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    Knight Avatar von Gor_Na_Drak
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    What are you playing now? #8

    This thread is similar to the "What are you listening to right now" thread, but it's about the games we're currently playing. And I realize that you don't change change/complete games as often as you do music, but I'm sure it might be fun nonetheless.

    Ok, so now for some rules:
    1. You can only post one game per day, and it doesn't have to be a different game every day. Just mention that you're still on the same game, and share some experiences, thoughts, impressions, etc. Maybe this will even help people decide whether to buy a game, or not.
    2. You have to post one image related to the game, anything from ingame to concept art.(and you have to keep it under 600x600 pixels if you want it to be displayed on the forum page, and not 'cut down' to a link.)
    3. You have to disable your signature.
    4. You can have small discussions on what people post, but you can only post one game per day.

    Previous thread is here.
    Geändert von Gor_Na_Drak (15.02.2012 um 06:34 Uhr)

  2. Beiträge anzeigen #2
    Knight Avatar von Stalagmite
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    Knight Avatar von Ariogaisus
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    @Stalagmite Classic.

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    Veteran Avatar von kojocel
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    Demigod Avatar von Bastardo
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    {I} {T}rust {A}nd {L}ove {Y}ou
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    [Bild: 2502.jpg]

    First time as a mage, I believe. I don't know what the hell are people talking about when they say you can't play primarily as a mage throughout the game. The crappy critters can be easily beaten to death even with little points in melee and there are enough scrolls (and money to buy them) to get you through the hard mobs you need to take down during the rune-less portion of the game. They must be forgetting about those, or feel discouraged by the cost per spell, but ore is made for spending anyway.
    Geändert von Bastardo (20.02.2012 um 10:59 Uhr)

  6. Beiträge anzeigen #6
    Skinhead  Avatar von Hellbilly
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    [Bild: kingdoms-of-amalur-screenshot1.jpg]

    Kind of mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I like the lore, the mythology and much of the dialogue; they've obviously spent a lot of time on that, and R.A. Salvatore has done extensive work to create a world with a solid history. A lot of it is terribly clichéd, but then, few swords & sorcery worlds aren't. But at the same time, there's too much of it to remember more than the core things; I suppose that makes for replay value. And I like the combat system & character development.

    However, the lore and the dialogue never really seems to shake hands with the gameplay. After all the fancy dialogue, missions invariably boil down to "go to place X (marked on the map) and collect item or kill creature(s)" and it's more like a lite version of Fable in an uneasy marriage to Sacred 2. Or an offline MMORPG. Hordes of enemies constantly re-spawning, endless combat... heck, even coloring by foe difficulty in foe names. Basically, if you thought Arcania was "casual", then the gameplay in Amalur is ultra-casual. It's like they took the lore from one game and glued it on to a altogether different game.

    Then there's crafting, alchemy & enchanting, which are sorta like lite-TES, but with less intuitive interfaces. And sometimes a "dialogue wheel" a'la Bioware is used. The actual combat has a strong kinship to Fable. Basically, Amalur is a strange brew made from bits and pieces shamelessly stolen from other games. There's a shitload of stuff to criticize here, and so far it hasn't really sucked me in totally and I don't think it will... and yet, Amalur does have a strange appeal. Because at the core, the gameplay in all its casual nature is fun (and the combat system good) & the lore is mostly interesting, and the despite the two never really coming together, both add some degree of appeal to the game.

    A generic, bland and even mediocre ultra-lite action-RPG, but one that is all those things openly and shamelessly, wherein, I guess, lies the strange charm Amalur possesses.

  7. Beiträge anzeigen #7
    Knight Avatar von Stalagmite
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    [Bild: planescape-torment.jpg]

    Best. CRPG. Ever.

  8. Beiträge anzeigen #8
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    It's always nice to play a game where you can
    run around in yer undies[Bild: 0207xx.jpg]

  9. Beiträge anzeigen #9
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    Drakensang...Complete Saga is one of the best gaming bargains in
    history. I'm having so much fun with this...and...you can play as
    an Amazon, too, with yer battle babes in tow

    [IMG][Bild: screenshot4x.jpg][/IMG]

  10. Beiträge anzeigen #10
    #16  Avatar von Forenperser
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    Irgendwo da draußen.....
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    Mass Effect 3.
    Quite good I guess, but I didn't expect something mega-awesome from the start.
    Will be better then ME2, but not better then ME1 for me.

  11. Homepage besuchen Beiträge anzeigen #11
    Demigod Avatar von Bastardo
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    [Bild: alanwake_pc.jpg]

    Microsoft are assholes, but in the end PC gamers got to play the damn game.

    It's a pretty good 3rd person shooter. Like taking the noir away from Max Payne (the developer is the same after all) and stuffing it with psychological thriller instead. So the gameplay looks like it came straight out of decent action flicks but the game is simultaneously pretty focused on telling a story. As pure horror goes, it's not very scary. It doesn't have more of a scare-factor than, say, F.E.A.R., so the horror element is present but it doesn't go much beyond "boo". The story relies more on mystery. But a lot of oh-shit moments can or do happen; there is no shortage of supplies but your carrying capacity and gunplay are somewhat realistic, you have to conserve ammo to a certain extent and pick the best moments to flee from your foes (sometimes that's the best option, sometimes that's the only option and sometimes that is suicide). Besides, the antagonist is disembodied evil darkness which can take over living and inanimated objects alike, so there are situations where the whole world is falling on you, and intentionally at that. Enemies are shielded by this force and only light can break through it, allowing you to hurt them by traditional means. Predictably, the gameplay takes place predominantly in low light conditions and unless you use very bright sources of light, it takes time to break through the shield, and being vastly outnumbered by enemies is not a rare occurrence, so you have to make use of flares, flashbangs, the environment and running, to get your ass below the nearest street lamp.

    The graphics are decent; nothing special nowadays but the environments look pretty good and I'm sure the console version was impressive enough at the time it came out. The game was also ported to PC graciously enough for my tastes.

    On a side note, I like how both franchises created by Remedy so far have titles that refer to the name of the protagonist but are also a descriptive play on words (maximum pain, awake).
    Geändert von Bastardo (15.03.2012 um 02:15 Uhr)

  12. Beiträge anzeigen #12
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    Alan Wake? Can you run around in it in yer undies?

    I remember having a nude patch for Max Payne1 and that was for
    the hero...so funny...the old days

  13. Beiträge anzeigen #13
    Hero Avatar von .†.MikeL.†.
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    [Bild: league-of-legends-wallpaper.jpg]

    I'm addicted to League of Legends, it's my first moba style game and I never thought that it's such a skill based game, I thought it would be like the classic free to play - pay to win MMORPGs.. which is not the case and I'm loving it.

    Cool wallpaper.

  14. Homepage besuchen Beiträge anzeigen #14
    Demigod Avatar von Bastardo
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    Zitat Zitat von andorian22 Beitrag anzeigen
    Alan Wake? Can you run around in it in yer undies?

    I remember having a nude patch for Max Payne1 and that was for
    the hero...so funny...the old days
    Err... guess you like your Max Payne best when he's got "nothing to lose"?

    Can't say I've searched for an Alan Wake mod like that, so I don't know.

  15. Beiträge anzeigen #15
    Demigod Avatar von Dino
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    Zitat Zitat von .†.MikeL.†. Beitrag anzeigen
    I never thought that it's such a skill based game
    More like teamplay, good setup and some knowledge of which particular ability and item is overpowered in the current patch. But mostly teamplay and good setup. Well, obviously you have to know what you're doing which applies to any game that exists.

  16. Beiträge anzeigen #16
    Sword Master Avatar von Black Sphere
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    Zitat Zitat von Stalagmite Beitrag anzeigen
    Ugh, I need to find time to re-play this game some time soon (one of the best games evah).

    EVE Online

    This years's EVE fanfest mainly revealed that CCP didn't gave up at all of merging EVE Online and DUST 514 into one game (bellow is the cinematic trailer which was shown on the fanfest and which is showing (again) EVE and DUST merged, I also heard from the friends which are/were on the fanfest there was also shown a DUST gameplay vid with EVE Online spaceships performing an orbital space to planet surface bombardment), quite uncontrary, the rumors are for this reason DUST now will also came on the PC platforms, thou there's still SO MUCH to do with EVE (right now they started re-designing the ships, they will add missile launcher turrets and brand new missile effects, not to mention some nerfing and game mechanics probs etc etc etc). How, and mostly when merging will be realised, I think only God knows. And main question is; which beast PC could run such a massive game. But as I see it this is still quite into the future, so there should be no probs.


    Oh, and 'the latest eve news'; one of the most hated alliances, Pandemic Legion, lost a Titan. A celebration was noted throughout the whole EVE universe.
    Geändert von Black Sphere (29.03.2012 um 00:33 Uhr)

  17. Beiträge anzeigen #17
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    Played Deus Ex way back when and never got around to playing Invisible Wars and there it still sits on the shelf

  18. Beiträge anzeigen #18
    Dragonslayer Avatar von Danutz_plusplus
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    The Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition
    [Bild: the-witcher-enhanced-edition.jpg]

    Hey all. I finally found enough time to put into The Witcher 1, and finished it. And I loved it, especially the ending was really surprising.

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    I'd never imagine that they would use time travel the way they did, with Alvin jumping in time and becoming the Grand Master. Very cool plot twist.
    Btw, did leaving the Grand Master's soul to the King of the Hunt do anythin special in comparison to fighting him? I personally let the King take his soul, but didn't see anything happen.

  19. Beiträge anzeigen #19
    #16  Avatar von Forenperser
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    Irgendwo da draußen.....
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    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    If you don't give him the soul, you'll have to fight the king. But after that, he kills the grandmaster like in the other version.

  20. Beiträge anzeigen #20
    General Avatar von ICFabian
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    Nothing really at the moment, but I'm playing Gothic 1 with that really fancy German mod on now and then.

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