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  1. #21
    Ritter ernsthaft's Avatar
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    Ein Video von, mit Casey Hudso im kurzen Interview und einigen Spielszenen
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  2. #22
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    I’m sure I read somewhere on a not-so-helpful inspirational poster that “the only roads we should regret are the ones not taken. To be honest, though, if I knew where every road would end ahead of time, I’d probably be tempted to take a detour every now and then. But at what cost? Just how much would I change to achieve a certain outcome in my life and relationships? That brings me to an even more common inspirational saying: “It’s not the destination—it’s the journey”.

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    Below is the full text of a memo Game Group sent to staff this morning, obtained by IGN. In it, northern Europe MD Tom Devine confirms that the company, the UK's largest videogame retailer, will not be stocking Mass Effect 3 or any EA games after the release of SSX this Friday.

    "Dear all,
    "Last week we held an event for our partners in the industry and explained the challenges we are facing in the short term - and we asked for their support.
    "We asked them to trade with us using manageable credit terms, and for them to continue to do that whilst we work through the strategic review and refinancing of our business.
    "We gave the industry commitments - we committed to integrity and openness in our dealings, and working with everyone equally.
    "We committed to only stocking products on which we could get the right credit terms, regardless of the title or the supplier. We will not stock products if the terms are not right for our business - we will not sacrifice long-term credit requirements for short-term sales opportunities.
    "As a result of us taking this position - a position that we believe is critical to our long-term health as a business - we have taken the very difficult decision to not stock EA's March releases, including Mass Effect 3.
    "As a specialist retailer dedicated to games and gaming, it is never easy to make a decision not to stock a title, particularly one with such a strong fanbase. But it is imperative that we treat every supplier evenly, that we stick to our commitments, and that we don't sign up to payment terms that will hamper us further in the future.
    "It is even more critical that we manage this appropriately with our loyal customers. We know they will be disappointed regarding Mass Effect in particular and in recognition of this, we will be contacting our Mass Effect pre-order customers and as a gesture of goodwill we will be offering them £5 of reward card / elite points.
    "I know that many of you will have to manage customer and supplier feedback directly, and I would like to thank you in advance for your support and am happy to answer any questions you have directly - just grab me as I walk around."
    Source: IGN

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  4. #24
    Frau General Aseyda's Avatar
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    Ein anderer Normandy-Führung als die von IGN soll wohl komplett sein und man soll sogar den Spoiler-Gefährten

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    Edi mit Körper


    Ich hab's mir selber noch nicht angeschaut, also vielleicht Spoiler-Warnung dazu setzen:

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  5. #25
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    Das Video ist toll, denn man sieht dass dieses Schiff eindeutig größer ist, danke für dieses Video

    Entdecken konnte ich

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    Liara, sie hat ihre Zentrale auf der Normandy



    techniker Adams


    Specialist Taylor

    DR Chakwas

    James Vega

    Edi könnte das neben Joker sein

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    Mass Effect 3, BioWare’s epic end to its sci-fi trilogy, is about to launch. We speak to its producer to find out if Mass Effect 3 has a satisfactory ending

    Which one will you get?
    Mass Effect 3 is a mere week away from its worldwide launch, but amid fears its broadened its appeal to the detriment of the core experience, many fans are eagerly awaiting the end to its epic story.
    But, just what sort of ending should we be expecting?
    We caught up with Mass Effect 3′s producer, Mike Gamble, recently to ask him one important question; just how is Mass Effect 3 going to end?

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    Mass Effect 3 Gameplay Preview
    Everything will be bigger in Mass Effect 3, the conclusion to Commander Shepard's epic universe-saving space trilogy. We'll check out gigantic bosses, online multiplayer, and more.

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    Die nächsten 2 updates sollen demnächst folgen

    Mass Effect 3 Review in Progress

    Approaching zero hour with the Reapers, one update at a time.

    Welcome back to part two of IGN's Mass Effect 3 Review in Progress. Last Friday, we posted an update with some initial thoughts on the experience of playing through Mass Effect 3, and we solicited your questions in the comments section of this article.

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    Mass Effect 3 wird von Publisher EA mit einer besonders aufwändigen Aktion beworben. Mehrere Vollversionen des Spiels werden mit Wetterballons an zufällige Orte gebracht und bieten dann den Findern die Möglichkeit, schon vor dem 8. März das Action-Rollenspiel zu spielen. In den USA kamen nun zwei Gewinner in eine rechtliche Grauzone, da sie die gefundenen Exemplare von Mass Effect 3 verlosen wollten.

    Heute erhoben sich Wetterballons mit der sogenannten Space Edition von Mass Effect 3 über Berlin. Die glücklichen Finder können schon vor dem Release am 8. März einen Blick auf die Vollversion des Spiels werfen. In den USA startete die Aktion schon vor rund einer Woche und zwei der Finder lieferten ein gutes Beispiel, was man nach dem Entdecken einer Space Edition beachten sollte. Michael Davis und Miguel Droz, selbst angehende Spielemacher, starteten mit den gefundenen Exemplaren eine Verlosung, bei der 30 Prozent der Einnahmen aus Losverkäufen an die Wohltätigkeitsorganisation Child's Play gehen sollten.Den Rest wollten die beiden Finder in die Gründung einer eigenen Spieleschmiede investieren. Für die Aktion warben Davis und Droz unter anderem in einem Video auf Youtube. Was sie dabei nicht beachteten und erst über einen Artikel auf erfuhren: In Nevada, wo die beiden leben, sind Lotterien nur legal, wenn der vollständige Erlös danach gespendet wird. Der mit Spielerecht vertraute Anwalt Mark Methenitis ergänzte gegenüber, dass die beiden damit sogar gegen amerikanisches Bundesrecht verstoßen würden, da die Aktion nicht nur auf Nevada begrenzt sei.
    Wer gegen ein solches Gesetz verstößt, muss in den USA im schlimmsten Fall mit Haftstrafen von bis zu zehn Jahren rechnen. Nachdem die beiden ihren Fehler mitbekamen, entschlossen sie sich zunächst, den Erlös vollständig an Child's Play zu spenden, schwenkten dann aber komplett um und brachen die Aktion ab. Schaut auch in unseren Artikel zum Start der Mass Effect 3-Space Edition in Berlin, um weitere Infos zu der Aktion zu erhalten.

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    The Mass Effect 3 "Vault" by Calibur11 makes your Xbox or PS3 look kind of like the torso of a Lego Commander Shepard. It also makes the counterintuitive claim of improving airflow to the device.

    If the allure of a system that is like a chest in two different senses of the word isn't enough, perhaps you'd be swayed by the promise of some Mass Effect 3 DLC? Like every other Mass Effect tie-in product this year, the Vault comes with some in-game bonuses, specifically "Reinforcement Packs" containing race and class unlocks, weapons and items for use in multiplayer.

    If you've resisted the books, toys, and other items, maybe this will be the thing to confer bonus DLC on you, while encasing your game system in the warm glow of "battery powered lighting effects."

    Mass Effect 3: A Dissertation

    So it’s done.

    I’m sort of staring in disbelief at the amount I’ve written on this series over the last half year. To write almost 24,000 words is pretty monumental, and I never planned for it to become anywhere near that large. Funny how things turn out. I wouldn’t blame any of you for thinking me insane.
    I really hope you’ve enjoyed reading it all, and that perhaps I’ve managed to change the way some of you think about certain aspects of the series. It might look like it was a huge effort, but I’ve really enjoyed writing about it. I love the games. So it was never really a chore.
    I’ve gotten a lot of writing practice, and I’ve really appreciated all the feedback you’ve offered since the beginning. It’s all very important, and I think it’s made me both a better writer and a better thinker.
    I want to thank everyone at BioWare for creating these incredible games. It isn’t very often you become so invested in something. They aren’t perfect, but I see a lot of value in them. I can’t wait for Mass Effect 3, and I hope the franchise continues to live on in a meaningful way after the trilogy is over.
    Thanks again!
    As a send-off, I’d really like to direct you to this article, written by Kyle Munkittrick. It’s a brilliant article about Mass Effect.

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    BioWare has confirmed, through the voice of its Lead Writer, Mac Walters, that the upcoming Mass Effect 3 will deliver enhanced interactions between the players and the rest of the game’s characters, making them more memorable.

    Mass Effect 3 is the end of the trilogy of games that focused on protagonist Commander Shepard. Besides the hero (or heroine, depending on your choice), plenty of other characters will also see their stories end.

    In order to really drive the point home, the lead writer of the series, Mac Walters, has posted a special article on the BioWare blog where he highlights just how important conversations and interactions between Shepard and his allies have become.

    “Conversations with characters in Mass Effect 3 are more than just opportunities to gain information; they’re designed to be unforgettable,” Walters said. “One practical way we did this was to make sure there were no fixed locations for these moments. They could literally happen anywhere. And preferably in a place that meant something to the characters involved.”

    Interactions as a whole, not just conversations, have also been improved, as characters will react in more ways when they’re around Shepard.

    “Now, more than ever, the relationships in Mass Effect evolve naturally,” Walters highlighted. “Characters react to your choices and actions, including, of course, romantic ones. We give you the opportunity to make every interaction mean something in the long term. It’s not simply about completing a conversation to get on to the next one; it’s about how you interact during each conversation. And it’s about each choice you make to evolve that relationship.”

    Last but not least, during these interactions, players will be able to truly learn how the characters felt throughout their adventures alongside Shepard and how they feel about his goal of saving the Universe from the Reaper menace.

    “In Mass Effect 3, one of the topics that will come up—for those who are looking for it—is Shepard’s personal relationship with those closest to the commander. For some characters in Mass Effect 3, it’s been an emotional roller coaster ride with Shepard, and they’ve got something to say about that.”

    Mass Effect 3 features the return of plenty of squadmates and allies for Commander Shepard, so expect lots of plot lines to resurface and relationships to rekindle.

    The game is out next week, on March 6, in North America, and March 9, in Europe, for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

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    Toksin's Blog

    Sascha Dikiciyan. Sound creator and founder of Sonic Mayhem, Composer and Producer.

    Mass Effect 3, The biggest release of 2012 is now only a few weeks away from release, I give you a little behind the scenes info of how and what we’ve used to create our score for ME3. Please note that there are other composers involved due to the sheer amount of music a game like ME3 needed (One of them being Sam Hulick. Check out his work). Also check out the work of my co-writer, Cris Velasco right here.

    Growing up in the 80s, electronic music was everywhere. From the likes of Vangelis and his Blade Runner score to Tangerine dream and Depeche mode were on the radio 24/7. Being able to combine two passion’s of mine, electronic music influenced by the 80s together with the magical sounds of the Orchestra, was a dream come true. Early on, I wanted to take this to the next level so I decided to not only use Virtual Instruments but real hardware synths as well. So here’s a list of hardware we’ve used on ME3:

    The Juno 106

    Und hier die Mars Combat sound from Sam Hulick (30sek)

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  14. #34
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    am 8. März erscheint endlich das heiß erwartete Finale der Mass-Effect-Trilogie. Wir klären schon jetzt die wichtigsten Fragen rund um Biowares Action-Rollenspiel.
    Perfekt vorbereitet auf die Reaper-Invasion: Wir beantworten im FAQ-Special die wichtigsten Fragen zum Start von Mass Effect 3 . Ihre Frage ist nicht dabei? Lassen Sie es uns in den Kommentaren wissen!
    Welche Sprachen enthält die deutsche Version?

    Mass Effect 3 wird auf dem PC und der PlayStation 3 sowohl in Deutsch, als auch in Englisch spielbar sein. Auf der Xbox 360 ist der Fall in unserer Test-Version anders. Zwar gibt es neben den deutschen auch englische Untertitel, als Tonspur ist auf der Microsoft-Konsole jedoch die deutsche Sprachausgabe auf den beiden Spiel-DVDs.

    Auf PS3 und PC lässt sich die Sprache lässt sich im Spielverlauf ändern. Zwar kann Mass Effect 3 mit einer gelungenen Synchronisierung überzeugen, jedoch empfehlen wir allen Spielern mit guten Englischkenntnissen die originale Sprachfassung.,2565292.html

    tja jetzt ist es Passiert, die russische Version ist im Netz zu finden, als ich auf der News suche war.

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  15. #35
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    With the release of Mass Effect 3 just a short week away, darkzero thinks it’s appropriate to mention the five biggest question marks facing BioWare and its hopefully masterful follow-up to Mass Effect 2. Note – this article contains quite a few spoilers for both Mass Effect 1 and 2; if you want to preserve the integrity of your experience playing them, I suggest you stop reading.

    Now. Please. Don’t hate yourself.
    One last thought – I’ve placed *spoiler alert* tags in the areas where key plot details from the games are revealed. Otherwise, happy reading to those of you who are excited as I am to conclude what has been an incredible ride.
    Here are my five biggest questions for Mass Effect 3:

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    das erste mal dass so etwas kommt.

    Important update to site rules & code of conduct :

    Effective immediately there is a zero tolerance policy on any form of abuse towards staff, moderators or other Community members.
    Anyone posting a personal attack on staff, moderators or other Community members will, at the sole discretion of staff or moderators, be banned from the BioWare Social Network without notice and is no longer welcomed.
    While we continue to value all of our customers and fans, participation in the BSN and engaging with staff and like-minded community members is - to be abundantly clear - a privilege, and not a right. Members may continue to discuss and critique our games and products in a civil manner, but any form of discussion targeted at an individual will not be tolerated. New and existing members who cannot adhere to the code of conduct, or maintain a civil demeanor at all times, are encouraged instead to contact customer support for any game related issues they may have.

    We have made important changes to the Site Rules and Code of Conduct, and recommend that all our users review them by clicking on the link at the top of this notice. By continuing to use this site you are accepting the Site Rules and agree to follow these rules.

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    Developer BioWare takes the concept of a science officer to new extremes.

    What makes a character awesome? It's such a hyperbolic yet interesting question, and the response varies depending on the person. And yet, as we explore the large worlds of our favorite role-playing games, it's hard not to notice the characters we become attached to the most as the adventure unfolds. Usually, they're the ones that offer something unique to your party. In some cases it could be awkward interactions or unique perspectives. In others, it could be powerful abilities and battle skills. Regardless of our personal reasons, we become invested in these accomplices and discover that when its time select party members, our most awesome characters get pushed to the front of the line.

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    [Bild: meshoes-1024x6961-680x462.jpg]

    Bald, bald ist Mass Effect 3 sowas von da und ganz offensichtlich bin ich nicht der einzige, der sich darauf freut, wie eine kleine Schneeprinzessin. Jeden Tag seh ich Kreative Kreatives machen und ich bin teilweise echt beeindruckt, welche Ausmaße das annimmt. Hier zum Beispiel hat ein LiveJournal-User (es gibt echt Leute, die das benutzen!) Turnschuhe masseffectisch verziert und dabei auch noch dem eigenen Stil angepasst.

    Each side took about 12-15 hours from design to finish, because I’m super slow. You can see the full gallery with WIP shots here. The shoes I used are Nike Men’s Go Canvas shoes (I think they were a summer style though so they’re not available anymore), and I used Angelus paints to paint everything. I also posted these on my tumblr if you’re so inclined.
    Ich finde es immer witzig, wie die Leute sich rechtfertigen, dass sie so lange brauchen. Ich kann mich nämlich auch mal 15 Stunden mit Farbe vor Schuhe setzen, aber danach haben wir hier nicht so coole Werke, sondern mich schlafend, ein paar Schuhe und ungeöffnete Farbtöpfe samt unbenutzter Pinsel.
    Schaut mal noch aufdem LiveJournal-Profil für weitere Bilder vorbei, wenn ihr mögt. (via)

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    Do you need a better explanation of the beginning story for Mass Effect 3? What better way to learn about the opening story than the developers at BioWare telling you all the details you need.

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