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  1. #1 Zitieren
    Dea Avatar von Solitaire
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    Seit einer Weile brennt mir schon diese Frage unter den Nägeln und seit ich wieder DA:O spiele sogar noch mehr. In Lothering findet man ja Sten ... wer auch den 2. Teil von DA gespielt hat, der weiss, dass Sten nicht sein Name sondern ein Rang ist. Offenbar hat Sten also keinen eigenen Namen (oder?), aber was ist denn mit den Qunari im Allgemeinen? Selbst bei DA:I wird die Rasse Qunari genannt, obwohl Qunari ja die Anhänger des Qun sind (und somit auch Menschen, Zwerge oder Elfen sein können) und keine Rasse an sich. Weiß jemand, wie die Rasse, die als Qunari bezeichnet wird, denn wirklich heißt?

    Sorry, sollte es schon einen Thread zu diesem Thema hier geben. Ich hab in der Diskussion über 15 Seiten durchsucht und nichts gefunden.
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  2. #2 Zitieren
    Lied im Schilf  Avatar von Dawnbreaker
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    Meine Inqui hatte sich kürzlich mit dem Bullen unterhalten und ich meine, da gehört zu haben, dass sich das Volk vor dem Qun Kossith nannte.
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  3. #3 Zitieren
    Dea Avatar von Solitaire
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    Supi, danke für die Antwort.

    Aber warum werden die Qunari dann nicht so genannt? Immerhin gibt es zumindest bei DA2 eine Menge von denen, die "abtrünnig" sind ... die dürften ja dann nicht mehr Qunari heißen. Alles sehr verwirrend.
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  4. #4 Zitieren
    Provinzheld Avatar von Tempus
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    Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, meint der Bulle das die gehörnten Qunari sich selbst nicht mehr als Kossith bezeichnen. Da hat es wohl irgendwann mal eine Spaltung im Volk der Kossith gegeben.
    Die Qunari die nicht mehr an das Qun glauben, oder Abtrünnig sind, werden Tal-Vashoth genannt. Menschen und Elfen unter dem Qun sind die Viddathari.
    Aber ja, es ist alles sehr verwirrend. Dafür aber auch interessant.
    Jene die aus die aus der Geschichte nichts lernen sind dazu verdammt sie zu wiederholen.
    Jene die aus ihr lernen sind einfach nur verdammt.
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  5. #5 Zitieren
    Deus Avatar von Dukemon
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    Hier finden sich bestimmt auch ein paar Antworten.
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  6. #6 Zitieren
    Eala Frya Fresena  Avatar von Jhonson
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    Hier findest du die Antwort von David Gaider ...

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    D.G. über Qunari, Qun, Kossith ...
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    I’ve written about this before, but I’m going to create a post so that I can point to it the next time the subject comes up. If you’ve heard more about this topic than you ever wanted to, just move along.

    For reference:

    What is a Qunari?

    Qunari literally translates to “people of the Qun”. That means it applies to anyone who follows the Qun philosophy, no matter the race. The difficult thing about the Qun when it comes to names, however, is that the Qunari are very particular about what something is called. Things are called according to their function and nothing else, and names are very exact.

    What is a Kossith?

    This is a name for the Qunari that predates the foundation of the Qun. It may refer to the actual name of the race, or the name of the culture from which the current-day Qunari hail, it’s really unknown as the Qunari have discarded the term completely. Almost no-one in Thedas knows it, and since the Qunari do not teach it, most Qunari themselves don’t know it and would reject it even if they did.

    It’s also hardly been mentioned in-game at all outside of codex entries, so unless you’re talking to a fan who’s well-versed in the lore nobody’s likely ever going to have heard of it.

    So what is the horned race called?


    But that makes no sense!

    Sure it does. There are lots of words that refer to multiple aspects like this. If you say “Bob is German”, you could be referring to his being of German heritage or his being a citizen of Germany no matter his heritage. If you say “Bob is Jewish”, you could be referring to his ethnicity, his religion, or both.

    But what about all the other words…?

    These are only of importance to the Qunari themselves, with their pedantic insistence on everything belonging to a category and that category defining what they are. Don’t confuse the two.

    To most people, Qunari is a term for both the race and religion. Even a Qunari which has left the Qun is still Qunari. If they ever need to refer to a follower of the Qun who is of another race, they’ll specify: “elven Qunari” and so forth. It’s uncommon enough that one can assume, unless specified otherwise, “Qunari” on its own refers solely to members of the horned race.

    Now, if you’re talking to a Qunari, things get more difficult. A member of their race who has left the Qun is no longer Qunari but Tal-Vashoth. A convert from another race is viddathari, though they too will ultimately become simply Qunari. They have other words which get more specific—the question really is whether you want to get tripped up in the myriad classifications the Qunari use. Some fans really like to, but it’s only ever going to be relevant in particular circumstances.

    Isn’t that difficult to write about?


    As I said above, when we write “Qunari” we are referring to either the physical race or the culture as a whole—based on the context in which we’re using the word. Just the same as with “German” or “Jewish”— that doesn’t trip people up in real life because there is always context in real life. If we need to be more specific, we’ll use an adjective.

    Now, if we’re involving actual Qunari in the discussion, it’s going to get more obtuse—and that’s deliberate, because the Qunari themselves are obtuse. Misunderstandings are indeed possible, and we could write to them if we wished. A party member could say “there’s a Qunari around the corner” and then you turn the corner…and an elf is standing there. “Huh?”

    That could happen…if we wanted it to. The idea that it must happen that way isn’t true. That party member could as easily have said “there’s an elven Qunari around the corner” if they honestly knew better.

    Aren’t there situations where the name of the race is vital?

    Outside of a discussion on taxonomy, not really. Even then, the name of the race (to everyone but the Qunari themselves) is still going to be “Qunari”.

    Is it OK if fans use “Kossith” for the race name?


    Are you sure?

    Yes. It’s not as if you need my permission, or anyone else’s. We’ll never use it in-game, but you can call the Qunari whatever you like, if you think that will actually communicate your meaning better to your audience. If you’re talking to a group of people who’d know what “Kossith” means, then why not?

    Because you seem to get mad about it.

    I get annoyed with the argument—from both sides. Someone says “Kossith” and you have someone else jumping down their throat for incorrect usage even though they knew damn well to what that person was referring. Likewise, someone says “Qunari” and you have someone else deliberately ignoring context so they can propagate the argument further—that argument where they insist where a different word for the race is absolutely needed and constitutes some kind of oversight or omission on the part of the lore. Because language doesn’t work that way, evidently.

    Let people use “Kossith”. If you know enough to argue its usage, then you know what they meant, so stop being so anal.

    Let people use “Qunari”, and don’t try to school them on how non-specific that is unless you happen to be Qunari yourself and the incorrect usage of all these terms is really confusing for you. If so, then you get a pass.

    Do you regret ever mentioning “Kossith”?

    There are moments where I regret making Qunari culture so very alien in its outlook. Possibly it would have been easier to make an anthropomorphic fantasy race instead. Cat people! Done! Lizard people! Done!

    Mostly I think this is on the fans, though. Fans are obsessive and do it out of love, though, so whatever. They seem to enjoy it, even if it occasionally gives me a headache.

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  7. #7 Zitieren
    Deus Avatar von Virdo
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    Zitat Zitat von Solitaire Beitrag anzeigen
    Aber warum werden die Qunari dann nicht so genannt? Immerhin gibt es zumindest bei DA2 eine Menge von denen, die "abtrünnig" sind ... die dürften ja dann nicht mehr Qunari heißen. Alles sehr verwirrend.
    Der Bulle erwähnt ja auch dass die Kossith evtl ganz anders aussehen als die Qunari oder anders gesagt Bioware weiß selbst nicht genau wie die Kossith aussehen oder was sie sind. Sieht man auch in dem geposteten von Jhonson
    It may refer to the actual name of the race, or the name of the culture from which the current-day Qunari hail, it’s really unknown as the Qunari have discarded the term completely.
    Es gibt aber in DAI Andeutungen wodurch ein paar Theorien entstanden sind.
    So hat der olle Fakegott Ghilan'nain gerne an Lebewesen experimentiert wodurch zb die Halla oder Riesen entstanden.
    Er hat aber diverse Monster ect erschaffen, darunter wahrscheinlich auch die seltsamen halb Echsen/Drachen-Humanoide (Scaled Ones) welche man auch schon in DAI (Descent) sieht

    Möglich das sie aus diesen entstanden sind, durch diverse Experimente an sich selbst oder an anderen. Waren ja sehr auf Blut und evtl auch deren Magie(?) getrimmt.
    The Scaled Ones appear to have a religion of sorts. They constructed a golden altar fashioned in the shape of fire in the center of the camp, with enemy corpses, drained of blood, hanging on the tip of each flame. Dwarves witnessed a ceremony during which a female priest chanted and ignited blood in a basin raised towards the altar, while the other Scaled Ones bowed low.
    Könnte auch erklären warum die Qunari so strikt gegen Magie bzw vor allem Blutmagie sind
    Virdo ist offline Geändert von Virdo (21.04.2017 um 19:01 Uhr)
  8. #8 Zitieren
    Dea Avatar von Solitaire
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    between shadow and light
    Danke euch für die Erklärungen!
    Solitaire ist offline


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