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  1. #1 Reply With Quote
    automatic news bot
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    Buyers of the Collector’s Edition of Risen 1 might remember that an access code for a “beta test” for the next game by Piranha Bytes was part of that box.

    This “beta test” is now entering its next stage. Those who registered their code with Deep Silver received an e-mail today in which Deep Silver announced that the “beta test” will take place from February, 20th to March, 2nd. The e-mail recipients are asked to register again on the website betatest.risen2.com with their personal access code.

    Since Deep Silver made a little mess with all the registrations and codes, here’s a list about the steps to take (as we currently understand the procedure ourselves):

    1. Buy Collector’s Edition to get access code
    2. Register with Deep Silver to get personal access code
    3. Register on www.betatest.risen2.com to get Steam download code
    4. Register on Steam and use last code to download the demo

    World of Risen is offline Last edited by foobar; 13.02.2012 at 15:26.

  2. #2 Reply With Quote
    Knight Commander
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    Quote Originally Posted by World of Risen View Post
    1. Register on Steam and use last code to download the demo
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  3. #3 Reply With Quote

    Metasyntaktische Variable
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nisarg View Post
    Well, it’s currently unknown what exactly you’ll get on Steam. It has to be some software. I doubt that DS will just give away the full game for free. I also doubt that it will be a real beta version (the game is long completed). The only thing that remains is early access to the demo.

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  4. #4 Reply With Quote
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    Quote Originally Posted by foobar View Post
    Well, it’s currently unknown what exactly you’ll get on Steam. It has to be some software. I doubt that DS will just give away the full game for free. I also doubt that it will be a real beta version (the game is long completed). The only thing that remains is early access to the demo.
    Yeah doesn't seem like a real beta version. More likely a way to please the fans after some not so good news like the DLC. I doubt that there will be time for the "testers" to submit bug reports and for the devs to process them and fix eventual flaws.

    And since the game is said to be finished (with PB currently working on DLC as DS claimed) it would seem improbable that they will just give away the full game to the testers for free. Even if they plan to deny access to that software after a certain date (with the help of the infamous DRM), there is a high chance that someone will manage to hack it and so we would be looking at a -30day release

    I guess this beta test will be a demo of some sorts consisting of the first island that we know a lot about from different interviews and videos. However, should they release such a demo, it wouldn't be wise to hide it from potential new clients since that would be a great way to increase sales and pre-orders.

    I gotta say that I'm very intrigued by this piece of news. I can't wait to see how they are about to handle this beta test thingy. If they play the cards right, they will not only make up with the fans. They might make every Gothic and Risen fan be excited about the release plus catch the attention of other gamers that are new to this brand. But they might as well disappoint the fans even further and with a buggy version leaked to the public they might scare away new customers as well.
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  5. #5 Reply With Quote
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by foobar View Post
    I also doubt that it will be a real beta version (the game is long completed). The only thing that remains is early access to the demo.
    Kinda weird for a demo to be available for a limited time - but it could be.

    Don't know how many PC configurations it was tested on, but this would more than likely open it up to be tested on more, and allow them to make sure there's no major bugs - so it could also be a beta test to a certain degree.

    Then again the kids call beta tests a demo so idk. Just party like its 1999.
    Northie is offline

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