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  1. #81
    Fionda per cereali  Luceija's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forenperser View Post
    Danke dafür.
    Seh dieses Bild von Kai Leng das erste Mal.
    Nicht übel.
    Der Kerl...sieht hammer geil aus! *Platz im Bett mach*
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  2. #82
    Heldin Eliza Shepard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luceija View Post
    Der Kerl...sieht hammer geil aus! *Platz im Bett mach*
    War der Plumps, den ich gerade gehörte habe, Garrus, den du aus dem Bett geschubst hast, um Platz für Kai Leng zu machen? ()
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  3. #83
    Ritter Cutter Slade's Avatar
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    Ich sehe das wie Virdo! Warum unberechtigte Kritik üben, wenn dies eine optionale, zusätzliche Wahlmöglichkeit ist, die darauf abzielt die Zielgruppe auszuweiten oder weiter zu festigen. Es steht jedem freien den „für weniger intelligente Spieler“ (Übrigens ein unglaublich sinnfreies Statement des Autors, lässt auf den eigenen Weitblick schließen…) geeigneten Actionmodus zu wählen, einen der zwei anderen aussuchen oder weitere individuelle Anpassungen vorzunehmen. Die drei Modi sind nur vorgefertigte Kits die sich noch weiter spezifizieren lassen. Und da ich weiterhin volle Kontrolle haben will und haben werde und mir ein gesalzener Schwierigkeitsgrad im ersten Durchlauf das liebste ist werde ich entsprechende Anpassungen vornehmen und keinerlei Nachteil davontragen.

    Sehe in den 3 Modi keinerlei Einschränkungen zum ursprünglichen Konzept eher einen weiteren Versuch noch mehr Kunden zufrieden zu stellen. Habe damit kein Problem!

    und zu Virdos Spoiler:

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    OMFG! *im Dreieck hüpf* \o/
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  4. #84
    Fionda per cereali  Luceija's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Shepard View Post
    War der Plumps, den ich gerade gehörte habe, Garrus, den du aus dem Bett geschubst hast, um Platz für Kai Leng zu machen? ()
    Wirst doch nicht GLAUBEN! Das war...eeeh...*Jungs durchseh*...uhm...Joker. Kleinstes Übel.
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  5. #85
    Ritter OneOfMany's Avatar
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    Wenn du Joker aus dem Bett schubst ist er vermutlich körperlich nicht mehr in der Lage die Normandy zu fliegen. Das wäre doch wohl ein SEHR großes Übel...
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  6. #86
    Heldin Eliza Shepard's Avatar
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    Bin ich froh, dass meine zwei Auserwählten in Sheps breitem Doppelbett auch zusammen genug Platz haben () ... sofern sie sich überhaupt über den Weg laufen. Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, ist mein grünhäutiger Liebster ja eh nicht im Team ... und wenn ich ihn auf einer Mission treffe, werde ich ganz sicher nicht Kaidan mitnehmen.
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  7. #87
    Dea Jussylein's Avatar
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    <strong> [Video]
    jaja, schon klar... 5 Euro in die Chauvi-Kasse! Natürlich gibt es auch immer noch mehr als genug Mädels, die mit dem Grünzeug nix anfangen können und lieber an der Konsole sitzen und daddeln... erst Recht wenn die spielbare Demo von Mass Effect 3 erscheint. In einem Trailer wurde nämlich jetzt genau dieses Datum verraten und zwar ganz am Ende.
    Tja, wohl dem, der auch wirklich bis zum Ende geguckt hat. Ist halt wie im Kino, da sollte man auch immer den Abspann abwarten, denn ab und an verstecken die Filmemacher dort noch einen kleinen Gag oder eine wichtige Info.
    In diesem Fall war es das Datum für die Demo. Diese erscheint nämlich jetzt am 14. Februar!

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  8. #88
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    Today we are very pleased to announce the release date for the upcoming Mass Effect 3 Single Player and Multiplayer demo. Please check out the FAQ below for details on when it will be available and information you need to know.

    When is the demo for Mass Effect 3 being released?

    The demo for Mass Effect 3 will be released on February 14, 2012. Timing may vary by platform and geographic region.

    What platforms will the demo be on?

    The demo will be on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC platforms.

    What are the system requirements for the PC version of the demo?

    Minimum Spec:

    OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7
    *Supported chipsets: NVIDIA 7900 or better; ATI X1800 or better. Please note that NVIDIA GeForce 9300, 8500, 8400, and 8300 are below minimum system requirements, as are AMD/ATI Radeon HD3200, HD3300, and HD4350. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.

    CPU - 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)

    RAM - 1GB for XP / 2GB RAM for Vista/Win 7

    Disc Drive - 1x speed

    Hard Drive - 15 GB of free space

    Video - 256 MB* (with Pixel Shader 3.0 support)

    Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible

    DirectX - DirectX 9.0c August 2009 (included)

    Recommended Spec:

    OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7

    CPU - 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)

    RAM - 2GB for XP / 4GB RAM for Vista/Win 7

    Disc Drive - 1x speed

    Hard Drive - 15 GB of free space

    Video - AMD/ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB or greater, NVidia GeForce 9800 GT 512 MB or greater

    Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible

    What content will be included in the Mass Effect 3 demo?

    There are two sections in the Mass Effect 3 demo, both included as part of a single download: The single player section includes 2 areas: the opening level featuring the Reaper attack on Earth, and a level further into the game where Shepard travels to an alien home world to seek their assistance in the war effort. This will be approximately 1 to 2 hours of content.The co-op multiplayer section includes 2 maps: Slum and Noveria. This section will be open to players who have qualified for the early multiplayer access as of Feb 14, and will then open up to all players on Feb 17.[/b]

    How do I qualify to play the co-op multiplayer section before Feb 17?

    The early access program for the demo’s multiplayer section begins on Feb 14, 2012To gain access to multiplayer in the demo any time between Feb 14 and when it opens up for everyone on Feb 17, a player must have met one of the following criteria:
    Own Battlefield 3 and have activated BF3’s Online Pass. Logging into the demo using the EA Origin Account linked to that Online Pass will automatically unlock the multiplayer section of the demo. Note that you do not have to enter a code anywhere – if you have activated your BF3 online pass, the multiplayer section of the demo will be unlocked for you when the demo goes live.Participate in an early access program that will be announced on Feb 7, 2012 – watch this site for more details.

    Is there a way to verify I am qualified for the early access to co-op multiplayer?

    Starting Feb 7, 2012 there will be a form on which can be used to verify if your EA Origin Account has been assigned early access privileges.

    Can Mass Effect 3 co-op multiplayer be played split-screen?

    No – the co-op multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 is online only.

    What languages will the demo be in?

    • In-Game Voice Languages: US-English

    • In-Game Text Languages: US, FR, IT, DE, ES, RU, PL

    Can I import saves from Mass Effect 2? Does the demo create a save game for the full version of Mass Effect 3?

    The demo does not support save importing and does not create a save game for the full version of Mass Effect 3.

    What character class can I play in the demo? Can I customize my character?

    All six classes from the full game are included: Soldier, Vanguard, Sentinel, Engineer, Infiltrator and Adept.Players will be able to create a male or female Shepard, customize their appearance, and level up their character’s abilities and powers.

    Will the demo feature the ability to set player initial player experience options by selecting “Action, “Role-Playing”, or “Story” settings?


    Is Origin required to play the PC version of the demo?

    Yes. You will need to download and install the Origin Client (Link) and have a valid Origin account.

    Will playing the Mass Effect 3 demo spoil the main game story for me?

    The single player section of the Mass Effect 3 demo is taken from the main game and therefore by definition could be
    considered to contain spoilers. The multiplayer section of the demo does not contain spoilers.

    How long will the demo be available?

    The multiplayer section of the demo will be deactivated March 5, 2012 The single player demo will continue to be
    available past game launch (for a number of months – exact date for the demo to be taken offline is TBD).

    Does the demo support Kinect on Xbox 360? In what languages?

    Yes, the Xbox 360 demo of Mass Effect 3 does support Kinect functionality. The demo will have the same Kinect voice command language support as the full game: English (American, Australian and British dialects), French, German and Italian.

    If you have further questions, please ask them below and get ready to play the demo of Mass Effect 3! [Bild: smile.png]

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    Jussylein is offline Last edited by Jussylein; 18.01.2012 at 15:33.

  9. #89
    Dea Jussylein's Avatar
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    Aaryn Flynn has a lot riding on Mass Effect 3, the sci-fi shooter and role-playing game that debuts on March 6. Flynn, the general manager of game developer BioWare‘s studios in Edmonton, Canada, and Montreal. As such, his teams have been in charge of one of the biggest games of 2012.

    [Bild: flynn-6.jpg]If it’s a hit, Electronic Arts, the parent company of BioWare, will reap the benefits with sales of millions of copies at a time of the year when game sales are relatively weak.
    Hey, no pressure. We had a chance to sit down with Flynn at the preview of the game at a press event near the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The sci-fi title wasn’t disappointing. It is the third game in a series where the Earth and all of humanity is threatened by a galaxy-wide invasion of beings known as the Reapers. The game has cinematic visuals, a deep story, and — in something that is new this time around — voice controls through Microsoft’s Kinect motion-sensor for the Xbox 360 game console. Flynn, of course, says it is the best game in the series, as the entire galaxy is in a state of war.
    Here’s a transcript of our interview with Flynn.
    GamesBeat: Tell us about your role.
    Flynn: I’m the studio general manager for BioWare’s Edmonton and Montreal studios. Both of them paired up to create the game. Edmonton has always done the Mass Effect series and we added Montreal during the development of Mass Effect 2. It was a new place to draw on creative talent. That team has grown to more than 60 people and they are all part of the Mass Effect 3 team.
    [Bild: flynn-3.jpg]GB: So what has it been like doing the development of this series?
    Flynn: The team is a little bigger now because we are being so much more ambitious with Mass Effect 3. We have to do an amazing single-player campaign. We have to do multiplayer. We have to do Kinect.
    GB: How far back did you start to think about integrating Kinect?
    Flynn: It’s been about nine months for Kinect. It launched during the middle of the development of Mass Effect 3. After it came out, I was playing Kinect with my kids. Microsoft reached out and asked what BioWare could do with Kinect. We started working with Microsoft and hit upon this idea of voice recognition as something that would be technically feasible to do. Kinect has a good applications programming interface for this. It really fit into what we were trying to do. It was authentic to the experience. Mass Effect has squad mates. It has a system for conversations. And speaking in voice seemed to be the right thing to do. It worked with the brand. It all worked out.
    GB: What about the gesture side of Kinect? Did you experiment with that?
    [Bild: flynn-8.jpg]Flynn: We looked into it. But unfortunately, it has a lot more technological requirements. We also weren’t sure the gestures fit in with the authentic experience. The good news is voice worked out very well.
    GB: Couldn’t you have done something minimal like using your arm to throw a grenade?
    Flynn: The technology was a barrier there so we discounted it pretty early.
    GB: It seems like reaction time is very quick with the voice commands.
    Flynn: Yes it is. I don’t know what the actual timing is. The Kinect software is quite good and so it does pick up on what you are saying very quickly. Mass Effect 3 is a very responsive game and so it can respond quickly to that verbal command and turn it into a command that the game can execute.
    GB: You’ve played the game with and without Kinect. Can you actually play faster with Kinect?
    Flynn: I’m not sure you end up playing faster or slower. It’s more about what suits the player. There are those people who are very quick with their fingers and love to pause the game and go into the menus. They set up their commands. Then are those who are more focused as Shepard and want to be immersed in the action as they issue commands to their squads. It’s another way to play it.
    [Bild: flynn-4.jpg]GB: Is it a fixed vocabulary or a large one for the voice commands?
    Flynn: When a character has a specific action that is important to that character, we have to create a unique command for that character. The nice thing is that with Kinect, you can chain your commands together very nicely. So while one is doing something, you can have the other character do something else. You can build a tree of complex commands, and that is quite immersive. We have dozens and dozens of commands. We’ll publish a list at some point.
    GB: I think I recall that voice recognition works better with a fixed list of commands.
    Flynn: Technologically, there is a list of commands in the game for sure. But we are looking for fan feedback to see what the players like to do.
    GB: Wouldn’t it be interesting if you could change the names of the characters?
    Flynn: That might be interesting. I think what it would come down to is that we would have to work with Microsoft on that. But that’s the kind of feedback we like to hear. When the game gets out, we can respond.
    [Bild: flynn-7.jpg]GB: With the Kinectimals game, you can rename your pet and it will respond to your voice when you call its name. Tell me about trying to wrap this game up?
    Flynn: The team is very hard at work. When the series was imagined a decade ago, it was imagined as a trilogy. The first two games were the building blocks for this big game. To be on the cusp of closing it out is quite a feeling. It’s an amazing moment because we are thinking about whether people will like it and what kind of feedback we will get. The team is putting everything they’ve got into this game.
    GB: Is it as long as the other games?
    Flynn: Oh yes. It’s at least as big. I would hesitate to put a number of hours of game play, because you can play it any way you like. It’s probably bigger. There is more to do. There is multiplayer mode. We brought back the role-playing game elements. You can have a lot of fun customizing your armor, weapons and your character. You can enjoy how your character will be more and more unique.
    GB: The overall message is that the game is faster action and more shooter-like?
    [Bild: flynn-9.jpg]Flynn: I wouldn’t say that. I would say the action is intense because the story setting is intense. The entire galaxy is under threat from this Reaper invasion. I can’t imagine a more intense backdrop than the entire galaxy being at risk. That has given us the chance to do amazing set pieces, like the green thresher maw (a big monster) attacking a Reaper. There are lots of those things in the game. The Atlas is one of the bigger enemies we’ve ever had in the game. By bringing back the RPG elements from the first game, it is more customizable and deep. The story is just amazing. There are more human, emotional stories. We’ve had a lot of fun doing that. You realize how much emotion is wrapped up in this kind of environment when things are falling apart.
    GB: It seems like Kinect enables you to play faster?
    Flynn: In that sense, that’s correct. A lot of players will find they can control Shepard and don’t have to pause the game. It’s more fluid and immersive.
    GB: So you can get rid of the command wheel entirely?
    Flynn: Certainly you can do that. I haven’t had to do it because I can use verbal commands all the way through.

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  10. #90
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    Immer mehr Genre-Grenzen verschwimmen und auch die Nachfolger von Mass Effect 3 werden davon nicht ausgenommen sein ? zumindest wenn es nach den Machern selbst geht.

    Am 8. März erscheint mit Mass Effect 3 der letzte Teil der Triologie um Commander Shephard. Dass es danach weitergeht ist bereits sicher – wie genau allerdings noch nicht. In einem Interview äußerten sich nun Ray Muzyka und Greg Zeschuk zu der Zukunft der Serie und was Fans von den Machern in etwa erwarten können.

    Demzufolge könnten die neuen Teile nach Mass Effect 3 weniger Rollenspiel-Elemente beinhalten als noch die Vorgänger. Die Vision der Macher sei laut Muzyka eine Erweiterung des Genres, da nicht nur viele fremde Genres Elemente aus RPGs übernehmen, sondern Rollenspiele im Gegenzug ebenfalls zahlreiche Elemente anderer Spiele-Gattungen verwenden. Auf der einen Seite würden RPG-Features Spiele-Genres wie beispielsweise Shooter oder Adventure-Games in gewisser Hinsicht aufwerten und besser machen, auf der anderen bieten die Einflüsse anderer Genres den Mass Effect 3-Macher allerdings auch die Möglichkeit, die Serie einem größeren Publikum zugänglich zu machen, so die Macher.

    Allzu große Sorgen müssen sich Rollenspiel-Fans allerdings nicht machen: Die treuen Fans von Mass Effect 3 und den Vorgängern sind für Muzyka und Zeschuk mindestens genauso wichtig. Die Kunst sei es, das Spiel zwischen dem klassischen RPG-Spielprinzipien und modernen Einflüssen zu balancieren, so Muzyka. Das sei nicht immer einfach, allerdings geben die Macher ihr bestes, genau das zu erreichen.

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  11. #91
    Deus Virdo's Avatar
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    Die mit ihren größeren Publikum!
    Das ein Shooter Fan aber ein richtigen Shooter mag und ein RPG Fan RPGs lieber mögen und somit bevorzugen, darauf kommen die nicht.

    Und gerade nach DA2 welches sich schlechter verkauft hat als DAO sollten sie es auch gemerkt haben das so etwas nur schiefgehen kann.
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  12. #92
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    Mass Effect 3's Kinect integration works great when you're talking to squadmates. When you're talking to yourself, it gets a little weird.

    Now that the Kinect has been out for a while, we've begun to see developers use the technology for more than just gesture-controlled sports compilations. BioWare might be the most high-profile example of this, having implemented the Kinect as a tool for voice commands in the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 3. It's one of the few Kinect-compatible games that completely eschews any use of the sensor's built-in camera; this space opera is all about shouting.
    [Bild: 995452_20120104_embed002.jpg]
    Having played some of it for ourselves at CES last week, it's clear that BioWare's done a good job of getting the technology to play nicely with its sci-fi shooter action sequences. Pretty much everything you choose to do can be done from the radial menu with your voice. And in a nice touch, you can say "quick save" to make the game, well, quick save. Take that F6 key!
    But there is something odd about voice commands in Mass Effect 3. It's something that makes you take a step back and think, "Maybe I should tone it down a bit." See, you're supposed to be role playing as Commander Shepard, right? So isn't it a little weird to shout "shotgun!" to switch to your boomstick, or "incendiary ammo!" to switch to fire bullets? At that point, aren't you kind of yelling at yourself?
    The Kinect voice commands are great for issuing squad orders. If James is playing it too safe, you can yell "James attack!" and he'll charge forward just as you commanded. If you need to get at an enemy pinned behind cover, you can shout "Liara lift!" and she'll instantly turn your foes into a bunch of helplessly floating bull's-eyes. It works; it feels natural. You're Shepard commanding your troops like the space general you are.
    But yelling at yourself to open a door instead of hitting the A button per the giant onscreen button prompt? That's a little weird. There's some mild mental instability bubbling beneath the surface there. But, hey, maybe it's just us. Take a look at the demo below and let us know what you think of Mass Effect 3's voice commands in the comments.

    10 Jahre ist es her, als ich für The Witcher Community am 22.02.2009 The Witcher Texturen Mod erstellt hatte
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    Reden statt pausieren: Das Finale der Bestseller-Trilogie wird in der Xbox360-Variante Sprachkommandos unterstützen. In einem ersten Test der futurezone funktioniert das ganz gut, macht die Action aber schneller, wodurch sich Mass Effect 3 noch weiter von seinen Rollenspiel-Wurzeln entfernt.

    Die Mass Effect-Serie gehört, wie auch Dragon Age, zu den Spielen, die den Entwickler Bioware bekannt und das Genre der Rollenspiele wieder populär gemacht haben. Das liegt großteils daran, dass die Kämpfe denen von Actionspielen entsprechen und so ein neues Publikum gewonnen wurde, das früher einen weiten Bogen um die "faden" RPGs gemacht hat.
    Mass Effect 3 wird noch actionreicher werden. Das Spiel beendet die stets als Trilogie geplante Serie und wird im März erscheinen. Teil 1 und 2 verkauften sich zusammen bisher mehr als sieben Millionen mal. Im Finale der Serie greift eine Alienrasse die Erde an, die der Spieler mit seiner Crew retten muss.

    Dass der Actionanteil größer ausfällt, liegt nicht nur an Verfolgungsjagden mit riesigen Roboter-Mechs, sondern auch an den Sprachkommandos – zumindest in der Xbox360-Version. In dieser werden über Kinect Sprachkommandos unterstützt. Bisher musste man, um seinen zwei Begleitern Befehle zu geben, die Waffe zu wechseln oder Fähigkeiten anzuwenden, das Radial-Menü öffnen. Jedes Mal wenn es geöffnet wird, pausiert das Spiel im Hintergrund. Mit den Sprachkommandos entfällt die erzwungene Pause.
    Dem Spieler stehen eine Reihe von Kommandos zur Verfügung. Sagt man etwa "Sniper Rifle" wird die Waffe angewählt, "Adrenaline Rush" führt die Spezialfähigkeit aus. Auch den Begleitern können so Kommandos gegeben werden. "James Move" lässt James zur Cursorposition laufen und mit "Liara Stasis" setzt die Begleiterin ihre Spezialfähigeit gegen den markierten Feind ein.
    Im Hands-On mit einer Vorversion des Spiels wurden die Kommandos in neun von zehn Fällen sofort erkannt. Das Spiel wurde mit einer 5.1-Anlage in normaler Gaming-Lautstärke gespielt, der Flat-TV und die Kinect-Einheit waren etwa drei Meter vom Spieler entfernt. Eine Kalibrierung des Systems ist nicht notwendig. Drei Personen im Raum konnten problemlos Sprachbefehle geben. Der Nachteil: Wer gehässige Zuschauer hat, sollte die bei Mass Effect 3 besser aus dem Zimmer verbannen, da sie sonst per Sprachbefehl in ungünstigen Momenten etwa auf eine nicht geeignete Waffe wechseln könnten – ohne, dass der Spieler das will.

    Zwischen dem gesprochenen Befehl und der Ausführung vergeht gut eine bis eineinhalb Sekunden. Das ist anfangs gewöhnungsbedürftig, nach zehn Minuten kommt man damit aber gut zurecht. Sofern man natürlich die Sprachbefehle kennt. Bioware überlegt einen Zettel mit den wichtigsten Befehlen dem Spiel beizulegen, damit die Eingewöhnungsphase kürzer ausfällt. Besonders Spaß macht es mehrere Befehle schnell hintereinander auszuführen. So ruft man etwa "James Grenade", "Shotgun" und "Adrenalie Rush", um eine Gruppe Gegner mit einer Granate zu schwächen und sie zu überrennen.
    Wenig sinnvoll sind die Sprachkommandos, um Türen zu öffnen ("Open") oder Gegenstände aufzuheben ("Pick Up"). Bis man den Befehl gesprochen hat und er ausgeführt wird, vergehen an die zwei Sekunden – die A-Taste ist deutlich schneller gedrückt. Wünschenswert wäre noch ein Sprachbefehl für das Nachladen der Waffe gewesen. Zwar geschieht das auch mit einem Tastendruck deutlich schneller als man es mit einem Sprachbefehl machen könnte, dennoch wäre die Option nett gewesen. Im finalen Spiel wird es auch möglich sein Dialogoptionen auszuwählen, indem das angezeigte Wort gesprochen wird.

    as Gameplay verändert sich durch die Sprachbefehle deutlich. Das Game wird schneller, statt einem Action-Rollenspiel wirken die Kampfsequenzen jetzt wie aus einem normalen Shooter. Die Sprachbefehle sind aber natürlich nur optional. Wer sie nicht verwenden möchte, bleibt einfach stumm beim Spielen. Das radiale Menü ist immer verfügbar, auch wenn Kinect angeschlossen und die Spracheingabe aktiv ist.
    Die Sprachbefehle wird es nur in der Xbox360-Version geben. Laut Bioware gibt es diese in der PC- und PS3-Variante nicht, weil mit Kinect bereits die entsprechende Technologie vorhanden ist. Für die anderen Systeme hätte man eine eigene Spracherkennungs-Software entwickeln müssen. Die Sprachsteuerung wird laut Bioware für die deutschsprachige Ausgabe des Spiels entsprechend angepasst werden. Auf die Frage, ob es Easter Eggs geben wird, also etwa freche Antworten der Begleiter auf nicht ernstgemeinte Befehle, schmunzelte der Bioware-Mitarbeiter: "Das dürfen wir noch nicht sagen."

    10 Jahre ist es her, als ich für The Witcher Community am 22.02.2009 The Witcher Texturen Mod erstellt hatte
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    #EUdubbingforKH (Kingdom Hearts EU Dubbing)

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    Well here’s an interesting development from Big Fish Toys! The company picked up the rights to put out those really awesome looking Mass Effect 2 action figures. It turns out you won’t just be getting the figures though. You’ll also be getting free DLC for Mass Effect 3.Specifically, you’ll be getting codes for Galaxy at War. That’s the multiplayer mode that will be included in Mass Effect 3. Each figure will have an equipment pack. Exactly what will be in each DLC pack hasn’t been revealed, but apparently there will definitely be extra weapons and might be new characters. There will also be character boosters and upgrades for existing weapons. Each fgure will come with one redeemable code.
    The downside is that there codes will only be for the Windows and Xbox 360 versions of Mass Effect 3. Apparently, the PS3 version won’t be compatible with the bonus DLC. Cue jealousy and sadness from people like me who were possibly planning on purchasing a mini-Legion and hoping for an extra edge in Galaxy at War.
    The Mass Effect 2 figures will be released in April 2012. John Shepard, Tali, Grunt, Thane, Miranda, Garrus, Mordin and Legion will be available. Pre-orders are available at the BioWare Store, where you can get a single figure for $20 or a four pack for $75.

    [Bild: mass-effect-2-action-figures.jpg]

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    Shouting your way to victory in Mass Effect 3

    A funny thing happened when I sat down to test out Mass Effect 3's ability to shout out orders to my virtual squad mates: I resisted. Big time.

    As a longtime Mass Effect fan (I'm almost embarrassed to admit I've played the previous two games enough times to see virtually all of the different endings), it was difficult not to fall back on to old habits. Despite some tweaks and additions to the game, Mass Effect 3 played similarly to its two predecessors, so the temptation was there.

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    Multiplayer not tacked on, but embodies Mass Effect as a whole.

    Bioware wants you to love Mass Effect 3's multiplayer.

    The developer recognizes fans' wariness, especially after EA's other headscratching multiplayer inclusion for Dead Space 2. Nick Clifford, product marketing for Bioware wants people to know this mode is more integrated and not tacked on.

    "Dead Space felt like it was a separate mode from the single player experience," Clifford said in an interview held in San Francisco this week. "So what is it about single player that people love with Mass Effect? It's the story, the RPG elements, and it's the gameplay."

    Mass Effect 3's entirely optional multiplayer (which the developer has been trying to make since the first game) ties in with the game's single player campaign, allowing gamers to unlock easter eggs and get some assistance from allies. The system works similarly to Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood where players could deploy their "mini-army" that they built up in the multiplayer game. But unlike Assassin's Creed the leveling system is shorter, so players can boost soldiers, import them into single player, then level up additional characters.

    "Let's say I get my Vanguard leveled up and I want to send him out to my single player game," Clifford said. "I just start another Vanguard and do the same thing again."

    The multiplayer is broken up into different zones: Terminus Systems, Outer Council Space, Inner Council Space, Earth Systems Alliance Space, and the Attican Traverse. According to Clifford, the locations and types of missions you play in multiplayer will "directly impact the missions that [imported characters] can play in."

    Whether or not Mass Effect 3's multiplayer lives up to Bioware's vision remains to be seen. IGN has been wary about the mode, though the developer has proven they can handle Kinect support, so let's see what happens.

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    Matt Bertz from
    Game Informer
    has had some hands on time with the Mass Effect 3 Kinnect demonstration. Here's some of his write up, over all it would appear to be that ME3's Kinect will be a positive gaming experience.

    For BioWare, the solution was leaving the gesture recognition behind in favor of a robust suite of voice commands. The Mass Effect 3 demo used to showcase the Kinect functionality is the same level we saw at E3, Gamescom, and PAX Prime. In this mission, Shepard and his crew are fighting to extract a Krogan female from the Salarian homeworld of Sur’Kesh before the Cerberus agents snatch her.
    The voice controls integrate into the action seamlessly. Instead of accessing the power wheel to issue commands to your squadmates or using waypoints to guide them into cover, all you need to do is point your reticle at a target, say the name of the teammate you want to act, and issue a command. Anything you can do on the controller is available as a voice command. When you verbalize your instructions, a small microphone icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen indicates whether Kinect heard you properly. Outside a few instances where room chatter drowned out my voice, the Kinect understood my commands and processed the information quickly.

    Moving to engage the Cerberus agents, I had no problems directing Liara and new squad member James Vega to cover and commanding them to use their special abilities on the fly. It’s a very satisfying feeling to say “James, Carnage” and watch an enemy explode into several bits of flesh seconds later. Even better, if your squad members have different specializations, you don’t even need to say their name during the order. My group was smart enough to know that went I said, “warp,” the order was intended for Liara.
    Voice commands also work for managing Shepard’s inventory and interacting with the environment. By saying a few simple words, I had the commander chucking grenades, switching weapons, changing ammo types, opening doors, and interacting with consoles. Best of all, if the going gets rough, you can save your progress without drilling into the menus by saying, “quick save.”
    Will you be buying Kinect to play ME3? Check out Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures and Gunstringer Token Code[Bild: ir?t=theoptiprimex-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B005YR0T2I]" target="_blank">what's on offer at Amazon.
    There's a demo of the game arriving to XBL on Feb 14, which is especially romantic of Microsoft.

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    A reflection on the incoming end of a Shepard who has spent three games punching, snarling, and shooting his way through the Mass Effect series.

    For me, Mass Effect 3 happens to be a sort of déjà vu moment from nearly a decade ago. Specifically, this is the second time that BioWare has taken a consistent player character across three games. Back in 1998, I rolled a little half-elf ranger for Baldur's Gate; by that game's conclusion, I took special care to transfer the character save over to a 3.5-inch floppy. Holding onto said floppy proved handy for Baldur's Gate II's release in 2000, where I turned that scrappy half-elf into a ranger worthy of Strider/Aragon -- able to lead a band of warriors, wizards, and animals into a victorious battle against a wizard who could bend time itself. And I rounded out this ranger's tale with Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal in 2001 -- where he became a sort of god-king that could call in elementals and beasts when he's not slinking in the shadows like some sort of forest ninja. So the idea of taking a character that I have slavishly developed over three games to a grand conclusion again is what excites me about Mass Effect 3 the most. But what sort of Shepard am I playing for the conclusion to this crazy grand sci-fi saga? That ranger eventually retired to a quiet life in his cabin surrounded by wolves, rabbits, and other fauna. That was the last time I followed the "good" path in an RPG. Since then, I've generally played evil -- I was the Devil in Fallout 3; and I grew horns and featured sickly skin in Fable 2. I reserved Jennifer Hale's excellent acting for a proper heroic Paragon female Shepard, and in line with my "I play asshole fellows" mentality, I created a male Shepard. The result: while Jeremy played Yukiko Shepard with a healthy amount of meticulous thinking, Hobo Shepard (I also don't take character names seriously) played fast and loose. For nearly every red dialog choice or Renegade interrupt, I promptly chose that option -- with exceptions being in rare times where I personally didn't want the result (more on that in a bit). Since Jeremy and I both played as Infiltrators, our general styles showed two sides of the sniper Shepard space coin.

    A reason that I often play "evil" whenever a game features a morality or karma system is that I then treat it as a sort of id-driven experience. Everything that has been restrained, or ruled against by law, super-ego, or common sense now gets a chance to be indulged. Mouthy reporter twisting my words? I answer with a punch to the stomach. Space terrorist threatening to shoot a hostage if I don't comply with some demand? I shoot the hostage myself. Any time I'm in a sandbox environment or a game with a morality system, I approach it with the same mentality as Michael Douglas' character in Falling Down. My Mass Effect experience was less Gene Roddenberry Star Trek a la Jeremy, and more 24: Extreme Edition In Space.

    But as noted earlier, I didn't blindly do Renegade for everything. The Renegade option for dealing with Wrex on Virmire in Mass Effect called for having one of your party members pull the trigger on him (which is followed by perhaps the most naked example of hate and disgust that I've seen in a video game character to date) -- except I liked having a wisecracking dinosaur who wields a shotgun, so I opted to talk him down instead. A Renegade Shepard wouldn't traditionally bother with loyalty or side missions -- citing the belief that the central mission is what's important and helping others on little tasks not directly related to said mission would probably be something a Renegade skips while dutiful Paragons would help retrieve every space cat from each space tree. So I'm 90-percent Renegade, with that remaining 10 percent allotted for decisions like "keep Wrex in my party" or "everyone survives the suicide mission."

    In thinking about how my play style will affect Mass Effect 3, I'm reminded of a conversation I had with executive producer Casey Hudson before the release of the first game; he told me that the overall story was about, "humanity finding its place in the galaxy." To him, a high level goal for Mass Effect is that not only does it depict that theme, but that players shape said theme through their actions. Thanks to the plot device of Shepard becoming the first human Spectre, he serves as the tip of the spear -- the avatar of humanity that directly shapes both the perception, and the actions, of Humans in the Citadel Council.
    So if Yukiko Shepard's story is about maintaining diversity in the galaxy, then Hobo Shepard's story is about an ultra-opportunistic humanity taking whatever steps (or scraps) it can to grab onto power and maintain it while squarely focusing on destroying The Enemy. This gets portrayed in gestures as grand as focusing the Alliance Navy to destroy Sovereign at the cost of Citadel Council (resulting in a Human-only Council); and as small as Shepard's relationship with the combative and xenophobic Ashley Williams (followed by hooking up with the genetically perfect Miranda Lawson). But most every decision in my playthrough is the one that has humans standing on top of the shoulders (or corpses) of others. Snuff out the Rachni before they can re-threaten the Human-centric galaxy. Destroy the Heretic Geth because that means less Geth to deal with for the final battle. Sacrifice the Justicar Samara in order to have her more powerful daughter Morinth become a new crewmember (and tool in my arsenal).

    What does this mean for Mass Effect 3? I will probably have a significantly darker conclusion than Jeremy. His approach will likely end along the same lines as the battle against Zeromus in Final Fantasy IV -- there, your former party members rally together to deliver inspirational prayers to bolster you in battle. I can see his final stand against the Reapers, but with inspiring waves of Asari commandos, Salarian STG teams, Krogran tribes, and Turian ships helping along the way. Maybe the Rachni will sweep in during the last moment the same way the Millennium Falcon pops in during an opportune time in the Battle of Yavin.

    If anything, my conclusion might feel like a tweaked version of the Battle of Thermopylae: where just a small group of humans make one hell of a stand -- this time against the Reaper threat. In that battle, the Spartans were making their stand in a chokepoint in the middle of their war, and the rest of the Greeks were able to rally the navy and defeat the Persians later. Here, my Shepard's final stand will likely be right at the end -- if the Reapers push through here, then I played three games for naught.
    The Thermopylae analogy also brings up another point: practically every Spartan died in that battle. While Jeremy thinks there will be a noble sacrifice for his Shepard in the end, then my counter theory is that my Shepard will endure the most pyrrhic of victories. While it didn't happen in my playthrough, BioWare certainly didn't flinch at killing characters at the end of Mass Effect 2 -- the suicide mission can play less like a grand victory against all odds and more like a sci-fi tragedy with a Hamlet-rivaling body count. I can see how three games' worth of shrugging off help and letting other species die so that humanity can live can result in the grandest, "well, you technically won, but at what cost? Because right now, Shepard, you are the definition of standing alone" message.

    Whatever happens, BioWare crafted a downright amazing and fitting end to their biggest (at the time) RPG with Baldur's Gate. So I assume that this second instance of taking a character, and truly shaping him or her (along with the rest of the worldview/galaxy) in an epic story, will be pretty boss as well. Now I wonder: Will Mass Effect 3 end with my Shepard standing victorious, yet alone, on top of a pile of bodies in the end? I guess I'll find out on March 6.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OneOfMany View Post
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    Mass Effect 3 Preview: Not Bad With Kinect

    Microsoft has teased 360 owners with Kinect applications for hardcore games like Forza Motorsport and Ghost Recon Future Soldier, but up to this point the voice and gesture controlled peripheral hasn’t impacted core gamers in a meaningful way outside of giving them new ways to navigate their Netflix queues. Changing your view of a car’s interior is a nice touch, but what about gameplay? BioWare takes up this challenge in Mass Effect 3.

    For BioWare, the solution was leaving the gesture recognition behind in favor of a robust suite of voice commands. The Mass Effect 3 demo used to showcase the Kinect functionality is the same level we saw at E3, Gamescom, and PAX Prime. In this mission, Shepard and his crew are fighting to extract a Krogan female from the Salarian homeworld of Sur’Kesh before the Cerberus agents snatch her.
    The voice controls integrate into the action seamlessly. Instead of accessing the power wheel to issue commands to your squadmates or using waypoints to guide them into cover, all you need to do is point your reticle at a target, say the name of the teammate you want to act, and issue a command. Anything you can do on the controller is available as a voice command. When you verbalize your instructions, a small microphone icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen indicates whether Kinect heard you properly. Outside a few instances where room chatter drowned out my voice, the Kinect understood my commands and processed the information quickly.

    Moving to engage the Cerberus agents, I had no problems directing Liara and new squad member James Vega to cover and commanding them to use their special abilities on the fly. It’s a very satisfying feeling to say “James, Carnage” and watch an enemy explode into several bits of flesh seconds later. Even better, if your squad members have different specializations, you don’t even need to say their name during the order. My group was smart enough to know that went I said, “warp,” the order was intended for Liara.
    Voice commands also work for managing Shepard’s inventory and interacting with the environment. By saying a few simple words, I had the commander chucking grenades, switching weapons, changing ammo types, opening doors, and interacting with consoles. Best of all, if the going gets rough, you can save your progress without drilling into the menus by saying, “quick save.”
    I came into the demo skeptical of the Kinect voice controls, but after churning through baddies by issuing battlefield commands I’m pleasantly surprised how streamlined it integrates into the basic action. Not having to open the power wheel to order your squadmates around allows you to keep firing downrange, improving your overall battle effectiveness. As EA demonstrated during E3, the voice controls extend to dialogue situations as well.
    The Mass Effect 3 voice commands aren’t a standalone reason to pick up Kinect, but if you already own it, give them a shot when this demo hits Xbox Live on February 14. You may finally have a Kinect experience worth talking about.

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