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    Ranger vurt's Avatar
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    [G2] [MOD] Vurt's Gothic II Graphics Overhaul

    Vurt's Gothic II Graphics Overhaul

    An updated version of my old texture mod i did 2 years ago. While the old mod mostly contained textures, the new one also features new models and changes to the .zen (maps) files.

    Features (v0.7 - "final"):

    * New meshes to improve the look of the natural environments. Plants, trees / tree stumps, grasses, mushrooms etc. Old World has been given extra care since many of the meshes there were extremely blocky.

    * The default version has very few different trees and other plants, this mod ups the amount of different pines, conifers and plants.

    * Improved herbs. In vanilla Gothic 2 the herbs are often stuck too deep into the ground, it looks ugly and sometimes the mesh is almost completely hidden. This mod brings them up a bit further and most has been given a slight graphical update.

    * New textures for landscape, architecture, monsters, blood… Some of the clothes, armors and weapons are also enhanced or changed completely.

    * New water. 80 frames of animation (original is 10 frames).

    * Resculpted rocks and cliffs that are much larger, clouds and sometimes trees are added to the tops.

    * New rain, sun, skies (sun is still experimental).

    * Only aesthetics, no gameplay changes.

    * 600+ new textures, 60+ New or improved models


    ***NEW*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QgY6zbcIhY



    Comparison screens



    Drag/drop the .vdf into /data (example: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\gothic ii\Data)
    Copy the Gothic.ini if you want my fog, sky colors and tweaked settings. If your water is flashing you might need to use this file (take a backup of your old Gothic.ini file first!). This files goes into C:\Steam\steamapps\common\gothic ii\system


    v0.7: http://www.worldofgothic.de/dl/download_491.htm

    My Gothic.ini: http://www.multiupload.nl/SAL1T6Q85S

    You should either start a new game OR reload the first map (by going to any other map and then coming back to it) to avoid missing trees and edits i've done to the map.

    My recommended Nvidia settings.
    <- click
    Supersampling is important for leaves and other textures that uses an alpha channel to look good, just turning on Anti-Aliasing doesnt help these kinds of of textures. This goes for any game out there, not just Gothic2.

    My other mods

    If you liked this mod you might want to check out my other work.

    Fallout is one of the classic RPG series for the PC, please check out my Fallout New Vegas Flora Overhaul and if you're Bethesda / TES fan you also might want to check out my extensive list of Morrowind flora mods. For Bethesdas latest game Skyrim I have created yet another flora overhaul, check it out here. One of the absolutely best and most atmospheric PC games ever created, imo, is System Shock 2, here are my mods on SystemShock.org.

    Here are my mods for Knights of the Old Republic 2:



    Edit: To fix flickering water you might need my .ini: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69293119/Gothic.ini
    Last edited by vurt; 23.02.2015 at 21:49.

  2. View Forum Posts #2
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    Orcane is offline
    From what I remember Speedyshare supports 200 MB.

  3. View Forum Posts #3
    Deus Milgo's Avatar
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    Zippyshare is free, quick and good. Up to 200MB. If you have problems with hosting you can also write a PM to me, I can help you to host your mod in the WoG or on my private webspace.

  4. View Forum Posts #4
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    Frank-95 is offline
    very very good.. I didn't think that that topic was for this. Hope to see your mod uploaded. Perhaps I am going to steal somthing from your mod for mine

    p.s with this mod you will have automatically the older version?

  5. View Forum Posts #5
    Veteran Ratamahatta's Avatar
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    cool! I remember one of the most impressive graphic changes for me was how you've changed mana mushroom!
    I wonder what improvements have you made for armours? I was always using colmar's texture pack for armours. would be amazing to see a bit improved orcs! some more fur, elite ones armour could be somehow better looking as well.
    further more - maybe you have changed waterfall's water texture (can't remember which one here was promising to improve that feature...)
    all in all - cool job! well done!

  6. View Forum Posts #6
    Ranger vurt's Avatar
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    Milgo: Would be great if WoG could host it! That way i dont need to switch to a new host after a year because the file is removed.

    Ratamahatta : The armors i've did in the old mod are mostly just improved textures, no new meshes, and i will probably not do all the armors.

    Frank-95 : yes it will contain the older mod.

    I'm looking into replacing the consumable items, health plants etc.. The models for those are often really horrible and sometimes sunken into the ground etc. Would be a big improvement for the game i think.

    Been having a problem with the normals on some of the new models. Any experienced modder/3D modeller here that has a solution? The model looks ok when up close but is broken in the distance. Recalculating the normals doesnt seem to help. Sucks to have to start from scratch and just hope it will be a working model, would be really helpful if i knew what's causing this to happen to some models.
    Last edited by vurt; 09.05.2012 at 00:38.

  7. View Forum Posts #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by vurt View Post
    Been having a problem with the normals on some of the new models. Any experienced modder/3D modeller here that has a solution? The model looks ok when up close but is broken in the distance. Recalculating the normals doesnt seem to help. Sucks to have to start from scratch and just hope it will be a working model, would be really helpful if i knew what's causing this to happen to some models.
    I have been modelling for gothic modding since some months, I do not understand your problem. Pratically you edit the mesh and what happens in the game?

  8. View Forum Posts #8
    Ranger vurt's Avatar
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    Here's the bug: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXZDE...ature=youtu.be

    For some reason the problem goes away if i scale it even bigger than that (for example if i use size 18 when exporting). Using size 1 (normal size) will make the proplem reappear, a size of 5 didnt fix it either, it needs to be really large to get the proper shading.

    How do you scale your new meshes? Are you using Blender 2.49b?

  9. View Forum Posts #9
    Veteran Ratamahatta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vurt View Post
    I'm looking into replacing the consumable items, health plants etc.. The models for those are often really horrible and sometimes sunken into the ground etc. Would be a big improvement for the game i think.
    Indeed! Great news Vurt! your mod gonna encourage me to play NOTR again

  10. View Forum Posts #10
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    no i am using blender 2.6 and the related version of krximpexp.. to scale it just click s and move the mouse. At this point you can't export the mesh because the plug-in, before exporting it, re-scale the mesh to 1 so you will obtain the meshes bigger or smaller it depends from case to case. To make it come into effect once you have scaled it, click ctrl + a (in blender 2.49 i do not know if it is the same button) and select scale/rotation ot both depending on the cases.

    TO check if it has been doon correctly, select the object and then find the transformation menu. Before exporting it you will have to check if rotation, position and scale are set to 1. (ctr + a will bring them to that)

    p.s nice mushroom

  11. View Forum Posts #11
    Ranger vurt's Avatar
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    Yeah i always do that.. doesnt help either, the only thing that seems to help is to export the mesh with a large value, 18 or more..Obviously that's not helpful since i have no use for an enormous mushroom like that. I downloaded 2.6 and the newer exporter, same bug. Check yourself if you have the time:


    its the mushroom in the youtube video (converted from a .nif i did for morrowind) and a new one that i did quick as a test in Blender, same thing happens to this one.

    Been spending 2 days now to figure this bug out. Did you still want me to check that bug you had with compiling? Did you import the .3ds or the .zen, so i can try the same..
    Last edited by vurt; 09.05.2012 at 17:23.

  12. View Forum Posts #12
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    I will have a try tomorrow now I am on linux and krximpexp doesn't work here..

    edit: Well the mesh isn't too big but I could see well in blender so I made it a bit smaller and as usual I clicked ctr + a and selected scale.

    Then I open it with the spacer and it works well it isn't so big. TO be honest I tried to watch it in the game but it did compile neither the mesh nor the textures so I was not able to check from the game. Anyway I am not sending you the file just make it a bit smaller, click ctr + a and have a try with that.
    Last edited by Frank-95; 10.05.2012 at 14:05.

  13. View Forum Posts #13
    Ranger vurt's Avatar
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    Yeah i've done that. It seems like the items that you can pick up are harder to get working properly for some reason. Tried for 2 days straight, so i'm giving up doing those items.

    Anyways, here's a video of the latest progress of the mod


    It'll probably take another week or two before i release it, gonna rework some of the old textures and do some more meshes for Old World.

  14. View Forum Posts #14
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    Frank-95 is offline
    just a thing.. try to mantain the original old gothic look and leave the dark atmosphere.. Do not use too bright textures.

  15. View Forum Posts #15
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    My thoughts precisely

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank-95 View Post
    just a thing.. try to maintain the original old Gothic look and leave the dark atmosphere.. Do not use too bright textures.
    I agree. I like your work and appreciate the effort, but please try to keep the gloomy atmosphere. It is one of the things that makes Gothic so excellent. Bright atmosphere is for Risen imho... Still, I am looking forward to the next release.

  16. View Forum Posts #16
    Ranger vurt's Avatar
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    Too bright will look wrong, that i agree with. But the game also needs a good balance between somewhat bright and darker textures, just like the original game has, otherwise everything will look like a blur and definition of different trees/leaves and other plants will be lost in it (Risen 2 Does a terrible job with this, imo). The game also has different worlds, they should be set apart and have their own individuality. The first "new world" is brighter, "old world" is a lot gloomier and bleak.. They can't both look dark and gloomy, that would look boring. But yes some of the current textures might be a bit overly bright, it's still a work in progress. Thanks for the input

  17. View Forum Posts #17
    Ranger vurt's Avatar
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    v0.3 is up, see first post.

  18. View Forum Posts #18
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    Downloading now!

  19. View Forum Posts #19
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    Hmmm. With your texture mod the waterfalls flicker and the ground texture flickers as well during conversations at certain angles. I have an ATI HD 6950 GPU btw.

  20. View Forum Posts #20
    Ranger vurt's Avatar
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    ok good to know, could be that i accidentally put in some waterfall texture i was experimenting with. The ground i don't know, it shouldnt flicker..

    But yes this is an alpha release so there will be bugs Good that you report it.

    Be aware that this release really isnt intended for anything else than testing, it's not really worth downloading for a play through or anything yet, that will take a while.

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