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  1. #1 Reply With Quote
    Adventurer DarkGoth's Avatar
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    hi guys, unfortunately a tedious problem afflict the game in my notebook HP:

    [Bild: 2hr1m4g.jpg]

    I tried some tweaks but wit no fortune:
    -set compatibility with Windows 7 and Vista.
    -launch the game from the original directory, and not from the Desktop.

    The game runs very fine, with low or medium settings the problem appears anyway.
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  2. #2 Reply With Quote

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    foobar's Avatar
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    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    So when exactly does this problem occur? Also, please post the two diagnostic files mentioned in the thread READ THIS BEFORE POSTING.

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  3. #3 Reply With Quote
    Adventurer DarkGoth's Avatar
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    hi foobar,

    the problem appears after 5 minutes or after 10... there is no a precise time, sometimes it doesn't appear at all.
    If i explore, or speak with an NPC or during combat, the problem can show up, sadly.

    Regarding the diagnostic files, well, i don't know why but the WOP-Upload don't allow me to upload the 7z.file (with dxdiag and msinfo files).

    Here the specs of my pc:

    Motherboard: HP 832A (U3E1)
    RAM: 4GB single-channel 665MHz (10-10-10-28)
    CPU: intel core i5 7200U @2.50GHz
    Video: generic PnP Monitor (1368x768 @60Hz)
    intel HD Graphics 620 (HP)
    HD: 465GB Toshiba MQ01ABF050 (SATA)
    Audio: Realtek High Definition Audio
    Optical Drives: HP DVDRW GUE1N

    I repeat: the game runs very well, even with medium (someone high) settings.
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  4. #4 Reply With Quote

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    foobar's Avatar
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    The WoP upload should accept 7Z files. I just tested it myself. Make sure to enter the password ("hochladen") and to accept the terms. If that doesn't work, try some other site where one can upload plain text files. Like pastebin.com.

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

    foobar erklärt die Welt der Informatik: Was ist ein Zeichensatz?Was ist die 32Bit-Grenze?Warum sind Speicheroptimierer Unsinn?Wie teste ich meinen RAM?Was ist HDR?Was ist Tesselation?Warum haben wir ein Urheberrecht?Partitionieren mit MBR oder GPT?Was hat es mit dem m.2-Format auf sich?Warum soll ich meine SSD nicht zum Anschlag befüllen?Wer hat an der MTU gedreht?UEFI oder BIOS Boot?Was muss man über Virenscanner wissen?Defragmentieren sinnvoll?Warum ist bei CCleaner & Co. Vorsicht angesagt?Was hat es mit 4Kn bei Festplatten auf sich?Was ist Bitrot?Was sind die historischen Hintergründe zur (nicht immer optimalen) Sicherheit von Windows?Wie kann ich Datenträger sicher löschen?Was muss ich bzgl. Smartphone-Sicherheit wissen?Warum sind Y-Kabel für USB oft keine gute Idee?Warum sind lange Passwörter besser als komplizierte?Wie funktionieren Tintenstrahldrucker-Düsen?Wie wähle ich eine Linux-Distribution für mich aus?Warum ist Linux sicherer als Windows?Sind statische Entladungen bei Elektronik wirklich ein Problem?Wie repariere ich meinen PC-Lüfter?Was ist die MBR-Lücke?Wie funktioniert eine Quarz-Uhr?Was macht der Init-Prozess unter Linux und wie schlimm ist SystemD?Mainboard-Batterie - wann wechseln?Smartphone ohne Google?
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  5. #5 Reply With Quote
    Adventurer DarkGoth's Avatar
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    ok, here it is. I really hope this files can help
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  6. #6 Reply With Quote

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    foobar's Avatar
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    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    The msinfo32.txt is in the wrong format (you probably selected "save as" instead of "export" from the main menu). I think I can still read it, hopefully without making mistakes.

    It appears as though the issue at hand is larger than just Risen. The error log shows numerous crashes by a multitude of applications. Microsoft Notes, the Windows Explorer, a part of the audio driver, MS Edge, and a bunch of other stuff.

    The reasons for these crashes vary: access violations, stack overflows, heap corruption, rpc failures, and various "generic" issues like unhandled or unknown exceptions (which usually stem from a higher level error in some kind of middleware, like .NET). And of course, the "pure virtual function call" that Risen is supposedly making.

    Obviously, it's basically impossible to diagnose the issue with certitude from afar with just two files. But the one thing that all these different errors have in common is that they can all be explained by corrupted memory. Hence, I suspect either physically bad RAM or a very broken Windows installation (which then corrupts data in memory). Out of those two, the broken Windows seems more likely. You have Windows 10. And Microsoft releases a new version of that roughly every 6 months. Which home users cannot opt out of (not without very risky side effects, at least). The way that these upgrades are installed is different from the normal update mechanism. Instead of just replacing a couple of files, the system boots into a special "rescue mode", moves the entire old Windows aside, installs the new one, and then tries to transplant drivers, settings, and user data from the old system to the new one. The process is highly invasive and often causes problems.

    If you've ever had one of these "feature updates" or whatever MS is calling them, my best guess is that it broke your Windows. The remedy is simple, yet somewhat tedious. Download the Media Creation Tool (I'm trying to link to the Italian page, hopefully it works) and use it to create an USB flash drive with the newest version of Windows 10 (should be 1809 at the moment). Then boot from that drive and install Windows 10 from scratch (deleting all previous partitions from the system disk). Obviously, you need to backup any important data beforehand. Once that is done, install only the bare minimum of required drivers (graphics, sound, DirectX), plus a fresh install of Risen, and try again. Hopefully, it'll work then.

    If that does not fix the issue, we'll have to look at the RAM. You can try and run a RAM test, but ultimately, no software test can ever reliably rule out RAM problems. But the test might be a good start. You can also run it before reinstalling Windows, if you want. It costs nothing but time and if it finds errors, you know your hardware is broken. That's your choice. But given how many Windows 10 systems I've seen in the last years that were damaged by Microsofts stupid upgrade mechanism, my money is on a broken Windows (and a fresh reinstall is the only reliable way to fix that).

    If you ever have the option, you might consider upgrading to Win 10 Pro. It won't allow you to completely skip these upgrades (only enterprise customers get that option), but you can at least push them back until MS deems that safe for businesses (plus up to one year on top of that). As far as MS seems to be concerned, users of the Home edition are basically just paying beta testers. They get the upgrades when MS thinks they're good enough, and there's no way to stop that. Except disabling Windows Update completely, which is also not a good idea because then you miss out on the security fixes as well. Hackers taking over your computer is even more annoying than having to reinstall Windows every 6 months.

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

    foobar erklärt die Welt der Informatik: Was ist ein Zeichensatz?Was ist die 32Bit-Grenze?Warum sind Speicheroptimierer Unsinn?Wie teste ich meinen RAM?Was ist HDR?Was ist Tesselation?Warum haben wir ein Urheberrecht?Partitionieren mit MBR oder GPT?Was hat es mit dem m.2-Format auf sich?Warum soll ich meine SSD nicht zum Anschlag befüllen?Wer hat an der MTU gedreht?UEFI oder BIOS Boot?Was muss man über Virenscanner wissen?Defragmentieren sinnvoll?Warum ist bei CCleaner & Co. Vorsicht angesagt?Was hat es mit 4Kn bei Festplatten auf sich?Was ist Bitrot?Was sind die historischen Hintergründe zur (nicht immer optimalen) Sicherheit von Windows?Wie kann ich Datenträger sicher löschen?Was muss ich bzgl. Smartphone-Sicherheit wissen?Warum sind Y-Kabel für USB oft keine gute Idee?Warum sind lange Passwörter besser als komplizierte?Wie funktionieren Tintenstrahldrucker-Düsen?Wie wähle ich eine Linux-Distribution für mich aus?Warum ist Linux sicherer als Windows?Sind statische Entladungen bei Elektronik wirklich ein Problem?Wie repariere ich meinen PC-Lüfter?Was ist die MBR-Lücke?Wie funktioniert eine Quarz-Uhr?Was macht der Init-Prozess unter Linux und wie schlimm ist SystemD?Mainboard-Batterie - wann wechseln?Smartphone ohne Google?
    foobar is offline Last edited by foobar; 24.02.2019 at 01:45. Reason: typo

  7. #7 Reply With Quote
    Adventurer DarkGoth's Avatar
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    so, foobar, really thanks for your detailed explanation and sorry if i post only now.

    I have this notebook since october 2018, it's practically new. The only Feature Update installed was the April Update (1803). I don't have the October Update (1809), not yet, at least.

    Anyway, i believe in your words, myself think that Microsoft, usually, creates only problems with this continous updates that broke the system files and cause only bugs, little problems and other strange things. Certainly also bring new features and corrections but really... usually there are more problems that the benefits.

    At the moment, i don't have intentions to format the system and reinstall from scratch Win10, really, is boring and, except this problem with RISEN, i don't encounter other problems when using the PC.
    Probably my System is corrupted in certain sections but, at the moment, i will keep it in this way.
    DarkGoth is offline

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