ist das problem noch vorhanden, ich bin pc-supporter und nutze teamviewer, evt. kann ich helfen?
neu-installion schon gemacht?
steam gameueberpruefung?
antivirus deaktiviert? (absolut empfohlen)
ist steam beta aktiv?
- Crash at launch
Recent Steam Beta clients may cause the Steam version of the game to crash.
Opt out from Steam Beta client
Open Steam settings and select the "Account" tab.
In "Beta participation" click "Change..." and select "NONE".
Steam should ask you to restart the client and download the latest stable release of the client.
-- german steam beta deaktivieren
Frequent game crashes
Allocate more virtual memory to the program[7]
Download NTCore's 4GB Patch.
Run the program, apply the patch to the witcher.exe located in <path-to-game>\System\witcher.exe.
- german programm downloaden/in gameordner verschieben/nutzen/spielen