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  1. #21 Zitieren

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Sep 2004
    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    This new fanart, depicting Deep Silver's sophisticated marketing efforts, is released exclusively by us.

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

    foobar erklärt die Welt der Informatik: Was ist ein Zeichensatz?Was ist die 32Bit-Grenze?Warum sind Speicheroptimierer Unsinn?Wie teste ich meinen RAM?Was ist HDR?Was ist Tesselation?Warum haben wir ein Urheberrecht?Partitionieren mit MBR oder GPT?Was hat es mit dem m.2-Format auf sich?Warum soll ich meine SSD nicht zum Anschlag befüllen?Wer hat an der MTU gedreht?UEFI oder BIOS Boot?Was muss man über Virenscanner wissen?Defragmentieren sinnvoll?Warum ist bei CCleaner & Co. Vorsicht angesagt?Was hat es mit 4Kn bei Festplatten auf sich?Was ist Bitrot?Was sind die historischen Hintergründe zur (nicht immer optimalen) Sicherheit von Windows?Wie kann ich Datenträger sicher löschen?Was muss ich bzgl. Smartphone-Sicherheit wissen?Warum sind Y-Kabel für USB oft keine gute Idee?Warum sind lange Passwörter besser als komplizierte?Wie funktionieren Tintenstrahldrucker-Düsen?Wie wähle ich eine Linux-Distribution für mich aus?Warum ist Linux sicherer als Windows?Sind statische Entladungen bei Elektronik wirklich ein Problem?Wie repariere ich meinen PC-Lüfter?Was ist die MBR-Lücke?Wie funktioniert eine Quarz-Uhr?Was macht der Init-Prozess unter Linux und wie schlimm ist SystemD?Mainboard-Batterie - wann wechseln?Smartphone ohne Google?
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  2. #22 Zitieren
    Fighter Avatar von AshleyG
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    Jun 2010
    First of all: XD
    Ok, so there's still no news... till now
    So here goes the news just got released today:

    - Piranha Bytes are working on a new game, and they are spending millions on graphics while only slightly decreasing the average "fun" games have

    - This new game is a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena)

    - The best player is the one who calculates (with the help of a pretty interface with super-high def buttons) the best mathematical formula to solve a problem

    - Numbers have fully 3d modelised famous mathematicians sitting around them, walking around etc, those models are so good you can't make the difference with real life (some people have hinted that because they have only 3-4 possible movements it might be videos but that is an outrageous lie)

    a few other points:

    - The budget is so big the game is able to make you coffee
    - The budget is so big you don't have to read reviews before buying the game
    - The budget is so big they won't make a demo because they can just make a video which would give a similar experience
    - The budget is so big other companies will want to work with them and help motivate PB into releasing the game faster (even faster that Gothic 3)
    - The budget is so big TV stations won't advertise PB/DS, but PB/DS will be adverstised by tv, semantics u know... (lucky tv )
    - The budget is so big the game's trailer will not air on a tv station, but will have been seen on the tv station that has shown a clip of PB's game
    - The budget is so big there is logically a lot of money left for other things than graphics, and great attention was put into the gameplay etc (HAHAHA)
    - The budget is so big they will have to protect the game with a totally non-invasive copyright protection that you won't even notice
    - The budget is so big it will be totally impossible to crack the game in 2 days (this time it'll work they're sure of it they found the solution....)
    AshleyG ist offline Geändert von AshleyG (11.04.2013 um 01:02 Uhr)

  3. #23 Zitieren
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    WoP Servers
    26th of April, 2013, Berlin

    Today is a sad day for gaming. It seems that Piranha Bytes and Deep Silver went bankrupt. The experts are baffled. While the documents of the companies have been thoroughly searched, a few shocking facts have come to light. It seems that the Piranhas have released two games during the two years, while Deep SIlver were responsible for no less than 20 unheard of games which were released during the last two years.

    Even more shockingly, the companies have been both bankrupt for 6 month and nobody knew.

    Michael Ruve commented: "We are baffled. It seems that every single game tester we had for Risen: Books of Gods and Risen 2: Dark Tides told us that those were the best games they have ever played. They were both add-ons, similar to Night of The Raven, and each of them basically doubled the gameplay while adding around 500 pages of lore written by our story team. We can't explain what happened.

    We managed to discover the Deep Silver website, after a couple of weeks of research, and
    after some more days we managed to find links to the pages of each of the addons. Unfortunately the pages were blank.

    Our team of hackers managed to hack into the personal computer of the CEO, where, in a 128 bit encrypted archive, with the name changed to a system file and made hidden,
    and found press releases about these games. We quote the most revealing of them.

    "OMG!1! LOL, R:BoG best game evah. word "

    "YOLO! Rawr: R2:DT, give us money"

    There was also a press release concerning the bankruptcy.

    "Fags! Y u no buy our games!!! Fck u, u stoopid, plaier dont knows what good games is. Fck u all. FCK!]11ew2"

    The public was shocked. World of Players, home of the largest community of Piranha games commented on the subject.

    "This is shocking news indeed. We had no idea Piranha Bytes still existed. What? What games? Where is the camera??!"
    For the most recent Elex news, the new Piranha Bytes RPG, visit us at World of Elex!!!
    Maladiq ist offline Geändert von Maladiq (26.04.2013 um 09:32 Uhr)

  4. #24 Zitieren
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    WoP Servers
    Official confirmation:

    Piranha Bytes is developing Gothic 5. It will be a racing game about a Nascar driver and his car, Gothic, having a 5 cylinder engine.
    For the most recent Elex news, the new Piranha Bytes RPG, visit us at World of Elex!!!
    Maladiq ist offline

  5. #25 Zitieren
    Provinzheld Avatar von Nikolai81
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    Here's a concept art photo from the new PB-game under development. He's wearing the heavy armor of the Landsknecht mercenary soldiers.

    [Bild: kampfpriest_landsknecht_by_kickfoot_d36hy6l.jpg]
    Nikolai81 ist offline

  6. #26 Zitieren

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Sep 2004
    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    Munich, Germany. The World of Risen managed to get a short interview with Deep Silver senior market production control asset brand manager (2nd class), Dieter Otto Weber-Quinten, while he was practising his drive at the local golf court.

    WoR: Mister Quinten, can we have a moment of your time?
    DOWQ: What? Who are you? Fans? How did you find me? You unwashed internet guys are everywhere nowadays, it seems. Well, don't just stand there! Make yourselves useful for a change and go look for my caddy! That lazy bastard was supposed to fetch my cigars and the bourbon 10 minutes ago!
    WoR: Mister Quinten, in a recent interview CD Projekt head Marcin Iwinski said about customer relationships, and I quote:

    “It’s all about a long-term relationship with our gamers. It even works from a business perspective.
    But at the end of the day, the game [counts] – and not the money. Because the game will make the money if it’s good. Some people think it’s the other way around, and in the short run – business-wise – it makes sense. ‘I will sell this small thing for three dollars. It will make me $300,000. It’s good money. I will show more profit.’ But at the end of the day, how many fans have you lost? And that’s just a very simple mentality we try to avoid.”
    “I think it’s in a way our trademark. People buy our games on day one because they trust us. And if we screw that up, it’s the end of the story pretty much.”

    What is your company's stance on these matters? What do you have to say to statements like this?
    DOWQ: Crazy poles. No wonder they don't sell any games.

    Uhm. Wait a minute.

    I... uhm... I have to go. I have... erm... a meeting. Yes. An urgent meeting! And tell my caddy that he's fired!

    After that, Mr. Quinten made a run for his Rolls-Royce and drove off, nearly running over an elderly homeless lady on the sidewalk. The last words we could hear were: “Out of my way! And get a job, you crazy old boot!

    Unfortunately, this will probably the last time we get to do such an interview because the next day, after having received complaints from "some members", the golf club management permanently banned us from their grounds.

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

    foobar erklärt die Welt der Informatik: Was ist ein Zeichensatz?Was ist die 32Bit-Grenze?Warum sind Speicheroptimierer Unsinn?Wie teste ich meinen RAM?Was ist HDR?Was ist Tesselation?Warum haben wir ein Urheberrecht?Partitionieren mit MBR oder GPT?Was hat es mit dem m.2-Format auf sich?Warum soll ich meine SSD nicht zum Anschlag befüllen?Wer hat an der MTU gedreht?UEFI oder BIOS Boot?Was muss man über Virenscanner wissen?Defragmentieren sinnvoll?Warum ist bei CCleaner & Co. Vorsicht angesagt?Was hat es mit 4Kn bei Festplatten auf sich?Was ist Bitrot?Was sind die historischen Hintergründe zur (nicht immer optimalen) Sicherheit von Windows?Wie kann ich Datenträger sicher löschen?Was muss ich bzgl. Smartphone-Sicherheit wissen?Warum sind Y-Kabel für USB oft keine gute Idee?Warum sind lange Passwörter besser als komplizierte?Wie funktionieren Tintenstrahldrucker-Düsen?Wie wähle ich eine Linux-Distribution für mich aus?Warum ist Linux sicherer als Windows?Sind statische Entladungen bei Elektronik wirklich ein Problem?Wie repariere ich meinen PC-Lüfter?Was ist die MBR-Lücke?Wie funktioniert eine Quarz-Uhr?Was macht der Init-Prozess unter Linux und wie schlimm ist SystemD?Mainboard-Batterie - wann wechseln?Smartphone ohne Google?
    foobar ist gerade online Geändert von foobar (17.06.2013 um 20:42 Uhr) Grund: typo

  7. #27 Zitieren
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    May 2007
    Piranha Bytes goes Kickstarter!

    After a year silence renowned Essen-based development house Piranha Bytes (best known for the Gothic and Risen franchises) today announced their new project "Collapsed". Jumping on the crowfunding bandwagon the game will be DRM-free and funded by the fans, completely independent of any publishers.

    "Collapsed" is a single player action-RPG in a dark and gritty steampunk setting featuring once again a nameless hero. The game takes place in Closenge, a fictitious island, inhabitated by humans and automatons. Recently, earthquakes shattered the island and several tall buildings have collapsed, leaving nothing but debris and homeless people. Ancient Gods - angry with the humans, who tried to reach the skies with their skyscrapers - appear and threaten them by cleaning the polluted water and air, which results in immediate loss of life. The hero, who is miraculously able to survive in the hostile clean environment must battle the Gods, before the entire island goes deadly green. In his quest for glory he is accompanied by a lot of interesting characters, such as Tony the automaton, a harsh anti-environmentalist called Schicklgrüber and a bag of talking rocks going by the name Roxy, which can transform into a puff of smoke when contacting lava.

    The game is currently scheduled for a 2017 winter release +/-2 years. The developer claims the game can take up to 500 hours of your life to complete if you are not using the quick travel function, because the map is just as big as the continent Australia. For the first time in a Piranha Bytes game it is possible to choose the hair color of the hero. The game features roughly 65536 different endings, since it calculates the color tone of the last cinematic based on your choices, actions and mouse movements during the gameplay making it a truly unique experience.

    The current base funding goal is $500,000, with the following stretch goals.

    $550,000 - Climbing: the hero can climb to the top of the collapsed buildings for awesome vistas.
    $600,000 - New companion: a homeless software developer in a Deep Silver or JoWood cap.
    $650,000 - Diving: there is no deep water on Closenge, but reaching this stretch goal would allow the hero to swim around the island for an additional 300 hours of playtime.
    $700,000 - New companion and ability: a rusty steam powered ladder, which you can climb on anytime, anywhere.
    $750,000 - KaiRo returns! He will compose the ring tone of the hero.
    $800,000 - Women NPCs.
    $850,000 - The team hires John Carmack for one week to optimize the 3D engine.
    $900,000 - The team hires John Carmack for an another week to bugfix the rest of the code.
    $950,000 - Another companion decided by the community, a second ring tone for the hero by KaiRo and the map will grow to the size of Africa.
    $1,000,000 - No console versions or DLCs, ever.

    (Currenly any more funding above the $1,000,000 mark will go towards painting and renovating the house the team lives in, but plans can change.)

    The following tiers are available as of now.

    $20 - The DRM-free digital game + 3 beautiful wallpapers.
    $25 - Everything in the $20 tier + a postcard from Piranha Bytes.
    $50 - Everything in the $25 tier + early beta access 2 weeks before the official launch.
    $75 - Everything in the $50 tier + early alpha access 4 weeks before the official launch.
    $100 - Everything in the $75 tier + you get a boxed version of the game.
    $200 - Everything in the $100 tier + your name will be in the end credits.
    $500 - Everything in the $200 tier + one expansion for the game in the future is free for you.
    $1,000 - Everything in the $500 tier + any expansions for the game in the future are free for you.
    $2,000 - Everything in the $1,000 tier + your can attend the recording of the ring tone composed by KaiRo.
    $5,000 - Everything in the $2,000 tier + your can visit the house the team lives and works in. You can even have some coffee.
    $10,000 - Everything in the $5,000 tier + we model the nameless hero after you. Unless you're less handsome than Mike Hoge. In that case you will serve as the model of Tony the automaton.
    $10,000 - Everything in the $5,000 tier + one team member promises to give his next born child your name. Unless you're called something like DJ Cobbledick. In that case Tony the automaton will have your name.
    $10,000 - Everything in the $5,000 tier + Michael Rüve will straight answer one question of yours about *anything* in the known Universe. No vague references or witty comments. No slapstick comedy. Just one simple straight answer.
    rotator ist offline

  8. #28 Zitieren
    Local Hero Avatar von d3a7hr0w
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    Zitat Zitat von Aetherian Beitrag anzeigen
    In a stunning announcement Deep Silver said today 1/17/2013, that they were in negotiations to bring back the entire original Piranha Bytes development team and they would remake the original Gothic to utilize todays advanced graphic capabilities and hardware. They said that almost all of the old team have agreed in principle to return, with Kai Rosenkrantz the only holdout left to commit, and development has already begun with a projected release date of Q4 2014. They will soon follow this with a remake of Gothic II, complete with the Night of the Raven add on included. They hinted that it will be mostly faithful to the original, but with a twist taken from their Risen series that the Titans were the ones responsible for the flooding of the ancient land of Jarkendar. More on this they stated will be revealed in following announcements.
    This, a thousand times this!!!
    d3a7hr0w ist offline

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