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  1. Beiträge anzeigen #21
    Adventurer Avatar von MrGookles
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    A good way is to use the german Almanach and translate it via the machine, then fix the grammatical errors and post them. It actually has a good lot of information posted and it makes more sense then the Polish one.

  2. Beiträge anzeigen #22
    Apprentice Avatar von XDMickeYXD
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    A good way is to use the german Almanach and translate it via the machine, then fix the grammatical errors and post them. It actually has a good lot of information posted and it makes more sense then the Polish one.
    The German Almanach does not contain some of the information like spell duration, which i had to time myself.
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  3. Beiträge anzeigen #23
    Adventurer Avatar von MrGookles
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    Ahh, I see. The Polish wiki should contain it, since the German Almanach is more lore-friendly oriented and share our perspective... while the Polish wiki takes the games more or less... technical. It's seen that in some posts on the German wiki, Arcania is not even mentioned, while on the Polish it is.

  4. Beiträge anzeigen #24
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    MikeLitoris ist offline
    Why would you include Arcania on a Gothic wiki?

    Hey guys we're making a wiki about Ferrari's so how about throwing in an old Zastava 750? Its bound to fit there!

  5. Beiträge anzeigen #25
    Adventurer Avatar von MrGookles
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    Well, LOOK at the Polish wiki and ask yourself! I for myself don't add anything from Arcania to the wiki pages that I create... I keep 'em to Gothic 3 and that's it... I don't know about FG though...

  6. Beiträge anzeigen #26
    Apprentice Avatar von XDMickeYXD
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    Zitat Zitat von MikeLitoris Beitrag anzeigen
    Why would you include Arcania on a Gothic wiki?

    Hey guys we're making a wiki about Ferrari's so how about throwing in an old Zastava 750? Its bound to fit there!
    Zitat Zitat von MrGookles Beitrag anzeigen
    Well, LOOK at the Polish wiki and ask yourself! I for myself don't add anything from Arcania to the wiki pages that I create... I keep 'em to Gothic 3 and that's it... I don't know about FG though...
    Guys, please, keep it civil :P
    I personally don't 'mind' Arcania, but I do not consider it to be part of the real Gothic series.
    However, officially it is part of the series, and so someone will have to add that stuff to the Gothic wiki someday.
    This does not mean that it has to be one of us, though.

    (offtopic) Can I just say that followers are an absolute pain in the butt sometimes in G3?
    They will just tank 40 Orcs without even giving a shit and then die to the last one :/
    Don't they have some sense of self preservation? xD
    You'd at least expect them to retreat or try to take a potion when they get close to dying.
    Then again, we are pretty spoiled as of late with games like Skyrim and their fancy shmancy follower system...
    Never mind, I'm just a bit cranky because I had to reload my save about 20 times in a row to stop my follower from dying xD
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  7. Beiträge anzeigen #27
    Adventurer Avatar von MrGookles
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    Well... let's hope the Community Story Project will cover that if it already didn't. But then again, I'm kind of lost as to WHAT all the project is taking over. First it used to be the main quest line, then it turned to all the quests and then the graphics and- shesh, a lot. It's more of like... Gothic 3: Enhanced Edition.

    ... P.S. Just go AROUND all the enemies with your followers, or tell them to stay behind and clear out all the bastards.

  8. Beiträge anzeigen #28
    Apprentice Avatar von XDMickeYXD
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    Zitat Zitat von MrGookles Beitrag anzeigen
    Well... let's hope the Community Story Project will cover that if it already didn't. But then again, I'm kind of lost as to WHAT all the project is taking over. First it used to be the main quest line, then it turned to all the quests and then the graphics and- shesh, a lot. It's more of like... Gothic 3: Enhanced Edition.

    ... P.S. Just go AROUND all the enemies with your followers, or tell them to stay behind and clear out all the bastards.
    Can you link me to this community story project you keep referring to? I'm getting rather curious

    P.S. I'd love to do that but I still have just my Orcslayer and a War Bow and no armor and just a couple of Innos spells :/
    Been focusing mainly on hunting/ancient knowledge/thievery and as a result I'm rather weak.
    However, I'm currently in Vengard and have managed to clear the city of Orcs with the help of my Paladin friend (we're in a love-hate relationship)

    EDIT: I forged the Ruby Blade myself (Self Forged buff) and Sharpened it, I know of Bless Weapon and Poison but is there any other way to increase the damage my weapon does? (The answer to this question is preferably spoiler-free? :P)
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    Geändert von XDMickeYXD (19.02.2013 um 23:55 Uhr)

  9. Beiträge anzeigen #29
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    lordhoff ist offline
    I didn't know about it until now too. If there are two things I'd like to see changed its the terrible aiming system (at least for mages) where their energy bolts (or whatever) go all over the place as the game keeps changing the site lock on. There's an orc hacking at you and it aims at a non-combatant bison a half mile away. The other is that the beasts give up too easily then just return meaning you can sit there and they just accept getting shot at or they just stop and go no farther again meaning you can just keep lobbing arrows or whatever at them as they stand there. I wouldn't mind seeing a return to the bow aiming of past games either (actually a combo) where your ability level has a lot to do with accuracy. We could still aim, just the arrows would have more of a scatter if you were untrained (not sure that would be a popular change, thought - that's just my druther).

  10. Beiträge anzeigen #30
    Apprentice Avatar von XDMickeYXD
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    Zitat Zitat von lordhoff Beitrag anzeigen
    I didn't know about it until now too. If there are two things I'd like to see changed its the terrible aiming system (at least for mages) where their energy bolts (or whatever) go all over the place as the game keeps changing the site lock on. There's an orc hacking at you and it aims at a non-combatant bison a half mile away. The other is that the beasts give up too easily then just return meaning you can sit there and they just accept getting shot at or they just stop and go no farther again meaning you can just keep lobbing arrows or whatever at them as they stand there. I wouldn't mind seeing a return to the bow aiming of past games either (actually a combo) where your ability level has a lot to do with accuracy. We could still aim, just the arrows would have more of a scatter if you were untrained (not sure that would be a popular change, thought - that's just my druther).
    Not to mention the hunter guy (forgot his name) near Silden that goes with you to hunt silver wolves.
    He just walks right past every wild beast and into the wolf's nest, no fucks given.
    That is until one of the wolves strikes him and then he's all like "Oh no, help me Nameless! I'm in trouble!" >.>

    I've seen this happen with other questgivers too (the ones you need to escort) where they'd just walk right in to the enemy's base without even drawing their weapon.
    It would be funny if a quest didn't depend on him being alive.

    But back on topic: There is the issue of Alternative Balancing that the Community Patch introduces.
    To my understanding this rebalances some (if not all) items and their stats.
    So the question would be; which stats do we add to the wiki, the regular or the Alternative stats?
    We could also do both, which would actually be better, but how?
    Having two pages for each item seems a bit overkill...
    I suggest the creation of a new Template, one resembling an infobox, but that infobox would have a button on top to toggle the stats between alternative balancing and regular.
    This would not switch the entire page, but rather just the infobox, since that's where the stats are displayed anyway, and to my knowledge the lore and other info remains the same between the two modes.
    I'm gonna 'shop something up to better explain and add it to this post, give me a couple minutes...

    EDIT: All done (please forgive the ugly photoshop :P)
    [Bild: gothic3alternativebalancinginfobox.png]
    What this would do is basically you have two infoboxes, one containing the information for alternative balancing and one for the regular Gothic 3, and it would switch between them at the press of the button at the top.
    i.e. make one invisible and the other visible when a button is pressed.
    This should be doable, but I personally wouldn't know how, especially on a wiki...
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    Geändert von XDMickeYXD (20.02.2013 um 12:41 Uhr)

  11. Beiträge anzeigen #31
    Adventurer Avatar von MrGookles
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    Here it is my good friend. Though, I believe you already know it, if not, well... good find!
    The German language has more news and is updated regulary, while English lags behind but.. will do.

  12. Beiträge anzeigen #32
    Apprentice Avatar von XDMickeYXD
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    Here it is my good friend. Though, I believe you already know it, if not, well... good find!
    The German language has more news and is updated regulary, while English lags behind but.. will do.
    I hadn't heard of it before, no.
    Thanks for the link
    Btw, what do you think of the alt balancing infobox idea thing?
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  13. Beiträge anzeigen #33
    Veteran Avatar von Ratamahatta
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    Btw, what do you think of the alt balancing infobox idea thing?
    I know this question was not for me - but it is great idea!

  14. Beiträge anzeigen #34
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    I know this question was not for me - but it is great idea!
    It's a question for everyone, really
    Appreciate the feedback.
    Now we just need more of that and if it's all K we need someone to make the thing.
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  15. Beiträge anzeigen #35
    Adventurer Avatar von MrGookles
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    The thing is very good, but who'd be able to get that done? I don't know of anyone plus I lack the knowledge and the commitment to get started.

  16. Beiträge anzeigen #36
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    The thing is very good, but who'd be able to get that done? I don't know of anyone plus I lack the knowledge and the commitment to get started.
    Anyone that's decent at HTML could probably make that, doesn't necessarily need to be you
    Clearly you don't lack commitment because you're still replying to this thread and adding to the wiki :P
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  17. Beiträge anzeigen #37
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    If you have any questions or doubts about quests/monsters/anything, just post it. I want to be useful but aside from that site I posted I can't think of anything else :P.

  18. Beiträge anzeigen #38
    General Avatar von KGS
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    why not ask those guys to merge the stuff
    the writing's not all that great now that i actually read something

  19. Beiträge anzeigen #39
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    If you have any questions or doubts about quests/monsters/anything, just post it. I want to be useful but aside from that site I posted I can't think of anything else :P.
    Well, the problem with that is we wouldn't know what questions to ask.
    Since you're implying you know a lot about these subjects, why not make some pages on the WoGen wiki?
    If you're not that great at English or at getting started or anything like that, it doesn't really matter.
    The reason that it doesn't matter is because anyone can polish the page after you've created it, therefore the first revision really doesn't need to be great (and generally actually isn't)
    Right now the wiki is expanding slowly, and it would be nice to see the process pick up some speed.
    Basically, the thing this project needs the most right now is more wiki editors.

    Zitat Zitat von KGS Beitrag anzeigen

    why not ask those guys to merge the stuff
    the writing's not all that great now that i actually read something
    What do you mean?
    I listed that wiki in the original post as one of the wikis that would hopefully be merged into wogen.
    The reason wogen was chosen is because it had the most pages (still does) out of all the English wikias and therefore more presence on google as well.
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    Geändert von XDMickeYXD (21.02.2013 um 19:15 Uhr)

  20. Beiträge anzeigen #40
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    Oh dear, it seems that a bump is in order.
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