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  1. #81 Reply With Quote
    Ehrengarde Baltram's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teron Gorefiend View Post
    Edit: I still have another problem with the teleport runes. I want that they cost 10 mana.
    Therefore I just go to one teleport rune, to gCCastinfo PS, Mana cost=10. But it doesnt work. if the hero has >=10 mana he can cast the spell and no mana is gone, but under 10 maan he wont cast the spell.
    You could add a -10 MP element to eCIem_PS.ModifySkills using TPLEdit.
    Baltram is offline

  2. #82 Reply With Quote
    Held Teron Gorefiend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baltram View Post
    You could add a -10 MP element to eCIem_PS.ModifySkills using TPLEdit.
    no that doenst work. Strange, scrolls like levitate cost no mana either but increasing the manacost just worked fine. Why are teleport runes so different. Even this modify skills -10 mana doenst work.

    Ok back to topic. The editor works.

    I was in trouble a few mins before because this message appeared. Started a new game. The loading bar didnt move. strg, alt, entf

    [Bild: 33vvk9hk.png]

    Then I tried different things. However the game only crashes with changed worlds. Without the world folder in the game it just runs fine. I have no idea where the error source could be. Because I made only a few changes.
    -npc less armour and more dmg
    -filled chest with new stuff und changed the combination
    nothing else
    Teron Gorefiend is offline

  3. #83 Reply With Quote
    Legende JFaron's Avatar
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    As the exception states one of your entities within a lrent is damaged. Galraths Editor probably messed something up during the saving-procedure. Therefore I recommend to use Baltram's Script_Extensions (Download; Help) instead of this editor. (But this doesn't belong in this thread...)
    JFaron is offline

  4. #84 Reply With Quote
    Schwertmeister CzarnyAfgan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teron Gorefiend View Post

    Ok back to topic. The editor works.

    I was in trouble a few mins before because this message appeared. Started a new game. The loading bar didnt move. strg, alt, entf

    Then I tried different things. However the game only crashes with changed worlds. Without the world folder in the game it just runs fine. I have no idea where the error source could be. Because I made only a few changes.
    -npc less armour and more dmg
    -filled chest with new stuff und changed the combination
    nothing else
    Such problems happened to me only, when I applied changes to lrents custom created by user ( created by script-extensions editor ) for exaple - everything works fine, when I edit monastery_outdoor_events, but loading stops when I do the same changes with some custom file - example tomb_dyn. Did you apply changes using Galrath's editor to custom created lrent files or to vanilla ones? That happens because both editors are not compatible, with each other. Off course there is a way of walk-around described by Baltram ( "DynEntity MergeLayers" command in script-extensions )
    CzarnyAfgan is offline

  5. #85 Reply With Quote
    Held Teron Gorefiend's Avatar
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    mhm I will try again, save after every lrent and run the game after. good thing I dont have uni this day.

    I could change something. outland not dungeon areas. But sometimes it crashes and something not. However thats enough for me, npc´s are stronger and there are at least some more very hard chests with nice rewards.
    Teron Gorefiend is offline Last edited by Teron Gorefiend; 20.11.2013 at 15:49.

  6. #86 Reply With Quote
    Abenteurer Aztec2012's Avatar
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    And eny news? Genom Editor for Gothic 3 is in active depelopment but not this?
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  7. #87 Reply With Quote
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    May 2012
    The Risen Editor program does not work, it selects the tool and the printer also logs:

    15.06.2023 22:13:42 Application was startet succesfully. Log was initialized.15.06.2023 22:13:42 Device initialization started.
    15.06.2023 22:13:42 Device and API_Device successfully created.
    15.06.2023 22:13:42 Core initialization finished.
    15.06.2023 22:13:42 Feature Level : Level_11_0
    15.06.2023 22:13:42 Core initialization finished.
    15.06.2023 22:13:42 Выдано исключение типа "System.Exception". Stack trace : в RisenEditor.Code.Loader.RisenPak..ctor(EFile F, Dictionary`2 files, Boolean DoOverwrite)
    в RisenEditor.Code.FileManager.InitFileManager(D3DApplication a_App, String a_Basepath)
    в RisenEditor.App.Initialize()
    в GameLibrary.D3DApplication.CreateDevice()
    в RisenEditor.Program.Main()
    Chuzhack is offline

  8. #88 Reply With Quote
    General tombom81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuzhack View Post
    The Risen Editor program does not work,
    I can't confirm this. For me it worked (March 2021), loading of Levelmeshes (but maybe on Windows 7, don't remember):


    edit: on another note, there is a problem when you have files doublettes. You'll need to erase them.
    Their name(s) can be found in the log.txt file. Example:
    12.08.2024 22:04:02 Core initialization finished.
    12.08.2024 22:04:04 Two identical physical files found! COMPILED_INFOS.BIN

    "in der Erkundung dieser weiten und wunderbaren Welt" (post #70, höre link unten)
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    tombom81 is offline Last edited by tombom81; 12.08.2024 at 22:12.

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