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  1. #1 Zitieren

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    The "Bug-Me" Thread #10: Your Questions Answered by PBs.

    This is thread no. 10 of the series in which the developers from Piranha Bytes answer questions from the community.

    This thread is a special gift of PB to the community and it is rare to find a developer answering questions of gamers in an independant and uncontrollable fan forum on a regular basis. So please, treat this thread with respect.

    Note that PB has no official "community manager" or something like this. Members on the team come here in their spare time besides their duties (if they want to). The easier we make it for them to answer our questions, the more questions we get answered!

    So please stick to the following rules:
    • This thread is only for (real) questions to PB! No idle chatter. If you want to comment on something, you can do that in the Bug-Me discussions thread. If you click on the button labeled [Bild: quoteadd.png] on the upper right side of the post you want to comment on, you'll get the chance to transfer that as quote over to a different thread (look right under the editor window in your reply window).
    • Try to keep your questions short and precise. Make it clear so that one can understand what you really want to know. If you have some doubts about your English, run a spell checker across the text.
    • If you really need a longer explanation for something, please highlight the question itself somehow. I suggest using the colour Lemon Chiffon, combined with bold writing.
    • But don't overdo it! Font sizes above 3 to steal attention from other posts will not be tolerated. Use the formatting options to make the question stick out from your post. Not to make it stick out from all other posts. If you really want your post to stick out, try asking a good question in a clearly readable way!
    • Remember: Every minute that PB has to waste to repeat an already given answer is a minute less they have for answering a new question. Hence, use the search function of this forum and try to see if your question has already been answered. To get only postings from PB employees, restrict the search to users like "Quy", "Ralf", "Michael Rüve", "Jenny PB" and "PB_Harry". Those are the Piranhas that are known to have posted in the english boards.
      [Bild: howtosearch.jpg]
    • If PB does not answer your question, keep calm. Maybe they just did not see it or did not have the time. Perhaps it was not clear enough. Try to rephrase and reformat it to be easy to spot and to read. Then post it again.

    For your research, here are the previous threads:

    Bug-Me Thread #1
    Bug-Me Thread #2
    Bug-Me Thread #3
    Bug-Me Thread #4
    Bug-Me Thread #5
    Bug-Me Thread #6
    Bug-Me Thread #7
    Bug-Me Thread #8
    Bug-Me Thread #9
    Bug-Me Thread #10
    foobar ist gerade online Geändert von foobar (26.06.2015 um 21:43 Uhr)

  2. #2 Zitieren
    Kämpferin Avatar von Jenny PB
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    Aug 2009
    it's too early to say something about HUD or button configuration. This task will be dicussed at a later point of the project. But we'll keep that in mind.

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    1. Did Risen 3 will get more patches, updates or even bigger Addon like Night of the Raven? Risen 3 is on third place (after G1 and G2). Its great game, but when i saw ending ... I dont want that story will be continue in Risen 4.
    2. Did you think about Gothic 3 Remake? There is more chance for Gothic 1/2 remake or Gothic 3?
    3. If Risen would be continued, it will have NPCs from previous Risen 1 and 2? I would be glad if i can see triplets again and Azuro or Captain Romanov Ghost. Or maybe Child of Don Esteban who continued his fight against Inquisition.
    4. Why we don't get ogres, ashbeast, worms, and this little snail in Risen 2/3
    1. There's no addon or update planned. At the moment we're all busy with another project.
    2. and 3. We just designed and discussed the content of our current project. But i can't tell you anything about it without the announcement.
    4. When we continue a game we usually talk about two things regarding to monsters. First of all we need monsters that fit to the new threat. In Risen 3 these monsters came from the underground and were undead. We need big and weak monsters, animal and human monsters and at least boss monsters. The second kind of them are those, who live at the islands. Here we can decide which old or new monster makes sense. Unfortunately some designed monsters doesn't find their way into the game, because of less time or budget, so we add them on the basis of their priority. I hope this answers your question.

    Kind Regards, Jenny
    Jenny PB ist offline

  3. #3 Zitieren
    Schwertmeister Avatar von warstrike
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    Jun 2005
    Can we expect an announcement this month? Thanks
    warstrike ist offline

  4. #4 Zitieren
    Lehrling Avatar von Laurealdin
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    Mar 2015
    Hello Jenny,

    1. Does your new game will be contain missing animations such as drinking potions, or eating food?
    2. Will return traditional distance weapons: bows and crossbows?
    3. Crafting will take place again in separate window or it will be like in Risen 1?
    4. In new game the world still will be divided into smaller locations?

    Laurealdin ist offline

  5. #5 Zitieren
    Just arrived
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    Nov 2012

    Well, as probably most of the fans of piranha bytes, what made me love your games is the story progress, lore, the vibes and atmosphere, and the open world with the ability of doing what ever you want.
    One of my first games that I have played in my life, is Gothic 1. It took my breath away, I was still young and my English was poor, so I did not really cared a lot for the storyline. But, the ability to pick almost anything from the ground, to fight any thing that moves, go where ever I want and learn the places around, totally hooked me. As I grow older I played the game many times, until I decided to finish this game for the first time. I my English was enough good to understand almost everything and with the help of my parents it was easier. I totally loved the way the story begins, where you don't know anything about religion nor the world around you but you know abit of the war and why you sent to the colony. As you progress in the game, you learn about Innos, Adanos and Beliar. The way you join a camp and every camp has its advantages and disadvantages. Water mages, fire mages, and one necromancer. All this stuff took my breath away, it was amazing, and well done. Gothic 2, you clearly gave us more details about the religion and about the world out side. You took us from the colony to a larger place, which is The island of Khorines, and in Gothic 3 you too us to Myrtana! The way sequels was going and the development of the story was amazing. I played all of your games, I loved them all, and I did not care for the technical stuff, because the storytelling and the game-play was satisfying enough.

    Now, I hope, request and advice you to work in depth when it comes to the new game, for the lore, storytelling and religion. I mean Gothic series had an incredible, original and creative religion, gods and magic, and how everything connected to each other. Risen series was about titans and stuff that lets say did not hooked me as much as Gothic's religion. I mean it was not as original as the Gothic's storytelling and religion. I hope you would take this three things (Lore, Storytelling and Religion) as much serious as you can.

    Thanks a lot for your effort,
    Ronnie Nimer
    resortobe ist offline

  6. #6 Zitieren
    Schwertmeister Avatar von warstrike
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    Jun 2005
    By the way , any words on this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv_KjOrjcAA ?
    Gothic 2 on DirectX 11 ,what do you think about that?Can you believe what fans did to it ?
    warstrike ist offline

  7. #7 Zitieren
    Registriert seit
    Mar 2015
    When will be announcement? You are keep telling us "soon", that mean a month, a few months or a half a year? You don't need to tell a date, just... precise how low should we wait for something that will be there "soon".
    xenonisbad ist offline

  8. #8 Zitieren
    Knight Avatar von catalinux
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    Jan 2008
    Will you consider bringing back:
    1. the blood trails
    2. the coup-de-grace for NPCs not related to the main quest?
    catalinux ist offline

  9. #9 Zitieren

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Sep 2004
    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    Will the next game have a developer console again?

    Because I'm really, really, really not a fan of the fact that you disabled it for the R3 release version. It was always nice to be able to fix minor problems – and let’s face it: your game will have those – yourself.
    foobar ist gerade online Geändert von foobar (08.04.2015 um 11:23 Uhr) Grund: typo

  10. #10 Zitieren
    Kämpferin Avatar von Jenny PB
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    Aug 2009
    Hello to everyone,
    i hope you enjoyed your easter holidays. I will try to answer some of your new questions.

    Zitat Zitat von warstrike Beitrag anzeigen
    Can we expect an announcement this month? Thanks
    Zitat Zitat von xenonisbad Beitrag anzeigen
    When will be announcement? You are keep telling us "soon", that mean a month, a few months or a half a year? You don't need to tell a date, just... precise how low should we wait for something that will be there "soon".
    Hm, ok let me explain. I don't even know a date. We're talking to the publisher continuous and discuss what information we could give you first. You can imagine that there's only one chance to give a good first impression of the new project. We all think, we should make an earlier announcement. But there's still much time till release. When the day comes, we should be able to show or tell you anything about the game. So i stick to my words, it will be soon.

    Zitat Zitat von Laurealdin Beitrag anzeigen
    Hello Jenny,
    1. Does your new game will be contain missing animations such as drinking potions, or eating food?
    2. Will return traditional distance weapons: bows and crossbows?
    3. Crafting will take place again in separate window or it will be like in Risen 1?
    4. In new game the world still will be divided into smaller locations?
    1. We have a priority list of animations. We try to make the most important first, like fighting for example. But drinking potions or eating food is prio 3. I don't know if they will be implemented in the game, yet.
    2. + 4. Sorry, Spoiler. I will answer that later.
    3. We already discussed that. We can say more about the new crafting after the announcement.

    Zitat Zitat von resortobe Beitrag anzeigen


    Now, I hope, request and advice you to work in depth when it comes to the new game, for the lore, storytelling and religion. I mean Gothic series had an incredible, original and creative religion, gods and magic, and how everything connected to each other. Risen series was about titans and stuff that lets say did not hooked me as much as Gothic's religion. I mean it was not as original as the Gothic's storytelling and religion. I hope you would take this three things (Lore, Storytelling and Religion) as much serious as you can.

    Thanks a lot for your effort,
    Ronnie Nimer
    We try to do our best. We already worked on the background and lore for weeks. There are many secrets about the story and the world's history you will find. Now we have to implement them into the game and we hope you will like it.

    Zitat Zitat von warstrike Beitrag anzeigen
    By the way , any words on this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv_KjOrjcAA ?
    Gothic 2 on DirectX 11 ,what do you think about that?Can you believe what fans did to it ?
    We love that. It is really fun to watch it and some of us started playing gothic 2 again.

    Zitat Zitat von catalinux Beitrag anzeigen
    Will you consider bringing back:
    1. the blood trails
    2. the coup-de-grace for NPCs not related to the main quest?
    1. I hope so.
    2. No, i don't think so. Too many problems. But there will be enough to kill at all...

    Zitat Zitat von foobar Beitrag anzeigen
    Will the next game have a developer console again?
    I'm sorry, I don't know, yet.

    I hope you will have a nice week, see you soon.

    Kind Regards,
    Jenny PB ist offline

  11. #11 Zitieren
    Warrior Avatar von Morgannin09
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    Oct 2012
    This is an open question to everyone, as well as PB, because one of my subscribers brought this to my attention and made me really curious.
    In this GameStar video on Risen 3's development, around 1:00 we see a couple glimpses of the 3D design (I believe it's Victor working on it) and we see things like pipes, bolts, ducts, and things that definitely don't look like any level in Risen 3. What exactly was that being designed for, if anyone knows?
    YouTube channel for Let's Plays and shenanigans: https://www.youtube.com/c/Morgannin
    Morgannin09 ist offline

  12. #12 Zitieren
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    Mar 2015
    1. Why there isnt any voodo pirate except our Hero? Kila pirates should wear these armors, or Saddec anyway.
    2. Why mages never use ranged attack? They are easier to kill than normal enemies.
    3. Why you remove pistols cooldown and why pistols make so big damages to golems ( 2 hits and dead)
    4. Would not be better if crossbows be like in Gothic 3/Risen 1 than now? They are only pistols with bolts amno.
    5. Why Kila Natives Camp is soo small? its smaller than camps in Risen 2.
    Schmidtek ist offline

  13. #13 Zitieren
    Kämpferin Avatar von Jenny PB
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    Aug 2009
    let's go.

    Zitat Zitat von Morgannin09 Beitrag anzeigen
    In this GameStar video on Risen 3's development, around 1:00 we see a couple glimpses of the 3D design (I believe it's Victor working on it) and we see things like pipes, bolts, ducts, and things that definitely don't look like any level in Risen 3. What exactly was that being designed for, if anyone knows?
    As you already read in the discussions, the material on the screens was something different (ecspecially exercises and private stuff) but nothing about Risen 3.

    Zitat Zitat von Schmidtek Beitrag anzeigen
    1. Why there isnt any voodo pirate except our Hero? Kila pirates should wear these armors, or Saddec anyway.
    2. Why mages never use ranged attack? They are easier to kill than normal enemies.
    3. Why you remove pistols cooldown and why pistols make so big damages to golems ( 2 hits and dead)
    4. Would not be better if crossbows be like in Gothic 3/Risen 1 than now? They are only pistols with bolts amno.
    5. Why Kila Natives Camp is soo small? its smaller than camps in Risen 2.
    1. Saddec and the pirates on Kila had too many problems with the natives, so we decided to just give the player a special armor.
    2. You're right, but i don't know. I think there were some reasons that made it difficult.
    3. + 4. Yes i liked the bows and bolts, too. With Risen 2 and 3 we decided to implement more piratelike stuff and wanted to see how it works.
    5. Sometimes it's not enough time to make every location as big as the other. In our opinion it's more important to have enough NPC's and stuff you can play with.

    These design decisions have usually nothing to do with our current project, by the way. New game, new decisions, new possibilities.

    Kind Regards, Jenny
    Jenny PB ist offline

  14. #14 Zitieren
    Apprentice Avatar von raiton7
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    Is the Deep Silver still your publisher for the following project/projects ?
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  15. #15 Zitieren
    Ranger Avatar von Grimmwulf
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    Jun 2005
    1) What are the odds of ever seeing any actual piranha fish in a Piranha Bytes game? I'd like to feed them some cattle, or a penguin (sorry foobar).

    2) Has a penguin ever been killed by a piranha? I figure you're the authority on all things piranha...
    Das war's mit dir, du Mistvieh!
    Verdammte Enten!
    Grimmwulf ist offline Geändert von Grimmwulf (10.04.2015 um 17:04 Uhr)

  16. #16 Zitieren
    Ranger Avatar von Andante
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    Jan 2011
    here are my questions.

    1) Will the new game make use of current graphics technology (DX11) or will it be DX 9 based?

    2) Is the game being developed with the PC or the consoles in mind ?

    3) Do you plan to release the game in next gen consoles? (ps4, xbox one)

    4) Can the game be characterized as "medieval"?

    5) Will it be open to explore like Risen 1 or will it have multiple loading zones?
    Andante ist offline

  17. #17 Zitieren
    Warrior Avatar von The Ore Baron
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    May 2012
    When the new project is announced, would PB consider organizing some sort of a competition? Designing a short quest, maybe, or something else with an impact of the actual game? An opportunity to leave a personal imprint on a game would surely excite the community. Or is it a little too much to ask?

    Even if there is no opportunity for personal input of that sort, I still think competitions are fun and you should consider it
    The Ore Baron ist offline

  18. #18 Zitieren
    Kämpferin Avatar von Jenny PB
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    Aug 2009
    Hello everyone,
    i hope you had a nice weekend.

    Zitat Zitat von raiton7 Beitrag anzeigen
    Is the Deep Silver still your publisher for the following project/projects ?
    It's still too early to answer this question.

    Zitat Zitat von Grimmwulf Beitrag anzeigen
    1) What are the odds of ever seeing any actual piranha fish in a Piranha Bytes game? I'd like to feed them some cattle, or a penguin (sorry foobar).

    2) Has a penguin ever been killed by a piranha? I figure you're the authority on all things piranha...
    Nice idea, I haven't thought about something like that...

    Zitat Zitat von Andante Beitrag anzeigen
    here are my questions.

    1) Will the new game make use of current graphics technology (DX11) or will it be DX 9 based?

    2) Is the game being developed with the PC or the consoles in mind ?

    3) Do you plan to release the game in next gen consoles? (ps4, xbox one)

    4) Can the game be characterized as "medieval"?

    5) Will it be open to explore like Risen 1 or will it have multiple loading zones?
    I'm really sorry, maybe you should ask your questions to a later point of the project again. The only thing i can say is, that we develop our game with the pc, of course and i can't say which other platforms will be released. The other thing is, that i can't answer your last questions, without telling something about the setting...

    Zitat Zitat von The Ore Baron Beitrag anzeigen
    When the new project is announced, would PB consider organizing some sort of a competition? Designing a short quest, maybe, or something else with an impact of the actual game? An opportunity to leave a personal imprint on a game would surely excite the community. Or is it a little too much to ask?

    Even if there is no opportunity for personal input of that sort, I still think competitions are fun and you should consider it
    I hope so. We already have some ideas, but i can't promise something. It will be a question of time and we have to organize it in our holidays but it would be fun, if we could make some kind of competition.

    Kind Regards,
    Jenny PB ist offline

  19. #19 Zitieren
    Lehrling Avatar von Laurealdin
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    Mar 2015
    Hello again Jenny, it would be nice if you could write something about this questions:

    1. Magnus in Guardians Camp in Risen 3 is the same character which in first Risen guarding entrance to Harbor Town with the same name?

    2. The more powerful are Titans or Titans Lords? Because Nekroloth in the last fight changed form from Titans Lord to Titan.

    3. In yours previous titles Nameless hero could wear a lot of things at once: a sword, shield, bow. Since Risen 2 Hero can carry only one weapon at the same time. It looks strange when selecting musket sword disappears and vice versa. Are you planning to improve it?

    Great thanks for the answers, i look forward to your next game and send greetings to all team
    Laurealdin ist offline

  20. #20 Zitieren
    Kämpferin Avatar von Jenny PB
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    Aug 2009

    Zitat Zitat von Laurealdin Beitrag anzeigen

    1. Magnus in Guardians Camp in Risen 3 is the same character which in first Risen guarding entrance to Harbor Town with the same name?

    2. The more powerful are Titans or Titans Lords? Because Nekroloth in the last fight changed form from Titans Lord to Titan.

    3. In yours previous titles Nameless hero could wear a lot of things at once: a sword, shield, bow. Since Risen 2 Hero can carry only one weapon at the same time. It looks strange when selecting musket sword disappears and vice versa. Are you planning to improve it?
    1. Allthough many soldiers became guardians during the years, Magnus is another character then in Risen 1.

    2. In a duel a titan is usually stronger than any human being. On the other hand a titan lord is able to control titans in special circumstances. So both are very powerful in thier own way.

    3. I can't answer this question, yet. Weapons should usually not percolate through clothes, for example. We'll see what we can do.

    Kind Regards
    Jenny PB ist offline

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