I've been meaning to replay this game, but I would like to do it in German. Only reason I want to play this is to teach me some more German (vocabulary and such), so is that possible? Are the language files available for download somewhere if it's not possible during installation?
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As far as we know, there are two versions of Risen out there which were produced by Deep Silver.
- The UK version for Great Britain
- The EFIGS version for the rest of the world
The EFIGS version contains the languages English, French, German, Italian and Spanish (the latter two only as subtitles). To switch from one language to another, you must reinstall the game and select it. There is no official way to change it after installation.
The UK version contains only English. Deep Silver made that version because video game prices in the UK are very low and they wanted to prevent cheap imports from the UK into the rest of Europe. So if you import a UK version in France, for example, you won’t be able to play it in French. Since there are solid monetary reasons behind the removal of the other languages, there are obviously no official language packs by DS which could fix that – it would defeat the purpose of the UK version. If there are any language packs out there, then they are unofficial and in violation of the copyright laws of most countries. We will not give support for those.
There may also be additional versions with other languages that were produced by local distributors. For instance, I think there’s a Russian version made by Noviy Disk. What other languages these versions may or may not contain, we do not know. That would be up to said distributors. If languages you want are missing, then what I wrote about the UK version also applies here: It would be illegal to provide any language packs.
In theory, since the prices for Risen have dropped to the point where it does not matter from which region you purchase it, Deep Silver could now release the language packs. However, as far as I know, they have not done so and probably won’t because they refuse to provide long-term support for Risen. This can also be seen with the copy protection: There are legal versions of Risen out there with no copy protection. They were produced later on to be sold for about 5-10 € and even Deep Silver thinks that a CP license makes no sense there. Which leads to the strange situation that people who paid the full price for Risen when it came out are still bothered by the copy protection, whereas those who bought it for a song (and little profit for DS) are not. And a patch for the release version which would remedy that is “being looked into” – for years now.
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I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but was there not some way to switch the text to German by editing the configuration XML? Granted, the VOs would still be English (and probably not match the subtitles at times) but still.
You are right. If it is hard to do that for someone, then most easiest way would be to run RMDS->Main menu->Tools->Risen Tune, then write English on Subtitle Language field and click save .
Note: if lanuage isn't present in your game, then all texts will disappear after running the game.#Stand With Ukraine