HelpHimHunt ; calador_quests 565; Graham_BringHimTurnips ; calador_quests 599; Travis_DrinkingGame ; calador_quests 652; Becca_KillGuardingShadows ; calador_quests 676; Angus_KnifeGame ; calador_quests 697; Wilson_ReportToGrace ; calador_quests 698; Burke_Skeleton_BringHimHome_UNL_09 ; calador_quests 725; Player_FindTreasure_Beach_WOD ; calador_quests 728; Yakov_DuelHim ; calador_quests 775; Jill_KillTirion_UNL_03 ; calador_quests 782; Wilson_WrestlingGame ; calador_quests 799; Henrik_WrestlingGame ; calador_quests 808; Cisco_DuelHim ; calador_quests 816; Kilian_KnifeGame ; calador_quests 827; Kilian_BringLetterToHarry ; calador_quests 197; Circe_KillHer ; carlos_killsouleaters 263; Venturo_KillRakazor ; carlos_killsouleaters 328; Gonzales_KillSoulEater ; carlos_killsouleaters 803; Nathan_KillKrakAlRah ; carlos_killsouleaters 823; Player_KillRaxkarok ; carlos_killsouleaters 78; Chani_SoldiersOfTheOracle ; chani_recruither 83; Baraka_TheGreatGate ; chani_recruither 457; Chani_TalkToTheOracle ; chani_recruither 562; Chani_PlunderDeadWarriors ; chani_recruither 270; Player_DefeatMargoloth ; chani_talktotheoracle 505; Circe_KillSuitors ; circe_killher 57; Hector_ReportCircePromise ; circe_killsuitors 402; Diaz_ReportCircePromise ; circe_killsuitors 692; Player_KillSuitors ; circe_killsuitors 188; Colby_BringSilverPlate ; colby_bringsilver 569; Colby_BringSilverGoblet ; colby_bringsilver 299; Colby_BringSilver ; colby_duelwithplayer 664; Cole_KillShadows_UNL_05 ; cole_killshadowcole_unl_05 55; Magnus_KillShadowsInWestMine ; collins_founddeadcorpses 133; Connor_ReportJoke04 ; connor_reportjoke01 475; Connor_ReportJoke03 ; connor_reportjoke01 809; Connor_ReportJoke02 ; connor_reportjoke01 190; Player_KillShadowMageHate ; crabisland_quests 530; Player_KilledFirstSnapper ; crabisland_quests 539; Player_KilledFirstHellHounds ; crabisland_quests 541; Player_PlunderPirateCaptainDeadTUT ; crabisland_quests 736; Patty_PlayerKilledFirstApes ; crabisland_quests 6; Mendoza_TheInquisitor ; crew_quests 7; Patty_FemaleStimuli ; crew_quests 12; Edward_FamilyBuisness ; crew_quests 59; Ali_BecomeGuardian ; crew_quests 142; Bones_DarkExperiments ; crew_quests 181; Player_SoulDestinyChosen ; crew_quests 199; Jaffar_DontForgetHimForCrew ; crew_quests 332; Bones_FindJack ; crew_quests 384; Bones_FindPatty ; crew_quests 425; Horas_MagicalEfficiency ; crew_quests 476; Faruco_CrystalsForMagicians ; crew_quests 525; Horas_FriendlyService ; crew_quests 561; Polly_FindThorben ; crew_quests 580; Edward_DontForgetHimForCrew ; crew_quests 620; Patty_DontForgetHerForCrew ; crew_quests 640; Saddec_DontForgetHimForCrew ; crew_quests 669; Edward_BringSoulDust ; crew_quests 709; Mendoza_ShadowsOfThePast ; crew_quests 727; Saddec_SharesBooze ; crew_quests 183; Player_CollectSoulGemCrow ; crow_bringsoulgem 577; Crow_KillSoulTorturer ; crow_bringsoulgem 174; Player_CollectTeaPlant ; cunningham_bringteaplant 626; Player_PersonalBelongings ; cyril_bringpersonalbelongings 310; Crow_FindHermingo ; dakila_findhelp 347; Dakila_HermingoLeftBattle ; dakila_findhelp 51; Player_CollectKanesAmulett ; dakila_killasmoday 231; Asmoday_ReportDakila ; dakila_killasmoday 447; Dakila_FindHelp ; dakila_killasmoday 596; Player_AsmodayCanBeKilled ; dakila_killasmoday 388; Player_FindSwordPart ; difuego_findhismurder 650; Magnus_ImpressHim ; downes_entrypermitted 644; Player_CollectSwampWood ; drake_bringpowdertolighthouse 744; Player_ReportDrakeLighthouse ; drake_bringpowdertolighthouse 176; Drake_ReportToWilson ; drake_reportfornewrank 452; Wilson_WitchHunt ; drake_reportfornewrank 107; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_1 ; drake_reportghosteyes 115; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_6 ; drake_reportghosteyes 294; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_3 ; drake_reportghosteyes 462; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_5 ; drake_reportghosteyes 638; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_2 ; drake_reportghosteyes 797; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_4 ; drake_reportghosteyes 325; Edward_BirthRight ; edward_familybuisness 398; Player_FindTreasure_Edward_WOD ; edward_familybuisness 743; Edward_OnTrailOfThePast ; edward_familybuisness 685; Player_WOD_EnterCitadell ; edward_findeldric 101; Edward_FollowToCityEntrance ; edward_killshadowsant 490; Ramon_FindEdward ; edward_killshadowsant 639; Edward_FollowToOutback ; edward_killshadowsant 845; Edward_FollowToDeadLand ; edward_killshadowsant 397; Edward_FollowToPlane ; edward_ontrailofthepast 488; Edward_FollowToOldHouse ; edward_ontrailofthepast 458; Player_KillShadowMageDoubt ; eldric_bigteleport 551; Edward_SilentWhileBattle ; eldric_bigteleport 794; Player_FindRitualSpell ; eldric_bringritualspell 70; Winter_ReportCurseOfFathers ; eldric_collectdmjs 290; Fenn_ReportIonaStatus ; eldric_collectdmjs 351; Mason_Nightwatch ; eldric_collectdmjs 673; Cyril_BringPersonalBelongings ; eldric_collectdmjs 690; Wilson_ReportStatusAlvito ; eldric_collectdmjs 713; Porter_ReportYvettesAmulett ; eldric_collectdmjs 134; Eldric_LetsGoKila ; eldric_ghostritual 410; Eldric_GreatPreparations ; eldric_ghostritual 23; Eldric_BringRitualSpell ; eldric_greatpreparations 240; Eldric_RecruitHim ; eldric_greatpreparations 316; Zacharias_RecruitHim ; eldric_greatpreparations 383; Chani_RecruitHer ; eldric_greatpreparations 386; Eldric_TheRightRitualPlace ; eldric_greatpreparations 769; Eldric_BigTeleport ; eldric_magicnet 102; Eldric_CollectDMJs ; eldric_oldcovenant 71; Player_FindGrimoire ; eldric_oldknowledge 634; Eldric_MagicNet ; eldric_recruithim 418; Player_KillShadowMageDiscord ; eldric_therightritualplace 296; Player_HasRottenMushrooms ; emma_bringingredience 454; Player_HasMoldyBones ; emma_bringingredience 568; Emma_TalkToTenya ; emma_followtograveyard 387; Spencer_TalkToGrace ; emma_reportcomponentsoflife 670; Pansel_CollectItemOfDeath ; emma_reportcomponentsoflife 700; Pansel_CollectItemOfLife ; emma_reportcomponentsoflife 784; Player_CollectPanselPants ; emma_reportcontrolpansel 1; Emma_ReportComponentsOfLife ; emma_reporttheexperiment 74; Emma_ReportYourOwnBody ; emma_reporttheexperiment 399; Emma_ReportControlPansel ; emma_reporttheexperiment 430; Emma_TalkToSpencer ; emma_reporttheexperiment 679; Emma_FollowToGraveyard ; emma_reportyourownbody 305; Player_ANT_CollectGoldCrystals ; erasmus_bringdarkcrystals 411; Player_TAK_CollectMagicCrystals ; erasmus_bringdarkcrystals 526; Player_THI_CollectSchadowCrystals ; erasmus_bringdarkcrystals 493; Player_FindKasimsHiddenChest ; erasmus_kasimtheliar 72; Jacob_KIL_KillGolem ; erasmus_reportexpeditions 156; Horatio_BringErasmusCrystals ; erasmus_reportexpeditions 751; Horatio_ReportThievesAndCrystals ; erasmus_reportexpeditions 244; Erasmus_ActivateMonolithSouth ; erasmus_startreactor 300; Erasmus_ActivateMonolithEast ; erasmus_startreactor 750; Horas_GiveDiFuegosMonolithStone ; erasmus_startreactor 805; Erasmus_KasimTheLiar ; erasmus_startreactor 849; Erasmus_ActivateMonolithNorth ; erasmus_startreactor 719; Ernesto_KillGoblins ; ernesto_bringcandleholder 583; Iona_BringHerToTavern ; fenn_reportionastatus 591; Player_Has_It_Flynns_Blade ; flynn_reporttoquinn 11; Balthasar_ReportReunion ; fogisland_quests 92; Venturo_ReportSoldiers ; fogisland_quests 96; Hector_WrestlingGame ; fogisland_quests 578; Mortimer_BringHimToINQ ; fogisland_quests 612; Player_FindFOG ; fogisland_quests 627; Carlos_KillSoulEaters ; fogisland_quests 435; Player_CollectCrystal ; frink_bringcrystal 46; Player_KillGnomeeater ; gabu_followtognomeeater 831; Player_KillImps ; gadi_reportnewmine 401; Garelt_ReportHeOffersCrystal ; garelt_reportdakilworksagain 486; Dakil_DefeatHim ; garelt_reportdakilworksagain 28; Player_HasMagnusLetter ; garelt_reportheisrehabilitated 104; Gonzales_ReportComradesDead ; gonzales_killsouleater 648; Gonzales_ReportKillSoulEater ; gonzales_killsouleater 90; Player_CollectOreDelivery ; gordon_bringoredelivery 767; Wilson_ReportOreValue ; gordon_bringoredelivery 465; Player_CollectTurnips ; graham_bringhimturnips 38; Player_CollectGriffithStuff_UNL_04 ; griffith_bringstuff_unl_04 423; Player_GriffithLostStuff_UNL_04 ; griffith_bringstuff_unl_04 766; Player_CollectBlueFlower ; harry_bringblueflower 62; Harry_BringBlueFlower ; harry_reportsweetheartisthere 521; Miamiti_ReportSavetyFirst ; harry_reportsweetheartisthere 345; Douglas_ReportHeIsDead ; harry_reportwhosthemurderer 4; Hawkins_FollowIntoTheJungle ; hawkins_reporthismindisclear 189; Hawkins_FollowNearPiratesNest ; hawkins_reporthismindisclear 233; Hawkins_DuelHim ; hawkins_reporthismindisclear 660; Hawkins_ReportPlayerIsLiar ; hawkins_reporthismindisclear 840; Hawkins_FollowNearJungleEntrance ; hawkins_reporthismindisclear 381; Tenya_BringMakotoHair ; hirutu_convincehim 643; Tenya_VoodooControlMakoto ; hirutu_convincehim 185; Player_FindBoneOfInnocentMonkey ; hirutu_darkheartcleaning 466; Tenya_AncientSigns ; hirutu_kissofthedead 606; Tenya_LosingControl ; hirutu_reportfornewrank 168; Bahati_WordOfProtection ; hirutu_threearguments 663; Kamil_WordOfTradition ; hirutu_threearguments 682; Tenya_WordOfWisdom ; hirutu_threearguments 417; Hiwi_BringHimRawFish ; hiwi_talktohim 222; Player_CollectDiary ; holtby_reportthievery 292; Player_CollectStolenGods ; holtby_reportthievery 89; Horas_RamonsYield ; horas_magicalefficiency 238; Horas_LeonardsYield ; horas_magicalefficiency 497; Horas_CiscosYield ; horas_magicalefficiency 442; Horas_KillOreTitan ; horas_thetraitor 268; Horatio_KillAnts ; horatio_reportthievesandcrystals 723; Horatio_CollectCrystals ; horatio_reportthievesandcrystals 780; Player_KillThirdWave_UNL08 ; idrico_reportdeadwaves_unl08 100; Garelt_ReportHeIsRehabilitated ; ilvar_distributeastralvision 269; Magnus_ReportGoldSight ; ilvar_reportastralsightquests 312; Mac_ReportMagicItems ; ilvar_reportastralsightquests 781; Nergal_HasAstralVision ; ilvar_reportastralsightquests 65; Trawi_ReportRiddles ; isleofthieves_quests 69; Kaan_TalkToUlvi ; isleofthieves_quests 114; Malik_ReportFindDowi ; isleofthieves_quests 175; Zeki_KillImps ; isleofthieves_quests 250; Akila_ReportLuckyCoin ; isleofthieves_quests 309; Kaan_ReportImpInvasion ; isleofthieves_quests 334; Malik_BringHisHammer ; isleofthieves_quests 469; Ulvi_KillNorthernImps ; isleofthieves_quests 512; Player_FindIOT ; isleofthieves_quests 543; Ulvi_FollowToGnomeVillage ; isleofthieves_quests 720; Ulvi_FollowToKaan ; isleofthieves_quests 721; Kaan_FollowHimToKalil ; isleofthieves_quests 732; Gabu_FollowToGnomeeater ; isleofthieves_quests 737; Ulvi_KillRemainingImps ; isleofthieves_quests 407; Player_ReportIxilIsChemist ; ixil_killhim 837; Ixil_ReportDeliciousMeal ; ixil_killhim 291; Jack_FindVasco ; jack_findpuertosacarico 633; Tanner_Duel ; jack_reportlighthouseclear 681; Holtby_ReportThievery ; jack_reportlighthouseclear 818; Player_KIL_PlunderGolem ; jacob_kil_killgolem 180; Player_CollectAuriCulciWesi ; kaan_bringauriculcis 366; Player_CollectAuriCulciOsi ; kaan_bringauriculcis 431; Player_CollectAuriCulciSudi ; kaan_bringauriculcis 724; Player_CollectAuriCulciNodi ; kaan_bringauriculcis 202; Kaan_KillNodi ; kaan_reportallghostsdead 260; Kaan_KillSudi ; kaan_reportallghostsdead 295; Kaan_KillOsi ; kaan_reportallghostsdead 533; Kaan_KillWesi ; kaan_reportallghostsdead 449; Kaan_BringAuriCulcis ; kaan_reportimpinvasion 693; Kaan_ReportAllGhostsDead ; kaan_reportimpinvasion 850; Kaan_KillImpKing ; kaan_reportimpinvasion 408; Player_FindTreasure_Kamil_KIL ; kamil_bringidol 542; Buddy_BringIdol ; kamil_bringidol 557; Kamil_SearchForIdol ; kamil_bringidol 49; Cunningham_BuddyHasIdol ; kamil_searchforidol 217; Harry_BuddyHasIdol ; kamil_searchforidol 372; Colby_BuddyHasIdol ; kamil_searchforidol 13; Kane_HelpHimHunt ; kane_killtowerguard 184; Jake_KillWeaponCampShadows ; kane_reportweaponcamps 319; Dakila_KillAsmoday ; kane_reportweaponcamps 556; Neron_DriveFocalorAway ; kane_reportweaponcamps 5; Player_FindTreasure_Finch_KIL ; kila_quests 73; Hawkins_ReportHisMindIsClear ; kila_quests 132; Player_EnterEGBCamp ; kila_quests 162; Cunningham_BringTeaPlant ; kila_quests 166; Hirutu_ConvinceHim ; kila_quests 203; Quinn_ReportToFlynn ; kila_quests 219; Baraka_ReportEvilEGB ; kila_quests 228; Hirutu_ReportForNewRank ; kila_quests 257; Borbor_FollowHimToIndios ; kila_quests 307; Player_FindTreasure_Swordmaster_KIL ; kila_quests 314; Quinn_KnifeThrowing ; kila_quests 415; Tadashi_TeacherQuest ; kila_quests 424; Crouse_RescueHim ; kila_quests 428; Booze_LostHisMind ; kila_quests 448; Pamir_BringEarring_UNL_01 ; kila_quests 464; Cole_KillShadowCole_UNL_05 ; kila_quests 484; Kamil_RiddleQuestion ; kila_quests 508; Leonard_BringBackHisBag ; kila_quests 544; Harry_ReportSweetheartIsThere ; kila_quests 572; Cunningham_ReportHonestPlayer ; kila_quests 575; Buddy_ReportWaterfallClear ; kila_quests 603; Harry_ReportWhosTheMurderer ; kila_quests 624; Colby_DuelWithPlayer ; kila_quests 654; Buddy_KnifeThrowing ; kila_quests 656; Ixil_KillHim ; kila_quests 707; Patty_ReportSweetRevenge ; kila_quests 776; Borbor_TalkToHim ; kila_quests 839; Player_RefusePoison ; kila_quests 847; Kamil_BringIdol ; kila_quests 483; Kjeld_ReportLinaIsDead ; kjeld_reporthelpfriends 600; Tokel_BringHimToMageCamp ; kjeld_reporthelpfriends 26; Player_GetLIGlasses ; legendaryitems_quests 35; Player_GetLITarget ; legendaryitems_quests 58; Player_GetLICrank ; legendaryitems_quests 113; Player_GetLIFingerBone ; legendaryitems_quests 139; Player_GetLICatPaw ; legendaryitems_quests 210; Player_GetLIClearWater ; legendaryitems_quests 215; Player_GetLIChain ; legendaryitems_quests 218; Player_GetLIGoldenBullet ; legendaryitems_quests 221; Player_GetLIPliers ; legendaryitems_quests 248; Player_GetLIFeather ; legendaryitems_quests 252; Player_GetLIKnife ; legendaryitems_quests 273; Player_GetLICorslet ; legendaryitems_quests 281; Player_GetLIDiamond ; legendaryitems_quests 285; Player_GetLIShield ; legendaryitems_quests 340; Player_GetLIGlasSword ; legendaryitems_quests 379; Player_GetLIPlan ; legendaryitems_quests 389; Player_GetLIBelt ; legendaryitems_quests 393; Player_GetLIStonePlate ; legendaryitems_quests 406; Player_GetLIScabbard ; legendaryitems_quests 434; Player_GetLILockpick ; legendaryitems_quests 461; Player_GetLIFlag ; legendaryitems_quests 472; Player_GetLIOldBow ; legendaryitems_quests 563; Player_GetLILiana ; legendaryitems_quests 579; Player_GetLIQietPromises ; legendaryitems_quests 587; Player_GetLIPlunger ; legendaryitems_quests 733; Player_GetLITone ; legendaryitems_quests 742; Player_GetLIBooze ; legendaryitems_quests 747; Player_GetLISunCrystal ; legendaryitems_quests 772; Player_GetLIEye ; legendaryitems_quests 791; Player_GetLIFoulard ; legendaryitems_quests 422; Player_FindLeonardsBag ; leonard_bringbackhisbag 289; Lumbrok_ReportBackFromWork ; lumbrok_bringbookaway 16; Player_CollectAromaticWine ; lumbrok_bringdelicatessen 171; Player_CollectTastyHam ; lumbrok_bringdelicatessen 716; Player_CollectExquisiteCheese ; lumbrok_bringdelicatessen 857; Player_CollectTenderShells ; lumbrok_bringdelicatessen 830; Player_CollectBoringBook ; lumbrok_bringhimboringbook 416; Bisi_CollectSeal ; lumbrok_bringseal 706; Bisi_CollectList ; lumbrok_bringthelist 196; Player_CollectMagicHammer ; mac_reportmagicitems 550; Player_CollectMagicMug ; mac_reportmagicitems 820; Player_CollectMagicBroom ; mac_reportmagicitems 832; Player_CollectMagicFork ; mac_reportmagicitems 154; Magnus_ReportGordon ; magnus_reportfornewrank 368; Mauricio_KillOreGolems ; magnus_reportfornewrank 382; Gordon_BringOreDelivery ; magnus_reportfornewrank 645; Ilvar_DistributeAstralVision ; magnus_reportfornewrank 130; Player_CollectGoldsight ; magnus_reportgoldsight 98; Gadi_ReportNewMine ; magnus_reportofallmines 327; Collins_FoundDeadCorpses ; magnus_reportofallmines 356; Frink_BringCrystal ; magnus_reportofallmines 467; Valamir_GoodMineClear ; magnus_reportofallmines 746; Magnus_ReportOfAllMines ; magnus_swearingin 152; Player_CollectMaliksHammer ; malik_bringhishammer 47; Player_FindDowi ; malik_reportfinddowi 598; Russel_KillSlavedealer ; malik_reportfinddowi 623; Dowi_ReportFreedom ; malik_reportfinddowi 220; Player_CollectMarbukNotations ; marbuk_bringhisnotations 513; Lloyd_FollowInMine ; mason_killmarauders 761; Lloyd_FollowInMineHideout ; mason_killmarauders 265; Mason_FollowEast ; mason_nightwatch 420; Mason_FollowWest ; mason_nightwatch 527; Mason_FollowTavern ; mason_nightwatch 605; Mason_FollowNorth ; mason_nightwatch 829; Mason_FollowSouth ; mason_nightwatch 137; Player_CollectWaterPoisoned ; mauricio_bringwatercollection 261; Player_CollectWaterSalt ; mauricio_bringwatercollection 715; Player_CollectWaterClean ; mauricio_bringwatercollection 42; Player_KillUrsegorsGolem ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 116; Player_GetPieceOfStonedMara ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 147; Player_GetSlaynesHanky ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 157; Player_GetStahlbartsHair ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 237; Player_GetUrsegorFlameEye ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 585; Player_GetGarciasApeStatue ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 718; Player_GetGarciasKey ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 726; Player_FindTreasure_WOD_Slayne ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 760; Mara_GetHerPresent ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 852; Player_FindTreasure_THI_Stahlbart ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 131; Player_FindMendozasSoulSliver ; mendoza_theinquisitor 701; Miamiti_BringHerToPiratesNest ; miamiti_reportsavetyfirst 138; Mick_KillHim ; mick_takehisbook 360; Milad_Parent ; milad_container 153; Milad_Child3 ; milad_parent 501; Milad_Child2 ; milad_parent 825; Milad_Child1 ; milad_parent 105; Mira_ReportToMiraAtNight ; mira_denouncenikodim 212; Nergal_BringMushrooms ; morrison_bringmushrooms 509; Player_CollectMorrisonsMushrooms ; morrison_bringmushrooms 123; Player_FindTreasure_Mortimer_FOG ; mortimer_bringhimtoinq 385; Mortimer_ReportGoodGuy ; mortimer_bringhimtoinq 499; Mud_DefeatHim ; mud_bringhimtokiltemple 53; Nate_FollowNorthEast ; nate_followtocitadell 717; Nate_FollowIntoCitadell ; nate_followtocitadell 745; Nate_FollowToBaseOfCitadell ; nate_followtocitadell 756; Nate_FollowFurtherNorthEast ; nate_followtocitadell 34; Nathan_ReportEatenFish ; nathan_killkrakalrah 773; Nemo_ReportHumanAgain ; nathan_killkrakalrah 855; Player_CollectTaranisHerbal ; nergal_bringtaranisherbal 2; Hiwi_TalkToHim ; nergal_hasastralvision 67; Mira_DenounceNikodim ; nikodim_findcandleholder 703; Ernesto_BringCandleHolder ; nikodim_findcandleholder 362; Player_CollectOsoriosBag ; osorio_bringhisbag 194; Pamir_FollowHim3_UNL_01 ; pamir_bringearring_unl_01 278; Pamir_FollowHim1_UNL_01 ; pamir_bringearring_unl_01 651; Player_CollectEarringPamir_UNL_01 ; pamir_bringearring_unl_01 672; Pamir_FollowHim2_UNL_01 ; pamir_bringearring_unl_01 262; Player_CollectItemOfLife ; pansel_collectitemoflife 121; Patty_SearchForGoldWOD ; patty_femalestimuli 207; Patty_PunishKramer ; patty_femalestimuli 348; Patty_SearchForGoldANT ; patty_femalestimuli 440; Player_PlunderRumoldsChest ; patty_femalestimuli 463; Player_PlunderRomanovsChest ; patty_femalestimuli 704; Patty_SearchForGoldTHI ; patty_femalestimuli 777; Patty_SearchForGoldKIL ; patty_femalestimuli 798; Player_FindTreasure_TUT_Degenkolb ; patty_femalestimuli 667; Kramer_DefeatHim ; patty_punishkramer 122; Hirutu_ReportCapturedPirate ; patty_reportsweetrevenge 178; Slim_ReportHimHisFate ; patty_reportsweetrevenge 10; Player_FindOldTempleMainEntrance ; patty_treasurehunting 108; Player_FindNorthExitOfOldTemple ; patty_treasurehunting 249; Patty_FindAWayOverTreeEvent ; patty_treasurehunting 754; Player_EnterOldTemple ; patty_treasurehunting 814; Player_FindBigHallOfOldTemple ; patty_treasurehunting 40; Player_FreeTheGreatCaster ; pc_hero_ghost_reunion 659; Pipkin_PlunderHisChest_UNL06 ; pipkin_killdragon_unl06 537; Kaan_RemoveNodi ; player_collectauriculcinodi 582; Kaan_RemoveOsi ; player_collectauriculciosi 245; Kaan_RemoveSudi ; player_collectauriculcisudi 282; Player_CollectLetter_1 ; player_collectmessages 459; Player_CollectLetter_3 ; player_collectmessages 790; Player_CollectLetter_2 ; player_collectmessages 657; Player_Tak_EnterPuertoSacarico ; player_findhoras 811; Horas_LeftTAK ; player_findhoras 363; Kasim_ForceInfoAboutHideOut ; player_findkasimshiddenchest 655; Kasim_FollowToHideOut ; player_findkasimshiddenchest 236; Tadashi_KillPanther ; player_findpantherheart 336; Edward_PropertyDeed ; player_findtreasure_edward_wod 451; Player_CollectIdol ; player_findtreasure_kamil_kil 128; Player_PlunderChestMorgan ; player_findtreasure_morgan_kil 365; Player_PlunderChestRosco1 ; player_findtreasure_rosco_tak 15; Player_PlunderChestRosco2 ; player_findtreasure_rosco2_tak 329; Player_PlunderPirateDeadTUT01 ; player_findtreasure_tut_piratedead 834; Player_PlunderTreasure_TUT_PirateDead ; player_findtreasure_tut_piratedead 517; Chani_FreeHer ; player_freethegreatcaster 758; Zacharias_FreeHim ; player_freethegreatcaster 768; Eldric_FreeHim ; player_freethegreatcaster 161; Player_KillSeaMonster3 ; player_killedallseamonster 511; Player_KillSeaMonster2 ; player_killedallseamonster 842; Player_KillSeaMonster1 ; player_killedallseamonster 209; Hull_KillDuckLeader ; player_killraxkarok 481; Hull_DontWantToKillNiceDucks ; player_killraxkarok 618; Fletcher_KillEvilDucks ; player_killraxkarok 144; Player_KillFirstWave_UNL08 ; player_killsecondwave_unl08 25; Player_KillHector ; player_killsuitors 757; Player_KillDiaz ; player_killsuitors 403; Player_KillSecondWave_UNL08 ; player_killthirdwave_unl08 283; Walker_FollowToKillGolem ; player_killwalkersgolem 739; Walker_FollowToGolem ; player_killwalkersgolem 22; Kane_PlayerGetsDMJShip ; player_ownsbigship 239; Jake_PlayerGetsPIRShip ; player_ownsbigship 413; Neron_PlayerGetsMAGShip ; player_ownsbigship 822; Player_HasBigShipButHasNotTraveledWithItYet ; player_ownsbigship 141; Player_FindDarkHeart ; player_plunderboneshiddentchest 150; Zakir_TalkWithVetranio ; player_plunderchestfaruco 330; Faruco_TalkWithZakir ; player_plunderchestfaruco 789; Player_CollectKeyFromZakir ; player_plunderchestfaruco 588; Player_AccessGuard_THI_04 ; player_plunderchestlumbrok 615; Lumbrok_BringHimBoringBook ; player_plunderchestlumbrok 635; Lumbrok_GoToMyRoom ; player_plunderchestlumbrok 311; Player_KillFirstUndeadWarrior ; player_plunderpiratecaptaindeadtut 503; Player_PlunderPirateDeadTUT03 ; player_plunderpiratecaptaindeadtut 661; Patty_KillTUTPiratesInFrontOfOldTemple ; player_plunderpiratecaptaindeadtut 740; Player_FindTreasure_TUT_PirateDead ; player_plunderpiratecaptaindeadtut 835; Player_PlunderPirateDeadTUT02 ; player_plunderpiratecaptaindeadtut 119; Jaffar_LeavingCrewCauseEvilSoul ; player_souldestinychosen 195; Edward_LeavingCrewCauseEvilSoul ; player_souldestinychosen 298; Player_KillShadowMageFear ; player_souldestinychosen 432; Player_KillShadowMageVengeance ; player_souldestinychosen 485; Mendoza_LeavingCrewGoodEvilSoul ; player_souldestinychosen 547; Player_KillShadowMageArrogance ; player_souldestinychosen 226; Player_Tutorial_HasKey ; player_tutorial_leftcabin 625; Player_Tutorial_IsEquipt ; player_tutorial_leftcabin 836; Player_Tutorial_HasEquipment ; player_tutorial_leftcabin 225; Player_Seabattle_Sebastiano ; player_winallseabattles 323; Player_Seabattle_Morgan ; player_winallseabattles 339; Player_Seabattle_Crow ; player_winallseabattles 60; Porter_CollectYvettesAmulett ; porter_reportyvettesamulett 793; Hanna_BringYvettesAmulett ; porter_reportyvettesamulett 787; qh_Follow_qh ; qh_report_qh 346; Player_Has_It_Flynns_Hilt ; quinn_reporttoflynn 151; Ramon_BringHimToTown ; ramon_bringcrystals 286; Bill_PlunderHim ; ramon_bringcrystals 321; Flynn_PlunderHisCrystalChest ; ramon_bringcrystals 566; Red_FollowTheGreenMile ; red_gameover 88; Red_GameOver ; red_themole 699; Cunningham_VisitTenya ; red_themole 826; Tenya_PotionOfOblivion ; red_themole 765; Rodas_CollectShadowMeat ; rodas_reportkidlat 352; Rodas_ReportKidlat ; rodas_reporttheexperiment 43; Rodriguez_CollectTransferLetter ; rodriguez_bringtransferletter 786; Player_FindTreasure_Rosco_TAK ; rosco_followhim_unl_07 3; Rosco_FollowHim_UNL_07 ; rosco_reporttreasurehunt_unl_07 18; Ramirez_QuestionRiddle_UNL_07 ; rosco_reporttreasurehunt_unl_07 804; Rosco_FollowHimAgain_UNL_07 ; rosco_reporttreasurehunt_unl_07 843; Player_FindTreasure_Rosco2_TAK ; rosco_reporttreasurehunt_unl_07 99; Player_KillPlunderingImps ; rumold_reportimpsdead 9; Brian_BringShell ; rumold_takehisbook 731; Rumold_ReportBookSearch ; rumold_takehisbook 79; Sebastiano_KillVasco ; sebastiano_killdeserters 705; Sebastiano_KillSeverin ; sebastiano_killdeserters 80; Severin_FollowToRavine ; severin_killshadowwarriors 506; Severin_HelpHimHunt ; severin_killshadowwarriors 304; player_CollectLegendarySword ; sharp_reportlegendarysword 662; Shax_ReportPaulaOrWells_UNL10 ; shax_plunderhischest_unl10 242; Wells_ReportShax_UNL10 ; shax_reportpaulaorwells_unl10 762; Paula_ReportShax_UNL10 ; shax_reportpaulaorwells_unl10 186; Kane_ReportWeaponCamps ; skullisland_quests 205; Crow_BringSoulGem ; skullisland_quests 235; Rodas_ReportTheExperiment ; skullisland_quests 524; Bruce_KillShadowMage ; skullisland_quests 546; Crow_ReportNewFriend ; skullisland_quests 666; Kane_KillTowerGuard ; skullisland_quests 748; Gray_KillShadowlordOfSlavery ; skullisland_quests 555; Hirutu_SlimIsSparedFromDeath ; slim_reporthimhisfate 636; Hirutu_SlimHasToDie ; slim_reporthimhisfate 276; Stanley_PlunderHisChest ; stanley_takehisbook 592; Stanley_DuelHim ; stanley_takehisbook 302; Tadashi_KillWarthog ; tadashi_teacherquest 438; Tadashi_KillAlligator ; tadashi_teacherquest 48; Roquefort_AccessSebastiano ; takarigua_quests 68; Rosco_ReportTreasureHunt_UNL_07 ; takarigua_quests 75; Osorio_BringHisBag ; takarigua_quests 82; Jack_FindPuertoSacarico ; takarigua_quests 126; Tanner_KillShadowMage_Madness ; takarigua_quests 179; Vasco_BringHisStuff ; takarigua_quests 192; Severin_KillShadowWarriors ; takarigua_quests 193; Pipkin_KillDragon_UNL06 ; takarigua_quests 297; Player_FindTreasure_DeadLand_TAK ; takarigua_quests 353; Jack_ReportLighthouseClear ; takarigua_quests 361; Sebastiano_KillDeserters ; takarigua_quests 404; Player_FindTreasure_Outback_TAK ; takarigua_quests 421; DiFuego_FindHisMurder ; takarigua_quests 535; Rodriguez_BringTransferLetter ; takarigua_quests 631; Player_FindTreasure_NamelessCaptain_TAK ; takarigua_quests 689; Sebastiano_BetrayalHoras ; takarigua_quests 95; Talbot_WhereIsDakil ; talbot_findgnomes 374; Talbot_WhereIsFaris ; talbot_findgnomes 611; Talbot_WhereIsGadi ; talbot_findgnomes 167; Player_CloseCrystalPortalTAK ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 246; Player_CloseCrystalPortalTHI ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 324; Player_CloseCrystalPortalKIL ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 520; Player_CloseCrystalPortalTUT ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 523; Bones_CrystalsAreForever ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 532; Player_CloseCrystalPortalWOD ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 755; Player_CloseCrystalPortalANT ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 20; Kefkir_DuelHim ; taranis_quests 30; Rami_ReportCrystalDigger ; taranis_quests 31; Paula_KillTheBeast ; taranis_quests 61; Vetranio_TokelTheCleaner ; taranis_quests 63; Mauricio_BringWaterCollection ; taranis_quests 64; Rumold_ReportImpsDead ; taranis_quests 81; Baker_CampGuide ; taranis_quests 97; Player_KillWalkersGolem ; taranis_quests 120; Garelt_ReportDakilWorksAgain ; taranis_quests 140; Player_CollectCrystalMagicRust ; taranis_quests 143; Sharp_ReportLegendarySword ; taranis_quests 146; Brian_TheCaveman ; taranis_quests 159; Magnus_Duel ; taranis_quests 253; Abbas_LostGnome ; taranis_quests 259; Agila_ReportPlunderThreeChests ; taranis_quests 275; Magnus_ReportForNewRank ; taranis_quests 337; Erasmus_ReportTalkToIlvar ; taranis_quests 342; Zakirs_BringHisAuriCulci2 ; taranis_quests 355; Lumbrok_BringDelicatessen ; taranis_quests 367; Player_FindTreasure_DeadLand_THI ; taranis_quests 375; Agila_DrinkingGame ; taranis_quests 394; Ilvar_ReportAstralsightQuests ; taranis_quests 395; Gordon_DrinkingGame ; taranis_quests 405; Gadi_ReportRiddle ; taranis_quests 419; Kjeld_KillShadowMageBetrayal ; taranis_quests 437; Player_FindTreasure_Beach_THI ; taranis_quests 439; Erasmus_BringDarkCrystals ; taranis_quests 455; Player_EnterAbandonedFishingLodge ; taranis_quests 478; Cox_KnifeGame ; taranis_quests 495; Stanley_KnifeGame ; taranis_quests 496; Shax_PlunderHisChest_UNL10 ; taranis_quests 510; Player_THI_EnterMageCamp ; taranis_quests 514; Hardwick_Wrestling ; taranis_quests 540; Morrison_BringMushrooms ; taranis_quests 581; Marbuk_BringHisNotations ; taranis_quests 590; Frink_ReportRules ; taranis_quests 604; Walker_FollowToCamp ; taranis_quests 613; Downes_WeAreAllBrothers ; taranis_quests 637; Wells_KnifeGame ; taranis_quests 653; Marbuk_TalkToBaker ; taranis_quests 677; Talbot_FindGnomes ; taranis_quests 683; Kjeld_ReportHelpFriends ; taranis_quests 694; Frink_DrinkingGame ; taranis_quests 695; Player_FindTreasure_Forest_THI ; taranis_quests 702; Downes_WrestleHim ; taranis_quests 752; Brown_ReportRaka_UNL02 ; taranis_quests 802; Roderich_WrestleHim ; taranis_quests 812; Erasmus_ReportExpeditions ; taranis_quests 833; Nergal_BringTaranisHerbal ; taranis_quests 848; Bisi_HelpHimArticulate ; taranis_quests 45; Teleporter_FOG_HiddenValley ; teleport_quests 50; Teleporter_TAK_Lighthouse ; teleport_quests 52; Teleporter_THI_NorthArea ; teleport_quests 76; Teleporter_WOD_BeyondLava ; teleport_quests 91; Teleporter_SKI_Camp ; teleport_quests 94; Location_TUT ; teleport_quests 103; Location_WOD ; teleport_quests 127; Teleporter_ANT_Harbour ; teleport_quests 129; Teleporter_SKI_BerserkPass ; teleport_quests 136; Teleporter_WOD_Citadel ; teleport_quests 160; Teleporter_FOG_CenterPlane ; teleport_quests 216; Teleporter_SKI_BayOfShadows ; teleport_quests 234; Teleporter_KIL_SpiderQueen ; teleport_quests 267; Location_SKI ; teleport_quests 326; Location_ANT ; teleport_quests 331; Teleporter_KIL_BigGate ; teleport_quests 335; Teleporter_WOD_Tavern ; teleport_quests 371; Teleporter_FOG_INQCamp ; teleport_quests 433; Teleporter_SKI_TowerOfPain ; teleport_quests 474; Teleporter_TAK_PuertoSacarico ; teleport_quests 518; Teleporter_KIL_AncientTemple ; teleport_quests 522; Teleporter_KIL_PIRCamp ; teleport_quests 573; Teleporter_KIL_EGBCamp ; teleport_quests 594; Teleporter_SKI_ValleyOfDeath ; teleport_quests 614; Teleporter_THI_MAGCamp ; teleport_quests 617; Location_TAK ; teleport_quests 628; Location_ROS ; teleport_quests 629; Teleporter_TAK_JungleTower ; teleport_quests 642; Teleporter_THI_SouthArea ; teleport_quests 647; Location_IOT ; teleport_quests 684; Location_THI ; teleport_quests 711; Teleporter_IOT_Battlefield ; teleport_quests 738; Location_FOG ; teleport_quests 763; Location_KIL ; teleport_quests 770; Teleporter_FOG_FogForest ; teleport_quests 785; Teleporter_IOT_GnomeCity ; teleport_quests 796; Teleporter_WOD_WestCastleRuin ; teleport_quests 815; Teleporter_ANT_DeadLand ; teleport_quests 821; Teleporter_THI_Harbour ; teleport_quests 854; Teleporter_WOD_Ironwood ; teleport_quests 200; Player_FindSeersEye ; tenya_ancientsigns 279; Player_FindJadeSymbol ; tenya_ancientsigns 357; Player_FindPantherHeart ; tenya_ancientsigns 498; Player_FindSpiderleg ; tenya_ancientsigns 243; Player_CollectMakotoHair ; tenya_bringmakotohair 17; Red_TheMole ; tenya_losingcontrol 208; Abbas_ReportWrongSuspect ; tenya_losingcontrol 593; Emma_ReportTheExperiment ; tenya_losingcontrol 460; Rodriguez_Kitchen ; tenya_potionofoblivion 722; Player_ControlJose ; tenya_potionofoblivion 741; Red_RoquefortKnowsSecrets ; tenya_potionofoblivion 255; Hirutu_ThreeArguments ; tenya_voodoocontrolmakoto 377; Patty_PullLeverOfLittleTemple ; tutorial 558; Patty_FirstParrotFly ; tutorial 607; Player_PlunderTUTFirerainChest ; tutorial 764; Player_Tutorial_LeftCabin ; tutorial 828; Player_PlunderTUTParrotFlyChest ; tutorial 109; Player_FindCole_UNL_05 ; unlockables_losttales 145; Player_FindBurke_UNL_09 ; unlockables_losttales 277; Player_FindRakaOrBrown_UNL02 ; unlockables_losttales 378; Player_FindJillTirion_UNL_03 ; unlockables_losttales 441; Player_ReportIdrico_UNL08 ; unlockables_losttales 602; Player_FindPamir_UNL_01 ; unlockables_losttales 619; Player_FindPipkin_UNL06 ; unlockables_losttales 712; Player_FindGriffith_UNL_04 ; unlockables_losttales 734; Player_FindRosco_UNL_07 ; unlockables_losttales 858; Player_ReportShax_UNL10 ; unlockables_losttales 33; Vega_StolenCrystals ; valamir_goodmineclear 155; Kefkir_ARealGnome ; valamir_goodmineclear 177; Banu_KillRockSpiders ; valamir_goodmineclear 313; Rami_BringHimToSafety ; valamir_goodmineclear 810; Noedu_IsFine ; valamir_goodmineclear 853; Faris_FindRami ; valamir_goodmineclear 445; Player_CollectVascosStuff ; vasco_bringhisstuff 271; Venturo_FollowHimTo_01_SeeNothing ; venturo_killrakazor 287; Venturo_FollowHimTo_02_FindRodrigo ; venturo_killrakazor 343; Venturo_FollowHimTo_04_Carlos ; venturo_killrakazor 610; Venturo_FollowHimTo_03_KillSouleater ; venturo_killrakazor 753; Rodrigo_ReportDeadComrade ; venturo_killrakazor 838; Venturo_ReportWimp ; venturo_killrakazor 813; Player_KillImpsWalker ; walker_followtocamp 515; Wilson_ReportAlvitoIsDead ; wilson_reportstatusalvito 54; Bran_TakeHisBook ; wilson_witchhunt 106; Stanley_TakeHisBook ; wilson_witchhunt 443; Zak_TakeHisBook ; wilson_witchhunt 516; Rumold_TakeHisBook ; wilson_witchhunt 608; Mick_TakeHisBook ; wilson_witchhunt 29; Winter_FollowToLabyrinth_01 ; winter_reportcurseoffathers 251; Winter_FollowHimToShadowMage ; winter_reportcurseoffathers 553; Winter_FollowToLabyrinth_02 ; winter_reportcurseoffathers 783; Player_KillShadowMageCowardice ; winter_reportcurseoffathers 359; Zacharias_FollowToTHICrystalPortal ; zacharias_enterthicrystalportal 444; Zacharias_GoThroughCrystalPortal ; zacharias_enterthicrystalportal 350; Tao_TalkToHim ; zacharias_recruithim 492; Zacharias_KillAllShadowsTHIPortal ; zacharias_recruithim 668; Erasmus_StartReactor ; zacharias_recruithim 729; Zacharias_EnterTHICrystalPortal ; zacharias_recruithim 21; Zak_HelpHimHunt ; zak_killhellhound 148; Zak_KillShadows ; zak_takehisbook 584; Zak_FollowAtNight ; zak_takehisbook 609; Player_FindZakirsAuriCulci ; zakirs_bringhisauriculci 229; Player_FindZakirsAuriCulci2 ; zakirs_bringhisauriculci2 450; Zakirs_BringHisAuriCulci ; zakirs_bringhisauriculci2
Do parent quests have a parent?
This one for example:
54; Bran_TakeHisBook ; wilson_witchhunt
452; Wilson_WitchHunt ; drake_reportfornewrank
And again:
111; Drake_ReportForNewRank ; calador_quests
Have fun...
Results 1 to 2 of 2
"in der Erkundung dieser weiten und wunderbaren Welt" (post #70, höre link unten)
TAS for Elex 2 at ELEX II Nexus - Mods and Community (
Tuvok, scannen Sie den Planeten nach Mikroplastik!
"Hört mir bloß auf mit "Stormson".
"In Toussaint wird schon für kleinere Schmähungen als diese Satisfaktion verlangt."
Genug der "Blumensträuße". Ich WILL MadBob! Beugt die Realität!Last edited by tombom81; 07.10.2024 at 00:17.
Here's the LogTopics which are the quest topics in the quest log.
The list lines are like this:
"quest name" LogTopicHash LogTopic "parent quest name"
(The hash can be used to find the LogTopic in the strings.csv)
Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)Hier sind die LogTopics, also die Questbezeichnungen im Questlog.
Die Listenzeilen sehen so aus:
„Questname“ LogTopicHash LogTopic „übergeordneter Questname“
(Der Hash kann verwendet werden, um das LogTopic in der strings.csv zu finden.)
Code:0; Kaan_RemoveWesi f9b2ddfa: Wesis Auri Culci,"Wesi's Auri Culci" ; player_collectauriculciwesi 1; Emma_ReportComponentsOfLife c62176bc: Komponenten des Lebens,Components of Life ; emma_reporttheexperiment 2; Hiwi_TalkToHim 7459a266: Der kleine Helfer,The Little Helper ; nergal_hasastralvision 3; Rosco_FollowHim_UNL_07 30ea12bc: Unermesslicher Reichtum,Unfathomable Riches ; rosco_reporttreasurehunt_unl_07 4; Hawkins_FollowIntoTheJungle 1c6a2360: Folge Hawkins in den Dschungel,Follow Hawkins Into the Jungle ; hawkins_reporthismindisclear 5; Player_FindTreasure_Finch_KIL 629ada54: Der Schatz von Käptn Finch,"Capt'n Finch's Treasure" ; kila_quests 6; Mendoza_TheInquisitor dd09ff48: Der Inquisitor,The Inquisitor ; crew_quests 7; Patty_FemaleStimuli 96dd97bc: Weibliche Reize,Feminine Charms ; crew_quests 8; Lumbrok_BringSeal fa6544b2: Das Siegel,The Seal ; abbas_reportwrongsuspect 9; Brian_BringShell a70060dd: Meeresrauschen,Sound of the Sea ; rumold_takehisbook 10; Player_FindOldTempleMainEntrance fcec4382: Durch den alten Tempel zur Zugbrücke,Through the Ancient Temple to the Drawbridge ; patty_treasurehunting 11; Balthasar_ReportReunion f33cb540: Vereint im Jenseits,United in the Afterlife ; fogisland_quests 12; Edward_FamilyBuisness 87faf2dd: Edwards Familiengeschichte,"Edward's Family History" ; crew_quests 13; Kane_HelpHimHunt f37533f7: Zum Sieg,To Victory ; kane_killtowerguard 14; Griffith_DuelHim_UNL_04 5f5768a6: Ein armer Schlucker,A Poor Wretch ; antigua_quests 15; Player_PlunderChestRosco2 ff4858df: Das ist alles?,"That's All?" ; player_findtreasure_rosco2_tak 16; Player_CollectAromaticWine af47125e: Der aromatische Wein,The Aromatic Wine ; lumbrok_bringdelicatessen 17; Red_TheMole d53cdd33: Der Maulwurf,The Mole ; tenya_losingcontrol 18; Ramirez_QuestionRiddle_UNL_07 59a5de3a: Der größte Schatz,The Biggest Treasure ; rosco_reporttreasurehunt_unl_07 19; Flynn_KillHellHoundQuestType_Kill 1594575b: Höllenhunde im Lagerhaus,Hellhounds in the Warehouse ; alvarez_killhellhounds 20; Kefkir_DuelHim db2958f7: Der Klaubock,Sticky Fingers ; taranis_quests 21; Zak_HelpHimHunt 3be1db93: Geh mit Zak jagen,Go Hunting with Zak ; zak_killhellhound 22; Kane_PlayerGetsDMJShip adf689c4: Die Dämonenjägerfregatte,The Demon Hunter Frigate ; player_ownsbigship 23; Eldric_BringRitualSpell 84862915: Ein starker Spruch,A Powerful Spell ; eldric_greatpreparations 24; Magnus_DuellAgainstAli 99f06ddc: Unfairer Kampf,Unfair Fight ; ali_becomeguardian 25; Player_KillHector QuestType_Kill cd27b619: Der Vollstrecker,The Executor ; player_killsuitors 26; Player_GetLIGlasses 4cd1e178: Tirimias Monokel,"Tirimia's Monocle" ; legendaryitems_quests 27; Griffith_BringStuff_UNL_04 ede92800: Piratenprobleme,Pirate Problems ; antigua_quests 28; Player_HasMagnusLetter 5e5754c9: Eine angemessene Entschädigung,Appropriate Compensation ; garelt_reportheisrehabilitated 29; Winter_FollowToLabyrinth_01 35e7ee3e: Mit Winter zum Labyrinth,To the Labyrinth with Winter ; winter_reportcurseoffathers 30; Rami_ReportCrystalDigger 2ded9fc8: Rami sammelt alles,Rami Collects Everything ; taranis_quests 31; Paula_KillTheBeast QuestType_Kill 717035b9: Paula hört Geräusche,Paula Hears Noises ; taranis_quests 32; Player_WinAllSeabattles dec91d64: Seeschlachten auf hoher See,Sea Battles On the High Seas ; 33; Vega_StolenCrystals 62ef7e19: Der fleißige Gnom,The Diligent Gnome ; valamir_goodmineclear 34; Nathan_ReportEatenFish 7fd370c9: Frische Fische,Fresh Fish ; nathan_killkrakalrah 35; Player_GetLITarget 3ba52375: Die Zielscheibe,The Target ; legendaryitems_quests 36; Player_PlunderBonesHiddentChest 75ee5540: Bones Versteck,"Bones' Hideout" ; bones_darkexperiments 37; Alvarez_PirateAlliance e94d63e4: Piratenallianz,Pirate Alliance ; 38; Player_CollectGriffithStuff_UNL_04 bf500954: Ein Haufen Zeug,A Host of Stuff ; griffith_bringstuff_unl_04 39; Player_FindTreasure_Port_ANT d3d24cf2: Der Schatz am Hafen von Antigua,The Treasure at the Port of Antigua ; antigua_quests 40; Player_FreeTheGreatCaster 24af813b: Befreie die drei großen Zauberer,Free the Three Great Sorcerers ; pc_hero_ghost_reunion 41; PH_VenturoPuertoIsabella e581e0e5: Venturo ist in Puerto Isabella,Venturo Is in Puerto Isabella ; 42; Player_KillUrsegorsGolemQuestType_Kill f9d344c2: Geschenk des Feuers,Gift of Fire ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 43; Rodriguez_CollectTransferLetter 69771af2: Das Versetzungsschreiben,Redeployment Order ; rodriguez_bringtransferletter 44; Iona_ReportToFenn ee31e7bc: Berichte Fenn,Report to Fenn ; calador_quests 45; Teleporter_FOG_HiddenValley e0efca25: Teleporter des vergessenen Tals,Teleporter at the Forgotten Valley ; teleport_quests 46; Player_KillGnomeeaterQuestType_Kill 411e04c0: Das wars schon?,That Was It? ; gabu_followtognomeeater 47; Player_FindDowi 252d767b: Weg von zu Hause,Away From Home ; malik_reportfinddowi 48; Roquefort_AccessSebastiano 849b8d20: Der Kommandant von Takarigua,The Commandant of Tacarigua ; takarigua_quests 49; Cunningham_BuddyHasIdol f1c3d552: Der Herumtreiber,The Prowler ; kamil_searchforidol 50; Teleporter_TAK_Lighthouse c0b63405: Teleporter des Leuchtturms,Teleporter at the Lighthouse ; teleport_quests 51; Player_CollectKanesAmulett dbf44a7f: Kanes Amulett,"Kane's Amulet" ; dakila_killasmoday 52; Teleporter_THI_NorthArea 2c497d81: Teleporter des Wasserfels,Teleporter at the Water Rock ; teleport_quests 53; Nate_FollowNorthEast 79db6c4a: Folge Nate nach Nordosten,Follow Nate towards the Northeast ; nate_followtocitadell 54; Bran_TakeHisBook 9bdaf57e: Schweinepest,Swine Fever ; wilson_witchhunt 55; Magnus_KillShadowsInWestMineQuestType_Kill 770387c4: Das Grauen im Dunkeln,The Horror in the Dark ; collins_founddeadcorpses 56; Milad_Container cc1e7389: Container,Container ; -1 57; Hector_ReportCircePromise 491f6bdc: Versprechen an Hector,Promises to Hector ; circe_killsuitors 58; Player_GetLICrank a727f993: Die geölte Kurbelwelle,The Well-Oiled Crankshaft ; legendaryitems_quests 59; Ali_BecomeGuardian 1945b91e: Ein ungewöhnlicher Kadett,An Unusual Cadet ; crew_quests 60; Porter_CollectYvettesAmulett 22e753f7: Von Herzen,From the Heart ; porter_reportyvettesamulett 61; Vetranio_TokelTheCleaner b6ff666a: Die Putzhilfe,The Cleaner ; taranis_quests 62; Harry_BringBlueFlower 23df81bb: Ein romantisches Geschenk,A Romantic Gift ; harry_reportsweetheartisthere 63; Mauricio_BringWaterCollection 27449ff5: Wasserfest,Waterproof ; taranis_quests 64; Rumold_ReportImpsDead 84a75a7f: Hafendiebe,Harbour Thieves ; taranis_quests 65; Trawi_ReportRiddles a186b101: Gnomenrätsel,Gnome Riddle ; isleofthieves_quests 66; Ali_ReportMagnus 00115721: Den neuen Kadett melden,Report the New Cadet ; ali_becomeguardian 67; Mira_DenounceNikodim f1117f47: Falsches Spiel mit Nikodim,Double-Crossing Nikodim ; nikodim_findcandleholder 68; Rosco_ReportTreasureHunt_UNL_07 49a16e55: Die Hinterlassenschaft,The Legacy ; takarigua_quests 69; Kaan_TalkToUlvi 37fc261f: Sprich mit Ulvi,Speak to Ulvi ; isleofthieves_quests 70; Winter_ReportCurseOfFathers 660b67df: Fluch der Väter,Curse of the Fathers ; eldric_collectdmjs 71; Player_FindGrimoire 5bdddb46: Das Grimoire,The Grimoire ; eldric_oldknowledge 72; Jacob_KIL_KillGolemQuestType_Kill dacc50cd: Ein Wächter in Not,A Guardian In Need ; erasmus_reportexpeditions 73; Hawkins_ReportHisMindIsClear 4e589edb: "Sehet, die Dunkelheit ist nahe" ; kila_quests 74; Emma_ReportYourOwnBody 31803373: Bring Pansels Körper zurück,"Bring Pansel's Body Back" ; emma_reporttheexperiment 75; Osorio_BringHisBag f9913733: Auf und davon,Off And Away ; takarigua_quests 76; Teleporter_WOD_BeyondLava 9ed34d38: Teleporter jenseits des Lavastroms,Teleporter Beyond the Stream of Lava ; teleport_quests 77; Lami_HisLastShipment d5a3fcbd: Eine letzte Lieferung,One Last Shipment ; abbas_lostgnome 78; Chani_SoldiersOfTheOracleQuestType_Kill 58607a01: Soldaten des Orakels,"The Oracle's Soldiers" ; chani_recruither 79; Sebastiano_KillVasco b8e3d29c: Der Deserteur Vasco,Vasco the Deserter ; sebastiano_killdeserters 80; Severin_FollowToRavine d62bc7f6: Folge Severin zur Schlucht,Follow Severin to the Gorge ; severin_killshadowwarriors 81; Baker_CampGuide f90ddad4: Führung über Taranis,Tour of Taranis ; taranis_quests 82; Jack_FindPuertoSacarico 9c18cf9d: Neuigkeiten aus Puerto Sacarico,News from Puerto Sacarico ; takarigua_quests 83; Baraka_TheGreatGate f2adddbe: Öffne das große Tor,Open the Large Gate ; chani_recruither 84; FSB_FollowPatty 36aaafb3: Folge Patty,Follow Patty ; 85; NamelessHero_MeetHim e11a0502: Altlasten,"Same Old ; calador_quests 86; Player_PirateAlliance_Crow b47eef60: Allianz mit Crow,Alliance with Crow ; 87; Baker_FollowHimCrossroad 27a5545d: Den Weg rauf,The Path Up ; baker_campguide 88; Red_GameOver 477fcfb6: Das Spiel ist aus,Game Over ; red_themole 89; Horas_RamonsYield f643b5b8: Ramons Ausbeute,"Ramon's Spoils" ; horas_magicalefficiency 90; Player_CollectOreDelivery d6b1903b: Edles Eisen,Precious Iron ; gordon_bringoredelivery 91; Teleporter_SKI_Camp fab94b6e: Teleporter der Totenbucht,Teleporter at the Bay of Death ; teleport_quests 92; Venturo_ReportSoldiers 2fd07a3d: Die verstreuten Soldaten,The Scattered Soldiers ; fogisland_quests 93; Player_CollectValuableChalice fd46ea9f: Ein wertvolles Stück,A Valuable Piece ; asali_bringtokenoffriendship 94; Location_TUT 638b8506: Krabbenküste gefunden,Crab Coast Found ; teleport_quests 95; Talbot_WhereIsDakil 2a026181: Dakil melden,Report Dakil ; talbot_findgnomes 96; Hector_WrestlingGame 142dd1a3: Der Aufschneider,The Braggart ; fogisland_quests 97; Player_KillWalkersGolemQuestType_Kill f490a6ab: Besonders fette Beute,Especially Big Haul ; taranis_quests 98; Gadi_ReportNewMine 241afc17: Die neue Mine,The New Mine ; magnus_reportofallmines 99; Player_KillPlunderingImpsQuestType_Kill a9c66375: Krawall am Hafenkai,Ruckus at the Wharf ; rumold_reportimpsdead 100; Garelt_ReportHeIsRehabilitated 746d937a: Offene Rechnungen,Settling Scores ; ilvar_distributeastralvision 101; Edward_FollowToCityEntrance f607b91b: Folge Edward zum Rand der Stadt,Follow Edward to the Edge of the City ; edward_killshadowsant 102; Eldric_CollectDMJs 20155d45: Jäger der Dämonen,Hunters of the Demons ; eldric_oldcovenant 103; Location_WOD 6332afa4: Calador gefunden,Calador Found ; teleport_quests 104; Gonzales_ReportComradesDead 81986626: Der Kameradenfresser,The Comrade-Eater ; gonzales_killsouleater 105; Mira_ReportToMiraAtNight 3a97abda: Kalte Nächte,Cold Nights ; mira_denouncenikodim 106; Stanley_TakeHisBook eadfc0ec: "Stanley, lass es!" ; wilson_witchhunt 107; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_1QuestType_Kill eff2b940: Plündere die entsetzten Geister,Plunder the Horrified Ghosts ; drake_reportghosteyes 108; Player_FindNorthExitOfOldTemple 4261664c: Durch den alten Tempel,Through the Ancient Temple ; patty_treasurehunting 109; Player_FindCole_UNL_05 c72f34ab: Schattenjäger,Shadow Hunters ; unlockables_losttales 110; Bones_GetPromotedMAG 5ff0aac4: Alter Glanz,Old Glory ; 111; Drake_ReportForNewRank 14a0158e: Ein neuer Rang,A New Rank ; calador_quests 112; Iniko_PersuadeEvilEGB fbcb7dab: Überredungskünstler,Powers of Persuasion ; baraka_reportevilegb 113; Player_GetLIFingerBone 14052896: Der Fingerknochen,The Finger Bone ; legendaryitems_quests 114; Malik_ReportFindDowi 2a480282: Entlaufen,Escaped ; isleofthieves_quests 115; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_6QuestType_Kill f0070345: Plündere die entsetzten Geister,Plunder the Horrified Ghosts ; drake_reportghosteyes 116; Player_GetPieceOfStonedMara 7aa22a82: Bruchstück von Mara,Fragment of Mara ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 117; PH_CS_Old_New_Enemies 00000000: ; 118; Player_PlunderChestLumbrok d47b9341: Plündere Lumbroks Truhe,"Plunder Lumbrok's Chest" ; agila_reportplunderthreechests 119; Jaffar_LeavingCrewCauseEvilSoul bf4fb74a: Jaffars Sorgen,"Jaffar's Concerns" ; player_souldestinychosen 120; Garelt_ReportDakilWorksAgain 8ab74ff8: Zurück an die Arbeit,Back to Work ; taranis_quests 121; Patty_SearchForGoldWOD f5894e07: Gerede in Calador,Idle Talk in Calador ; patty_femalestimuli 122; Hirutu_ReportCapturedPirate 92ae8dfb: Der gefangene Pirat,The Captured Pirate ; patty_reportsweetrevenge 123; Player_FindTreasure_Mortimer_FOG 50b261b2: Mortimers Schatz,"Mortimer's Treasure" ; mortimer_bringhimtoinq 124; Idrico_ReportDeadWaves_UNL08 77c34e65: Der Preis des Lebens,The Price of Life ; calador_quests 125; Eldric_GhostRitual 9f8a24c5: Das Geisterritual,The Spirit Ritual ; 126; Tanner_KillShadowMage_MadnessQuestType_Kill 3cf8ba8f: Der Schattenlord des Wahnsinns,The Shadow Lord of Madness ; takarigua_quests 127; Teleporter_ANT_Harbour a7d875e6: Teleporter der Hafenstadt von Antigua,Teleporter at the Harbour Town of Antigua ; teleport_quests 128; Player_PlunderChestMorgan 059f3a75: Morgans Truhe geplündert,"Morgan's Chest Plundered" ; player_findtreasure_morgan_kil 129; Teleporter_SKI_BerserkPass 93d38de6: Teleporter des Berserkerpasses,Teleporter at Berserker Pass ; teleport_quests 130; Player_CollectGoldsight 23bab9c3: Blick des Goldes,Vision of Gold ; magnus_reportgoldsight 131; Player_FindMendozasSoulSliver 147e989e: Seltsamer Kristallsplitter,Strange Crystal Shard ; mendoza_theinquisitor 132; Player_EnterEGBCamp fd87f0c2: Das Lager der Eingeborenen,The Camp of the Natives ; kila_quests 133; Connor_ReportJoke04 9c13b24a: Das Auge der Bestie,The Eye of the Beast ; connor_reportjoke01 134; Eldric_LetsGoKila b88b8785: Auf nach Kila,Off To Kila ; eldric_ghostritual 135; Raka_ReportBrown_UNL02 7c446a14: Durchgeknallte Homis,Crazy Homis ; brown_reportraka_unl02 136; Teleporter_WOD_Citadel 9ee70adc: Teleporter der Zitadelle,Teleporter at the Citadel ; teleport_quests 137; Player_CollectWaterPoisoned 79dd1b3d: Verseuchtes Wasser,Contaminated Water ; mauricio_bringwatercollection 138; Mick_KillHim QuestType_Kill 5d515480: Frühzeitige Beerdigung,Premature Burial ; mick_takehisbook 139; Player_GetLICatPaw e521faee: Die Tatze der schwarzen Katze,"The Black Cat's Paw" ; legendaryitems_quests 140; Player_CollectCrystalMagicRust f36a0ddb: Leichte Beute,Easy Prey ; taranis_quests 141; Player_FindDarkHeart 75dd5581: Ein schwarzes Herz,A Black Heart ; player_plunderboneshiddentchest 142; Bones_DarkExperiments 8eb9f101: Schwarzmagische Experimente,Black Magic Experiments ; crew_quests 143; Sharp_ReportLegendarySword f61554d2: Aus vergessenen Tagen,From Days of Yore ; taranis_quests 144; Player_KillFirstWave_UNL08QuestType_Kill 11b622c4: Die niederen Diener,The Lower Servants ; player_killsecondwave_unl08 145; Player_FindBurke_UNL_09 a5fb4762: Ein hoffnungsloser Fall,A Hopeless Case ; unlockables_losttales 146; Brian_TheCaveman 48b191dc: Eine eigenwillige Behausung,Maverick Housing ; taranis_quests 147; Player_GetSlaynesHanky 0dc61441: Slaynes Taschentuch,"Slayne's Handkerchief" ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 148; Zak_KillShadows QuestType_Kill 358aefd3: Der will nur Spielen,He Just Wants to Play ; zak_takehisbook 149; Glen_KillBeachBeastsQuestType_Kill a4cc2563: Meeresfrüchte,Seafood ; calador_quests 150; Zakir_TalkWithVetranio a8700c3f: Mit Vetranio sprechen,Speak to Vetranio ; player_plunderchestfaruco 151; Ramon_BringHimToTown a7f70a8e: Bring Ramon in die Hafenstadt.,Bring Ramon into the Harbour Town ; ramon_bringcrystals 152; Player_CollectMaliksHammer 166b09df: Hammerhart,Tough as Nails ; malik_bringhishammer 153; Milad_Child3 7f4b25af: Child3,Child3 ; milad_parent 154; Magnus_ReportGordon 21a936cd: Die Rüstung eines Wächters,"A Guardian's Armour" ; magnus_reportfornewrank 155; Kefkir_ARealGnome 9f64b97f: Typisch Gnom,Typical Gnome ; valamir_goodmineclear 156; Horatio_BringErasmusCrystals 27d3b6a6: Eine große Lieferung,A Large Shipment ; erasmus_reportexpeditions 157; Player_GetStahlbartsHair a831fa60: Das schönste Geschenk der Welt,The Best Gift in the World ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 158; Iniko_KillEvilEGB QuestType_Kill fba8f1cc: Zur Not einfach aufs Maul,A Punch In the Face If Necessary ; baraka_reportevilegb 159; Magnus_Duel 01890367: Duell gegen Magnus,Duel Against Magnus ; taranis_quests 160; Teleporter_FOG_CenterPlane 92c39cfb: Teleporter der mittleren Hochebene,Teleporter at the Middle Plateau ; teleport_quests 161; Player_KillSeaMonster3 f8590e5e: Das Grauen aus der Tiefe,Terror From the Deep ; player_killedallseamonster 162; Cunningham_BringTeaPlant 2cd581d2: Psittacus callidus,Psittacus Callidus ; kila_quests 163; Patty_TreasureHunting 6b13a525: Auf Schatzsuche,Hunting for Treasure ; 164; Tut_LogTrigger 0a9f9380: Tutorial Log Trigger,Tutorial Log Trigger ; 165; Kramer_DrinkingGame 9c69095c: Flüssiges Gold,Liquid Gold ; calador_quests 166; Hirutu_ConvinceHim 4eed4c20: Auf dem Kriegspfad,On the Warpath ; kila_quests 167; Player_CloseCrystalPortalTAK 44e94063: Das Kristallportal auf Takarigua,The Crystal Portal on Tacarigua ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 168; Bahati_WordOfProtection 543e393a: Worte des Schutzes,Words of Protection ; hirutu_threearguments 169; Hirutu_KissOfTheDead 4c97445a: Der Kuss der Toten,The Kiss of the Dead ; bones_joinfaction 170; FogIsland_Quests f672cf96: Nebelinsel,Fog Island ; 171; Player_CollectTastyHam 623ceea0: Der schmackhafte Schinken,The Delicious Ham ; lumbrok_bringdelicatessen 172; Calador_Quests 24c15aba: Calador,Calador ; 173; Flynn_FindHim ffc47d7e: Eingelagert,Storage ; antigua_quests 174; Player_CollectTeaPlant 13c4c476: Ein exotisches Gewächs,An Exotic Plant ; cunningham_bringteaplant 175; Zeki_KillImps QuestType_Kill aafb574b: Friedhofsgärtner,Graveyard Gardener ; isleofthieves_quests 176; Drake_ReportToWilson 784e0cb0: Eine neue Rüstung,New Armour ; drake_reportfornewrank 177; Banu_KillRockSpidersQuestType_Kill 41138895: Böse Überraschung,Nasty Surprise ; valamir_goodmineclear 178; Slim_ReportHimHisFate 9615925f: Menschenopfer,Human Sacrifice ; patty_reportsweetrevenge 179; Vasco_BringHisStuff f02453f3: Vascos Kram,"Vasco's Stuff" ; takarigua_quests 180; Player_CollectAuriCulciWesi b8660d1e: Trophäe des Westens,Trophy of the West ; kaan_bringauriculcis 181; Player_SoulDestinyChosen 71da6cfb: Der Weg des Helden,"The Hero's Path" ; crew_quests 182; Cisco_GoAway dc0c92e3: Ruhe und Frieden,Peace and Quiet ; calador_quests 183; Player_CollectSoulGemCrow 48c67678: Dieser Körper ist gereinigt,This Body Has Been Purified ; crow_bringsoulgem 184; Jake_KillWeaponCampShadowsQuestType_Kill d57bb88a: Die Waffen des Widerstandes,The Weapons of Resistance ; kane_reportweaponcamps 185; Player_FindBoneOfInnocentMonkey 3ead4788: Opfergabe,Offering ; hirutu_darkheartcleaning 186; Kane_ReportWeaponCamps 742750ec: Waffenlager der Schergen,"The Minions' Weapons Store " ; skullisland_quests 187; Alvarez_MeetHim 56e47a95: Bericht an Admiral Alvarez,Report for Admiral Alvarez ; 188; Colby_BringSilverPlate 14cfa4bc: Silberne Teller,Silver Plates ; colby_bringsilver 189; Hawkins_FollowNearPiratesNest 821c481b: Folge Hawkins den Strand entlang,Follow Hawkins Along the Beach ; hawkins_reporthismindisclear 190; Player_KillShadowMageHateQuestType_Kill 3f071986: Der Schattenlord des Hasses,The Shadow Lord of Hate ; crabisland_quests 191; IsleOfThieves_Quests 434d3e5d: Insel der Diebe,Isle of Thieves ; 192; Severin_KillShadowWarriorsQuestType_Kill f035e013: Bedrohliche Schatten,Menacing Shadows ; takarigua_quests 193; Pipkin_KillDragon_UNL06QuestType_Kill a8574006: Grün hinter den Ohren,Wet Behind the Ears ; takarigua_quests 194; Pamir_FollowHim3_UNL_01 4af026a1: Affenjagd,Monkey Hunt ; pamir_bringearring_unl_01 195; Edward_LeavingCrewCauseEvilSoul 0c36c2c8: "Edwards Unmut ","Edward's Resentment" ; player_souldestinychosen 196; Player_CollectMagicHammer ffce0209: Der Hammer der Macht,The Hammer of Power ; mac_reportmagicitems 197; Circe_KillHer QuestType_Kill d1ac0214: Ein hässliches Biest,An Ugly Beast ; carlos_killsouleaters 198; Burke_FindMySkeleton_UNL_09 c416c158: Ohne Sinn und Verstand,Neither Rhyme Nor Reason ; calador_quests 199; Jaffar_DontForgetHimForCrew 21d1cd81: Jaffar Anheuern,Sign Jaffar On ; crew_quests 200; Player_FindSeersEye 93ba68f7: Das Auge der Seherin,The Eye of the Seer ; tenya_ancientsigns 201; Downes_EntryPermitted d47e7e86: Besuchsrecht,Visiting Rights ; 202; Kaan_KillNodi QuestType_Kill 391e52fe: Schamane Nodi,Shaman Nodi ; kaan_reportallghostsdead 203; Quinn_ReportToFlynn 041b2601: Zerbrochenes Erbe,Shattered Inheritance ; kila_quests 204; CommentHelper_Run 9ac281f8: Folge dem CommentHelper,Follow the CommentHelper ; 205; Crow_BringSoulGem fba3a5ad: Crows Seelensplitter,"Crow's Soul Shard" ; skullisland_quests 206; Borbor_FollowHimToSecondPoint 10df8dc6: Folge Borbor Richtung Wasserstelle,Follow Borbor Towards the Watering Hole ; borbor_followhimtoindios 207; Patty_PunishKramer 424b0fc1: Ehrenrettung,"Retrieving One's Honour" ; patty_femalestimuli 208; Abbas_ReportWrongSuspect 30c595be: Zu Unrecht beschuldigt,Unjust Accusations ; tenya_losingcontrol 209; Hull_KillDuckLeaderQuestType_Kill 657b3fa5: Die verdächtige Ente,The Suspicious Duck ; player_killraxkarok 210; Player_GetLIClearWater ad8817d4: Die Phiole,The Vial ; legendaryitems_quests 211; Balthasar_ReportBadGuy 21b830dc: Der Seelenhändler,The Soul Trader ; balthasar_reportreunion 212; Nergal_BringMushrooms 3b14e294: Nicht zum Verzehr geeignet,Not For Consumption ; morrison_bringmushrooms 213; Player_HasKraken_Hilt 18c5e0bb: Der Griff des Krakenauges,The Hilt of Kraken Eye ; brokenitems_quests 214; Edward_KillShadowsANTQuestType_Kill 617fa082: Die Schattenwesen im Hinterland,The Shadow Creatures in the Backcountry ; antigua_quests 215; Player_GetLIChain 99cc1e39: Freddies Fußkette,"Freddie's Shackles" ; legendaryitems_quests 216; Teleporter_SKI_BayOfShadows 93bfd042: Teleporter der Schattenbucht,Teleporter at Shadow Cove ; teleport_quests 217; Harry_BuddyHasIdol 0b0d9a16: Mit allen Wassern gewaschen,Every Trick in the Book ; kamil_searchforidol 218; Player_GetLIGoldenBullet 59f7ffb0: Die vergoldete Kugel,The Gilded Orb ; legendaryitems_quests 219; Baraka_ReportEvilEGB fb817684: Auswirkungen,Consequences ; kila_quests 220; Player_CollectMarbukNotations f2d8c596: Vom Winde verweht,Gone with the Wind ; marbuk_bringhisnotations 221; Player_GetLIPliers 6146ae99: Die kleine Greifzange,The Small Gripping Pliers ; legendaryitems_quests 222; Player_CollectDiary 89f8d8fb: Verräterische Notizen,Revealing Notes ; holtby_reportthievery 223; player_EnterArea_NavZone 64d3e1e1: Geh in die Ecke rechts von der Treppe,Go to the Corner to the Right of the Stairs ; 224; Flynn_ReportToQuinn fea08c1b: Brüchige Erblast,Fragile Past Sins ; antigua_quests 225; Player_Seabattle_Sebastiano b07c3763: Seeschlacht gegen Sebastiano,Sea Battle Against Sebastiano ; player_winallseabattles 226; Player_Tutorial_HasKey 32ec24fe: Finde deinen Truhenschlüssel.,Find Your Chest Key ; player_tutorial_leftcabin 227; Bronach_KillSnapperQuestType_Kill 1159415f: Heimtückische Gefahr,Insidious Danger ; bronach_helphimhunt 228; Hirutu_ReportForNewRank 09757cd1: Werde Voodoo-Meister,Become A Voodoo Master ; kila_quests 229; Player_FindZakirsAuriCulci2 378cf565: Schon wieder Zakirs Auri Culci gefunden,"Found Zakir's Auri Culci Yet Again" ; zakirs_bringhisauriculci2 230; PH_VenturoScouts 00000000: ; 231; Asmoday_ReportDakila eeb4f315: Der letzte Krieger,The Last Warrior ; dakila_killasmoday 232; HH_1_Duel dd202ea9: Duell mit HH_1,Duel with HH_1 ; 233; Hawkins_DuelHim bc922362: Auf die harte Tour,The Hard Way ; hawkins_reporthismindisclear 234; Teleporter_KIL_SpiderQueen ae0657ef: Teleporter des Orakels,Teleporter at the Oracle ; teleport_quests 235; Rodas_ReportTheExperiment 90283aa1: Essen fassen!,Grub Is Up! ; skullisland_quests 236; Tadashi_KillPantherQuestType_Kill 4d5d717c: Pantherjagd,Panther Hunt ; player_findpantherheart 237; Player_GetUrsegorFlameEye ad0c073e: Ursegors Flammenauge,"Ursegor's Flaming Eye" ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 238; Horas_LeonardsYield f66c49c2: Leonards Ausbeute,"Leonard's Spoils" ; horas_magicalefficiency 239; Jake_PlayerGetsPIRShip fa964c00: Das Piratenschiff,The Pirate Ship ; player_ownsbigship 240; Eldric_RecruitHim 51790efd: Rekrutiere Eldric,Recruit Eldric ; eldric_greatpreparations 241; Taranis_Quests a946ac5a: Taranis,Taranis ; 242; Wells_ReportShax_UNL10 aaa78a66: Der eigene Reichtum,"One's Own Riches" ; shax_reportpaulaorwells_unl10 243; Player_CollectMakotoHair 0201dd9a: Eine dunkle Haarlocke,A Dark Lock of Hair ; tenya_bringmakotohair 244; Erasmus_ActivateMonolithSouth 593aa924: Der Blitzmonolith im Süden,The Lightning Monolith in the South ; erasmus_startreactor 245; Kaan_RemoveSudi 93843f3c: Sudis Auri Culci,"Sudi's Auri Culci" ; player_collectauriculcisudi 246; Player_CloseCrystalPortalTHI aae3c722: Das Kristallportal auf Taranis,The Crystal Portal on Taranis ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 247; Bruce_HelpHimHunt2 6dfa02bf: Die richtige Fährte?,On the Right Scent? ; bruce_killshadowmage 248; Player_GetLIFeather 27d33ab2: Der blaue Federkiel,The Blue Quill ; legendaryitems_quests 249; Patty_FindAWayOverTreeEvent 10a955df: Finde einen Weg über den Graben,Find a Way Across the Moat ; patty_treasurehunting 250; Akila_ReportLuckyCoin b8a1e129: Der Glückstaler,The Lucky Coin ; isleofthieves_quests 251; Winter_FollowHimToShadowMage fe2ab39c: Mit Winter auf Schattenjagd,Hunting Shadows with Winter ; winter_reportcurseoffathers 252; Player_GetLIKnife f4356797: Das stumpfe Opfermesser,The Blunt Ritual Knife ; legendaryitems_quests 253; Abbas_LostGnome 17106aba: Der vermisste Gnom,The Missing Gnome ; taranis_quests 254; Kilian_KnifeThrowing d9b4ce53: Auf Messers Schneide,On a Knife Edge ; calador_quests 255; Hirutu_ThreeArguments e9079bc7: Drei Argumente,Three Arguments ; tenya_voodoocontrolmakoto 256; Patty_FirstSkullCave 01f7001c: Die seltsame Höhle,The Strange Cave ; 257; Borbor_FollowHimToIndios 10bbe925: Unerwartete Wirkung,Unexpected Effect ; kila_quests 258; Player_PirateAlliance_INQ a6ae0262: Allianz mit der Inquisition,Alliance with the Inquisition ; alvarez_piratealliance 259; Agila_ReportPlunderThreeChests 0127efdd: Der Privatvorrat,The Private Store ; taranis_quests 260; Kaan_KillSudi QuestType_Kill ebdde5bd: Schamane Sudi,Shaman Sudi ; kaan_reportallghostsdead 261; Player_CollectWaterSalt 139800f6: Salzhaltiges Wasser,Salty Water ; mauricio_bringwatercollection 262; Player_CollectItemOfLife 314945f4: Eine Schippe Sand,A Scoop of Sand ; pansel_collectitemoflife 263; Venturo_KillRakazorQuestType_Kill 8d8eb139: Der Schrecken im Osten,The Terror of the East ; carlos_killsouleaters 264; qh_Duel fea1f8dd: Besiege qh,Defeat qh ; 265; Mason_FollowEast 8b90f03b: Nach Osten,To the East ; mason_nightwatch 266; PH_Donovan_DuelWithPistols 00000000: ; 267; Location_SKI 9aee923c: Totenkopfinsel gefunden,Skull Island Found ; teleport_quests 268; Horatio_KillAnts QuestType_Kill 27b09e66: Kristalldiebe,Crystal Thieves ; horatio_reportthievesandcrystals 269; Magnus_ReportGoldSight 23e08fe8: Durchsuche die Minenhütten,Search the Mine Huts ; ilvar_reportastralsightquests 270; Player_DefeatMargoloth aa33fb85: Das Orakel,The Oracle ; chani_talktotheoracle 271; Venturo_FollowHimTo_01_SeeNothing 1007146f: Hier gibts nichts zu sehen,Nothing to See Here ; venturo_killrakazor 272; Nate_FollowToCitadell 005b3573: Der lange Marsch,The Long March ; calador_quests 273; Player_GetLICorslet 93584254: Der zerstörte Brustpanzer,The Damaged Cuirass ; legendaryitems_quests 274; Emma_FindHer 4ce1461e: Verloren am Oststrand,Lost at the Eastern Beach ; antigua_quests 275; Magnus_ReportForNewRank 5066f7d3: Aufstieg bei den Wächtern,Advancing Among the Guardians ; taranis_quests 276; Stanley_PlunderHisChest 7eb9891b: Durchsuche Stanleys Truhe,"Search Stanley's Chest" ; stanley_takehisbook 277; Player_FindRakaOrBrown_UNL02 955150c9: Höhlenpilze,Cave Mushrooms ; unlockables_losttales 278; Pamir_FollowHim1_UNL_01 7ef16c1d: Folge Pamir,Follow Pamir ; pamir_bringearring_unl_01 279; Player_FindJadeSymbol 94009977: Ein Symbol aus Jade,A Jade Symbol ; tenya_ancientsigns 280; Bones_LeaveTUTFirstTime 567dfdde: Nur weg von hier,"Let's Get Out of Here" ; 281; Player_GetLIDiamond baf7b0d2: Der Diamantschärfer,The Diamond Grinder ; legendaryitems_quests 282; Player_CollectLetter_1 9a465738: Brief 1,Letter 1 ; player_collectmessages 283; Walker_FollowToKillGolem 41769967: Auf in den Kampf!,Into Battle! ; player_killwalkersgolem 284; Antigua_Quests c5e28b06: Antigua,Antigua ; 285; Player_GetLIShield e0614d50: Die gehärtete Krabbenschale,The Hardened Crab Shell ; legendaryitems_quests 286; Bill_PlunderHim 00000000: ; ramon_bringcrystals 287; Venturo_FollowHimTo_02_FindRodrigo 89bb6345: Unerfreuliche Entdeckung,Unpleasant Discovery ; venturo_killrakazor 288; qh_Report_qh b1a8d4de: Sag Bescheid!,Give the Word! ; 289; Lumbrok_ReportBackFromWork 03f2d69c: Melde dich bei Lumbrok,Report to Lumbrok ; lumbrok_bringbookaway 290; Fenn_ReportIonaStatus eafacf87: Bauernopfer,Organic Farmer ; eldric_collectdmjs 291; Jack_FindVasco ed58e286: Ein Soldat namens Vasco,A Soldier Named Vasco ; jack_findpuertosacarico 292; Player_CollectStolenGods 3d212819: Jacks Wertsachen,"Jack's Valuables" ; holtby_reportthievery 293; Lami_IsFound be37eba1: Der Ausreißer,The Runaway ; abbas_lostgnome 294; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_3QuestType_Kill eff60386: Plündere die entsetzten Geister,Plunder the Horrified Ghosts ; drake_reportghosteyes 295; Kaan_KillOsi QuestType_Kill 85f22d39: Schamane Osi,Shaman Easi ; kaan_reportallghostsdead 296; Player_HasRottenMushrooms f8ca5b5a: Faulige Pilze vom Oststrand,Rotten Mushrooms from the Eastern Beach ; emma_bringingredience 297; Player_FindTreasure_DeadLand_TAK a53bec2b: Der Schatz im toten Land von Takarigua,The Treasure in the Deadlands of Tacarigua ; takarigua_quests 298; Player_KillShadowMageFearQuestType_Kill 2f79b886: "Der Schattenlord der Angst ",The Shadow Lord of Fear ; player_souldestinychosen 299; Colby_BringSilver 6ad4e202: Edles Tafelsilber,Precious Silverware ; colby_duelwithplayer 300; Erasmus_ActivateMonolithEast 594d4e06: Der Blitzmonolith im Osten,The Lightning Monolith in the East ; erasmus_startreactor 301; Lumbrok_BringTheList d0082439: Die Liste,The List ; abbas_reportwrongsuspect 302; Tadashi_KillWarthogQuestType_Kill 4d7360a4: Sturmangriff,Assault ; tadashi_teacherquest 303; Connor_ReportJoke01 e90d62aa: Der Weltenverschlinger,The Devourer of Worlds ; calador_quests 304; player_CollectLegendarySword c76d67eb: Das Schwert im Stein,The Sword in the Stone ; sharp_reportlegendarysword 305; Player_ANT_CollectGoldCrystals 39ab40ae: Caladors dunkler Schatz,"Calador's Dark Treasure" ; erasmus_bringdarkcrystals 306; Lumbrok_ErasmusConfrontHim 61dc0b39: Stelle Erasmus zur Rede,Confront Erasmus ; abbas_reportwrongsuspect 307; Player_FindTreasure_Swordmaster_KIL 157a3b0d: Der Schatz des Schwertmeisters,"The Swordmaster's Treasure" ; kila_quests 308; PC_Hero_Ghost_Reunion d7b312f6: Wiedervereinigung,Reunion ; 309; Kaan_ReportImpInvasion 5de2616c: Koboldinvasion,Goblin Invasion ; isleofthieves_quests 310; Crow_FindHermingo a50348d6: Das Leben ist kurz,Life is Short ; dakila_findhelp 311; Player_KillFirstUndeadWarriorQuestType_Kill b1d880eb: Krieger der alten Tempelhalle,Warriors of the Ancient Temple Hall ; player_plunderpiratecaptaindeadtut 312; Mac_ReportMagicItems 91110e20: Verborgene Werte,Hidden Values ; ilvar_reportastralsightquests 313; Rami_BringHimToSafety 1958c334: Raus aus dem Stollen!,Out of the Tunnels! ; valamir_goodmineclear 314; Quinn_KnifeThrowing f5a7b6e3: Ein guter Zeitvertreib,A Good Pastime ; kila_quests 315; Player_HasSphere_Hilt b7fd057d: Der Griff des Sphärendorns,The Hilt of Sphere Thorn ; brokenitems_quests 316; Zacharias_RecruitHim b3bad341: Rekrutiere Zacharias,Recruit Zacharias ; eldric_greatpreparations 317; Bruce_TalkToJaffar 88cfbd38: Der Lockvogel,The Decoy ; bruce_killshadowmage 318; Player_FindShaman cd5a2100: Finde einen Schamanen,Find A Shaman ; bones_darkexperiments 319; Dakila_KillAsmoday QuestType_Kill 88e38cc1: Unsterbliche Gefahr,Immortal Danger ; kane_reportweaponcamps 320; LavaPrototype_Ape 881c1fb4: Finde das epische Affensäckchen,Find the Epic Monkey Pouch ; 321; Flynn_PlunderHisCrystalChest 37b5c1a0: Magische Kristalle im Lagerhaus,Magical Crystals in the Warehouse ; ramon_bringcrystals 322; Teleport_Quests 98cc2f81: Orte,Locations ; -1 323; Player_Seabattle_Morgan b055487c: Seeschlacht gegen Morgan,Sea Battle Against Morgan ; player_winallseabattles 324; Player_CloseCrystalPortalKIL 44d69b81: Das Kristallportal auf Kila,The Crystal Portal on Kila ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 325; Edward_BirthRight 400fd5be: Edwards Geburtsrecht,"Edward's Birthright" ; edward_familybuisness 326; Location_ANT dba14916: Antigua gefunden,Antigua Found ; teleport_quests 327; Collins_FoundDeadCorpses ac434a1f: Die zerstörte Mine,The Destroyed Mine ; magnus_reportofallmines 328; Gonzales_KillSoulEaterQuestType_Kill bc0fd16e: Die Todesklaue,The Deathclaw ; carlos_killsouleaters 329; Player_PlunderPirateDeadTUT01 413e462a: Untersuche den toten Piraten,Search the Dead Pirate ; player_findtreasure_tut_piratedead 330; Faruco_TalkWithZakir 5b887460: Mit Zakir sprechen,Speak to Zakir ; player_plunderchestfaruco 331; Teleporter_KIL_BigGate fa288f2a: Teleporter des großen Tores,Teleporter at the Large Gate ; teleport_quests 332; Bones_FindJack 75941d75: Finde Leuchtturmwärter Jack,Find Jack the Lighthouse Keeper ; crew_quests 333; Nekroloth_KillHim QuestType_Kill a5b655a1: Der Leibhaftige Tod,Death Incarnate ; 334; Malik_BringHisHammer c928f77b: Ein vergesslicher Gnom,A Scatterbrained Gnome ; isleofthieves_quests 335; Teleporter_WOD_Tavern 6760e566: Teleporter der Taverne,Teleporter at the Tavern ; teleport_quests 336; Edward_PropertyDeed 4054611b: Die Grundbesitzurkunde,The Deed of Ownership ; player_findtreasure_edward_wod 337; Erasmus_ReportTalkToIlvar ff308b17: Sprich mit Ilvar,Speak to Ilvar ; taranis_quests 338; Bran_TalkWithLogan 14b50a7a: Sprich mit Logan,Speak to Logan ; bran_takehisbook 339; Player_Seabattle_Crow 5e19793d: Seeschlacht gegen Crow,Sea Battle Against Crow ; player_winallseabattles 340; Player_GetLIGlasSword 02676cb0: Das Schwert aus Glas,The Glass Sword ; legendaryitems_quests 341; Bones_EntersNekrolothsLair f28e92e4: Der Hort des Bösen,"Evil's Refuge" ; 342; Zakirs_BringHisAuriCulci2 9dabad26: Bringe Zakirs Auri Culci erneut zurück,"Bring Zakir's Auri Culci Back Again" ; taranis_quests 343; Venturo_FollowHimTo_04_Carlos 89cf20e9: Der Kommandant,The Commandant ; venturo_killrakazor 344; Bruce_HelpHimHunt 3bb26837: Schattenjagd,Shadow Hunt ; bruce_killshadowmage 345; Douglas_ReportHeIsDead 80bc1f17: Der tote Pirat,The Dead Pirate ; harry_reportwhosthemurderer 346; Player_Has_It_Flynns_Hilt 85adb6bd: Ein mächtiger Griff,A Massive Hilt ; quinn_reporttoflynn 347; Dakila_HermingoLeftBattle f1ffb71b: Das feige Schwein,The Lily-Livered Swine ; dakila_findhelp 348; Patty_SearchForGoldANT 747fbbbc: Gerüchteküche auf Antigua,Rumour Mill on Antigua ; patty_femalestimuli 349; Player_FindTreasure_John_WOD 49314796: Johns Schatz,"John's Treasure" ; calador_quests 350; Tao_TalkToHim 1be42c61: Der Grenzgänger,The Drifting Soul ; zacharias_recruithim 351; Mason_Nightwatch f178d218: Nachtwache,Night Watch ; eldric_collectdmjs 352; Rodas_ReportKidlat 90173ae2: Die Reinigung,The Purification ; rodas_reporttheexperiment 353; Jack_ReportLighthouseClear 5c67117a: "Ärsche treten ",Kicking Ass ; takarigua_quests 354; Cisco_LootGraves dbd272b9: Fette Beute,A Big Haul ; calador_quests 355; Lumbrok_BringDelicatessen 4cdf9c89: Der Feinschmecker,The Gourmet ; taranis_quests 356; Frink_BringCrystal d85d0ca1: Die Lagermine,The Camp Mine ; magnus_reportofallmines 357; Player_FindPantherHeart e0d8d6ba: Das Zeichen der Stärke,The Sign of Strength ; tenya_ancientsigns 358; Player_HasSoulCaller_Blade 4ba098a6: Die Klinge,The Blade ; brokenitems_quests 359; Zacharias_FollowToTHICrystalPortal 59502e29: Folge Zacharias,Follow Zacharias ; zacharias_enterthicrystalportal 360; Milad_Parent 7f01aae9: Parent,Parent ; milad_container 361; Sebastiano_KillDeserters b8abe3f6: Tod den Deserteuren,Death to Deserters ; takarigua_quests 362; Player_CollectOsoriosBag 7a893d5e: Raubgut,Loot ; osorio_bringhisbag 363; Kasim_ForceInfoAboutHideOut 1553596b: Kasims Verhör,Interrogating Kasim ; player_findkasimshiddenchest 364; Brian_KillGiantRatsQuestType_Kill 91d552bb: Schlechte Gesellschaft,Bad Company ; brian_thecaveman 365; Player_PlunderChestRosco1 3058119b: Nichts von Wert,Nothing of Value ; player_findtreasure_rosco_tak 366; Player_CollectAuriCulciOsi 053b001b: Trophäe des Ostens,Trophy of the East ; kaan_bringauriculcis 367; Player_FindTreasure_DeadLand_THI 52eceba9: Der Schatz im toten Land von Taranis,The Treasure in the Deadlands of Taranis ; taranis_quests 368; Mauricio_KillOreGolemsQuestType_Kill 481de78e: Der Scheiß ist heiß,This Shit is Hot ; magnus_reportfornewrank 369; Ramon_BringCrystals fe8b3c1e: Der Wächter Ramon,Ramon the Guardian ; antigua_quests 370; Baker_KillCavebats QuestType_Kill 60b9c660: Monster in der Höhle,Monsters in the Cave ; baker_campguide 371; Teleporter_FOG_INQCamp e115a04a: Teleporter des Lagers der Inquisition,Teleporter at the Inquisition Camp ; teleport_quests 372; Colby_BuddyHasIdol a4da0bef: Der kluge Pirat baut vor,The Clever Pirate Plans in Advance ; kamil_searchforidol 373; Akila_ReportTheThief 109caa1d: Finde den Dieb,Find the Thief ; akila_reportluckycoin 374; Talbot_WhereIsFaris 29fdfe79: Faris melden,Report Faris ; talbot_findgnomes 375; Agila_DrinkingGame 8b6c2d84: Der Zechbruder,Drinking Mate ; taranis_quests 376; Player_FindEmptyCave 6f7d7415: Modrige Höhle gefunden,Musty cave found ; brian_thecaveman 377; Patty_PullLeverOfLittleTemple 7681dd20: Zieh den Hebel,Pull on the Lever ; tutorial 378; Player_FindJillTirion_UNL_03 74bf4d6d: Die Gefangene,The Prisoner ; unlockables_losttales 379; Player_GetLIPlan d5cc9c34: Der Plan,The Plan ; legendaryitems_quests 380; Player_OwnsBigShip 068fa148: Ein großes Schiff,A Large Ship ; alvarez_piratealliance 381; Tenya_BringMakotoHair 01cb9417: Ein Haar von Makoto,A Hair from Makoto ; hirutu_convincehim 382; Gordon_BringOreDelivery 89fe105b: Die Erzlieferung,The Ore Shipment ; magnus_reportfornewrank 383; Chani_RecruitHer 51c31624: Rekrutiere Chani,Recruit Chani ; eldric_greatpreparations 384; Bones_FindPatty 636c7efd: Finde Patty,Find Patty ; crew_quests 385; Mortimer_ReportGoodGuy c77efdc5: "Ein Mann, ein Wort!" ; mortimer_bringhimtoinq 386; Eldric_TheRightRitualPlace 0b3834fe: Der richtige Ort,The Right Place ; eldric_greatpreparations 387; Spencer_TalkToGrace 910bfc4c: Sprich mit Grace,Speak to Grace ; emma_reportcomponentsoflife 388; Player_FindSwordPart 130a1cdf: Der Griff eines Schwertes,A Sword Hilt ; difuego_findhismurder 389; Player_GetLIBelt 463716ac: Der Ornamentgürtel,The Ornamental Belt ; legendaryitems_quests 390; Player_HasMara_Hilt 84259e99: Der Griff von Maras Ruf,"The Hilt of Mara's Fame" ; brokenitems_quests 391; Henrik_DuelHim aab5581b: Freunde schlagen einander,Friends Brawl ; calador_quests 392; Player_KilledAllSeamonster 5e3ebeb7: Meeresungeheuer,Sea Monster ; 393; Player_GetLIStonePlate 18d4a46f: Die kleine Steintafel,The Small Stone Tablet ; legendaryitems_quests 394; Ilvar_ReportAstralsightQuests aa2257dd: Böse Blicke,Evil Eye ; taranis_quests 395; Gordon_DrinkingGame 253a19fc: Schlummertrunk,Nightcap ; taranis_quests 396; Bran_SellsPig f8149813: Schweinedeal,Awesome Deal ; calador_quests 397; Edward_FollowToPlane 256888c0: Folge Edward auf die Hochebene,Follow Edward into the High Plains ; edward_ontrailofthepast 398; Player_FindTreasure_Edward_WOD 1ed00bfa: Ein Kreuz auf einer Karte,X Marks the Spot ; edward_familybuisness 399; Emma_ReportControlPansel 452cbad7: Übernimm Pansel,Take Over Pansel ; emma_reporttheexperiment 400; Pansel_ReportWorksAgain 98bb44df: Arbeit zieht Arbeit nach sich,Work Begets More Work ; antigua_quests 401; Garelt_ReportHeOffersCrystal 768165fc: Das Kameradenschwein,The Backstabber ; garelt_reportdakilworksagain 402; Diaz_ReportCircePromise 2a1ede35: Versprechen an Diaz,Promises to Diaz ; circe_killsuitors 403; Player_KillSecondWave_UNL08QuestType_Kill c5044807: Die Leibwachen,The Bodyguards ; player_killthirdwave_unl08 404; Player_FindTreasure_Outback_TAK 581d7e68: Der Schatz im Hinterland von Takarigua,"The Treasure in the Tacariguan Backcountry " ; takarigua_quests 405; Gadi_ReportRiddle f55566a2: Einen Rum für Rumold,Rum for Rumold ; taranis_quests 406; Player_GetLIScabbard 54eb9df3: Die zerschlissene Schwertscheide,The Tattered Scabbard ; legendaryitems_quests 407; Player_ReportIxilIsChemist edceb278: Der Giftmischer,The Poisoner ; ixil_killhim 408; Player_FindTreasure_Kamil_KIL ea1db7fb: Versteckt für die Ewigkeit,Hidden for Eternity ; kamil_bringidol 409; Player_CollectCorn 28ce989e: ; 410; Eldric_GreatPreparations 19890723: Große Vorbereitungen,Huge Preparations ; eldric_ghostritual 411; Player_TAK_CollectMagicCrystals 3971ace5: Kilas dunkler Schatz,"Kila's Dark Treasure" ; erasmus_bringdarkcrystals 412; Player_Smith_It_Sla_Flynn 79741934: Schmiede Wundenreißer neu,Re-Forge Wound Tearer ; brokenitems_quests 413; Neron_PlayerGetsMAGShip 2cdadef8: Die Magiergaleere,The Mage Galley ; player_ownsbigship 414; Bones_HalfBaked 17c5183d: Nur die Hälfte wert,Only Worth Half As Much ; 415; Tadashi_TeacherQuest ccc2a3bb: Großer weißer Jäger,Big White Hunter ; kila_quests 416; Bisi_CollectSeal 1a6bdb95: Der Siegelring,The Signet Ring ; lumbrok_bringseal 417; Hiwi_BringHimRawFish 492b6661: Frischer Fisch,Fresh Fish ; hiwi_talktohim 418; Player_KillShadowMageDiscordQuestType_Kill 5d917b64: Der Schattenlord der Zwietracht,The Shadow Lord of Discord ; eldric_therightritualplace 419; Kjeld_KillShadowMageBetrayalQuestType_Kill 85f4081b: Der Schattenlord des Verrats,The Shadow Lord of Betrayal ; taranis_quests 420; Mason_FollowWest 8b7f641b: Nach Westen,To the West ; mason_nightwatch 421; DiFuego_FindHisMurder 902d289b: Di Fuegos Leiche,"Di Fuego's Corpse" ; takarigua_quests 422; Player_FindLeonardsBag a3ba63bb: Verlorene Ausrüstung,Lost Equipment ; leonard_bringbackhisbag 423; Player_GriffithLostStuff_UNL_04 20fb45ff: Krimskrams,Odds and Ends ; griffith_bringstuff_unl_04 424; Crouse_RescueHim 870b24cd: Böse verlaufen,Completely lost ; kila_quests 425; Horas_MagicalEfficiency 09de3c36: Magische Effizienz,Magical Efficiency ; crew_quests 426; Borbor_FollowHimToFourthPoint 5d818186: Gleich sind wir da!,"We'll Be There Soon!" ; borbor_followhimtoindios 427; Player_FindGold 00000000: ; 428; Booze_LostHisMind 3f968e5f: Boozes vernebelter Geist,"Booze's Befuddled Mind" ; kila_quests 429; Grace_ReportToWilson 911b90d3: Nachricht an Wilson,Message for Wilson ; antigua_quests 430; Emma_TalkToSpencer bb333c30: Sprich mit Spencer,Speak to Spencer ; emma_reporttheexperiment 431; Player_CollectAuriCulciSudi 0571499e: Trophäe des Südens,Trophy of the South ; kaan_bringauriculcis 432; Player_KillShadowMageVengeanceQuestType_Kill 2f8ab845: Der Schattenlord der Vergeltung,The Shadow Lord of Retribution ; player_souldestinychosen 433; Teleporter_SKI_TowerOfPain 46eadd45: Teleporter des Turms der Folter,Teleporter at the Tower of Torture ; teleport_quests 434; Player_GetLILockpick dfbcc3cf: Der zerbrochene Dietrich,The Broken Lock Pick ; legendaryitems_quests 435; Player_CollectCrystal a9807b5a: Die ausstehende Lieferung,The Pending Shipment ; frink_bringcrystal 436; CrabIsland_Quests 0509c3ca: Krabbenküste,Crab Coast ; 437; Player_FindTreasure_Beach_THI 869f952a: Der Schatz am Strand von Taranis,The Treasure on the Beach of Taranis ; taranis_quests 438; Tadashi_KillAlligatorQuestType_Kill 4d981e07: Warum hast du soviele Zähne?,Why do you have so many teeth? ; tadashi_teacherquest 439; Erasmus_BringDarkCrystals de0abe80: Kristalle im Schatten,Crystals in the Shadows ; taranis_quests 440; Player_PlunderRumoldsChest f551ebc2: Rumolds geheime Kiste,"Rumold's Secret Chest" ; patty_femalestimuli 441; Player_ReportIdrico_UNL08 4a550303: Hierarchie des Todes,Hierarchy of Death ; unlockables_losttales 442; Horas_KillOreTitan QuestType_Kill 884904e4: Der Erztitan,Ore Titan ; horas_thetraitor 443; Zak_TakeHisBook cdb23b0b: Zaks Versuchung,"Zak's Temptation" ; wilson_witchhunt 444; Zacharias_GoThroughCrystalPortal 7cd6280a: Betritt das Schattenreich,Enter the Underworld ; zacharias_enterthicrystalportal 445; Player_CollectVascosStuff f0123b72: Vascos Turm geplündert,"Vasco's Tower Plundered" ; vasco_bringhisstuff 446; Booze_WantsHisSupply b522b6c7: Wo bleibt die Lieferung?,"Where's the Shipment?" ; booze_losthismind 447; Dakila_FindHelp 568138fc: Guter Rat ist teuer,Good Advice is Hard to Come By ; dakila_killasmoday 448; Pamir_BringEarring_UNL_01 fe17e95e: Affige Angelegenheit,Monkey Business ; kila_quests 449; Kaan_BringAuriCulcis 6c9242e2: Die große Reise,The Big Journey ; kaan_reportimpinvasion 450; Zakirs_BringHisAuriCulci 04fab02d: Bring Zakirs Auri Culci zurück,"Bring Zakir's Auri Culci Back" ; zakirs_bringhisauriculci2 451; Player_CollectIdol 792762b7: Das verschollene Idol,The Lost Idol ; player_findtreasure_kamil_kil 452; Wilson_WitchHunt 12aef3f6: Hexenjagd,Witch Hunt ; drake_reportfornewrank 453; Baker_FollowHimValley 27ec113e: Weiter ins Innere der Insel,"Further into the Island's Interior" ; baker_campguide 454; Player_HasMoldyBones abaeab7c: Modrige Knochen vom Friedhof,Mouldy Bones from the Graveyard ; emma_bringingredience 455; Player_EnterAbandonedFishingLodge b06b8dbc: Die verlassene Fischerhütte,"The Abandoned Fisherman's Hut" ; taranis_quests 456; Angus_FollowToFishertown f9c934d0: Folge Angus ins Fischerdorf,Follow Angus into the Fishing Village ; calador_quests 457; Chani_TalkToTheOracle aa7ab866: Sprich mit dem Orakel,Speak to the Oracle ; chani_recruither 458; Player_KillShadowMageDoubtQuestType_Kill 3f2177c7: Der Schattenlord des Zweifels,The Shadow Lord of Doubt ; eldric_bigteleport 459; Player_CollectLetter_3 9a6598d1: Brief 3,Letter 3 ; player_collectmessages 460; Rodriguez_Kitchen 4f5e9462: Joses Küche,"Jose's Kitchen" ; tenya_potionofoblivion 461; Player_GetLIFlag f95ff22b: Die Piratenflagge,The Pirate Flag ; legendaryitems_quests 462; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_5QuestType_Kill f005ea83: Plündere die entsetzten Geister,Plunder the Horrified Ghosts ; drake_reportghosteyes 463; Player_PlunderRomanovsChest c17b9da0: Romanovs Versteck,"Romanov's Hideout" ; patty_femalestimuli 464; Cole_KillShadowCole_UNL_05QuestType_Kill 14088ab0: Schattenspiel,Shadow Play ; kila_quests 465; Player_CollectTurnips 842d5a7d: Rübenernte,Turnip Harvest ; graham_bringhimturnips 466; Tenya_AncientSigns 97dc17bc: Das Zeichen der Ahnen,The Sign of the Ancients ; hirutu_kissofthedead 467; Valamir_GoodMineClear ef0152c2: Die gute Mine,The Good Mine ; magnus_reportofallmines 468; Booze_ReadyForParty 8cc94627: Rum für alle!,Rum for Everyone! ; booze_losthismind 469; Ulvi_KillNorthernImpsQuestType_Kill fc1b8161: Bedrohung im Norden,Intrusion in the North ; isleofthieves_quests 470; Nikodim_FindCandleHolder f1253ceb: Ernestos gravierter Kerzenständer,"Ernesto's Engraved Candle Holder" ; calador_quests 471; Player_HasCoronationSword_Hilt 93bf7408: Der Griff des Krönungsschwertes,"The Hilt of Calador's Coronation Sword" ; brokenitems_quests 472; Player_GetLIOldBow 88bfba91: Der alte Bogen,The Old Bow ; legendaryitems_quests 473; Eldric_OldKnowledge db67c962: Das alte Wissen,The Ancient Knowledge ; 474; Teleporter_TAK_PuertoSacarico 26e4d2c3: Teleporter von Puerto Sacarico,Teleporter at Puerto Sacarico ; teleport_quests 475; Connor_ReportJoke03 9c106804: Der Schatz von Captain Blutklinge,"Captain Bloodblade's Treasure" ; connor_reportjoke01 476; Faruco_CrystalsForMagicians f0d03cbf: Bergkristalle für die Magier,Rock Crystal for the Mages ; crew_quests 477; Alvarez_KillHellHounds 67d2e47f: Chaos in der Hafenstadt,Chaos in Harbour Town ; 478; Cox_KnifeGame a31efa9c: Messerscharf,Razor-Sharp ; taranis_quests 479; Player_HasMara_Blade d0d89218: Die Klinge von Maras Ruf,"The Blade of Mara's Fame" ; brokenitems_quests 480; Player_PlunderChestFaruco 0e6a92fe: Plündere Farucos Truhe,"Plunder Faruco's Chest" ; agila_reportplunderthreechests 481; Hull_DontWantToKillNiceDucks 37af8623: Die armen Enten,Poor Ducks ; player_killraxkarok 482; Player_PirateAlliance_PIR a6685e43: Allianz mit den Piraten,Alliance with the Pirates ; alvarez_piratealliance 483; Kjeld_ReportLinaIsDead 16e48776: Die tote Fischersfrau,"The Dead Fisherman's Wife" ; kjeld_reporthelpfriends 484; Kamil_RiddleQuestion 332b1e1a: Ein guter Eindruck,A Good Impression ; kila_quests 485; Mendoza_LeavingCrewGoodEvilSoul 728b37ab: Prophezeiung des Mendozas,"Mendoza's Prophecy" ; player_souldestinychosen 486; Dakil_DefeatHim 03034357: Immer auf die Kleinen!,Just pick on the little ones! ; garelt_reportdakilworksagain 487; Borbor_FollowHimToThirdPoint 10e3f0ce: Sind wir bald da?,Are We There Yet? ; borbor_followhimtoindios 488; Edward_FollowToOldHouse 724e7b7c: Folge Edward zum alten Haus,Follow Edward to the Old House ; edward_ontrailofthepast 489; Player_PirateAlliance_Morgan d50c7483: Allianz mit den abtrünnigen Piraten,Alliance with the Renegade Pirates ; alvarez_piratealliance 490; Ramon_FindEdward 1c97dbb3: Finde den Dämonenjäger auf Antigua,Find the Demon Hunter on Antigua ; edward_killshadowsant 491; Player_CollectShell 811ecb61: Muschelgeld,Shell Money ; brian_bringshell 492; Zacharias_KillAllShadowsTHIPortalQuestType_Kill 63fe92dc: Von der Meute gehetzt,Chased By the Mob ; zacharias_recruithim 493; Player_FindKasimsHiddenChest 7b95b5cd: Kasims Versteck,"Kasim's Hideout" ; erasmus_kasimtheliar 494; Player_KillAwfulDragonQuestType_Kill 3c7dd683: Der Schrecken von Calador,The Terror of Calador ; calador_quests 495; Stanley_KnifeGame 7e60f71c: Zielsicher,Dead On ; taranis_quests 496; Shax_PlunderHisChest_UNL10 3f47cc88: Vergessene Schätze,Forgotten Treasures ; taranis_quests 497; Horas_CiscosYield a95ff480: Ciscos Ausbeute,"Cisco's Spoils" ; horas_magicalefficiency 498; Player_FindSpiderleg 5c7729bb: Ein Spinnenbein,A Spider Leg ; tenya_ancientsigns 499; Mud_DefeatHim cd30745f: Mud umgehauen,Mud Floored ; mud_bringhimtokiltemple 500; Drake_ReportGhostEyes 1e8b4b8b: Geisteraugen,Ghost Eyes ; calador_quests 501; Milad_Child2 7f47db69: Child2,Child2 ; milad_parent 502; Drake_BringPowderToLighthouse 93aebc49: Grüne Flammen,Green Flames ; calador_quests 503; Player_PlunderPirateDeadTUT03 8ef817ab: Ein toter Pirat im alten Tempel,A Dead Pirate in the Ancient Temple ; player_plunderpiratecaptaindeadtut 504; Bones_GetPromotedDMJ 60046868: Eine große Ehre,A Huge Honour ; 505; Circe_KillSuitors bbeb6ab6: Auf Freiersfüßen,Courting ; circe_killher 506; Severin_HelpHimHunt 878da5d8: Schergenjagd,Hunt for Minions ; severin_killshadowwarriors 507; Moe_DefeatHim c2476604: Wegzoll,Road Toll ; calador_quests 508; Leonard_BringBackHisBag f179a9e6: Nutzloses Dasein,Useless Existence ; kila_quests 509; Player_CollectMorrisonsMushrooms 48ca0cd7: Pilzragout,Mushroom Ragout ; morrison_bringmushrooms 510; Player_THI_EnterMageCamp 0e9677de: Das Lager der Magier,The Mage Camp ; taranis_quests 511; Player_KillSeaMonster2 ab70ea1e: Gigantische Bedrohung,Gigantic Threat ; player_killedallseamonster 512; Player_FindIOT 6239b799: Neuigkeiten an Bord,News on Board ; isleofthieves_quests 513; Lloyd_FollowInMine e1be6afb: Folge Lloyd in die Mine,Follow Lloyd into the Mine ; mason_killmarauders 514; Hardwick_Wrestling bdbe61c0: Starke Arme,Strong Arms ; taranis_quests 515; Wilson_ReportAlvitoIsDead 9cff2483: Reise ohne Wiederkehr,One-Way Trip ; wilson_reportstatusalvito 516; Rumold_TakeHisBook 5383fd02: Verlorene Ladung,Lost Cargo ; wilson_witchhunt 517; Chani_FreeHer 71cbbd7a: Chanis Gefangenschaft,"Chani's Imprisonment" ; player_freethegreatcaster 518; Teleporter_KIL_AncientTemple fa132c63: Teleporter des verbotenenen Tempels,Teleporter at the Forbidden Temple ; teleport_quests 519; Magnus_SwearingIn 04628eb8: Die Vereidigung,The Swearing-in Ceremony ; bones_joinfaction 520; Player_CloseCrystalPortalTUT 10efda01: Das Kristallportal der Krabbenküste,The Crystal Portal on Crab Coast ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 521; Miamiti_ReportSavetyFirst 297b1a01: Sicher ist sicher,Better Safe Than Sorry ; harry_reportsweetheartisthere 522; Teleporter_KIL_PIRCamp f9de8803: Teleporter des Piratennests auf Kila,"Teleporter at the Pirates' Den on Kila" ; teleport_quests 523; Bones_CrystalsAreForever 4929d6e9: Kristalle sind für immer,Crystals Are Forever ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 524; Bruce_KillShadowMageQuestType_Kill 5619d35f: Gefahr aus dem Nichts,Danger out of the Blue ; skullisland_quests 525; Horas_FriendlyService 701f7fd6: Freundschaftsdienst,A Friendly Turn ; crew_quests 526; Player_THI_CollectSchadowCrystals 9158e3c3: Taranis dunkler Schatz,"Taranis' Dark Treasure" ; erasmus_bringdarkcrystals 527; Mason_FollowTavern cf3d81f7: Zurück zur Taverne,Back to the Tavern ; mason_nightwatch 528; Booze_Enough 3fa8a6e0: Jetzt reichts!,Enough is Enough! ; booze_losthismind 529; Baker_FollowHimCave daf1d47d: Durch die Schlucht,Through the Gorge ; baker_campguide 530; Player_KilledFirstSnapperQuestType_Kill ff550baa: Erledige den gefährlichen Fleischfresser,Take Out the Dangerous Carnivore ; crabisland_quests 531; Baker_FollowHimCamp 748abab8: Zum Eingang,To the Entrance ; baker_campguide 532; Player_CloseCrystalPortalWOD 44a16ac0: Das Kristallportal auf Calador,The Crystal Portal on Calador ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 533; Kaan_KillWesi QuestType_Kill 38d3bf76: Schamane Wesi,Shaman Wesi ; kaan_reportallghostsdead 534; Emma_BringIngredience dfbce844: Emmas Höllengesöff,"Emma's Hellswill" ; antigua_quests 535; Rodriguez_BringTransferLetter 82bd090f: "Rodriguez' kleines Problem","Rodriguez's Spot of Bother" ; takarigua_quests 536; Nate_BringProviant a06b010b: Nahrungsmangel bei den Dämonenjägern,Undernourished Demon Hunters ; calador_quests 537; Kaan_RemoveNodi f98e2097: Nodis Auri Culci,"Nodi's Auri Culci" ; player_collectauriculcinodi 538; Baker_FollowHimShowcase 27c8f8fe: Weiter ins Hinterland,Further into the Backcountry ; baker_campguide 539; Player_KilledFirstHellHoundsQuestType_Kill 58260e85: Kreaturen aus der Hölle,Creatures From Hell ; crabisland_quests 540; Morrison_BringMushrooms 95c7077d: Der Pilzsammler,The Mushroom Gatherer ; taranis_quests 541; Player_PlunderPirateCaptainDeadTUT b1192121: Wettlauf gegen einen Unbekannten,Race Against an Unknown Opponent ; crabisland_quests 542; Buddy_BringIdol 1af5b37b: Ein unmoralisches Angebot,An Immoral Offer ; kamil_bringidol 543; Ulvi_FollowToGnomeVillage 021b435f: Soweit die Füße tragen,As Far As My Feet Carry Me ; isleofthieves_quests 544; Harry_ReportSweetheartIsThere d6d32c79: Verbotene Früchte ...,Forbidden Fruit... ; kila_quests 545; PH_Morgan_Triathlon 98e105e7: Piratentriathlon mit Morgan,Pirate Triathlon with Morgan ; -1 546; Crow_ReportNewFriend 025b6592: Unerwarteter Besuch,Unexpected Visit ; skullisland_quests 547; Player_KillShadowMageArroganceQuestType_Kill e2d6ac04: Der Schattenlord des Hochmuts,The Shadow Lord of Arrogance ; player_souldestinychosen 548; Mason_KillMaraudersQuestType_Kill eb9b81d1: Die Prüfung der Gerechten,The Test of the Righteous ; calador_quests 549; Player_FindTreasure_LuckyPirate_ANT 965041ba: Der Schatz eines glücklichen Piraten,"The Happy Pirate's Treasure" ; antigua_quests 550; Player_CollectMagicMug ffe01a8a: Der Krug des ewigen Lebens,The Tankard of Eternal Life ; mac_reportmagicitems 551; Edward_SilentWhileBattle 32f944bf: Edward schweigt,Edward Remains Silent ; eldric_bigteleport 552; Player_FoundSloop d0a24ba3: Finde Bones Schaluppe,"Find Bones' Sloop" ; bones_leavetutfirsttime 553; Winter_FollowToLabyrinth_02 3b6e0c19: Rein ins Labyrinth,Into The Labyrinth ; winter_reportcurseoffathers 554; Player_FindHoras 3d1c5f30: Ein Anhänger der Magie,A Follower of Magic ; 555; Hirutu_SlimIsSparedFromDeath 4ea4bdbf: Vergeben und Vergessen,Forgive and Forget ; slim_reporthimhisfate 556; Neron_DriveFocalorAway 1ed8c581: Der verrückte Magier,The Crazy Mage ; kane_reportweaponcamps 557; Kamil_SearchForIdol cccb5339: Spurensuche im Piratenlager,Searching for Clues in the Pirate Camp ; kamil_bringidol 558; Patty_FirstParrotFly 917c9ea7: Fliegen müsste man können,Flying Without Wings ; tutorial 559; Player_CollectList f99e62b5: Blattwerk,Foliage ; bisi_collectlist 560; Ramon_KillHellHoundQuestType_Kill fc4f8200: Höllenhunde vor der Hafenstadt,Hellhounds Outside the Harbour Town ; alvarez_killhellhounds 561; Polly_FindThorben 4f170521: Wer ist Pollys Papa?,"Who's Polly's Daddy?" ; crew_quests 562; Chani_PlunderDeadWarriors 5f576c4a: Verschollen im verbotenen Tal,Lost in the Forbidden Valley ; chani_recruither 563; Player_GetLILiana 548ef1ea: Die widerspenstige Liane,The Intractable Liana ; legendaryitems_quests 564; Bronach_HelpHimHunt f821951c: Auf Jagd mit Bronach,Hunting with Bronach ; calador_quests 565; Graham_BringHimTurnips e00ff45f: Mahlzeit!,Enjoy Your Meal! ; calador_quests 566; Red_FollowTheGreenMile b3276337: Der letzte Gang,The Last Passage ; red_gameover 567; SkullIsland_Quests f62c12b5: Totenkopfinsel,Skull Island ; 568; Emma_TalkToTenya 0cb53ecc: Die Hilfe der Toten,Help From the Dead ; emma_followtograveyard 569; Colby_BringSilverGoblet 7ad98617: Silberne Trinkpokale,Silver Drinking Goblets ; colby_bringsilver 570; Edward_FindEldric ea0806a4: Finde Eldric,Find Eldric ; 571; Crew_Quests d6fb9d07: Crew,Crew ; 572; Cunningham_ReportHonestPlayer 7232c458: Der ehrliche Käufer,The Honest Buyer ; kila_quests 573; Teleporter_KIL_EGBCamp 601d0dbe: Teleporter des Dorfes der Eingeborenen,Teleporter at the Native Village ; teleport_quests 574; Player_HasCoronationSword_Blade e0bac98b: Die Klinge des Krönungsschwertes,"The Blade of Calador's Coronation Sword" ; brokenitems_quests 575; Buddy_ReportWaterfallClear 27505942: Streit um die Wasserquelle,Water Source Conflict ; kila_quests 576; Martinez_Hunting 00000000: ; 577; Crow_KillSoulTorturerQuestType_Kill ef5d49e2: Der Seelenfolterer,The Soul Torturer ; crow_bringsoulgem 578; Mortimer_BringHimToINQ dd05949e: Ein Weg aus der Dunkelheit,A Way Out of the Darkness ; fogisland_quests 579; Player_GetLIQietPromises dac88a93: Die leisen Versprechen,The Vague Promises ; legendaryitems_quests 580; Edward_DontForgetHimForCrew 882cc12a: Edward Anheuern,Sign Edward On ; crew_quests 581; Marbuk_BringHisNotations f2ff281c: Zettelwirtschaft,Paperwork ; taranis_quests 582; Kaan_RemoveOsi 467644d7: Osis Auri Culci,"Easi's Auri Culci" ; player_collectauriculciosi 583; Iona_BringHerToTavern b8c6afed: Die vermisste Magd,The Missing Maid ; fenn_reportionastatus 584; Zak_FollowAtNight cdc56c4e: Folge Zak nachts zum Ritualplatz,Follow Zak to the Ritual Site At Night ; zak_takehisbook 585; Player_GetGarciasApeStatue e0f69f65: "Klappe zu, Affe tot" ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 586; Player_CollectCalypsosSkull d650ad16: Ein rätselhafter Schädel,A Puzzling Skull ; balthasar_reportreunion 587; Player_GetLIPlunger ffd57333: Der antike Stößel,The Ancient Pestle ; legendaryitems_quests 588; Player_AccessGuard_THI_04 f50b86c0: Schwerer Stoff,Heavy Stuff ; player_plunderchestlumbrok 589; Drake_WhoHasSpell 6456693f: Was für ein Gauner,What A Crook ; burke_skeleton_bringhimhome_unl_09 590; Frink_ReportRules 425e719e: Klare Regeln,Clear Rules ; taranis_quests 591; Player_Has_It_Flynns_Blade 85e373df: Eine mächtige Klinge,A Massive Blade ; flynn_reporttoquinn 592; Stanley_DuelHim d7123b31: Überzeuge Stanley,Persuade Stanley ; stanley_takehisbook 593; Emma_ReportTheExperiment 790163d6: Das Experiment,The Experiment ; tenya_losingcontrol 594; Teleporter_SKI_ValleyOfDeath 470f0e47: Teleporter des Tals des Todes,Teleporter in the Valley of Death ; teleport_quests 595; Player_Smith_CoronationSword 600de349: Schmiede Caladors Krönungsschwert neu,"Re-Forge Calador's Coronation Sword" ; brokenitems_quests 596; Player_AsmodayCanBeKilled 18be9a44: Asmodays Untergang,"Asmoday's Downfall" ; dakila_killasmoday 597; Bones_JoinFaction dd28e67b: Neue Verbündete,New Allies ; 598; Russel_KillSlavedealerQuestType_Kill b5baf3fa: Der Sklavenhändler,The Slave Trader ; malik_reportfinddowi 599; Travis_DrinkingGame b36b12f6: Trinkfeste Bewirtung,Holding Your Drink ; calador_quests 600; Tokel_BringHimToMageCamp 0de6f4a0: Auf ins Lager,Off to the Camp ; kjeld_reporthelpfriends 601; Player_FindTreasure_Morgan_KIL 97a320d1: Morgans Schatz,"Morgan's Treasure" ; antigua_quests 602; Player_FindPamir_UNL_01 5e1db946: Fernab der Heimat,Far From Home ; unlockables_losttales 603; Harry_ReportWhosTheMurderer 689acb17: "Junge, komm bald wieder" ; kila_quests 604; Walker_FollowToCamp cd604299: Zerstörtes Lager,Destroyed Camp ; taranis_quests 605; Mason_FollowNorth 8b6cbf39: Nach Norden,To the North ; mason_nightwatch 606; Tenya_LosingControl 99dfcff7: Kontrollverlust,Loss of Control ; hirutu_reportfornewrank 607; Player_PlunderTUTFirerainChest bcf91d6c: Einen starken Zauberspruch gefunden,Found a Powerful Spell ; tutorial 608; Mick_TakeHisBook bcac9c39: Geheime Rituale,Secret Rituals ; wilson_witchhunt 609; Player_FindZakirsAuriCulci d124620b: Zakirs Auri Culci gefunden,"Zakir's Auri Culci Found" ; zakirs_bringhisauriculci 610; Venturo_FollowHimTo_03_KillSouleater 89bf39ec: Schluss mit Lustig,"Enough's Enough" ; venturo_killrakazor 611; Talbot_WhereIsGadi 29ec7259: Gadi melden,Report Gadi ; talbot_findgnomes 612; Player_FindFOG 0e02199a: Nebulöse Eingebungen,Nebulous Suggestions ; fogisland_quests 613; Downes_WeAreAllBrothers 525a9dbc: Wir sind doch alle Brüder,"We're a Band of Brothers" ; taranis_quests 614; Teleporter_THI_MAGCamp c63cde41: Teleporter der Magierfestung,Teleporter at the Mage Fortress ; teleport_quests 615; Lumbrok_BringHimBoringBook 0e96cbd5: Ein langweiliger Schmöker,A Boring Old Book ; player_plunderchestlumbrok 616; Kurt_NaviTest 00000000: ; 617; Location_TAK 9ac82fb6: Takarigua gefunden,Tacarigua Found ; teleport_quests 618; Fletcher_KillEvilDucksQuestType_Kill 658d5826: Diener des Todes,"Death's Aides" ; player_killraxkarok 619; Player_FindPipkin_UNL06 f51aa6e3: Der Angsthase,The Yellow-belly ; unlockables_losttales 620; Patty_DontForgetHerForCrew 53e61f21: Patty Anheuern,Sign Patty On ; crew_quests 621; Player_HasKraken_Blade cb96ff9a: Die Klinge des Krakenauges,The Blade of Kraken Eye ; brokenitems_quests 622; Takarigua_Quests c243c6ae: Takarigua,Tacarigua ; -1 623; Dowi_ReportFreedom 58fc1d7c: Befreie Dowi,Free Dowi ; malik_reportfinddowi 624; Colby_DuelWithPlayer dd644add: Schlagende Argumente,Striking Arguments ; kila_quests 625; Player_Tutorial_IsEquipt f9f684aa: Lege deine Ausrüstung an.,Put on Your Equipment ; player_tutorial_leftcabin 626; Player_PersonalBelongings ac1d8058: Persönliche Gegenstände,Personal Belongings ; cyril_bringpersonalbelongings 627; Carlos_KillSoulEatersQuestType_Kill 2e66f27c: Pfade ins Jenseits,Paths to the Afterlife ; fogisland_quests 628; Location_ROS 8ffd7d63: Schattenreich gefunden,Underworld found ; teleport_quests 629; Teleporter_TAK_JungleTower c0e8a6e1: Teleporter des Wachturms,Teleporter at the Watchtower ; teleport_quests 630; Player_PirateAlliance_MAG 3b4fe9a7: Allianz mit den Magiern,Alliance with the Mages ; alvarez_piratealliance 631; Player_FindTreasure_NamelessCaptain_TAK 1abbcd8b: Der Schatz eines namenlosen Kapitäns,"The Nameless Captain's Treasure" ; takarigua_quests 632; BrokenItems_Quests 756fec73: Waffen,Weapons ; -1 633; Tanner_Duel 91607efe: Duell mit Tanner,Duel with Tanner ; jack_reportlighthouseclear 634; Eldric_MagicNet d52c99ce: Das magische Netz,The Magical Net ; eldric_recruithim 635; Lumbrok_GoToMyRoom 72db6676: An der Wache vorbei,Past the Guard ; player_plunderchestlumbrok 636; Hirutu_SlimHasToDie 9b7a3d1d: Das Todesurteil,The Death Sentence ; slim_reporthimhisfate 637; Wells_KnifeGame c27e7b1d: Werfen will gelernt sein,Throwing Education ; taranis_quests 638; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_2QuestType_Kill eff45e63: Plündere die entsetzten Geister,Plunder the Horrified Ghosts ; drake_reportghosteyes 639; Edward_FollowToOutback 8ff974b8: Folge Edward ins Landesinnere,Follow Edward Into the Interior ; edward_killshadowsant 640; Saddec_DontForgetHimForCrew 441ec77f: Saddec Anheuern,Sign Saddec On ; crew_quests 641; SBT_2_KillEnemyCrewQuestType_Kill 5e790329: Säubere das gegnerische Deck,"Purge your opponent's deck" ; 642; Teleporter_THI_SouthArea c5e2f01d: Teleporter des Südufers,Teleporter at the South Bank ; teleport_quests 643; Tenya_VoodooControlMakoto e8ccef3c: Übernimm Makoto,Take Over Makoto ; hirutu_convincehim 644; Player_CollectSwampWood b015c8cb: Moorholz,Moor Timber ; drake_bringpowdertolighthouse 645; Ilvar_DistributeAstralVision 1a1a901a: Der Einäugige unter den Blinden,The One-Eyed Among the Blind ; magnus_reportfornewrank 646; PH_Stahlbart_DrinksAtTower 00000000: ; 647; Location_IOT 9b01c37f: Insel der Diebe gefunden,Isle of Thieves Found ; teleport_quests 648; Gonzales_ReportKillSoulEater 9dcf9a15: Das Himmelfahrtskommando,The Suicide Mission ; gonzales_killsouleater 649; Player_FindEggs 10ed88b6: Finde 3 Feuervogel-Eier,Find 3 Firebird Eggs ; booze_bringeggs 650; Magnus_ImpressHim 21513fff: General Magnus beeindrucken,Impress General Magnus ; downes_entrypermitted 651; Player_CollectEarringPamir_UNL_01 037dacde: Das Schmuckstück,The Piece of Jewellery ; pamir_bringearring_unl_01 652; Becca_KillGuardingShadowsQuestType_Kill 63225544: Der Turm im Schatten,The Tower in the Shadows ; calador_quests 653; Marbuk_TalkToBaker ccc8c115: Sprich mit Baker,Speak to Baker ; taranis_quests 654; Buddy_KnifeThrowing a78ae721: Windschnittig,Streamlined ; kila_quests 655; Kasim_FollowToHideOut 622a7dec: Kasims Beschattung,Shadowing Kasim ; player_findkasimshiddenchest 656; Ixil_KillHim QuestType_Kill 825bc357: Die Abrechnung,The Reckoning ; kila_quests 657; Player_Tak_EnterPuertoSacarico 5b8231a1: Erreiche Puerto Sacarico,Get to Puerto Sacarico ; player_findhoras 658; Player_HasSphere_Blade b80f1dfe: Die Klinge des Sphärendorns,The Blade of Sphere Thorn ; brokenitems_quests 659; Pipkin_PlunderHisChest_UNL06 f5433aed: Pipkins Schatz,"Pipkin's Treasure" ; pipkin_killdragon_unl06 660; Hawkins_ReportPlayerIsLiar ca7bca42: Kleine Lügen,Small Lies ; hawkins_reporthismindisclear 661; Patty_KillTUTPiratesInFrontOfOldTempleQuestType_Kill be9a0389: Piraten am alten Tempel,Pirates at the Ancient Temple ; player_plunderpiratecaptaindeadtut 662; Shax_ReportPaulaOrWells_UNL10 d93e778e: Die Hinterlassenschaft,The Legacy ; shax_plunderhischest_unl10 663; Kamil_WordOfTradition 07462dfd: Worte der Tradition,Words of Tradition ; hirutu_threearguments 664; Cole_KillShadows_UNL_05QuestType_Kill f9d25817: Nachts sind alle Katzen grau,All Cats Are Grey By Night ; cole_killshadowcole_unl_05 665; Emma_KillHellHound QuestType_Kill e1afc75f: Höllenhunde am Oststrand,Hellhounds at the Eastern Beach ; alvarez_killhellhounds 666; Kane_KillTowerGuardQuestType_Kill 8a5e1395: Die zwei Türme,The Two Towers ; skullisland_quests 667; Kramer_DefeatHim 7db1bbc1: Kräfte messen mit Kramer,Going Up Against Kramer ; patty_punishkramer 668; Erasmus_StartReactor 2206368a: Der Reaktor,The Reactor ; zacharias_recruithim 669; Edward_BringSoulDust e905bf7d: Seelenstaub für Edward,Soul Dust for Edward ; crew_quests 670; Pansel_CollectItemOfDeath 83f3d9bd: Freds Hut,"Fred's Hat" ; emma_reportcomponentsoflife 671; Asali_BringTokenOfFriendship a3cdb1b8: Ein Zeichen der Freundschaft,A Sign of Friendship ; buddy_reportwaterfallclear 672; Pamir_FollowHim2_UNL_01 7f049d60: Weiter aufs Ziel zu,Onwards to the Goal ; pamir_bringearring_unl_01 673; Cyril_BringPersonalBelongings 278b9201: Ehre den Toten,Honour the Dead ; eldric_collectdmjs 674; Player_PirateAlliance_DMJ a688b89e: Allianz mit den Dämonenjägern,Alliance with the Demon Hunters ; alvarez_piratealliance 675; Drake_GetLastRank 69294d53: Der letzte Rang,The Last Rank ; bones_getpromoteddmj 676; Angus_KnifeGame 117b39fa: Fliegende Fische,Flying Fish ; calador_quests 677; Talbot_FindGnomes af0a5820: Sie sehen alle gleich aus!,They All Look the Same! ; taranis_quests 678; player_EnterArea_AreaZone 64c0243d: Geh zum abgesenkten Boden!,Go to the Sunken Ground! ; 679; Emma_FollowToGraveyard 31b56434: Die Heilung des Todes,Healing Death ; emma_reportyourownbody 680; Lumbrok_BringBookAway 1d15ac79: Der Bücherwurm,The Bookworm ; abbas_reportwrongsuspect 681; Holtby_ReportThievery a32f6c7c: Der Plünderer,The Plunderer ; jack_reportlighthouseclear 682; Tenya_WordOfWisdom ba284c9b: Worte der Weisheit,Words of Wisdom ; hirutu_threearguments 683; Kjeld_ReportHelpFriends 6ec4a644: Einer kam durch,One Made It ; taranis_quests 684; Location_THI 63455486: Taranis gefunden,Taranis Found ; teleport_quests 685; Player_WOD_EnterCitadell 340a94ae: Die Zitadelle der Dämonenjäger,The Citadel of the Demon Hunters ; edward_findeldric 686; Player_Smith_It_Pie_Sphere 1de34237: Schmiede den Sphärendorn neu,Re-Forge Sphere Thorn ; brokenitems_quests 687; Player_PlunderChestNergal a341ab04: Plündere Nergals Truhe,"Plunder Nergal's Chest" ; agila_reportplunderthreechests 688; Hirutu_DarkHeartCleaning 75d86618: Reinigung,Purification ; bones_darkexperiments 689; Sebastiano_BetrayalHoras b8c0ba5c: Horas verraten,Betray Horas ; takarigua_quests 690; Wilson_ReportStatusAlvito 7edff1a3: Eisen wird mit Eisen geschärft,Iron is Sharpened with Iron ; eldric_collectdmjs 691; Baker_FollowHimUpside 718fb132: Oben lang!,Up There! ; baker_campguide 692; Player_KillSuitors QuestType_Kill 99e6f079: Kurzer Prozess,Short Work ; circe_killsuitors 693; Kaan_ReportAllGhostsDead b8154d14: Die vier Anführer,The Four Leaders ; kaan_reportimpinvasion 694; Frink_DrinkingGame bafe3265: "Große Verantwortung, großer Durst" ; taranis_quests 695; Player_FindTreasure_Forest_THI b8b35a69: Der Schatz im Wald von Taranis,The Treasure in the Woods of Taranis ; taranis_quests 696; Eldric_OldCovenant 4c522c9c: Der alte Bund,The Ancient Covenant ; bones_joinfaction 697; Wilson_ReportToGrace 91c230bc: Der Verlobungsring,The Engagement Ring ; calador_quests 698; Burke_Skeleton_BringHimHome_UNL_09 2a5c6800: Knochige Angelegenheit,Bony Situation ; calador_quests 699; Cunningham_VisitTenya 882ee2ce: Dem Phantom auf der Spur,Pursuing the Phantom ; red_themole 700; Pansel_CollectItemOfLife 6029ade2: Freds Schaufel,"Fred's Shovel" ; emma_reportcomponentsoflife 701; Miamiti_BringHerToPiratesNest 23a81f76: Begleite Miamiti ins Piratenlager,Accompany Miamiti to the Pirate Camp ; miamiti_reportsavetyfirst 702; Downes_WrestleHim 82e78fd3: Der Drückeberger,The Shirker ; taranis_quests 703; Ernesto_BringCandleHolder b9d2a313: Der rechtmäßige Nachfolger,The Legal Heir ; nikodim_findcandleholder 704; Patty_SearchForGoldTHI a8902a08: Gemunkel auf Taranis,Rumours on Taranis ; patty_femalestimuli 705; Sebastiano_KillSeverin effdf16d: Der Deserteur Severin,Severin the Deserter ; sebastiano_killdeserters 706; Bisi_CollectList acb63e75: Papierkram,Paperwork ; lumbrok_bringthelist 707; Patty_ReportSweetRevenge b10c4436: Rache ist süß,Revenge is Sweet ; kila_quests 708; Hoshi_TestQuest 955fcac2: Test Test Test,Test Test Test ; 709; Mendoza_ShadowsOfThePast b91e3ade: Schatten der Vergangenheit,Shadows of the Past ; crew_quests 710; Pansel_KillHellHoundQuestType_Kill af55d1a0: Donovans Mörder,"Donovan's Murderer" ; alvarez_killhellhounds 711; Teleporter_IOT_Battlefield e0ca8061: Teleporter des Kriegsgebiets der Kobolde,Teleporter at the Goblin Battlefield ; teleport_quests 712; Player_FindGriffith_UNL_04 073147a1: Der verstoßene Pirat,The Pirate Outcast ; unlockables_losttales 713; Porter_ReportYvettesAmulett 6ef3bfd4: Fluch der Liebe,Curse of Love ; eldric_collectdmjs 714; Tao_CloseAllCrystalPortals c3cf3aba: Das Reich der Schatten,The Realm of the Shadows ; 715; Player_CollectWaterClean 79b62c56: Kristallklares Wasser,Crystal-Clear Water ; mauricio_bringwatercollection 716; Player_CollectExquisiteCheese fc0c1e5e: Der exquisite Käse,The Exquisite Cheese ; lumbrok_bringdelicatessen 717; Nate_FollowIntoCitadell 4800ae73: Folge Nate zur Zitadelle,Follow Nate to the Citadel ; nate_followtocitadell 718; Player_GetGarciasKey e09a7fbd: Garcias Truhenschlüssel,"Garcia's Chest Key" ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 719; Ernesto_KillGoblinsQuestType_Kill f0fe4e04: Klein und gemein!,Small But Mean! ; ernesto_bringcandleholder 720; Ulvi_FollowToKaan 868e7c7e: Das Ziel vor Augen,Goal in Sight ; isleofthieves_quests 721; Kaan_FollowHimToKalil b88c427c: Folge Kaan zu Kalil,Follow Kaan to Kalil ; isleofthieves_quests 722; Player_ControlJose ad9b3d31: Weichgekocht,Softened Up ; tenya_potionofoblivion 723; Horatio_CollectCrystals 27c22a86: So viel du tragen kannst,As Much As You Can Carry ; horatio_reportthievesandcrystals 724; Player_CollectAuriCulciNodi 37911f33: Trophäe des Nordens,Trophy of the North ; kaan_bringauriculcis 725; Player_FindTreasure_Beach_WOD 3476f72e: Der Schatz am Strand von Calador,The Treasure on the Beach of Calador ; calador_quests 726; Player_FindTreasure_WOD_Slayne 5ff17022: Slaynes kuriose Truhe,"Slayne's Peculiar Chest" ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 727; Saddec_SharesBooze bb1b8abc: "Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst" ; crew_quests 728; Yakov_DuelHim 17cf4385: Besiege Yakov,Defeat Yakov ; calador_quests 729; Zacharias_EnterTHICrystalPortal 0c411b02: Das inaktive Kristallportal,The Inactive Crystal Portal ; zacharias_recruithim 730; Zak_KillHellHound QuestType_Kill 33f94c17: Höllenhunde auf dem Blutschwurplatz,Hellhounds at Blood Oath Square ; alvarez_killhellhounds 731; Rumold_ReportBookSearch 32262ebe: Büchersuche,Searching for Books ; rumold_takehisbook 732; Gabu_FollowToGnomeeater 41544e43: Der Gnomfresser,The Gnome Eater ; isleofthieves_quests 733; Player_GetLITone 66075c37: Die Stimmgabel,The Tuning Fork ; legendaryitems_quests 734; Player_FindRosco_UNL_07 8572561e: Der Schatzgräber,The Treasure Seeker ; unlockables_losttales 735; Player_KillShadowMageGreedQuestType_Kill 47adb088: Der Schattenlord der Gier,The Shadow Lord of Greed ; antigua_quests 736; Patty_PlayerKilledFirstApesQuestType_Kill 00000000: ; crabisland_quests 737; Ulvi_KillRemainingImpsQuestType_Kill db3ba83b: Koboldplage,Goblin Plague ; isleofthieves_quests 738; Location_FOG e7a06cf9: Nebelinsel gefunden,Fog Island Found ; teleport_quests 739; Walker_FollowToGolem 41868064: Bist du dir sicher?,Are You Sure? ; player_killwalkersgolem 740; Player_FindTreasure_TUT_PirateDead 1136a225: Schatz eines toten Piraten!,"Dead Pirate's Treasure!" ; player_plunderpiratecaptaindeadtut 741; Red_RoquefortKnowsSecrets ee6f1a9d: Geteiltes Wissen,Shared Knowledge ; tenya_potionofoblivion 742; Player_GetLIBooze 412fa458: Das Zielwasser,The Booze for Aiming ; legendaryitems_quests 743; Edward_OnTrailOfThePast f32698bc: Auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit,Vestiges of the Past ; edward_familybuisness 744; Player_ReportDrakeLighthouse 2d94f3f1: Die Leuchtfeuer,The Beacons ; drake_bringpowdertolighthouse 745; Nate_FollowToBaseOfCitadell 610184d2: Folge Nate zum Fuß der Zitadelle,Follow Nate to the Base of the Citadel ; nate_followtocitadell 746; Magnus_ReportOfAllMines 6a6d88d5: Minenbericht,Mine Report ; magnus_swearingin 747; Player_GetLISunCrystal 7ee25c71: Der Sonnenkristall,The Sun Crystal ; legendaryitems_quests 748; Gray_KillShadowlordOfSlaveryQuestType_Kill 02e668e6: Todeszone,Death Zone ; skullisland_quests 749; Player_Smith_It_Swd_Mara e9d591d0: Schmiede Maras Ruf neu,"Re-Forge Mara's Fame" ; brokenitems_quests 750; Horas_GiveDiFuegosMonolithStone 595ec39b: Di Fuegos Monolithenstein,"Di Fuego's Monolith Stone" ; erasmus_startreactor 751; Horatio_ReportThievesAndCrystals 2790440b: Zuviel des Guten,Too Much of A Good Thing ; erasmus_reportexpeditions 752; Brown_ReportRaka_UNL02 7c3f7aab: Der gefährlichste Gnom der Welt,The Most Dangerous Gnome in the World ; taranis_quests 753; Rodrigo_ReportDeadComrade e7eb1ae9: Der tote Kamerad,The Dead Comrade ; venturo_killrakazor 754; Player_EnterOldTemple cbc8c2bf: Der alte Tempel,The Ancient Temple ; patty_treasurehunting 755; Player_CloseCrystalPortalANT 44c50f61: Das Kristallportal auf Antigua,The Crystal Portal on Antigua ; tao_closeallcrystalportals 756; Nate_FollowFurtherNorthEast 47ba7df3: Folge Nate weiter nach Nordosten,Continue Following Nate towards the Northeast ; nate_followtocitadell 757; Player_KillDiaz QuestType_Kill cd4a41f8: Kaltblütiger Mörder,Cold-Blooded Murderer ; player_killsuitors 758; Zacharias_FreeHim 71ba315a: Zacharias Gefangenschaft,"Zacharias' Imprisonment" ; player_freethegreatcaster 759; Baker_FollowHimInsideCave a37c4022: Eine Höhle erkunden,Explore a Cave ; baker_campguide 760; Mara_GetHerPresent e5f281b9: Ein Treffen mit der Titanenlady,A Meeting with the Titan Lady ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 761; Lloyd_FollowInMineHideout c8ac94dd: Folge Lloyd zu seinem Versteck,Follow Lloyd to his Hideout ; mason_killmarauders 762; Paula_ReportShax_UNL10 f746c041: Helfende Hand,Helping Hand ; shax_reportpaulaorwells_unl10 763; Location_KIL 63565445: Kila gefunden,Kila Found ; teleport_quests 764; Player_Tutorial_LeftCabin 9909786a: Bereit für die Insel,Ready for the Island ; tutorial 765; Rodas_CollectShadowMeat 9004099f: Experimentalnahrung,Experimental Nutrition ; rodas_reportkidlat 766; Player_CollectBlueFlower 2923d21e: Die blaue Blume,The Blue Flower ; harry_bringblueflower 767; Wilson_ReportOreValue 1e47ae9f: Angebot und Nachfrage,Supply and Demand ; gordon_bringoredelivery 768; Eldric_FreeHim 71d02082: Eldrics Gefangenschaft,"Eldric's Imprisonment" ; player_freethegreatcaster 769; Eldric_BigTeleport 5ee19d5c: Ein großer Wurf,A Great Throw ; eldric_magicnet 770; Teleporter_FOG_FogForest 92e6b53b: Teleporter des Nebelwaldes,Teleporter in the Misty Forest ; teleport_quests 771; Horas_TheTraitor 9904d9a2: Der Verräter,The Traitor ; 772; Player_GetLIEye ee995a94: Das Glasauge,The Glass Eye ; legendaryitems_quests 773; Nemo_ReportHumanAgain c0d47a6a: Seltsamer Fisch,Strange Fish ; nathan_killkrakalrah 774; Player_CollectLuckyCoin 57d8798a: Eine besondere Münze,A Special Coin ; akila_reportluckycoin 775; Jill_KillTirion_UNL_03QuestType_Kill 71c7712d: Gefährliche Liebschaft,Dangerous Liaison ; calador_quests 776; Borbor_TalkToHim c2a7a342: Sprich mit dem Eingeborenen Borbor,"Speak to the Native ; kila_quests 777; Patty_SearchForGoldKIL 3d1b95c4: Spitzel auf Kila,Spies on Kila ; patty_femalestimuli 778; Abbas_ControlBisi e8e688f5: Gnomenalltag,A Day in the Life of a Gnome ; abbas_reportwrongsuspect 779; Lami_GnomeInHole fddaeffb: Der Gnom im Loch,The Gnome in the Hole ; abbas_lostgnome 780; Player_KillThirdWave_UNL08QuestType_Kill 780cc92b: Das Biest,The Beast ; idrico_reportdeadwaves_unl08 781; Nergal_HasAstralVision ba6bc29b: Die Leihgabe,The Borrowed Item ; ilvar_reportastralsightquests 782; Wilson_WrestlingGame 4199707f: Die Walze,The Roller ; calador_quests 783; Player_KillShadowMageCowardiceQuestType_Kill 49ca1fbd: Der Schattenlord der Feigheit,The Shadow Lord of Cowardice ; winter_reportcurseoffathers 784; Player_CollectPanselPants df201b97: Dreckige Wäsche,Dirty Laundry ; emma_reportcontrolpansel 785; Teleporter_IOT_GnomeCity 9419be66: Teleporter des Gnomdorfs,Teleporter at the Gnome Village ; teleport_quests 786; Player_FindTreasure_Rosco_TAK 551032b1: Eine stattliche Truhe,A Stately Chest ; rosco_followhim_unl_07 787; qh_Follow_qh b1be37a5: Geh mit qh,Go with qh ; qh_report_qh 788; Player_CollectCornSack 645e6768: ; 789; Player_CollectKeyFromZakir 424faf5b: Wahre Worte?,True Words? ; player_plunderchestfaruco 790; Player_CollectLetter_2 9a563e35: Brief 2,Letter 2 ; player_collectmessages 791; Player_GetLIFoulard 7a68f815: Das blutgetränkte Tuch,The Blood-soaked Cloth ; legendaryitems_quests 792; Borbor_FollowHimToFirstPoint 10ce01a6: Verlasse das Piratenlager,Leave the Pirate Camp ; borbor_followhimtoindios 793; Hanna_BringYvettesAmulett 6fcf7837: Hanna und die Geister,Hanna and the Ghosts ; porter_reportyvettesamulett 794; Player_FindRitualSpell 4c7d4840: Aufzeichnungen eines dunklen Kriegers,Records of a Dark Warrior ; eldric_bringritualspell 795; PH_Stahlbart_NearRum 00000000: ; 796; Teleporter_WOD_WestCastleRuin 677416a9: Teleporter der westlichen Burgruine,Teleporter at the Western Castle Ruins ; teleport_quests 797; Drake_PlunderLostGhost_4QuestType_Kill f0044560: Plündere die entsetzten Geister,Plunder the Horrified Ghosts ; drake_reportghosteyes 798; Player_FindTreasure_TUT_Degenkolb 3d3f3a65: Alte Erinnerungen,Old Memories ; patty_femalestimuli 799; Henrik_WrestlingGame 55c5f81e: Der Kraftprotz,The Muscle Man ; calador_quests 800; Kila_Quests d7dadb9d: Kila,Kila ; 801; Unlockables_LostTales af3c24df: Vergessene Geschichten,Forgotten Stories ; 802; Roderich_WrestleHim ee5f7d67: Plattgedrückt,Squashed ; taranis_quests 803; Nathan_KillKrakAlRahQuestType_Kill 73c798c7: Der Fischfresser,The Fish-Eater ; carlos_killsouleaters 804; Rosco_FollowHimAgain_UNL_07 6e67615b: Zum Greifen Nahe,Close Enough to Touch ; rosco_reporttreasurehunt_unl_07 805; Erasmus_KasimTheLiar a2b44740: Lügen haben kurze Beine,The Truth Will Out ; erasmus_startreactor 806; Player_CollectMessages 9190dc5b: In die Irre geführt,Led Astray ; balthasar_reportreunion 807; LegendaryItems_Quests fec6b640: Legendäre Gegenstände,Legendary Items ; -1 808; Cisco_DuelHim 0e87943f: Jetzt ist Schluß!,"That's the End of That!" ; calador_quests 809; Connor_ReportJoke02 9bfff4a6: Vulkan des Todes,Volcano of Death ; connor_reportjoke01 810; Noedu_IsFine 7f11e661: Alles im Lot,"Everything's Fine" ; valamir_goodmineclear 811; Horas_LeftTAK d116a708: Wächter an Bord,Guardian on Board ; player_findhoras 812; Erasmus_ReportExpeditions daa5ee47: Die Expeditionen der Magier,The Expeditions of the Mages ; taranis_quests 813; Player_KillImpsWalkerQuestType_Kill 1a6fe221: Diebespack,Pack of Thieves ; walker_followtocamp 814; Player_FindBigHallOfOldTemple 480fd823: Alte Tempelhalle gefunden,Found Ancient Temple Hall ; patty_treasurehunting 815; Teleporter_ANT_DeadLand f48add04: Teleporter des Hinterlandes von Antigua,Teleporter in the Backcountry of Antigua ; teleport_quests 816; Kilian_KnifeGame 15e301ff: Ein guter Wurf,A Good Throw ; calador_quests 817; Bones_GetPromotedPIR 12f6fa64: Ganz großes Voodoo,Great Voodoo ; 818; Player_KIL_PlunderGolem daeff56e: Hungriger Golem,Hungry Golem ; jacob_kil_killgolem 819; Mud_BringHimToKILTemple 80a8f726: Die Nervensäge,The Pain in the Neck ; baraka_thegreatgate 820; Player_CollectMagicBroom fff1a6aa: Der Besen der Zerstörung,The Broom of Destruction ; mac_reportmagicitems 821; Teleporter_THI_Harbour c61939a0: Teleporter des Hafens von Taranis,Teleporter at the Harbour of Taranis ; teleport_quests 822; Player_HasBigShipButHasNotTraveledWithItYet a9ba49b9: Erste große Fahrt,Maiden Journey ; player_ownsbigship 823; Player_KillRaxkarokQuestType_Kill 18b86529: Eine wirklich verdächtige Ente,A Really Suspicious Duck ; carlos_killsouleaters 824; Tutorial e5f15bdc: Tutorial,Tutorial ; 825; Milad_Child1 7f37f46c: Child1,Child1 ; milad_parent 826; Tenya_PotionOfOblivion c6e58e56: Der Trank des Vergessens,The Drink of Forgetfulness ; red_themole 827; Kilian_BringLetterToHarry c5f2d2a3: Brief für Harry,Letter for Harry ; calador_quests 828; Player_PlunderTUTParrotFlyChest 82c6101e: Eine Handvoll Papageienflugzauber,A Handful of Parrot Flight Magic ; tutorial 829; Mason_FollowSouth 8b955343: Nach Süden,To the South ; mason_nightwatch 830; Player_CollectBoringBook 3d761b01: Der Staubfänger,The Dust Catcher ; lumbrok_bringhimboringbook 831; Player_KillImps QuestType_Kill 42b408d2: Alles muss raus,Everything Has to Go ; gadi_reportnewmine 832; Player_CollectMagicFork 000332ca: Die Gabel der Götter,The Trident of the Gods ; mac_reportmagicitems 833; Nergal_BringTaranisHerbal d2496084: Kräuter und Tinkturen,Herbs and Tinctures ; taranis_quests 834; Player_PlunderTreasure_TUT_PirateDead ecb43826: Schatz eines toten Piraten geplündert,"Dead Pirate's Treasure Plundered" ; player_findtreasure_tut_piratedead 835; Player_PlunderPirateDeadTUT02 b3c2ba0c: Futter für die Raubtiere,"Predator's Food" ; player_plunderpiratecaptaindeadtut 836; Player_Tutorial_HasEquipment cce12ae1: Hole deine Sachen aus der Truhe.,Remove Your Items from the Chest ; player_tutorial_leftcabin 837; Ixil_ReportDeliciousMeal 3c3bbec0: Ein köstliches Mahl,A Delectable Meal ; ixil_killhim 838; Venturo_ReportWimp ba401cee: Nichts für Waschlappen,Not For Wimps ; venturo_killrakazor 839; Player_RefusePoison 747a0cbb: "Zugegeben, es ist verlockend..." ; kila_quests 840; Hawkins_FollowNearJungleEntrance cf4d5ac0: Folge Hawkins an den Rand des Dschungels,Follow Hawkins Along the Edge of the Jungle ; hawkins_reporthismindisclear 841; Booze_BringEggs c3f57d79: Ein Ei wie das andere,Each Egg Like the Other ; booze_losthismind 842; Player_KillSeaMonster1 ab3deae1: Angriff aus dem Meer,Attack on the High Seas ; player_killedallseamonster 843; Player_FindTreasure_Rosco2_TAK 6554f81f: Getrennte Wege,Parting of Ways ; rosco_reporttreasurehunt_unl_07 844; Magnus_GetLastRank 68f045eb: Generalswürde,Generalship ; bones_getpromotedmag 845; Edward_FollowToDeadLand dd3f5dc3: Folge Edward ins tote Land,Follow Edward Into the Dead Lands ; edward_killshadowsant 846; Player_Smith_It_Blt_Kraken fdbaabd6: Schmiede das Krakenauge neu,Re-Forge Kraken Eye ; brokenitems_quests 847; Kamil_BringIdol 0b27f523: Der verschollene Schatz,The Lost Treasure ; kila_quests 848; Bisi_HelpHimArticulate 5e49e3e2: Sprachunterricht,Language Lessons ; taranis_quests 849; Erasmus_ActivateMonolithNorth 595dc164: Der Blitzmonolith im Norden,The Lightning Monolith in the North ; erasmus_startreactor 850; Kaan_KillImpKing QuestType_Kill 0bb8c7d2: Der Koboldkönig,The Goblin King ; kaan_reportimpinvasion 851; Golmu_ReportStolenLuckyCoin 29d33d9e: Gestohlene Münze,Stolen Coin ; akila_reportluckycoin 852; Player_FindTreasure_THI_Stahlbart c3c706e3: Erbstreitigkeiten,Disputed Inheritance ; mendoza_shadowsofthepast 853; Faris_FindRami 3babed5c: Finde Rami,Find Rami ; valamir_goodmineclear 854; Teleporter_WOD_Ironwood 9eafa897: Teleporter des Eisenwaldes,Teleporter at the Iron Woods ; teleport_quests 855; Player_CollectTaranisHerbal 853ad9be: Das Taraniskraut,The Taranis Herb ; nergal_bringtaranisherbal 856; Bones_GoToSleep b04fd242: Leg dich schlafen,Go to Sleep ; bones_darkexperiments 857; Player_CollectTenderShells 95dbda7d: Die zarten Muscheln,The Dainty Mussels ; lumbrok_bringdelicatessen 858; Player_ReportShax_UNL10 1cdc1f95: Dunkle Einblicke,Dark Insights ; unlockables_losttales
"in der Erkundung dieser weiten und wunderbaren Welt" (post #70, höre link unten)
TAS for Elex 2 at ELEX II Nexus - Mods and Community (
Tuvok, scannen Sie den Planeten nach Mikroplastik!
"Hört mir bloß auf mit "Stormson".
"In Toussaint wird schon für kleinere Schmähungen als diese Satisfaktion verlangt."
Genug der "Blumensträuße". Ich WILL MadBob! Beugt die Realität!