Oh, thanks. I rode this tutorial, but I omitted a piece of text
Ok ok, another question: is it possible to change NPC' s armor? Or did I missed something?
Results 21 to 40 of 61
Last edited by Germano; 16.12.2016 at 19:21.
I didn't found anything about inventory. See by yourself:
"Quinn" {
GUID = {CD5507C9-C9FF-42BA-9CD7-D28421232635};
Creator = {6A5E2C06-6DBD-4335-B551-7B25005FC690};
MatrixLocal = (mat 0.910473 0.000000 -0.413570 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.413570 0.000000 0.910473 0.000000 63486.218750 351.003723 38633.015625 1.000000);
MatrixGlobal = (mat 0.910473 0.000000 -0.413570 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.413570 0.000000 0.910473 0.000000 233486.218750 351.003723 278633.031250 1.000000);
Extents = (box 233407.531250 350.943726 278561.156250 233564.906250 552.001709 278704.906250);
Center = (vec 233486.218750 451.472717 278633.031250);
Radius = 146.505341;
TimeStamp = <62 34 CF 01 70 7F DE 83>;
Unknown1 = <04>;
Unknown2 = <9D A5 00 00 01 00>;
class gCNavigation_PS {
Version = 9;
Properties {
float Radius = 50.000000;
float AmbientRange = 0.000000;
float AmbientAnimationRange = 0.000000;
float CostFactorForStandardArea = 1.000000;
float CostFactorForPreferedArea = 0.050000;
float CostFactorForRiverArea = 50.000000;
float CostFactorForLowOceanArea = 10.000000;
float CostFactorForDeepOceanArea = 50.000000;
float CostFactorForConnector = 0.000100;
bool ExcludeNavMeshArea_STANDARD = False;
bool ExcludeNavMeshArea_PREFERED = False;
bool ExcludeNavMeshArea_RIVER = False;
bool ExcludeNavMeshArea_LOWOCEAN = False;
bool ExcludeNavMeshArea_DEEPOCEAN = False;
bool ExcludeNavMeshArea_CONNECTOR = False;
ClassData {
[class gCNavigation_PS, Version 9] = <02 00 00 00 47 45 43 32 CB EE 10 9E 01 00 27 01 00 00 01 00 17 61 3E A8 26 80 89 7C 07 00 00 00 05 00 53 74 61 72 74 01 00 00 00 CB EE 10 9E 01 00 04 01 00 00 04 00 00 00 47 45 43 32 55 39 43 F3 01 00 32 00 00 00 02 00 9B E1 71 0F 74 EC 8C 7C 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 22 B1 90 6A CF 53 E5 0D 10 00 00 00 2F 49 AD DB 7E E8 8D 4A BE 9D 88 16 48 0E 83 0A 00 00 00 00 47 45 43 32 55 39 43 F3 01 00 32 00 00 00 02 00 9B E1 71 0F 74 EC 8C 7C 04 00 00 00 00 00 70 41 22 B1 90 6A CF 53 E5 0D 10 00 00 00 C4 70 58 96 2A 5C C1 43 99 0A 9C 2D 5F 4B 34 87 00 00 00 00 47 45 43 32 55 39 43 F3 01 00 32 00 00 00 02 00 9B E1 71 0F 74 EC 8C 7C 04 00 00 00 00 00 A0 41 22 B1 90 6A CF 53 E5 0D 10 00 00 00 2F 49 AD DB 7E E8 8D 4A BE 9D 88 16 48 0E 83 0A 00 00 00 00 47 45 43 32 55 39 43 F3 01 00 32 00 00 00 02 00 9B E1 71 0F 74 EC 8C 7C 04 00 00 00 66 66 A0 41 22 B1 90 6A CF 53 E5 0D 10 00 00 00 CF AA 7C 71 EE A9 B9 45 9F B0 4C D1 08 FB F1 62 00 00 00 00 47 45 43 32 CB EE 10 9E 01 00 6C 00 00 00 01 00 17 61 3E A8 26 80 89 7C 0C 00 00 00 0A 00 42 6F 6F 7A 65 50 61 72 74 79 01 00 00 00 CB EE 10 9E 01 00 44 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 45 43 32 55 39 43 F3 01 00 32 00 00 00 02 00 9B E1 71 0F 74 EC 8C 7C 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 B1 90 6A CF 53 E5 0D 10 00 00 00 3F 6D 1C E0 22 86 91 48 BD A8 41 D9 C5 8E A5 95 00 00 00 00>;
class gCNPC_PS {
Version = 4;
Properties {
class bCString Voice = "Lloyd";
class bCString RoleDescription = "Pirat-Kuriositätenhändler, Er spricht sehr verschlagen und geheimnistuerisch (Schlemil) ";
enum gEGender Gender = gEGender_Male;
enum gEBravery Bravery = gEBravery_Guard;
enum gESpecies Species = gESpecies_Human;
enum gEAttitude AttitudeLock = gEAttitude_None;
enum gECrime LastPlayerCrime = gECrime_None;
enum gEReason Reason = gEReason_None;
enum gEReason LastReason = gEReason_None;
enum gEReason LastPlayerAR = gEReason_None;
enum gEFight LastFightAgainstPlayer = gEFight_None;
float LastFightTimestamp = 0.000000;
float LastGoingDownTimestamp = 0.000000;
float PlayerWeaponTimestamp = 0.000000;
float LastPlayerHealTimestamp = 0.000000;
float LastDistToTarget = 0.000000;
bool DefeatedByPlayer = False;
bool Ransacked = False;
bool Discovered = False;
class eCEntityProxy CurrentTargetEntity = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000};
class eCEntityProxy CurrentAttackerEntity = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000};
class eCEntityProxy LastAttackerEntity = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000};
class eCEntityProxy GuardPoint = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000};
enum gEGuardStatus GuardStatus = gEGuardStatus_Active;
float LastDistToGuardPoint = 0.000000;
class bCString AnimationBearing = "";
class eCEntityProxy SpellTarget = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000};
enum gEDamageCalculationType DamageCalculationType = gEDamageCalculationType_Immortal;
enum gEGuild Guild = gEGuild_Pirate;
class bCString Group = "BoozePirateCamp";
class bCString EffectSpecies = "";
class bCString EffectMaterial = "flesh";
int XP = 100;
bool IsMage = False;
bool IsRangedFighter = False;
bool IsDirtyTrickFighter = True;
ClassData {
class gCInventory_PS {
Version = 4;
Properties {
bool GeneratedPlunder = False;
bool GeneratedTrade = False;
class eCScriptProxyScript OnConsumeItem = "";
ClassData {
[class gCInventory_PS, Version 4] = <03 00 00 00 47 45 43 32 E9 F0 90 25 02 00 6A 00 00 00 05 00 30 80 88 0B F9 A2 71 A7 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 30 80 88 0B C4 D3 E3 48 04 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 5E E7 84 60 E7 30 8D 7C 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 4C A4 D6 4E 8B 7B 1B CC 08 00 00 00 66 86 A9 67 00 00 00 00 7E 9E FB 69 E1 05 71 66 10 00 00 00 6B 93 73 5A 72 2F FF 40 B0 8F EC 94 F8 71 F1 1F 00 00 00 00 47 45 43 32 E9 F0 90 25 02 00 6A 00 00 00 05 00 30 80 88 0B F9 A2 71 A7 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 30 80 88 0B C4 D3 E3 48 04 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 5E E7 84 60 E7 30 8D 7C 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 4C A4 D6 4E 8B 7B 1B CC 08 00 00 00 66 86 A9 67 00 00 00 00 7E 9E FB 69 E1 05 71 66 10 00 00 00 73 8B A8 10 33 F2 87 44 B5 AC 0A 26 28 3C FE EB 00 00 00 00 47 45 43 32 E9 F0 90 25 02 00 6A 00 00 00 05 00 30 80 88 0B F9 A2 71 A7 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 30 80 88 0B C4 D3 E3 48 04 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 5E E7 84 60 E7 30 8D 7C 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 4C A4 D6 4E 8B 7B 1B CC 08 00 00 00 66 86 A9 67 00 00 00 00 7E 9E FB 69 E1 05 71 66 10 00 00 00 E7 99 64 9B D4 72 DB 45 85 AD 7F ED D9 90 45 83 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00>;
class gCScriptRoutine_PS {
Version = 2;
Properties {
class eCScriptProxyScript Routine = "ContinueRoutine";
class eCScriptProxyScript AssessActive = "AssessActive";
class eCScriptProxyScript PerceiveActive = "PerceiveActive";
float AdditionalPerceptionRadius = 0.000000;
class gCScriptProxyAIState CurrentTask = "";
float TaskTime = 0.000000;
int TaskPosition = 0;
float StateTime = 0.000000;
int StatePosition = 0;
int CommandTime = 0;
bool LockAIInterrupt = False;
bool LockAIResult = False;
int AIDelay = 0;
class gCScriptProxyAIState LastTask = "";
class gCScriptProxyAIState CurrentState = "";
int CurrentBreakBlock = 0;
enum gEAIMode AIMode = gEAIMode_None;
enum gEAIMode LastAIMode = gEAIMode_None;
float EndAttackTimestamp = 0.000000;
bool RoutineChanged = False;
ClassData {
class gCDialog_PS {
Version = 1;
Properties {
float EndDialogTimestamp = 0.000000;
bool TradeEnabled = False;
bool TeachEnabled = False;
bool TalkedToPlayer = False;
bool PartyEnabled = False;
bool PickedPocket = False;
bool Trade_Mixed = False;
bool Trade_Food = False;
bool Trade_Booze = False;
bool Trade_Melee = False;
bool Trade_Smith = False;
bool Trade_Ranged = True;
bool Trade_Gunsmith = False;
bool Trade_Clothes = False;
bool Trade_Voodoo = False;
bool Trade_Runes = False;
bool Trade_Crystal = False;
bool Trade_Mage = False;
bool Trade_Jewelry = False;
bool Trade_Alchemy = False;
bool Teach_Melee = False;
bool Teach_Ranged = False;
bool Teach_Smith = False;
bool Teach_Gunsmith = False;
bool Teach_Hunting = False;
bool Teach_Jewelry = False;
bool Teach_Alchemy = False;
bool Teach_Brandyman = False;
bool Teach_Thief = True;
bool Teach_Crystal = False;
bool Teach_Voodoo = False;
bool Teach_Rune = False;
bool Teach_Mining = False;
bool Teach_Dialogue = False;
bool Teach_Toughness = False;
ClassData {
class gCParty_PS {
Version = 2;
Properties {
enum gEPartyMemberType PartyMemberType = gEPartyMemberType_None;
enum gEPartyMemberMode PartyMemberMode = gEPartyMemberMode_Following;
class bCString PartyArea = "";
ClassData {
[class gCParty_PS, Version 2] = <00 00 00 00 00 00 C9 07 55 CD FF C9 BA 42 9C D7 D2 84 21 23 26 35>;
class gCEffect_PS {
Version = 1;
Properties {
bool Enabled = True;
class bCRange1 SecondsBetweenRepeats = (range 1.000000 5.000000);
class gCEffectProxy Effect = "";
class gCEffectProxy EffectMedium = "";
class gCEffectProxy EffectHigh = "";
class bCVector Offset = (vec 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000);
class eCScriptProxyScript EnabledScript = "";
enum gEEffectTargetMode TargetMode = gEEffectTargetMode_Self;
class eCScriptProxyScript TargetScript = "";
enum gEEffectLoopMode LoopMode = gEEffectLoopMode_Repeat;
enum gEEffectDecayMode DecayMode = gEEffectDecayMode_Decay;
enum gEEffectStopMode StopMode = gEEffectStopMode_Decay;
class bCRange1 RepeatProbability = (range 1.000000 1.000000);
bool UseMaxRepeats = False;
class bCRange1 MaxNumRepeats = (range 0.000000 5.000000);
bool UsePhysics = False;
float MinTouchVelocity = 400.000000;
float MinIntersectVelocity = 400.000000;
ClassData {
class gCSkillsNPC_PS {
Version = 3;
Properties {
int MaxBlood = 90;
int Blood = 90;
int ProtectionBlunt = 50;
int ProtectionBlade = 50;
int ProtectionBullet = 50;
int ProtectionExplosive = 50;
int ProtectionMagic = 50;
int ProtectionFire = 50;
int ProtectionIce = 50;
int ProtectionLightning = 50;
int ProtectionThunder = 50;
int ProtectionCurse = 50;
int ProtectionControl = 50;
int ProtectionFear = 50;
int AttackPower = 90;
int AttackSpeed = 100;
int RangedAccuracyBonus = 0;
int RangedCriticalBase = 0;
ClassData {
class gCCombatSystem2_PS {
Version = 1;
Properties {
class bCString CombatSpecies = "Human";
class bCString FightAI = "Default";
class bCString SubWeights = "Medium";
ClassData {
class gCCharacterMovement2_PS {
Version = 2;
Properties {
class gCMovementSpeciesProxy MovementSpecies = "human";
class eCScriptProxyScript OverwriteGoalScript = "";
class bCString ArmorEffectMaterial = "";
ClassData {
class eCAnimation3Controller_PS {
Version = 9;
Properties {
enum eEAnimationPhysicsRigMode PhysicsRigMode = eEAnimationPhysicsRigMode_Ragdoll;
class eTResourceProxy<class eCMotionNetworkDefResource2> NetworkResource = "Hero";
class bCFloatColor ObjectColor = (color 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000);
float LoD2Distance = 2250000.000000;
float LoD3Distance = 6250000.000000;
float ClothLoDDistance = 2250000.000000;
ClassData {
[class eCAnimation3Controller_PS, Version 9] = <20 00 48 75 6D 5F 4D 5F 42 6F 64 79 5F 56 65 73 74 5F 50 69 72 5F 44 65 66 61 75 6C 74 5F 31 5F 4C 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1D 00 48 75 6D 5F 4D 5F 48 65 61 64 5F 47 65 6E 65 72 69 63 5F 51 75 69 6E 6E 5F 31 5F 4C 31 1D 00 48 75 6D 5F 4D 5F 48 65 61 64 5F 47 65 6E 65 72 69 63 5F 51 75 69 6E 6E 5F 31 5F 4C 32 00 00 23 00 48 75 6D 5F 4D 5F 48 65 61 64 5F 42 6C 65 6E 64 73 68 61 70 65 54 65 73 74 5F 48 65 61 64 5F 31 5F 4C 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 23 00 48 75 6D 5F 4D 5F 42 6F 64 79 5F 50 61 6E 74 73 5F 53 5F 50 69 72 5F 44 65 66 61 75 6C 74 5F 31 5F 4C 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 23 00 48 75 6D 5F 4D 5F 46 65 65 74 5F 42 6F 6F 74 73 5F 4C 5F 50 69 72 5F 44 65 66 61 75 6C 74 5F 31 5F 4C 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>;
class gCInteraction_PS {
Version = 2;
Properties {
enum gEInteractionUseType UseType = gEInteractionUseType_NPC;
class eCScriptProxyScript EnterROIScript = "OnEnterProcessingRange";
class eCScriptProxyScript ExitROIScript = "OnExitProcessingRange";
class eCScriptProxyScript TouchScript = "";
class eCScriptProxyScript IntersectScript = "";
class eCScriptProxyScript UntouchScript = "";
class eCScriptProxyScript TriggerScript = "";
class eCScriptProxyScript UntriggerScript = "";
class eCScriptProxyScript DamageScript = "";
class eCScriptProxyScript CanAttachSlotScript = "";
class eCScriptProxyScript AttachedSlotScript = "";
class eCScriptProxyScript DetachedSlotScript = "";
class eCScriptProxyScript RoomChangedScript = "";
class gCScriptProxyAIState RoutineTask = "";
bool GroundBias = False;
class bCString FocusNameBone = "";
class bCVector FocusViewOffset = (vec 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000);
class bCVector FocusWorldOffset = (vec 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000);
class eCScriptProxyScript FocusPriorityScript = "GetFocusEntityPriority";
class eCScriptProxyScript FocusNameScript = "GetFocusEntityName";
class bTObjArray<class gCInteraction> Interactions = [
class gCInteraction {
Version = 1;
Properties {
enum gEInteractionType Type = gEInteractionType_Interact_Player;
class eCScriptProxyScript CanInteractScript = "CanInteract_Player_Talk";
class gCScriptProxyAIFunction PreInteractScript = "";
class gCScriptProxyAIFunction InteractScript = "Interact_Player_Talk";
class eCScriptProxyScript PostInteractScript = "";
ClassData {
class gCInteraction {
Version = 1;
Properties {
enum gEInteractionType Type = gEInteractionType_Interact_Player;
class eCScriptProxyScript CanInteractScript = "CanInteract_Player_Loot";
class gCScriptProxyAIFunction PreInteractScript = "";
class gCScriptProxyAIFunction InteractScript = "Interact_Player_AutoLoot";
class eCScriptProxyScript PostInteractScript = "";
ClassData {
class gCInteraction {
Version = 1;
Properties {
enum gEInteractionType Type = gEInteractionType_InventoryUse_Player;
class eCScriptProxyScript CanInteractScript = "";
class gCScriptProxyAIFunction PreInteractScript = "";
class gCScriptProxyAIFunction InteractScript = "Interact_Player_AutoLoot";
class eCScriptProxyScript PostInteractScript = "";
ClassData {
class bCMatrix SlotOffset = (mat 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000);
enum gEFocusPriority FocusPriority = gEFocusPriority_Normal;
enum gEFocusNameType FocusNameType = gEFocusNameType_Entity;
int InteractionCounter = 0;
class eCEntityProxy SlotWorldItem = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000};
class eCTemplateEntityProxy SlotItem = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000};
ClassData {
Nevermind. Another question: How can I make requirements for weapons and armors (just like "Real Enhanced Edition")?
- Join Date
- Oct 2006
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- 156
Ich habe die Anleitung zur Änderung eines Items durchgeführt. Das ganze funktioniert auch völlig problemlos:
Template-Datei entpacken - die Datei, die das Item beinhaltet decodieren - danach die Änderungen vornehmen - die Datei wieder encodieren - und dann eine neue Template-Datei packen, die nur die geänderte Item-Datei enthält und in das Verzeichnis kopieren, indem alle anderen paks sind.
Leider ändern sich dadurch die Attribute des Gegenstands im laufenden Spiel nicht. Habe den Vorgang nun 3 mal durchgeführt und die Änderung erscheint nicht im laufenden Spiel.
Danach versuchte ich die geänderte Datei in das Template-Verzeichnis direkt einzubinden und das originale Template-pak durch die von mir geänderte Template-pak im pak-Verzeichnis zu ersetzen. Aber auch dann hat der geänderte Gegenstand immer noch die Originalwerte.
Hat sich mit der Enhanced Edition irgend etwas geändert? Oder gibt es vielleicht einen cache, den ich erst löschen muss?
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vielen Dank erstmal für Deine Antwort.
Anbei der Link zur Datei:
Es enthält nur die It_Am_Thief Datei und der einzige Wert, den ich geändert habe ist, daß der Schlösserknacken-Bonus hochgesetzt wurde.
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- 156
Vielen herzlichen Dank erstmal dafür, daß du dir die Zeit genommen und meine pak getestet hast.
Ja du hast recht, ich habe versehentlich in der hochgeladenen Version den Taschendiebstahl-Bonus erhöht.
Und jetzt funktioniert die pak auch bei mir und ich habe keine Ahnung weshalb. Vor dem Hochladen hatte ich die pak auch noch mal ausprobiert und die Änderungen waren nicht im Spiel.
Wie auch immer, die grundsätzliche Vorgehensweise des moddings habe ich nun verstanden und die Änderungen funktionieren auch.
Vielen Dank nochmal.
I tried once again to find an information about NPC's armors or weapons but I don't know where it is. Maybe in another file? Any ideas?
It would be a small step in Risen 3 modding I think...Last edited by Germano; 03.06.2017 at 16:48.
which infos are you talking of? The mesh part?
Meshes are in 0_na_msh.pak iirc.
Here's an example:
[Bild: It_Int_Axe_Raw.jpg]
UV data looks a little bit strange."in der Erkundung dieser weiten und wunderbaren Welt" (post #70, höre link unten)
TAS for Elex 2 at ELEX II Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
Tuvok, scannen Sie den Planeten nach Mikroplastik!
"Hört mir bloß auf mit "Stormson".
"In Toussaint wird schon für kleinere Schmähungen als diese Satisfaktion verlangt."
Genug der "Blumensträuße". Ich WILL MadBob! Beugt die Realität!
I meant the information about NPC's inventory.
you mean which items are contained? For the genome engine it's a matter of guids. You need to know the guid of your item then search it in the class data of the inventory class you listed above.
edit: here's an example: 6B 93 73 5A 72 2F FF 40 B0 8F EC 94 F8 71 F1 1F
is the guid of It_Swd_Corsair.
Search for 47 45 43 32 in the class data then count 20 bytes back where a guid should start (16 bytes + 00000000).
Changing the guids there should change the inventories contents (that's how it worked for G3).
For the armor guids it may be different (can't check that atm because I can't find my R3 DVD)."in der Erkundung dieser weiten und wunderbaren Welt" (post #70, höre link unten)
TAS for Elex 2 at ELEX II Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
Tuvok, scannen Sie den Planeten nach Mikroplastik!
"Hört mir bloß auf mit "Stormson".
"In Toussaint wird schon für kleinere Schmähungen als diese Satisfaktion verlangt."
Genug der "Blumensträuße". Ich WILL MadBob! Beugt die Realität!Last edited by tombom81; 16.06.2017 at 12:19.
Great! I didn't know about this, both for R3 and G3.
Shame that you don't know how it works because of armors...
Where can I find this guides?
I wouldn't say so.
It's a matter of some research, though.
In the class eCAnimation3Controller there's those strings which need to be displayed as text:
I'm not sure but it seems to me that you just need to replace Hum_M_Body_Vest_Pir_Default_1_L1
for example by another "armor" to get what you want.
Thing is that you can replace strings with the same length only - otherwise you'll have to adapt the counters such as string lengths.
Where can I find this guides?"in der Erkundung dieser weiten und wunderbaren Welt" (post #70, höre link unten)
TAS for Elex 2 at ELEX II Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
Tuvok, scannen Sie den Planeten nach Mikroplastik!
"Hört mir bloß auf mit "Stormson".
"In Toussaint wird schon für kleinere Schmähungen als diese Satisfaktion verlangt."
Genug der "Blumensträuße". Ich WILL MadBob! Beugt die Realität!
I will analyze your post and I'll try it in the near future. Now I am little bit tired.
But thanks for your help.
Hmm, but who needs an armor shift?
Any ideas?
we' d need to know which options we have before. And there's not too many, I guess.
You also wouldn't "shift" cross factions, would you? So you might change from Demon Hunter light to medium or heavy or vice versa, for example.
There's some NPCs with similar armors (1 and 3 identical, same goes for 2 and 4):
[Bild: Quinn_Hum_M_Body_Vest_Pir_Default_1_L1.jpg]
So I tried to give Quinn Saddec's armor but only the black skin was shown with the shirt/Vest Pir unchanged. Very strange.
I managed to give Patty Grace's dress, though, but look, how "funny":
[Bild: Patty_dress_Grace.jpg]
(Seems her head and breasts are one part?)"in der Erkundung dieser weiten und wunderbaren Welt" (post #70, höre link unten)
TAS for Elex 2 at ELEX II Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
Tuvok, scannen Sie den Planeten nach Mikroplastik!
"Hört mir bloß auf mit "Stormson".
"In Toussaint wird schon für kleinere Schmähungen als diese Satisfaktion verlangt."
Genug der "Blumensträuße". Ich WILL MadBob! Beugt die Realität!
Oh, God, what's this? Looks terrible
How did you this?Last edited by Germano; 18.06.2017 at 16:47.
nothing special, as I wrote before
In World_Global.r3secdoc, NPC Patty, in the ClassData of eCAnimation3Controller_PS
I replaced (twice) Hum_F_Body_Main_Patty_1_L1 by Hum_F_Body_Non_Citizen_1_L1 (Grace).
Or as hexbytes:
1A 00 48 75 6D 5F 46 5F 42 6F 64 79 5F 4D 61 69 6E 5F 50 61 74 74 79 5F 31 5F 4C 31
replaced by
1B 00 48 75 6D 5F 46 5F 42 6F 64 79 5F 4E 6F 6E 5F 43 69 74 69 7A 65 6E 5F 31 5F 4C 31
where 1A, 1B are the string sizes
Then created r3sec and pak."in der Erkundung dieser weiten und wunderbaren Welt" (post #70, höre link unten)
TAS for Elex 2 at ELEX II Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
Tuvok, scannen Sie den Planeten nach Mikroplastik!
"Hört mir bloß auf mit "Stormson".
"In Toussaint wird schon für kleinere Schmähungen als diese Satisfaktion verlangt."
Genug der "Blumensträuße". Ich WILL MadBob! Beugt die Realität!