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Multicraft Probleme

  1. #1 Zitieren
    Schwertmeister Avatar von XiNaaru
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2012
    Hey Leute,
    ich habe schon eine ganze weile das Multicraft Webpanel (als 2er Lizenz)
    es war nun eine ganze zeit offline und ich glaube durch einen fehler von mir hatte sich die config zurück gesetzt

    nun hatte ich das neu einstellen wollen um wieder drauf zuzugreifen aber nun kommt immer dieser fehler:

    Kann nicht zu Daemon verbinden (10061: Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte. )

    die Config ist bisher wie folgt eingestellt:

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    ## This is the main configuration file for the Multicraft daemon. Any change to
    ## this file requires a restart of the daemon or a reload through the panel
    ## under Settings->Operations. Not all settings can be reloaded while the
    ## daemon is running.
    ## Lines with a '#' in front of them are disabled and will not have any effect.
    ## Remove the '#' to enable the setting.
    ## The daemon will run under this user (not used for Windows)
    user = xinaru
    ## Directories created by Multicraft will have the owner set to
    ## the user and the group set to the webUser (not used for Windows)
    ## default: same as "user"
    webUser = xinaru
    ## The daemon will listen on the following IP/port.
    ## to listen on all available interfaces (all IPs). Note that
    ## you will have to use the "externalIp" setting below if you set this
    ## to as the control panel needs to know where to connect.
    ip =
    port = 25465
    ## If the external address is different from the listen address
    ## you can set the external address here. This setting will be saved
    ## to the DB and used by the control panel to connect to the daemon.
    ## default: same as "ip"
    externalIp =
    ## The connection password for daemon communication
    ## !! Change this when you set Multicraft to listen on a public IP !!
    ## The same password will have to be used on the panel side in the file:
    ## protected/config/config.php
    password = zensiert
    ## Remote IP restrictions for daemon connections. This is a comma separated
    ## list of IPs that are allowed to connect to this daemon. Empty for all
    ## remote IPs allowed.
    ## default: empty
    allowedIps =

    kann mir jemand helfen?
    ach ja, multicraft läuft auf einem windows root server

    der englische support hilft mir dabei leiderauch null weiter da ich kein englisch kann
    XiNaaru ist offline Geändert von XiNaaru (08.02.2019 um 12:54 Uhr)

  2. #2 Zitieren
    Panzer vor!  Avatar von Uripura
    Registriert seit
    Mar 2007
    Für gewöhnlich im TS
    Ohne jetzt was über Multicraft zu wissen tippe ich darauf, dass der Port oder das Passwort nicht stimmen.

    In der Config steht auch "The same password will have to be used on the panel side in the file: protected/config/config.php"
    Das würde ich mal überprüfen.
    Uripura ist offline

  3. #3 Zitieren
    Schwertmeister Avatar von XiNaaru
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2012
    das ist beides gleich eingetragen.
    der fehlercode bleibt leider der selbe

    und der port ist der standart port
    XiNaaru ist offline

  4. #4 Zitieren
    Frau General Avatar von Millhi
    Registriert seit
    Jul 2011
    Sind die IPs auch sicher richtig eingestellt? Soweit ich das sehen kann sollte man für die externe IP die IP des Servers nutzen und bei allowedIps eintragen (bzw. ein # vor allowedIPs setzen, um die Zeile auszukommentieren), wenn man möchte, dass jede IP auf das Panel zugreifen kann.
    Millhi ist offline

  5. #5 Zitieren
    Schwertmeister Avatar von XiNaaru
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2012
    wenn ich das so mache wie du sagst kommt jetzt folgende meldung:

    Kann nicht zu Daemon verbinden (10060: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat. )

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    ## This is the main configuration file for the Multicraft daemon. Any change to## this file requires a restart of the daemon or a reload through the panel
    ## under Settings->Operations. Not all settings can be reloaded while the
    ## daemon is running.
    ## Lines with a '#' in front of them are disabled and will not have any effect.
    ## Remove the '#' to enable the setting.
    ## The daemon will run under this user (not used for Windows)
    user = multicraft:multicraft
    ## Directories created by Multicraft will have the owner set to
    ## the user and the group set to the webUser (not used for Windows)
    ## default: same as "user"
    webUser = daemon:daemon
    ## The daemon will listen on the following IP/port.
    ## to listen on all available interfaces (all IPs). Note that
    ## you will have to use the "externalIp" setting below if you set this
    ## to as the control panel needs to know where to connect.
    ip =
    port = 25465
    ## If the external address is different from the listen address
    ## you can set the external address here. This setting will be saved
    ## to the DB and used by the control panel to connect to the daemon.
    ## default: same as "ip"
    externalIp = (normale root ip)
    ## The connection password for daemon communication
    ## !! Change this when you set Multicraft to listen on a public IP !!
    ## The same password will have to be used on the panel side in the file:
    ## protected/config/config.php
    password = zensiert
    ## Remote IP restrictions for daemon connections. This is a comma separated
    ## list of IPs that are allowed to connect to this daemon. Empty for all
    ## remote IPs allowed.
    ## default: empty
    ## allowedIps =
    ## The maximum number of daemon connections to allow to this daemon.
    ## default: 500
    maxConnections = 500
    ## The maximum number of daemon connections a single client can open.
    ## default: 50
    #maxClientConnections = 50
    ## The daemon ID, only the Dynamic license supports this setting.
    ## Running multiple servers with the same IDs can cause unpredictable behavior
    ## Valid values: 1, 2, ..., 65535
    id = 1
    ## The database containing daemon 
    ## default: sqlite:data.db (-> "baseDir"/"dataDir"/data.db)
    #database = sqlite:data.db
    ## Example for MySQL connections:
    database = mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=bitnami_multicraft_daemon
    dbUser = bn_multicraft
    dbPassword = zensiert
    dbCharset = utf8
    ## A name for this daemon, this is optional
    ## default: Multicraft Daemon
    name = Multicraft default daemon
    ## The amount of memory available to this daemon in MB. This setting mainly
    ## serves informational purpose for display in the control panel and
    ## for the API to decide if this daemon can still run more servers.
    ## 0 means undefined
    ## default: 0
    totalMemory = 0
    ## The base directory of the multicraft install. Relative to the users
    ## home directory or absolute. Must exist.
    ## default: multicraft (-> /home/"user"/multicraft)
    baseDir = C:\Bitnami\multicraft-2.2.1-1/apps/multicraft
    ## The directory the daemon binaries reside in
    ## default: bin (-> "baseDir"/bin)
    daemonDir = bin
    ## The data directory. Contains the database, socket, log and
    ## must be accessible by the control panel user if using a SQLite DB
    ## default: data (-> "baseDir"/data)
    dataDir = data
    ## The directory jar files can be placed in
    ## default: jar (-> "baseDir"/jar)
    jarDir = jar
    ## The directory containing all the servers. Users can be given access
    ## to specific subdirectories containing their server data
    ## default: servers (-> "baseDir"/servers)
    serversDir = servers
    ## The directory containing server templates
    ## default: templates (-> "baseDir"/templates)
    templatesDir = templates
    ## The following files contain daemon specific data.
    ## The paths specified are relative to "baseDir"
    pidFile = tmp/
    logFile = logs/multicraft.log
    licenseFile = C:\Bitnami\multicraft-2.2.1-1/apps/multicraft/multicraft.key
    scriptsFile = conf/scripts.conf
    ## This file defines the config file to use depending on the executable name
    configsFile = server_configs.conf
    ## This config file contains the default server configuration. It is not
    ## in the "jar" directory so it does not get listed as a selection in the
    ## JAR File dropdown.
    defaultConfigFile = default_server.conf
    ## Note that for all of the above settings where a file or directory is
    ## indicated you can also use absolute paths (/dir), home-relative
    ## paths (~/dir) or relative paths (./dir or ../dir). "dir" stands for
    ## the setting you're editing.
    ## When not using absolute/relative paths the setting is taken to be
    ## relative to the home directory of the user configured by the "user"
    ## setting.
    ## Examples:
    ## - Changing "baseDir" to ./multicraft will cause multicraft to search
    ##   all the files in a subdirectory "multicraft" of the directory it's
    ##   called from
    ## - Changing "logFile" to ~/multicraft.log will cause Multicraft to log
    ##   everything to the file multicraft.log in the home directory of the
    ##   user configured by the "user" setting
    ## The maximum size of one logfile after which the log will be rotated
    ## default: 20971520 (20 MB)
    logSize = 20971520
    ## The number of log files to keep (multicraft.log.1 ... multicraft.log.X)
    ## default: 9
    logCount = 9
    ## Synchronize log writes. Disabling this will improve performance at the
    ## risk of having some log entries overlap.
    ## default: true
    #logSync = false
    ## Use thesyslog facility instead of logging to a file.
    ## default: false
    #logSyslog = true
    ## The syslog facility to log to. Possible values: auth, cron, daemon,
    ## kern, lpr, mail, news, security, syslog, user, uucp, local10-17
    ## default: daemon
    #logFacility = daemon
    ## Log all commands the daemon receives from the panel
    ## default: false
    #logCommands = false
    ## Log server console output to the log file under these conditions:
    ## - always     Always log server console output
    ## - startup    Only log server console output during server startup
    ## - running    Only log server console output after server startup
    ## - never      Never log server console output
    ## default: startup
    #logServerConsole = startup
    ## Delay between server auto-starts in milliseconds.
    ## default: 750
    autostartDelay = 750
    ## Automatically update server binaries, conf files or both on daemon
    ## startup. Valid values:
    ## - empty      Don't update anything on startup
    ## - base       Update the server binaries and conf files for the base server
    ##              types that come with Multicraft. Currently:
    ##                  minecraft_server.jar.conf, minecraft_optimized.jar.conf,
    ##                  craftbukkit.jar.conf, spigot.jar.conf
    ## - initial    Same as "base" but only update if the jar files don't exist
    ## - binary     Update all server binaries on daemon startup
    ## - conf       Update all server conf files on daemon startup
    ## - both       Update all server binaries and conf files on daemon startup
    ## default: empty
    startupServerUpdate = initial
    ## A list of section names in .conf files that can safely be defined
    ## or overridden by users. Note that this is just a default value that
    ## can itself be overridden in the .conf files in the daemon directory.
    ## Use * to allow all sections or a regular expression matching allowed
    ## sections only.
    ## default: ^(encoding|commands|parse_.+)$
    #safeConfSections = ^(encoding|commands|parse_.+)$
    ## Allow symlinks where directories are expected. This check is done for
    ## security.
    ## default: false
    #allowSymlinks = false
    ## Skip the integrity check for directories. This check is done for
    ## security, it verifies that a directory entry is consistent with its
    ## filesystem entry. You can disable this if this check causes issues
    ## on your particular filesystem.
    ## default: true
    #skipIntegrityCheck = false
    ## The timeout for template setup operations in seconds
    ## default: 600
    #templateSetupTimeout = 600
    ## Disables the template functionality. Please use the setting in the panel to
    ## disable it there.
    ## default: false
    #templatesDisabled = false
    ## Advanced: Use TCP keepalive for daemon connections
    ## default: true
    #tcpKeepAlive = true
    ## Advanced: Use TCP keepalive for FTP connections
    ## default: true
    #ftpTcpKeepAlive = true
    ## TCP keepalive parameters, use 0 for system default
    ## default: 0
    tcpKeepAliveIdle = 60
    tcpKeepAliveInterval = 5
    tcpKeepAliveCount = 6
    ## Advanced: Set global timeout for TCP connections in seconds, 0 for no
    ## timeout
    ## default: 120
    tcpTimeout = 120
    ## Advanced: Prefer IPv4 for version check requests.
    ## Can speed up hostname lookup.
    ## default: true
    #preferIPv4 = true
    ## Whether to delete the server directory on the old daemon after a server
    ## move. This is disabled by default for safety.
    ## default: false
    #deleteAfterMove = false
    ## Only allow a single script to be run at a time for each server. If disabled
    ## there is no limit on the number of scripts that can be running at the same
    ## time.
    ## default: false
    singleScriptPerServer = true
    ## The timeout for server executable and config file downloads in seconds.
    ## default: 15
    #downloadTimeout = 15
    ## The User-Agent string to use for server executable and config file downloads
    #downloadUserAgent = Your Custom User-Agent
    ## The User-Agent string to use for plugin downloads
    #downloadUserAgentPlugins = Your Custom User-Agent
    ## Whether or not to add version/architecture/OS parameters when downloading
    ## config files
    ## default: true
    #downloadAddVersionInfo = true
    ## When enabled the remote host will be verified when using HTTPS, otherwise
    ## the host and certificate checks are skipped.
    ## default: false
    #secureDownloads = false
    ## The CA certificate bundle to use for verifying secure downloads. If set to
    ## "auto" the daemon will try a set of default paths.
    ## default: auto
    #caBundle = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    ## The path to the Multicraft useragent. This program is used in
    ## multiuser mode to access user files.
    ## default: bin (-> "baseDir"/bin, same as daemonDir)
    #userAgentDir = bin
    ## The executable of the Multicraft useragent. Note that a config
    ## file with the same name as this setting (plus .conf) will be
    ## generated next to this file.
    ## default: launcher (-> "baseDir"/"userAgentDir"/useragent)
    #userAgentFile = useragent
    ## The minimum allowed user and group IDs for server users
    ## default: 100
    #userAgentMinUid = 100
    #userAgentMinGid = 100
    ## The script to run when a server is being prepared. The path is
    ## relative to the userAgentDir.
    ## NOTE: This script will be run as the superuser.
    ## default: empty
    #userAgentSuperuserPrepare = 
    ## The script to run when a server is being prepared. The path is
    ## relative to the baseDir.
    ## default: empty
    #userAgentPrepare = 
    ## Various useragent configuration options
    #userAgentCp = /bin/cp
    #userAgentCpOpts = --preserve=mode,timestamps --
    #userAgentDirCpOpts = -r --preserve=mode,timestamps --
    #userAgentUnzip = C:\Bitnami\multicraft-2.2.1-1/common/unzip
    #userAgentUnzipOpts = -qql
    #userAgentUnzipRe = ^(?:\s+[^\s]+){3}\s+(.*)$
    ## The path to the Multicraft launcher. This launcher program enables
    ## Multicraft to run servers that need a console to run correctly.
    ## default: launcher (-> "baseDir"/launcher)
    #launcherDir = launcher
    ## The executable of the Multicraft launcher
    ## default: launcher (-> "baseDir"/"launcherDir"/launcher)
    #launcherFile = launcher
    ## Integrated FTP server settings
    ## Wheter or not to enable the integrated FTP server, true/false
    ## default: true
    enabled = false
    ## IP to listen on for FTP connections, uncomment to use the same as
    ## for the daemon.
    ## means listening on all available interfaces (all IPs)
    ## default: same as the "ip" setting for the daemon, see above
    ftpIp =
    ## See the descriptions of "externalIp" and "ip" for the daemon above
    ## default: same as "externalIp" if "ftpIp" is "" otherwise "ftpIp"
    ftpExternalIp =
    ## Masquerade IP address to use for passive FTP connections when
    ## Multicraft is running behind a router.
    ## default: empty
    #ftpNatIp = 
    ## A port range to use for passive data transfers. If this is not
    ## specified the FTP server will use random ports.
    ## Format: 4000-8000
    ## default: empty
    #ftpPasvPorts = 
    ## Port to listen on for incoming FTP connections. Change this to
    ## something else if you are already running an FTP server on this
    ## system.
    ## default: 21
    ftpPort = 21
    ## Regular expression matching files that can't be manipulated by
    ## users in any way. If you want users to be able to upload their own
    ## plugins instead of using the ones you provide for them you can
    ## just comment this option out.
    ## default: empty
    forbiddenFiles = \.(jar|exe|bat|pif|sh)$
    ## Set the level of detail for FTP server log messages in the multicraft.log.
    ## Errors will always be logged regardless of this setting.
    ## Available levels:
    ## - full       Log all messages
    ## - basic      Don't log client/server communication
    ## - none       No FTP logging
    ## default: full
    ftpLogLevel = full
    ## If this setting is enabled the FTP server will not be started when the main
    ## daemon process is started. You can start the FTP server separately by using
    ## "start_ftp" instead of "start" as the parameter to the daemon command.
    ## default: false
    ftpSeparate = false
    ## The PID file for the FTP only process. The path is relative to "baseDir"
    ## default:
    ftpPidFile = tmp/
    ## The log file to use for the FTP only process. This setting has no effect if
    ## the FTP server is started as part of the main daemon process (i.e. if
    ## "ftpSeparate" is false.
    ## default: multicraft.log (same as the daemon)
    ftpLogFile = logs/multicraft.log
    ## Throttle the FTP bandwidth (experimental)
    ## Incoming data throttle (Kb/s)
    ## default: 0 (unlimited) 
    #ftpThrottleIn = 0
    ## Outgoing data throttle (Kb/s)
    ## default: 0 (unlimited) 
    #ftpThrottleOut = 0
    ## Starts an FTPS server when enabled
    ## default: false
    #ftps = false
    ## The certificate file to use for the FTPS server. This is required when the
    ## "ftps" setting is enabled. You can generate your own self signed certificate
    ## as described here:
    ## It's not recommended to use the default certificate for live deployments.
    ## default: ssl/ftps.pem
    #ftpsCertfile =  ssl/ftps.pem
    ## The key file to use for the FTPS server. This can be left empty if the key
    ## is already contained in the certificate file.
    ## default:  empty
    #ftpsKeyfile = 
    ## Enable this to force users to use FTPS
    ## default: false
    #ftpsForce = false
    ## This will allow some older protocols considered insecure to be used by the
    ## FTPS server to improve compatibility with older clients.
    ## default: false
    #ftpsCompatMode = false
    ## Minecraft default settings
    ## The default amount of reserved memory
    ## default: 1024
    memory = 1024
    ## The name of the java executable
    ## default: /usr/bin/java
    java = C:\Bitnami\multicraft-2.2.1-1\java\bin\java.exe
    ## The jar file to use. This file will be looked for in the "base"
    ## directory as configured above
    ## default: minecraft_server.jar
    jar = minecraft_server.jar
    ## Backup settings
    ## The command to run a backup. The following variables can be used:
    ## - {WORLD} The name of the world being backed up
    ## - {SERVER_DIR} The directory of the server (working directory)
    ## - {MULTICRAFT_DIR} The Multicraft base directory ("baseDir" above)
    ## - {BASE_DIR} The directory containing all the servers ("serversDir above")
    ## Note that the resulting files is expected to be named "{WORLD}"
    command = C:\Bitnami\multicraft-2.2.1-1/common/zip -qr "{WORLD}" . -i "{WORLD}"*/*
    ## The same setting for Windows systems
    commandWin = "{MULTICRAFT_DIR}\bin\zip.exe" -qr "{WORLD}" "{WORLD}"*/
    ## Uncomment the following commands to backup the entire server directory
    ## instead of just the current world
    ## command = C:\Bitnami\multicraft-2.2.1-1/common/zip -qr "{WORLD}" . --exclude {WORLD}*.zip
    ## commandWin = "{MULTICRAFT_DIR}\bin\zip.exe" -qr "{WORLD}" . --exclude {WORLD}*.zip
    ## System settings
    ## Most of the settings below are for Linux only
    ## Whether or not to use one system user per Minecraft server.
    ## This is recommended if you let your users upload untrusted executables.
    ## Note that for every server a new system user is automatically created
    ## if this option is enabled (user name format and commands configured below).
    ## default: false
    multiuser = false
    ## Display the output of this command in the panel under
    ## "Settings"->"Multicraft Status"
    ## default: empty
    #infoCmd = uptime
    #infoCmdWin =
    ## The name format for new users, the following variables can be used:
    ## - {ID} The server ID
    ## default: mc{ID}
    userFormat = mc{ID}
    ## The name format for new groups, the following variables can be used:
    ## - {ID} The server ID
    ## - {USER} The full username
    ## default: same as userFormat
    #groupFormat = {USER}
    ## The commands to create and delete system users and groups
    ## The following variables can be used:
    ## - {USER} The full username
    ## - {GROUP} The full groupname
    ## - {ID} The server ID
    ## - {DIR} The server base directory, used as the users home
    ## These commands cannot contain escaped quotes or empty arguments
    addUser = /usr/sbin/useradd -c "Multicraft Server {ID}" -d "{DIR}" -g "{GROUP}" -s /bin/false "{USER}"
    addGroup = /usr/sbin/groupadd "{GROUP}"
    delUser = /usr/sbin/userdel "{USER}"
    delGroup = /usr/sbin/groupdel "{GROUP}"
    ## Enable or disable Linux quota support
    ## default: false
    #enableQuota = false
    ## The command to set the Linux user quota
    ## The following variables can be used:
    ## - Variables from "addUser" comment
    ## - {QUOTA} The disk space quota in MB
    ## - {QUOTA_BLOCKS} The disk space quota in blocks
    #setUserQuota = /usr/sbin/setquota -u "{USER}" 0 "{QUOTA_BLOCKS}" 0 0 -a
    ## The script used to fetch quota usage information for the current user
    ## (in blocks)
    ## default: scripts/
    #quotaCheckScript = scripts/
    ## The minimum time in seconds between two quota usage checks
    ## default: 20
    #quotaCheckDelay = 20
    ## The kernel block size to use for quota calculation
    ## default: 1024
    #quotaBlockSize = 1024
    ## Regular expression for filtering file names. Any match gets replaced by "_".
    ## Warning: Changing this is potentially dangerous
    ## default: [\\/<>:|*?"'&;$~%\0]
    #fileFilter = [\\/<>:|*?"'&;$~%\0]
    ## The command to unpack a zip file. The following variables can be used:
    ## - {FILE} The name of the zip archive to restore
    ## - {MULTICRAFT_DIR} The daemon base directory
    unpackCmd = C:\Bitnami\multicraft-2.2.1-1/common/unzip -quo "{FILE}"
    ## The same setting for Windows systems
    unpackCmdWin = "{MULTICRAFT_DIR}\bin\unzip.exe" -quo "{FILE}"
    ## The command to pack a zip file. The following variables can be used:
    ## - {FILE} The name of the zip archive to create
    ## - {MULTICRAFT_DIR} The daemon base directory
    packCmd = C:\Bitnami\multicraft-2.2.1-1/common/zip -qr "{FILE}" .
    ## The same setting for Windows systems
    packCmdWin = "{MULTICRAFT_DIR}\bin\zip.exe" -qr "{FILE}" .
    ## Settings for Docker support (EXPERIMENTAL)
    ## Enable Docker support
    ## default: false
    enabled = false
    ## The name of the user that the container process should belong to. It's
    ## recommended to create a new user that is used just for this, for example:
    ## # adduser --disabled-login --no-create-home --ingroup users docker
    ## default: docker
    #user = docker
    ## The name of the "docker" group. This group needs to have access to the
    ## docker daemon.
    ## default: docker
    #group = docker
    ## The full path to the "docker" executable
    ## default: /usr/bin/docker
    #docker = /usr/bin/docker
    ## The name of the Docker image to use
    ## default: java:jre
    #image = java:jre
    ## Memory in MB to add to server memory value for Docker containers
    ## default: 128
    #memoryAdd = 128
    ## CPU factor for each Docker container. Multiplies default CPU shares by this
    ## value.
    ## default: 1.0
    #cpuFactor = 1.0
    ## If this is enabled the daemon will try to always show the external IP in the
    ## server console instead of the IP used in the container.
    ## default: true
    #maskIp = true
    ## Format for volume definitions (see mounts below)
    ## default: --volume=%s:%s:%s
    #volumeFormat = --volume=%s:%s:%s
    ## Format for environment variable definitions
    ## default: --env=%s=%s
    #envFormat = --env=%s=%s
    ## Directories to mount inside the container. Uses the "volumeFormat" setting
    ## to mount the directories. Format:
    ## If CONTAINER_DIR is omitted it is set to the same value as HOST_DIR.
    ## MODE can be "rw" for writable or "ro" for read-only, defaults to "ro".
    #mounts = "{TEMPLATES_DIR}" "{MULTICRAFT_DIR}/scripts" "{DAEMON_JAR_DIR}" "{SERVER_DIR}::rw"
    ## Additional arguments to pass to Docker
    ## default: empty
    #arguments =
    ## The command to start the Docker container.  See the [start] section of the
    ## default "craftbukkit.jar.conf" for a list of available variables.
    ## Additional variables:
    ## - {DOCKER_ARGS} The additional arguments from the "arguments" setting
    ## - {DOCKER_VOLUMES} The volume arguments generated from the "volumeFormat"
    ##   and "mounts" settings
    ## - {DOCKER_ENVS} The env arguments generated using the "envFormat" setting
    ## - {DOCKER_IMAGE} The docker image to use
    ## - {DOCKER_MEMORY} The memory limit in MB to use for this container. This is
    ##   calculated as the server memory limit plus the "memoryAdd" setting
    ## - {DOCKER_CPUSHARES} The CPU shares this container can use. This is
    ##   calculated using the "cpuFactor" setting (1024 * cpuFactor)
    ## - {DOCKER_IP} The actual IP setting of the server. When running in a Docker
    ##   container the {IP} variable is always
    #command = run --rm -i -a stdin -a stdout -a stderr --read-only --tmpfs /tmp:exec --security-opt=no-new-privileges --cap-drop=ALL {DOCKER_ARGS} -p {DOCKER_IP}:{PORT}:{PORT} -w {WORKING_DIR} -u {UID}:{GID} -m {DOCKER_MEMORY}M --cpu-shares={DOCKER_CPUSHARES} --name=mc{SERVER_ID} {DOCKER_VOLUMES} {DOCKER_ENVS} {DOCKER_IMAGE}
    ## The command to stop a container when a server did not shut down on its own
    ## after a certain period of time
    #stopCommand = stop mc{SERVER_ID}
    ## The command to kill a container when it does not close after sending the
    ## stop command
    #killCommand = kill mc{SERVER_ID}
    ## The command to determine the PID of the root process of a container
    #pidCommand = inspect -f "{{ .State.Pid }}" mc{SERVER_ID}
    ## Docker settings can be overridden by conf files of server executables in the
    ## [docker] section. This setting is a comma sepparated list of setting types
    ## that can be overridden. Valid values:
    ## - disable: Allows conf files to run without Docker ("enabled" setting)
    ## - image: Allows conf files to change the image name ("image" setting)
    ## - settings: Allows conf files to change general settings ("memoryAdd",
    ##   "cpuFactor", "maskIp" settings)
    ## - command: Allows conf files to affect the final docker run command
    ##   ("mounts", "arguments", "command", "stopCommand", "killCommand")
    ## default: image, settings
    #override = image, settings
    ## Cleanup existing docker containers using the configured cleanup command
    ## before trying to run a server.
    ## default: false
    #cleanup = false
    ## The command to cleanup an existing container before starting a server
    #cleanupCommand = rm -f mc{SERVER_ID}

    und wenn ich dass allowd ips wieder normal mache (also die ## davor weg) kommt die selbe fehlermeldung wie zuvor
    XiNaaru ist offline Geändert von XiNaaru (09.02.2019 um 12:49 Uhr)

  6. #6 Zitieren
    Schwertmeister Avatar von XiNaaru
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2012
    okay ich habe es jetzt einfach mal neu installirt
    leider.....kann ich irgendwie meine vorher exportierte sql datenbank nicht importieren

    phpmyadmin zeigt mir ständig: Incorrect format parameter

    weiß da jemand was?
    ich hatte es vorher ganz normal exportiert und will es eig jetzt importieren um meine ganzen einstellungen wieder zu haben

    okay das liegt wohl daran dass meine datei zu groß ist (128MB)
    gibt es da eine alternative möglichkeit?


    Okay habe nach langem rumprobieren die Lösung gefunden
    Für alle die, die es nicht wisssen und die Multicraft über den Bitnami Installer nutzen wie ich, wo MariaDB und phpmyadmin gleich dabei ist:

    1. Geht in den Ordner Bitnami/multicraft-Versionnummer/apps/phpmyadmin/config und öffnet die Datei httpd-app.conf mit einemTexteditor
    2. Dort seht ihr folgende zwei Zeilen:

    php_value upload_max_filesize 80M
    php_value post_max_size 80M

    ändert die 80 zum Beispiel jeweils in eine 200 und speichert ab
    3. Restartet den apache server und ihr solltet nun dateien mit 200MB Importieren können
    XiNaaru ist offline Geändert von XiNaaru (09.02.2019 um 19:29 Uhr)


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