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  1. Beiträge anzeigen #61
    Knight Avatar von Ze Lucas
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    In the City of twilight, in the cover of night
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    I know i'm repeating myself but i just love this story
    Keep it up

  2. Beiträge anzeigen #62
    Demigod Avatar von Rashnu
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    Guarding Chinvat Bridge (As-Sirāt); a bridge finer than a hair and sharper than a sword.
    Rashnu ist offline
    A dragon contest in Zweibrücken? That would be quite a site.
    [Bild: Rashnu340obenGIF.gif][Bild: nds_banner_156x60_rounded.jpg]
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    "Greeting to thee; well hast thou come; from that mortal world hast thou come to this pure, bright place."

  3. Beiträge anzeigen #63
    General Avatar von Khaled
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    A dragon contest in Zweibrücken? That would be quite a site.
    well..I don't really know what Zweibrucken is
    Before G3 had been released some parts of the map had been revealed(can;t find the thread now. And there it showed Zweibrucken...that's why I put that name in the story :P

  4. Beiträge anzeigen #64
    Demigod Avatar von Rashnu
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    Guarding Chinvat Bridge (As-Sirāt); a bridge finer than a hair and sharper than a sword.
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    well..I don't really know what Zweibrucken is
    It's a town in Germany bordering on France: click me.
    [Bild: Rashnu340obenGIF.gif][Bild: nds_banner_156x60_rounded.jpg]
    [Bild: Rashnu340untenlinks.gif][Bild: Rashnu340untenrechts.gif][Bild: oaqmBDA_Nein_113x60.jpg]
    "Greeting to thee; well hast thou come; from that mortal world hast thou come to this pure, bright place."

  5. Beiträge anzeigen #65
    General Avatar von Khaled
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    Zitat Zitat von Calin Matoianu Beitrag anzeigen
    When will the next chapter be ready? We are waiting for it.
    you'll have to wait for the next year...a lot of waiting for you

  6. Beiträge anzeigen #66
    Knight Avatar von Ze Lucas
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    In the City of twilight, in the cover of night
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    A reminder for Khaled How's your story developing? I'm anxious to see the next chapter

  7. Beiträge anzeigen #67
    General Avatar von Khaled
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    Chapter XVII : Rescuing old friends(part I) : The revolt

    Khaled was smoking his morning swampweed in his hut, thinking of his daily problems and ofa thing that crossed his mind several days ago. He put out his stalk of weed, he grabbed “El Bastardo” and went outside. On the way out he looked at himself in a mirror. “Why the hell didn’t you die together with you father so many years ago?” he asked himself. The answer didn’t came whatsoever. Otside, he found Vladimir and took him into the tavern.
    -Two beers here! Ordered Khaled. Look Vladimir. I’m tired of this waiting. We stood to much idle. I feel like loosing my minds here. I thought to take some of my men and a white flag, and go to the orcs. I’m dieing to find out what happened to our comrades.
    -Same thing bothers me too Khaled. Speak with your men. Tonight I think it’s a good time to go. Garond leaves the other citadel to find some desertors that turned into bandits. We can go ith him and separate in the woods. Then we will head to the orcs.
    -Allright. Drink your beer and prepare. I’m going to speak with some Bedouins. I don’t feel good to take with me only some of them, but the more we are the easier they will se us. Cheers! For liberation!
    -For liberation!

    -Hey Azeem! Find Ali and Mehkel and come to my hut in 5 minutes. We have something important to talk.
    In five minutes, the 3 Bedouin riders were at Khaled’s hut, anxious to hear what their leader has to say. Khaled finished shaving and while moving his hand across his sword, he was thinking of his speech, looking at the ceiling.
    -Tonight we’re going to find out what happened with our comrades. Take some trusted riders and while we hunt the desertors tonight, we will separate from Garond’s group and with a white flag we will go to the orcs.
    -I would go to the end of the world for you and Said, but white flags don’t work with the orcs. I’ve learned from my grand-father that you need a special banner for them to see you as a friend. It’s called “Ulu-Mulu”.
    -And where do I get an “Ulu-Mulu” Azeem?
    -You can’t find it anywhere. You must craft it. May if we liberate an orc scout from our dungeons, he will craft it for us.
    -We can’t free an orc from the dungeon without everyone noticing it.
    -Khaled…you’re the leader of this citadel. Even if not on the papers, but here is the whole Bedouin army. They will support you.
    -What do I do with Garond’s men? Imprison them? They will call their comrades from the other stronghold.
    -Not if all the Bedouins act at the same time and seize them. We will talk with them…Tonight you will hold a speech and we will act. We will seize them and imprison them. After that you will free the orc scout and he will make us an “Ulu-Mulu”.
    -Good thinking Ali, but the orc would surely want to go to his brethren if freed. This will be his price for the “Ulu-Mulu”.
    And you won’t be able to get him with you when hunting the deserters with Garond.
    -Mehkel…if I have the support of the whole Bedouin cavalry I won’t go with Garond anymore. Hurry up! Spread the word in the army and in 3 hours I will hold my speech.
    Vladimir heard of the plan from Khaled and announced Garond’s men to be present in the central Courtyard to hear the speech. At noon, Khaled was looking satisfied how the Bedouins were closing the gates of the stronghold and he started to hold his speech.
    -Dear comrades! Hear me! We came here as vassals of King Rhobar the 2nd. We’re fighting a war that doesn’t interest us. I’m not a born Bedouin, but I know how is it to fight for others. You are a proud nation…free yourselves from this Myrthanian chains. We mourned the loss of our beloved Ajihad. We don’t want to mourn Said too. Tonight, I and some raiders we will go to find our lost comrades. Garond doesn’t have to hear nothing of this. Seize the Myrthanians here!
    -You bastard! You won’t get far with this! Lord Hagen ordered you all to stay here…you will follow his ord…
    -Oh my god Morgan! They’re not joking! Run to the gat…
    Each Myrthanian soldier passed out because of powerful hits in their napes. They took the new prisoners in an organized manner, to the dungeons. Khaled went there with Azeem and Vladimir to visit the orcs. The orcs were all surpised to see armored human prisoners.
    -Can you animals understand our language? I demand something from you. I will offer you freedom if you help me. Speak monsters if you can!
    -Mora talks of us be rude and not civilsed. Mora be more rude than orcs. Mora say what he wants. Orcs like freedom just as much as mora does.
    -Oh so you offer your help? Make me an “Ulu-Mulu”! I’m going to save my friends. I give you freedom and opportunity to go back to your brethren.
    -If Meck-Pah chooses freedom now, mora kill him later. Mora kill him and his brothers later.
    -If I recover my companions we will not fight with orcs again. At least I promise this. These 2 men near me promise the same thing. First I want to know if my friends live anymore.
    -Meck-Pah trusts mora. Mora better keep promise or orcs have revenge.
    -I’m not like those Myrthanian dogs…I’m a Bedouin…I like to keep my promises.
    -Meck-Pah need Troll tusks, tongue Fire Lizard, Swampshark tooth and mighty shadowbeast horn.
    -We have them in our treasury room. Ali…bring them here. Meck-Pah, I need this “Ulu-Mulu” by nightfall. If I enter your town with the Ulu-Mulu I may not be attacked, but what about my friend here?
    -If Meck-Pah say not attack, orcs not attack.
    -I hope you won’t betray me Meck-Pah…this sword here likes orc blood.
    -Hosh Pack, tell us “Life is risk”.
    -Yes…and this time your life “is risk” not mine. I went through many bloody battles to be afraid of this. I’m going to do it whatever the risks are.
    Ali brought the requested materials. Meck-Pah started to work at the “Ulu-Mulu” and Khaled went to prepare together with the ones who would have to go with him. They all knew that Garond will eventually besiege the citadel if he sees that his men don’t show up with raports. They were all ready for a siege. Soe went to the other citadel and stole food and water supplies, together with arrows and spears. As planned, at nightfall Khaled watched Garond going to hunt the deserters. The “Ulu-Mulu” was finished. Khaled equipped it and together with Azeem, Ali, Mehkel, Meck-Pah, Vladimir and 20 other riders started his journey north to rescue his friends, if they were still alive.
    Geändert von Khaled (28.05.2007 um 15:27 Uhr)

  8. Beiträge anzeigen #68
    Knight Avatar von Ze Lucas
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    In the City of twilight, in the cover of night
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    Khaled, you have a gift for writing! Keep up the great work

  9. Beiträge anzeigen #69
    Veteran Avatar von Flaviu
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    Khaled,you're story is very interesting!I like it very much
    I hope you'll come with the next chapter!!!!
    Khaleeed..we're waiting for your story
    Geändert von Flaviu (19.02.2007 um 20:54 Uhr)

  10. Beiträge anzeigen #70
    General Avatar von Khaled
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    I find this chapter interesting. Hope you will like it too.
    One thing: if you didn't even read the story/chapter please don't post anything. I want to see only the opinions of those who had read it.

    Chapter XVIII : Rescuing old friends(part 2) : Varantian Betrayal

    The cold wind outside was blowing mad. Khaled and his fellow Bedouins knew they made a good choice by taking Nordmarian fur clothes. Meck-Pah was leading the group through the forest. They were 24 men, and with the orc, 25. The ice wolves were good food for the warriors. At night they were sleeping in their huge ox leather cloaks. One night, Khaled saw Meck-Pah standing on the brim of a cliff staring at the moon.
    -You can’t escape us and you thought to kill yourself by jumping off the cliff? Don’t take me serious…I just like joking when the times are harsh.
    -Mora good creature. Mora realized orcs not so bad. Mora be respected by orcs.
    -Never dreamt of this you know? What do you think? Are my friends still alive?
    -Orcs punish mora who want punish orcs. If mora good survivors and smart, orcs didn’t got them.
    -Sounds like you don’t think that orcs are so smart.
    -Orcs let enemies starve than kill with Krush-Agash or Krush-Varook.
    -Orc weapons…I traded lots of them…I deserve to be slaughtered by you, but I rather see my friends free with my eyes closing than live a whole life with my eyes open, knowing that I have abandoned them.
    -Mora is proud and has a good soul. The Sleeper will watch over him.
    -Sleeper? Some god of yours?
    -Yes…Beliar’s lieutenant…we believe than once he is awake he will lead our hordes to conquer huge territories to call them our own. Not the freezing North.
    After a week the small group made it to an orc city. It was in a small valley, near some cliffs and most probably the sanctuaries were in the depths of the mountain. The place was teeming with orcs.
    -This is the first city. From this one starts an entire network of cities and citadels. Now mora understand they don’t have any chances against us. Pray that your friends are alive.
    -Azeem, Ali and the rest…you remain here. I will go with Meck-Pah into the city. I will try to find out some clues about our lost comrades.
    Khaled went inside with Meck-Pah. The orcs weren’t interested in the stranger, because he was wearing nordmarian armor and there were some nordmarians who came with Ulu-Mulu in the orc cities. Khaled saw that the orc life was somehow similar to human life. They were eating, dancing, singing at drums and training with magic and their huge weapons. Khaled wandered with Meck-Pah through the city and discovered the dungeon.
    -Meck-Pah talks with guard and see if moras held captives. After some minutes, while Khaled saw some shamans praying to an idol, which he thought it could be The Sleeper. Bad news mora! In the dungeon and the caves in this city there are 100 human prisoners. The last army beaten, orcs still looking for the human survivors.
    -Meck-Pah. From now on, you are free. Go wherever you want. We don’t have the same interests now.
    -Mora sure he doesn’t need a guide from now on? Remember mora is walking on orc territory.
    I’m sure. Didn’t you find out whether there are some important men with these prisoners?
    -No, but Meck-Pah found out other interesting thing. They will be moved to some mines. And they need a scout. I am the scout and you’re coming with me.
    -If you’re say that I can free them, than you realize that I must kill the orc guards that will go with them.
    -I have some herbs that will render them asleep. Mora promised he don’t kill orcs. They will move the prisoners tomorrow.
    -So my comrades are still alive. I knew it!
    Khaled found a place to sleep between some rocks. At the first sight of the sun he got up and was ready to go with the prisoners. They were skinny and dressed up in some pelts. Surely their clothes and armors were history. In the mass of prisoners he saw Gorax, his mage friend. The mage was too tired and absent to realize Khaled’s presence. Other humans were cursing Khaled because he changed his allegiance, but the majority was resigned. 25 well armed orcs were leading the men to the mines. “Easy prey” thought Khaled. Before setting off he spoke with Azeem, Ali, Vladimir and Mehkel and told them about his plan. At night the small caravan arrived to a deserted fort. As planned, Meck-Pah suggested a little party with strong booze and music and songs. The orcs tied the humans with chains and in a few moments they were playing the drums and screaming in the night, dizzy because of the hallucinogen herbs. Khaled’s Bedouins came as he cried for them and started to kill the orcs showing no mercy, before the very eyes of the prisoners. Ali and Azeem disarmed Meck-Pah and enchained him. After some time, the human prisoners were free and feasting with orc food and non-hallucinogen booze. Gorax finally met Khaled and recognized him.
    -It was terrible Khaled. Radomir diised the army in two: One lead by Hagen and one by him. Lee and Diego went with Hagen and Said with Gonzalez came with us. Radomir ordered us to storm into that city. The soil ran from beneath our feet and many of us fell into sharp sticks and remained impaled. The others who didn’t die couldn’t hold out the orcs for a long time. We had to go round the city to fight our way through the main gate in order to be able to save our brethren. After we have seized the city a great army of orcs came over us. We were besieged and just when the orcs entered the city and slaughtered us all Radomir escaped with Said and some soldiers. Gonzalez died. We are prisoners for 4 years now. Many of us died. We weren’t only 100 captured men. The other ~1900 men had been killed by mining explosions, starvation and gladiator fights.
    -This asshole Radomir… He sent you to death. And what about the other part of the army? What happened to them?
    -I know nothing about it. I heard that the orcs are looking for survivors. I bet they have been beaten too.
    -Liar!!! Cursed be the brown Mora!!! You promised Meck-Pah not kill orcs.
    -Meck-Pah…did you expected me to keep my promise? Promises are made to be violated. I’m sorry…never trust a “mora”.
    In the same time he drawed El Bastardo and thrust Meck-Pah. I told you our paths had to separate.
    -Almighty Sleeper revenge Meck-Pah!!!
    -All of you! Get some sleep. Tomorrow we will give you as many weapons as we have. We will search for our comrades. Make another battle against orcs and I promise you I will get you out of here. Or Hagen and Said will do it if I die.
    Geändert von Khaled (28.05.2007 um 15:28 Uhr)

  11. Beiträge anzeigen #71
    Knight Avatar von Ze Lucas
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    Indeed very interesting chapter.
    But i'm a lil bit confused about the last few lines. Did Khaled kill Meck-Pah? Nevertheless, interesting turn of events. I thought Khaled won't brake his word...
    Can't wait for the next chapter

  12. Beiträge anzeigen #72
    Veteran Avatar von Flaviu
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    Indeed very interesting chapter.
    But i'm a lil bit confused about the last few lines. Did Khaled kill Meck-Pah? Nevertheless, interesting turn of events. I thought Khaled won't brake his word...
    Can't wait for the next chapter
    I have the same opinion as Ze Lucas.And good going.I almost forgot the story man.You haven't posted for ages.I like it even if i didn't play g3 i understand i think your story

  13. Beiträge anzeigen #73
    Knight Avatar von Ze Lucas
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    I have the same opinion as Ze Lucas.And good going.I almost forgot the story man.You haven't posted for ages.I like it even if i didn't play g3 i understand i think your story
    Well the story is taking place before the G1 (i'm 99.9% of that ), so you don't have to know anything about G3

  14. Beiträge anzeigen #74
    General Avatar von Khaled
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    @Calin...I wasn't refferig to you man...I was reffering to everyone who posts without reading
    and Lucas is right...the action is before G1. See "note at Chapter XI" for more information. It's right at the beginning of the post.

  15. Beiträge anzeigen #75
    Veteran Avatar von Flaviu
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    Zitat Zitat von Calin Matoianu Beitrag anzeigen
    I know you are refering to me when you say that, but in fact I read all the story and I liked it a lot. Especially when Gilbert dies and gives Khaled El Bastardo, and the battle with the orcs and the moment when the rumor that the Barrier was erected reaches the Bedouins.

    This chapter is also very good. I liked the moment when Khaled kills Meck-Pah. A small correction: orcs call the Sleeper Krushack, not Sleeper.
    I already told you -it's Krushak man not Krushack.
    And i can't wait to see the next chapter.And about the story,i like very much the part when Khaled is young and hangs with Gilbert.I think it was the best part.

  16. Beiträge anzeigen #76
    Knight Avatar von Lycanthrophist
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    The story is great.I have just started reading it because I forgot it.
    So let's summarize :
    -grammar and ortography : generally good
    -creativity : medium to almost perfect
    -descriptions :well not many descriptions have been read by me but from what I've read it's good -to-
    -genre,IMHO : fantasy....medium
    -caracter/locations names : mostly inspired from Gothic,but they are not exact like it,you use varations...good
    -personal note : the only things I really don't like about it is that it's Gothic themed. Almost everyone uses this theme.I am sick and tired of Gothic.

    Final notation : 8.5 (considering I am EXTREMELY picky when it comes to stories and that I have read only a quarter of the story...so it's not final)
    Anyway keep up the good work and get to perfection.
    Hearing voices in my head,but that's just fine for me.They are friendlier than most others.
    Geändert von Lycanthrophist (24.02.2007 um 20:23 Uhr)

  17. Beiträge anzeigen #77
    Knight Avatar von Lycanthrophist
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    I've read more of it and I can say it's better.Maybe the first parts were just not perfect.
    A 9.5 for Khaled !
    What I saw improved were the descriptions and non-attachment to Gothic.And those were the things I wasn't sure about.
    Now I want to read more but my eyes hurt badly.
    Hearing voices in my head,but that's just fine for me.They are friendlier than most others.

  18. Beiträge anzeigen #78
    General Avatar von Khaled
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    Chapter IX: Rescuing old friends(part 3) : Agents and plans

    -Mehkel…have you finished sharing the weapons to our men?
    -Yes, Khaled. We have a problem though. Most of them are weak…can’t even use a sword normally. Maybe we should escort them to the citadels and continue our rescuing mission. I think they’ve had enough of this war.
    -I will talk to them…those willing to continue, will come with me. The others will be escorted to safety. 100 men are alittle too much to march hidden through orc lands.


    -Hear me, brave soldiers of Myrtana, Nordmar and Varant! I’m here on my own mission to seek the survivors of this mad war, including my friends too. Garond doesn’t know anything about this. I’m going to search for the other part of the army. Some of you may come with me and help me. The others, too weak, or tired of this war will be escorted to the citadels. There won’t be any problems…I understand you perfectly.
    Approximately 80 men appologised and chose to return to the citadels. Khaled sent Azeem with them. The others twenty were armed and clothed in orc clothes. The group departed farther in the orc lands. Khaled was always riding the first because he had the Ulu-Mulu. On the road, they’ve met several men who wore Ulu-Mulu. He asked every each of them in a friendly way to come with him and work as scouts. Most of them accepted, but some opposed and have been killed, their Ulu-Mulu serving as entrance pass into orc cities, for Mehkel, Ali, Gorax and Vladimir. Khaled received pieces of information about Hagen’s army. He heard that the army of men occupied 2 cities, but after that, they have been driven out and they ran in the forests and mountains, organized in rebel camps. The Bedouin warrior was definite to search for the camps.


    One day, while he was resting in an orcish town, Khaled received the visit of Vladimir. The hunter had reports about an expedition of orcs to exterminate one rebel camp. Rebel agents infiltrated in orcish towns offered as volunteers to the expedition to sabotate the orcish plans
    -We should get in contact with those agents and volunteer to the expedition. The other men will follow us from behind. We could trap the orcs between the hammer and the anvil.
    -Great job Vladimir. Do you have information about agents in this town?
    -Yes…that’s the most important thing, of course. There is one who will come tonight and will depart with the orcs from here to meet with the others from other towns and forts.
    -Again, good job. I will keep an eye on the gate. If any human enters the town I will speak with him. You will go to our men and tell them to wait outside the town, and follow me and the orcs when we depart. After meeting with the other expeditionary forces, start harassing the orcs with long ranged attacks. They will think the rebels are attacking them. We must weaken them before they get to the rebel camp.
    -Understood, Khaled…Good luck! May Innos guide our paths.


    Late that night, Khaled saw a man entering the town, looking nervous, counting the orcs and inspecting the blacksmith’s. The Bedouin followed him to a tavern. They were the only humans inside. The rebel was insistent looking at Khaled. He was sure he saw him somewhere else before, but couldn’t remember. Upon leaving, Khaled gave the rebel a piece of parchment where he could read that khaled was waiting for him outside the town, in the forest. Jarvis could think that Khaled was setting a trap for him, but he was curious to see who that man was.

    Half an hour later, Jarvis met Khaled at the brim of the woods. He was nervous and anxious to hear what the strange Bedouin wanted to tell him. Was he loyal to the orcs and heard that he was a rebel agent, or was he another rebel agent from Radomir’s army?
    -Speak quickly stranger. Are you friend or foe?
    -That depends on your allegiance, friend. Are you for the King or for the orcs?
    -My answer could bring me death, but I am proud to say that I’m for the king.
    Khaled expected the both variants of answers, because he had his men with him. He snapped his fingers and Bedouins together with Myrtanian soldiers came forth from the woods.
    -A wise answer my friend, Jarvis. You surely remember me, Khaled, Gilbert’s friend.
    -No way…You remained at the citadels…how did you…?
    -I came here on my own will and mission. I want to search and save my friends and the other surviviors. From Radomir’s army, only 100 remained, out of which, I sent 80 home and kept 20 with me. What is the status of Hagen’s part of the army?
    -We conquered 2 towns, but after some months, we have been driven out by swarms of orcs. Upon fleeing we separated and until now, we haven’t been able to find the other camps.
    -Which are the survivors?
    -Hagen, Lee and Diego survived. I saw them when we have fled. Lee is in our camp. We found Said too. He said that Radomir sold himself to the orcs and that he could be killed to, but managed to escape.
    -That damned Radomir…I will kill him for sure! Impossible! Revenge!!!
    -In our camp, there are 200 men, all good for fighting.
    -What about Hagen and and Diego and Bjarke?
    -Bjarke has been killed during the fights to defend the conquered towns. Diego and Hagen…we don’t know nothing about them. I’m sorry Khaled.
    -Now we have to do something about this expeditionary force. You and I must volunteer tomorrow for the expeditionary force against the rebel camp. The plan is that my men will attack from behind, the rebel agents infiltrated through the orcs will attack from the inside and theman from the camp will attack from the front.
    -Sound like a good enough plan for me. We should head back to the town and sleep now.
    -Yes…Ali and Valdimir! Come with us. Mehkel, you and Gorax will lead the men. I will send Vladimir tomorrow with the number of the departing orcs. Don’t attack until our force meets with all the others, understood?
    -Yes Khaled!

  19. Beiträge anzeigen #79
    General Avatar von Khaled
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    Chapter XX : Rescuing old friends(part 4) : All together at last!

    Next day the orchis outpost was like an ant’s nest. Humans and orcs together were preparing to go in the expedition. Khaled, together with his 2 comapanions, Ali and Vladimir, met Jarvis and another 2 rebels who already knew the plan. Of course, there were humans who were working for the orcs deliberately. An enormous orc, wearing a heavy plate armor and a huge axe stepped forward and gave the signal. The extermination force was on the move.


    Mehkel and Gorax were sitting on some tall rocks waiting for the orcish signal.
    -How many do you think they will be? Asked Gorax.
    -Five hundred or seven hundred orcs I think. Damn hard job, but someone has to do it. 240 weak men against 700 orcs is not an easy task.
    -And things could get even tougher for us if they would find out isn’t it? Said Gorax and immediately sent a fireball which destroyed a boulder and showed them the orcish spy hiding there. The human tried to escape but suddenly his feet, hands, hips, and chest were all covered in ice.
    -This son of a bitch won’t live to tell anything to the damned orcs. Scout the area men! Capture or kill, if needed, any spy you find. Now let’s take care of this lowlife here.
    Gorax was already looking at him. The traitor was wearing a strange armor resembling the orcish one. He was definitely an orcish mercenary.
    -How much do they pay you for this? How much do they pay you to betray your king and align with the orcs?
    -They just give me shelter and some privileges. In a word, I do it almost for free. You never saw the power of orcs fool magician. They will crush you like a bug. Their forces are uncountable, their magic is powerfull, their gods merciless. You all don’t stand a chance.
    -You already talk like you wouldn’t be a human anymore. I won’t believe a word of what you’re saying. For the moment we are fighting on their territory so there is no problem.
    -Oh but there will be. Ally with the orcs while there is time!
    -Shut up traitor! You make me sick! Screamed Mehkel and chopped the spy’s head. Now the orcs won’t hear a thing.
    -Yes, but I hear something…it’s their signal. Let’s get ready.


    The orcs were entering the forest. They were suspicious because 2 orc scouts didn’t return. Upon entering the forest, 2 orc warriors got killed because of 2 well shot arrows. The orcs were getting furious and Khaled was afraid the orcs could kill the humans from the expeditionary force. Many orcs were falling prey to fireballs and arrows, but they were marching further. A human traitor was leading them to the rebel camp. Bedouin raiders were showing in the forest now and then and Myrtanian foot soldiers as well. After 2 hours of marching, Khaled could realize that the human leading the orcs wasn’t a traitor. He was leading the orcs into a wrong direction, because more and more riders and foot soldiers were appearing and more and more arrows were killing the orcs. Khaled was ready, with his hand on El Bastardo’s pommel. After another hour the orcs arrived in a clearing where they could see some abandoned huts and watch tower and an entrance to a cave. In the next second, arrows started to fly all around them, each one for an orc. Quickly, Khaled and his companions drew their swords and started slashing the orcs near them. One swing of El Bastardo and 2 orcs were falling to the ground. Myrtanian and Varantian riders started flowing from all sides. Foot soldiers got out of the cave started the battle. Gorax sent out a wave of Ice Block and freezed orcs were an easy prey now. The orcish warlord and some colonels were the only ones capable of resistance. They had to be killed fast so they don’t improve the other’s morale. When Khaled was rushing to an orchis colonel he could see an Arabian figure gutting another colonel. No doubt it was Said. Finally, he saw Lee rushing to the Orc Warlord. In his path, Khaled, followed by Ali, killed another colonel and arrived at the warlord in the same time as Lee. The orc was swinging his huge axe and the two humans couldn’t approach him. They had to finish it quickly because the orcs were already riposting. Lee charged, but the axe hit his sword and even though he blocked, he was thrown in the air and fell on a trunk. The humas were loosing terrain to the orcs and Khaled was alone with the warlord. El Bastardo was a magical weapon and when the axe and the sword clashed, Khaled remained on his feet, but his force was clearly under the warlord’s. He had to retreat and reorganize the human forces, scattered all in the clearing. On the other hand, he couldn’t let Lee on the trunk for the warlord. He had to think fast and act even faster. He remembered the agility lessons learned from Said and combined with light combat techniques he threw El Bastardo and jumped near the orc’s legs, quickly drew his knife and cut the leather belts which were tieing the plate parts together. In the next second he stabbed the orc’s leg and jumped near Lee. The warlord was crippled, and the loosed plate parts made him stumble. In a flash, Khaled stabbed the orc in the head with his other dagger and started to hit him with fists like mad. He soon realized that other orcs started to corner him. “At least, this gives the other men time and free hands”. Just when he was ready to sneak through the orcs, 3 of them fell down shot by arrows and numerous riders invaded the clearing killing all remaining orcs. They all were wearing Myrtanian armors and many foot soldiers weren’t plain knights: They were paladins launching magical arrows from their hands. In a few minutes, all the orcs were lying on the dead leaves of the forest.
    -Interesting attack, but if it weren’t for us you would be all dead Captain Lee. Spoke Hagen.
    -Come on, get up friend! Khaled recognized Diego’s voice. You fought well, but I’ll be damned if I can guess why are you here now.
    Khaled was astonished to see Hagen and Diego near him. He did it. His rescuing mission was almost a success. He found Hagen, Diego, Said, Lee and Gorax.
    -Captain Khaled. What are you doing here? Did The King finally thought to send someone after us? Oh praised be Innos and King Rhobar the 2nd.
    -General Hagen! I’m sorry to disappoint you, but neither The King, nor Commander Garond did send me after you. I’m here on a mission on my own. I deserted together with some friends and other men from my citadel and came to rescue you and all my friends.
    We can’t describe in words the astonishment of everyone who heard these words. The King abandoned them there for 5 long years and a young Bedouin came on his free will to save them disobeying the king’s orders.
    -This is the most unexpected thing that happened to me in my whole military career. I thank you for your courage, but now we must return all in one piece to the citadels.
    -This is not so hard. I have 30 men remaining. 17 from my Bedouins and 13 from Radomir’s army…it’s everything that remained.
    -13 men? That’s all? Son of a bi…. . Argh! Damn it!
    -There are another 80 men which I sent to the citadels…Too few though.
    -From my camp we have 50 men remaining. Said Lee.
    -So I have the biggest part of the army, concluded Hagen. 500 men remained. Paladins, foot knights, archers and Heavy Cavalry. I wonder what happened to Radomir’s heavy cavalry.
    -Half working for the orcs and half dead.
    -Let’s get back to a camp and rest for today. Tomorrow we will walk home. No matter what the king says, I will leave the citadels and I’m sure Garond will do the same. Nordmar is lost. They don’t have army to defend themselves and no Myrtanian soldier will remain here to maintain peace. Take our dead and let’s burry them.

  20. Beiträge anzeigen #80
    Adventurer Avatar von b-boy
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    Aug 2007
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    I just don't find words... u are so good!
    i have been reading about 30-40 fantasy books (all from David Eddings to Eragon) but if this not was about gothic it's just sooo good keep that on!

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