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  1. Reply With Quote #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2020

    I want to show you a set of ridiculous moments based on the situations from Exoplanet: First Contact. Sometimes such things are happen, would it be bugs or just significant episodes, which makes you come up with some funny comment. So, here we go...

    [Bild: Star.jpg]

    - Dude, are you going to casting for a Star Wars movie?
    - Hey, look at yourself! Bela Lugosi is dead!

    [Bild: 87197830_1237872273073803_7097405616661987328_o.jpg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_eui2=AeE9TGck5Pb9Ol2O07f8ypKa1vogtlK4OgIBi58mihqe_0i51PjQwBazX1N65t7qopaqvP-xwqg6sOHGC6V8aMeRiXUBkqZy_FE6NgJVgGfDXg&_nc_ohc=F7OMyLq4BgAAX8h0bWC&_nc_ht=scontent-frx5-1.xx&oh=f001e64247a06be280df709178397570&oe=5E994358]

    - I swear, he was already dead when I've found him!

    [Bild: ERZHOWjXsAAaYPT?format=jpg&name=large]

    - What is this, Jurassic park?

    [Bild: ERmYFAdWsAEzP2C?format=jpg&name=large]

    - Let me in immediately! I want to see this movie!

    [Bild: 87994590_1247816288746068_584485855746326528_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_eui2=AeFqc6Pyn8nsEIQwb2FhFHhiPMtXnN4JSd1se4ZhW19ElxiMhosqFVfKGNff4Ai6fBUNNYzmnsSYyoFEvWMAeUnKgIYLIaCinQEvpwCuEDNA0g&_nc_ohc=tLL8hhBFp0cAX-EwAgJ&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1.xx&oh=8d1a0096686a2771856cd3dcd3fd6f5b&oe=5E83D6A0]
    By the way, maybe you have something similar too in your archives? If so, please share you funniest moments in this thread.
    Soulo the Fallen is offline Last edited by Robespier; 17.10.2020 at 19:05.

  2. Reply With Quote #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    A new piece of space cowboy's humor.

    [Bild: Weed.png]
    Soulo the Fallen is offline

  3. Reply With Quote #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    [Bild: mmBDbBA.png]

    Hello! So, the coronavirus has spread all over around and we are all quarantined. But don't panic please. I, space cowboy Jack Sharp, will teach you how to survive.

    [Bild: BzxFQEl.png]

    Rule 1: always wear the mask. If you'll pick a scary one, it may scare the viruses away.

    [Bild: iupdKPn.jpg]

    Rule 2: wash your hands as often as possible. Look, pal, I will show you how to do it right. One last time.

    [Bild: prxWDiM.png]

    Rule 3: keep the distance. Especially with people you don't know.

    [Bild: RqIzxno.jpg]

    Rule 4: disinfection and then disinfection again!

    [Bild: 5YccQEh.png]

    Rule 5: Do not attend public events. What is left? Of course, to stay home and play interesting games on Steam with good old friends. Welcome to K'tharsis:
    By the way, Discord is the safest way for communication in our times. Feel free to join Exoplanet server ( to discuss latest news about pandemy, medicine, whisky consumption and game development.
    Soulo the Fallen is offline

  4. Reply With Quote #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    Sometimes our Jack wakes up in other games. It takes some time for him to return on K'Tharsis.

    [Bild: image.png]

    This time Jack found himself in the Witcher universe. How do you think, how long he will endure in this world?
    Soulo the Fallen is offline

  5. Reply With Quote #5
    Soulo the Fallen is offline

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