Hello everyone! i have a question... I recently installed the game from GOG, but I'm confused I do not know which version I have in the installation of programs in Windows7 says GOG version and in the line of Risen says 1.00.0000
so what version i have? the 1.0 or the 1.10? I leave a preview image....
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I don't have the GOG version myself, but it is common for GOG that they use their own version numbering scheme. Which does not have to correlate with the game developer's or publisher's version numbering. So you shouldn't pay too much attention to that.
The risen.exe should say that it's product version 1.0.96124.0 (right-click -> properties -> details) with an MD5-Hash of 1C640ED0AAB83EFF3257DE96D444418F (can be checked with CyoHash, for example). That is the latest EXE I'm aware of, which is the "Unprotected Patch" (1.11). It includes the previous content patch 1.10. According to the internet, that's the version which GOG is selling. So you should be good to go.
The only thing not included is the unofficial patch from the community. It fixes a few more bugs (e.g. you no longer lose any XP you gain while being transformed into another creature) and should be compatible with the GOG version, from what I can tell.
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Thanks for answer me! yes you are right the version in the .exe is 1.0.96124.0
another thing... i want put the Text of the game to the Spanish language. i already have the file to do that called "strings.p00" i am trying to put into the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Games\Risen\data\compiled but not happen nothing... i see the folder have unique similar file called "strings.pak" just that. you know if exist any possibilities to translate the game only the text i mean...?Last edited by Jorgeapp; 05.01.2017 at 23:54.
I'm afraid I can't help you with that. Generally, as I understand the way that Risen processes the data files, first comes .pak, then .p00, then .p01, and so forth. So if you have a strings.p00, that should override the strings.pak.
Why don't you just download the spanish version from GOG? The product page lists as supported languages: "Audio and Text: Deutsch, English, français. Text only: español, italiano"
So the spanish version should do exactly what you want.
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