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  1. #1 Reply With Quote
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Hello, I have a new computer and the graphics are little bit broken so I need to play without grass and details... and when I have cutscene, my game cannot launch it and it shows error and the game crashes, is there a option to turn off all the cutscenes in the game? I cannot move in the story and there are like milion cutscenes in river of time

  2. #2 Reply With Quote
    Keksmaster  Lord Demon's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    What kind of error message?

    There`s no way of turning off all cutscenes. Go to settings and deactivate the high textures. That should solve your problem.

  3. #3 Reply With Quote
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    It's not working, but some cutscenes I can skip by pressing esc, but this one is not launching and instantly crashing the game

  4. #4 Reply With Quote
    Keksmaster  Lord Demon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Please tell me what the error message says. Otherwise I can only guess.

  5. #5 Reply With Quote

  6. #6 Reply With Quote
    Keksmaster  Lord Demon's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    Sorry, never had that error message. I suppose it's connected with your broken graphics. Which GPU do you you use?

  7. #7 Reply With Quote
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050

  8. #8 Reply With Quote
    Keksmaster  Lord Demon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    This GPU really has got enough power to run TRoT. Did you install the latest NVidia driver. And what about other games? Graphics broken as well?

  9. #9 Reply With Quote
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    It's a new computer it has everyhing updated... and it also has windows 11 ... on windows 7 and 10 was no problem ... but on 11 it seems like there are some things missing, people are playing TRoT without details because its not working, it can be that these directX and other launching programmes just changed through the years and it simply cannot read the game anymore.
    I truly think that the problem is in the Win 11 ... Updating my graphic will not solve anything its new ... the only thing that will help is skip the cutscene or delete it from the game, but i dont know how

  10. #10 Reply With Quote
    Keksmaster  Lord Demon's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    I don' t have Windows 11 or any other version of Windows. On my Linux computer the game runs without any problems, as it has always done. If skipping the cutscenes ny pressing Esc does not work, deleting the cutscences won't work either. This will cause the game to crash.

  11. #11 Reply With Quote
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    I will try linux or some older versions of windows, thank you

  12. #12 Reply With Quote

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    foobar's Avatar
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    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    With some other, older games, I’ve encountered the issue that newer systems (particularly their GPUs) were actually too fast and caused trouble for the engine which did not expect things to go that quickly. In those cases, it has helped to activate VSync in the driver settings or use other FPS-Limiters to make sure the game doesn't run faster than 60fps.

    It's a long shot but it's also relatively easy to test.

    Another potential cause, since it seems to effect the cutscenes, could be a missing or no longer properly working codec for the video files. You might try installing some codec packs and see if that fixes the problem. Be aware, however, that some of these packs might contain bloatware or conflict with each other. Make sure you have:
    • a working backup
    • create a system restore point
    • have only ever one codec pack at a time installed
    • select manual install and look at the options carefully to prevent bloatware getting onto the system

    Here are some links that might get you started. These in no particular order and should not be considered to have my endorsement. I have not tested these, and I do not personally recommend any of them. There may be others and/or better ones out there that I simply couldn't find with a quick search on Google.

    Although I'm currently not sure whether the cutscenes are actually video files or rendered on-the-fly with in-game graphics.

    Last but not least: You can also try to run the game inside a virtual machine (VirtualBox or VMWare Player) with an older version of Windows, in case it's Win11 that causes the problem. It sounds like your machine has enough power that it should be able to pull it off. I also play the game under Linux, and it worked fine last time I played it. But if Linux isn't your thing, or you don't want to setup a dual-boot system, maybe the VM is more convenient for you. Personal preference, I suppose.

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

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