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This place for sure feels like a graveyard. I know I haven't be active either, but seriously what the heck has happened to this place?
IMO it was an huge mistake when world of gothic english forums (WoG) were closed. Those were darn popular. Then the activity began declining slowly and look where we are now.
ps. nice to see you Rekiniku.
Risen 1 is great and you should definitely try it. Feel very gothicy. Risen 2 and Risen 3 are quite different and less memorable.Last edited by Dez; 26.04.2017 at 21:30.
There were too few people active on them and less than that interested in maintaining the place clean. The german speaking users had even less interest to moderate an english speaking forum (not meant as disrespect, it's a choice and I respect it) so it had to be closed.
I guess social media and more interactive means of communication have kind of took a toll on forums plus the new generations have even less interest in them. The older generations either don't have the time or ... who knows? Reasons can vary for each person.
If you ask me, 95 % of the social media is crap and should be ignored. Sure I have a facebook account to keep in touch with friends and a linkedIn profile for the work stuff, but otherwise, I don't really see much use for it. Social media is not a good replacement for a discussion forum.
Last edited by Dez; 28.04.2017 at 18:32.
Sure. I agree. I feel exactly the same way but we grew up without all of these. We had dial-up, waiting ages for a page to load, it's only normal to want as much content as possible after waiting a good few seconds (and I do mean a few good ones).
Ever since Twitter came out, things changed. They introduced the tweets trend and that brought a shift in mentality. Everything must be fast, small or as little as possible. Heck, Twitter's max character limit is probably smaller than the forum's minimum character limit (maybe exaggerating here).
It's also related to screens. It fits perfectly with the vast majority of screens being ~5 in. nowadays. You will want as little content as possible but delivered as fast as possible.
It even got so lazy that it's not about writing anymore. Like, Dislike, Thumbs Up etc. If it's click-able or touch-able once it's perfect.
Shall I go on? Why move? If you can speak it, it's even better (Alexa, Siri, Bixby etc)
Can you guess what's next? Just think it and it's done.
PS: I feel old after writing this *sigh*
By Joe, WOG is alive again? I just randomly stumbled on here, due to some nostalgia from the good years spend on WoG, and what do I see?
Almost everyone is still around. Great to see you all! How have you all been doing? Oh, the feelings are coming back!
Time to read up on this thread, as it seems to have plenty of goodness!
Hi y'all!
Mmm.. gald to see some peanuts left around 'ere..
It's okay to be gay . Anyone this is nostalgic, I never participated much in wog but I was a big time lurker.
Last edited by addo; 22.09.2019 at 23:08. Reason: correction