Hello everyone,
I recently started playing Risen2.
I have a problem entering certain areas, for example: pirate's den and the whole eastern beach.
As I venture to a certain point a message is shown; in a circle there is a red "1" and the text below says "end". After a few seconds I am transferred to main menue so I am unable to venture forth no matter how ofter I reloa the game.
Thanks for your help in advance
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- Oct 2014
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Can you post a screenshot?
From the description, it sounds a bit like the end of the playable area in the beta/demo version. If you have the full version and are not using cracks (like the EXE from the demo or something like that), you should not have this message.
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- Oct 2014
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Hm. As a matter of fact I am using a crack.. propably exactly the issue you mentioned. NOw that I know what it is I can work on that. Thanks!
Thread closed due to admission of piracy.
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