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  1. #61
    Kämpfer MrKLT1's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Butzilla;18135223]Der Action Mode ist eher für Shooter Fans konzipiert, die nicht überlegen und entscheiden wollen.
    Eben und genau diese Tatsache macht mir halt Sorgen. Ich bin halt skeptisch gegenüber dem Gedanken, dass man mit einem einzigen Spiel mehrere recht verschiedene Zielgruppen zufriedenstellen will, indem man einfach elementare Features im Optionsmenü abschaltbar macht. Je mehr Zielgruppen ich ansprechen will, desto unausgereifter wirkenwahrscheinlich verschiedene, genreabhängie Features, weil man sich nicht auf was Bestimmtes konzentriert, sondern alles irgenwie mit reinpackt.

    Ich bin mal gespannt, wie sich das ME3-Gameplay letzlich anfühlen wird.
    Ihr fragt,
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    Warum nicht?
    George Bernard Shaw
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  2. #62
    Swiss Quality  Butzilla's Avatar
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    Wie gesagt, die Story ist die gleiche. BioWare hat die Story geschrieben und dann einen Modus gemacht, bei dem man alles selber entscheidet. Dann haben sie den Storymodus gemacht, in dem sie die Kämpfe einfacher gemacht haben, also weniger Feinde oder einfach, dass die weniger Schüsse fressen.

    Da haben wir also einmal die Einstellung tolle Story und fordernde Kämpfe (RPG-Mode)
    dann haben wir tolle Story und einfach Kämpfe (Story-Mode)

    Und dann hat man noch den Action-Mode eingestellt, dass man die Entscheidungen der Story nicht mehr selber machen muss und die enfach automatisch durchlaufen, also wie ein Film.

    Ich sehe dein Problem nicht, denn das Game wurde für den RPG-Gamer entwickelt und dann hat man einfach 2 zusätzliche Modi eingestellt, welche das Gameplay, jedoch nicht die Story ändern. Also ist deine Sorge, dass die Story von ME3 darunter gelitten hat, eigentlich unbegründet, weil es auf diese absolut keine Auswirkungen hat.
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  3. #63
    Ritter OneOfMany's Avatar
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    Das Gameplay wird sich wie ein etwas schnelleres ME2 mit ein paar Optionen mehr (Granaten, Rollen, Bewegungsmöglichkeiten in der Deckung) anfühlen.

    @Butzilla +1
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  4. #64
    Swiss Quality  Butzilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OneOfMany View Post
    @Butzilla +1
    Steh grad auf'm Schlauch? Was meinst du damit?
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  5. #65
    Not a Mimic  Zyankali~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butzilla View Post
    Steh grad auf'm Schlauch? Was meinst du damit?
    Das heißt soviel wie: Der Beitrag gefällt mir. // Vollste Zustimmung. (in Anlehnung an diesen komischen Facebook-Button)
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  6. #66
    Ritter OneOfMany's Avatar
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    Richtig. Ich war zu faul meine Zustimmung angemessener auszudrücken
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  7. #67
    Swiss Quality  Butzilla's Avatar
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    Ah gut zu wissen!
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  8. #68
    Kämpfer MrKLT1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butzilla View Post

    Ich sehe dein Problem nicht, denn das Game wurde für den RPG-Gamer entwickelt und dann hat man einfach 2 zusätzliche Modi eingestellt, welche das Gameplay, jedoch nicht die Story ändern. Also ist deine Sorge, dass die Story von ME3 darunter gelitten hat, eigentlich unbegründet, weil es auf diese absolut keine Auswirkungen hat.
    Um die Story geht`s mir gar nicht mal, die dürfte mit automatisch ausgewählten Dialogoptionen in der Tat nicht leiden. Mir geht es eher um`s Gameplay des Spiels. Rollenspiele definieren sich keineswegs bloß über eine interaktive Story. Stellt sich halt die Frage, wie ME3 hier aussieht, wenn man gleich 2 Zielgruppen mit dem Game zufriedenstellen will.
    Tatsächlich denke ich aber, dass unter der Modigeschichte die reinen Actionspieler-für die das ja konzipiert wurde-am ehesten leiden werden. Wie Bizzy oben schon schrieb, müssen die nämlich tonnenweise für sie weniger wichtige Cutscenes und eigentlich interaktive Dialoge erleben, bis es mal wieder ans Ballern geht.

    Ich bin übrigens schon sehr gespannt auf ME3 und stehe dem Spiel keineswegs so negativ gegenüber, wie das in manchen Posts, die ich in diesem Forum schon verfasst habe, vielleicht rüberkommt. Nur bin ich halt zum Diskutieren hier, und das geht besser über die Dinge, die man kritisch sieht oder nicht so toll findet^^
    Ihr fragt,
    Aber ich träume und sage,
    Warum nicht?
    George Bernard Shaw
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  9. #69
    Dea Jussylein's Avatar
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    Ein Video aus der Demo von Mass Effect 3 zeigt den wartenden Spielern satte zwölf Minuten Gameplay-Action. Ideal zur Überbrückung der verbleibenden Wartezeit!

    Bereits vor einiger Zeit präsentierte Electronic Arts eine erste Anspielversion von Mass Effect 3. Diese war einem kleinen Spielerkreis vorbehalten, doch immerhin entstand während dieser Demo ein Video, das den wartenden Fans des kommenden SciFi-RPGs neue Eindrücke vom nächsten Ableger vermittelt. Denn die Ungeduld dürfte angesichts der zahlreichen Informationen, die überwiegend einen recht positiven Eindruck machten, bei vielen Spielern schon recht groß sein, doch bis zum Release von Mass Effect 3 wird es noch eine ganze Weile dauern.

    Wer sich also bis zum Release oder bis zum Erscheinen der öffentlichen Demo einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf Mass Effect 3 abholen möchte, für den ist das neue Video ideal. Grafisch lässt das Filmchen einiges zu wünschen übrig, obwohl es in HD vorliegt, denn einige Artefakte stören interessante Szenen. Insgesamt liefert es aber dennoch einen schönen Überblick über das Gameplay in Mass Effect 3 und erhöht die Vorfreude bei vielen Fans der SciFi-Reihe wohl noch weiter: Das Zusehen macht trotz der mäßigen Videoqualität Spaß, und die Spieler dürfen voller Zuversicht sein, dass die grafische Qualität im Spiel wesentlich optimaler ausfallen wird, als es in diesem Filmchen der Fall ist. Die Demo soll übrigens innerhalb einer Crosspromotion-Aktion mit der Demo zu Kingdoms of Amalur erscheinen.

    Danach wird allerdings noch etwas Warten angesagt sein: Mass Effect 3 erscheint erst am 8. März. Allerdings soll die Demo noch vor dem Release kommen! Schauen Sie auch mal in den SpieleRadar-Channel bei Facebook. Es erwarten Sie brandheiße News, Videos und spannende Gewinnspiele und Diskussionen.

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    hab ich ein neues anniversary Setup erstellt meine Mod ist hier zu finden
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  10. #70
    Dea Jussylein's Avatar
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    In meiner eigenen Welt :)
    This is a character guide I have put together for Mass Effect 3. It features a complete list of returning characters from Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, characters that will be in your squad and a list of new characters that are being added in Mass Effect 3.
    I will likely update the guide when more information is available.
    This took a long time to do so enjoy.
    Read more to see the character list, squad members list, character backgrounds and a lot more.
    Use Ctrl+F to search. For example use [RET] to see all the returning characters from Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 that will be in Mass Effect 3. It also includes pictures, bio’s and more.

    • Mass Effect 3? [INT]
    • Squad Members [SQU]
    • Returning Characters [RET]
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    Mass Effect 3? [INT]

    Mass Effect 3 is an upcoming action role-playing game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It will mark the final chapter in the Mass Effect trilogy of video games, completing the story of Commander Shepard.
    Mass Effect 3 will follow from the events of the Mass Effect 2 DLC expansion Arrival and follows Commander Shepard’s mission to save the galaxy from the Reapers by rallying civilizations of the galaxy together, while also having to deal with Cerberus, who have decided to turn against him/her.
    It is due for release on 6th March 2012 in North America and 9th March 2012 in Europe.
    Squad Members in Mass Effect 3 [SQU]
    Characters in your party:

    • Ashley Williams
    • Garrus Vakarian
    • James Vega
    • Kaidan Alenko
    • Liara T’Soni
    • Tali’Zorah vas Normandy
    • David Anderson (Temporary)

    Returning Characters from Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2[RET]
    The character is only available:

    • If the character survived Mass Effect = (ME)
    • If the character survived Mass Effect 2 = (ME 2)

    Commander Shepard (ME/ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-shepard.jpg?w=500]
    You’re not even alive… not really. You’re just a machine, and machines can be broken.”
    Lieutenant Commander Shepard is the human protagonist of Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and the upcoming Mass Effect 3, whose gender, appearance, skills and pre-service history are all customizable and have an impact on the story. Shepard’s first name is also customizable, but is never stated in-game. The default pre-made Shepard is a male Soldier named John, with the Earthborn/Sole Survivor profile.
    Shepard was born on 11th April 2154, is a graduate of the Systems Alliance N7 special forces program and is initially assigned to the SSV Normandy as Executive Officer. Shepard later becomes the first human to join the Spectres, an elite special task force for the Citadel Council.
    Ambassador Donnel Udina
    [Bild: mass-effect-udina.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: No
    “The galaxy needs leadership. Real leadership.”
    Ambassador Donnel Udina is a human diplomat stationed at the Citadel. He is humanity’s most recent ambassador to the Council races and is determined to advance human interests wherever possible.
    Udina is shown to be mistrustful or at least apprehensive of Commander Shepard, particularly after the Commander’s induction into the Spectres. Udina often requires solid, irrefutable proof of anything before acting, a trait which often conflicts with Shepard’s goals.
    Udina plays the political game, refusing to rock the boat if it might endanger his standing and therefore humanity’s with the Citadel Council.
    Ashley Williams (ME)
    [Bild: mass-effect-ashley.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: Yes

    “Why is it whenever someone says ‘with all due respect’ they really mean ‘kiss my ass’?”
    Ashley Williams is a human soldier who served in the Systems Alliance as a Gunnery Chief in the 2nd Frontier Division on Eden Prime, and was later assigned to Commander Shepard’s squad after the geth attack on Eden Prime.
    She is a potential romance partner for a male Shepard in Mass Effect.
    Captain David Anderson
    [Bild: mass-effect-anderson.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: No
    “I know Saren. I know his reputation, his politics. He believes humans are a blight on the galaxy. This attack was an act of war.”
    Captain David Edward Anderson was born in 2137, in London, but has no discernible English accent. He is a human war hero and the original captain of the SSV Normandy.
    Anderson is one of the Alliance’s most decorated special forces operatives, and the first to graduate from the N7 marine program at Arcturus Station, serving with honor in the First Contact War.
    Anderson plays a major role in the novels Mass Effect: Revelation and Mass Effect: Retribution.
    Captain Kirrahe
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-kirrahe.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Salarian
    Squadmate: No
    “Our influence will stop Saren; in the battle today, we will hold the line!”
    Captain Kirrahe is an officer in the salarian military. He is a member of the 3rd Infiltration Regiment STG (special task group), a covert operations team that was sent to investigate Virmire, where he discovered Saren’s base of operations. His second-in-command is Commander Rentola.
    Kirrahe is a brave, intelligent salarian with a good strategic mind; he is able to inspire his men, and is also prepared to make sacrifices if necessary.
    Conrad Verner (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-verner.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: No
    “What if you signed me on as another Spectre?”
    Conrad Verner is an enthusiastic and self-proclaimed “huge fan” of Commander Shepard.
    In Mass Effect he can be found in the Citadel, at the top of the stairs in the upper Markets on the Wards.
    EDI (Enhanced Defense Intelligence)
    [Bild: mass-effect-edi.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: AI
    Squadmate: No
    “I always work at optimal capacity.”
    EDI which stands for Enhanced Defense Intelligence, is the AI of the Normandy SR-2 and is represented visually by a holographic floating blue sphere and a feminine voice at various terminals throughout the ship where she can provide basic information about the Normandy and Cerberus.
    Garrus Vakarian (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-garrus.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 1
    Race: Turian
    Squadmate: Yes
    “Fighting a rogue Spectre with countless lives at stake and no regulations to get in the way? I’d say that beats C-Sec.”
    Garrus Vakarian is a turian, formerly with C-Sec’s Investigation Division. Like most turians, Garrus had military training at fifteen, but later followed in his father’s footsteps to become a C-Sec officer.
    He was responsible for the investigation of Saren Arterius, the Council’s top Spectre, after the Alliance claimed Saren had gone rogue. Though Garrus was told the investigation was over, he decided to defy the Executor’s order and pursue another lead on his own. Eventually, Garrus joined Shepard’s team, to help the Commander defeat Saren and the geth.
    Grunt ME 2
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-grunt.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    Race: Krogan
    Squadmate: Yes
    “I am pure krogan; you should be in awe.”
    Grunt is a genetically engineered krogan super soldier. Bred and educated in a tank, he was intended to exemplify the best traits of the krogan, and help reinvigorate his species. In the meantime, he fights along Commander Shepard to satisfy his natural desire for violence.
    Jacob Taylor (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-jacob.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: Yes
    “So much for peace.”
    Jacob Taylor is a human biotic, the main protagonist of Mass Effect Galaxy and a squad member in Mass Effect 2. A former Alliance Marine under the command of Major Derek Izunami, he resigned after surviving the geth attack on Eden Prime.
    Jacob is a highly experienced fighter, and is skilled in the use of assault rifles, biotic abilities, heavy weapons and tech attacks. In Mass Effect 2, he is proficient in the use of shotguns, heavy pistols and biotics.
    He works professionally alongside Miranda Lawson, who functions as his informant and later as his superior officer.
    In Mass Effect 2 Jacob is a potential romance option for a female Shepard.
    Jack (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-jack.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: Yes
    “Turns out, mess with someone’s head enough, you can turn a scared little kid into an all powerful bitch.”
    Jack, also known as “Subject Zero”, is a notorious criminal whose crimes include piracy, kidnapping, vandalism and murder. She is also a biotic, possibly one of the most powerful human biotics alive, and considered so dangerous she was kept in stasis after she was caught.
    In Mass Effect 2 she is a potential romance interest for a male Shepard.
    Jeff “Joker” Moreau
    [Bild: mass-effect-joker.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: No
    “I’m not good. I’m not even great. I’m the best damn helmsman in the Alliance fleet.”
    Flight Lieutenant Jeff “Joker” Moreau is the pilot of the SSV Normandy. Joker is an excellent pilot and confident to the point of arrogance, wasting no time in pointing out his prowess to others.
    He’s quick to ensure everyone knows his many accomplishments and commendations were all earned, and not due to charity for his medical problems.
    Kaidan Alenko (ME)
    [Bild: mass-effect-kaidan.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: Yes
    “We finally get out here and the ‘final frontier’ was already settled. And the residents don’t even seem impressed by the view. Or the dangers.”
    Kaidan Alenko is a human Sentinel and a Systems Alliance Marine. While serving aboard the SSV Normandy, he was a Staff Lieutenant and head of the ship’s Marine detail. He also was an initial member of Commander Shepard’s squad.
    Kaidan is a biotic wired with the controversial L2 implants, which are known to cause severe neurological damage to the user. However, he is fortunate enough to only suffer from occasional severe migraines.
    In Mass Effect he is a possible romantic partner for a female Shepard.
    Kelly Chambers (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-kelly.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: No
    “Character matters, not race or gender.”
    Kelly Chambers appears in Mass Effect 2, and she is Shepard’s Yeoman on the Normandy SR-2. Her primary job on the Normandy is to keep Commander Shepard abreast of new e-mails and pass on meeting requests from Shepard’s squad mates. In addition, Kelly provides counselor support and monitors the psychological state of Shepard and the crew, offering input on mission outcomes and impressions on Shepard’s team. Her abilities as a counselor and her impressions are influenced by her education where Kelly graduated with a psychology degree.
    In the Cerberus organization, she is identified as a member of the Lazarus Cell.
    Legion (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-legion.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    Race: Geth
    Squadmate: Yes
    “Organics fear us. We wish to understand, not incite.”
    Legion is the name taken by the gestalt consciousness formed by 1,183 geth programs inhabiting a unique geth “mobile platform”. The name was chosen at EDI’s suggestion.
    Legion has been searching the galaxy for Commander Shepard ever since the Battle of the Citadel.
    Liara T’Soni
    [Bild: mass-effect-liara.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Asari
    Squadmate: Yes
    “That is why I find you so fascinating. You were marked by the beacon on Eden Prime; you were touched by working Prothean technology!”
    Dr. Liara T’Soni is an asari researcher who has spent the past fifty years of her life studying Prothean technology and culture, specialising in the Prothean extinction.
    She was born in 2077, making her “only” 106, little more than a child in asari terms. She has a great deal of insight into the Protheans and is a highly trained user of biotics.
    In Mass Effect she is a potential romance interest for either a male or female Shepard.
    Miranda Lawson (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-miranda.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: Yes
    “I’m an excellent judge of character. I think you’ll find my assessments to be right on the money.”
    Miranda Lawson is a human Cerberus Officer. As Jacob Taylor’s informant, she gives him guidance and advice during missions, often via hologram. Miranda is very well traveled and has many contacts, extending from Citadel space and the Terminus Systems, to as far as the hostile Nemean Abyss. Her vast network of contacts may be explained by the fact Miranda is a known Cerberus operative, one who still has friends or at least friends of friends in the Alliance military.
    In Mass Effect 2 she is a potential romance interest for a males Shepard.
    Mordin Solus (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-mordin.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    Race: Salarian
    Squadmate: Yes
    “Lots of ways to help people. Sometimes heal patients; sometimes execute dangerous people. Either way helps.”
    Mordin Solus is a salarian geneticist, professor, and a former operative of the Special Tasks Group, where he performed reconnaissance and participated in the modification of the genophage.
    In 2185, he was recruited by Commander Shepard to assist in a high-risk mission against the Collectors. Mordin has a moral character best described as consequentialistic, believing the ends justify the means, though he dislikes taking life without good cause. His actions are often guided by an impersonal logic, refusing to let his conscience, personal, and emotional connections cloud his judgment of what he believes is truly best in the big picture.
    Though he is affable, quick-talking and friendly, Mordin bears physical scars of his time in the STG and is still handling the consequences of his past.
    Tali’Zorah vas Normandy (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-tali.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Quarian
    Squadmate: Yes
    “Our Pilgrimage proves we are willing to give of ourselves for the greater good. What does it say about me if I turn my back on this?”
    Tali’Zorah nar Rayya is a quarian and a member of Commander Shepard’s squad. She is the daughter of Rael’Zorah, a member of the Admiralty Board. Though young, Tali is a mechanical genius.
    During the events of the first game, she is on her Pilgrimage, a rite of passage to prove her worth and bring something of value back to her people aboard the Migrant Fleet. In Mass Effect 2 after having completed her Pilgrimage, Tali has been entrusted with leading an important research mission for the Admiralty Board.
    In Mass Effect 2 she is a potential romance interest for a male Shepard.
    Thane Krios (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-thane.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Drell
    Squadmate: Yes
    “The measure of an individual can be difficult to discern by actions alone.”
    Thane Krios is a drell assassin, rumored to be the most skilled in the galaxy. Unlike most assassins, who prefer to snipe their targets from a distance, Thane prefers to get up close and kill his target personally, utilizing a mixture of stealth, firearms, hand-to-hand combat and biotic abilities.
    Despite his profession, Thane is a deeply spiritual man who prays for success in his missions, and asks for forgiveness after each kill, even going as far as to ignore those in his immediate vicinity until he is finished doing so.
    Thane is a possible romantic interest for a female Shepard.
    The Illusive Man
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-illusive.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: No
    “Salvation comes with a cost. Judge us not by our methods, but by what we seek to accomplish.”
    The Illusive Man is the elusive, secretive, and well informed leader of Cerberus.
    He has close-cropped silver-grey hair with “steely blue” eyes which appear to be prosthetic. The Illusive Man’s real name and his life before Cerberus are both long forgotten. He is described as having the best and worst traits of humanity rolled into one man.
    For years, the Illusive Man has been using Cerberus and his immense network of contacts to achieve his goal that of making humanity ascendant above all other races.
    Urdnot Wrex (ME)
    [Bild: mass-effect-wrex.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect
    Race: Krogan
    Squadmate: Yes
    “Anyone who fights us is either stupid or on Saren’s payroll. Killing the latter is business. Killing the former is a favor to the universe.”
    A famed krogan mercenary and bounty hunter, Urdnot Wrex is also one of the last Krogan Battlemasters: rare individuals who combine powerful biotic abilities with the devastating firepower of advanced weaponry. A long-lived krogan who has had many adventures, Wrex has heard of Commander Shepard on his travels, and respects the Commander as a fellow warrior.
    Despite his chosen path of violence and killing for credits, Wrex is deeply concerned with the fate of his people after the genophage, and is one of the few planning for a new krogan future.
    Zaeed Massani (ME 2)
    [Bild: mass-effect-2-zaeed.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: Yes

    “Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.”
    Zaeed Massani is a feared and respected bounty hunter and mercenary soldier. Cerberus has contracted Zaeed to assist Commander Shepard in the mission to save mankind. In exchange, Zaeed requires help to complete another mission he had accepted beforehand, which is to liberate an Eldfell-Ashland Energy refinery from Blue Suns control.
    New Characters in Mass Effect 3
    James Vega
    [Bild: mass-effect-3-james1.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 3
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: Yes
    James Vega is a human Systems Alliance soldier and can be recruited by Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 3.
    In Mass Effect: Conviction, James while on Omega fights with multiple Batarian patrons at a bar after destroying a television reporting on the destruction of a Mass Relay, caused by Commander Shepard, and Batarian officials calling for Shepard’s execution due to his actions. This fight is intervened by Admiral Anderson, who recruits Vega, stating that a soldier as good as him does not deserve to waste time on Omega. Anderson then assigns Vega to guard a prisoner on the Normandy, coincidentally, Commander Shepard.
    While Vega is an experienced soldier, he is unfamiliar with the seedy underbelly and political workings of the galaxy
    Kai Leng
    [Bild: mass-effect-3-kai.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 3
    Race: Human
    Squadmate: Yes
    Kai Leng was originally an N7 Alliance marine lieutenant known for having anti-alien attitudes.
    He is described as being Earth-born with features that show his dominant Chinese heritage with a slight hint of some distant Slavic ancestry in his jaw line.
    During his service, he was arrested for the murder of a krogan in a bar on the Citadel using only a knife, and sentenced to twenty years in an Alliance prison. His prowess in combat and xenophobic nature drew the attention of the Illusive Man, and Cerberus helped liberate Leng from prison. The Illusive Man used Leng as his best wet-work operative and assassin for over a decade, realising he was not only ruthless but discreet and methodical.
    The Prothean
    [Bild: mass-effect-3-the-prothean.jpg?w=500]
    First Appearance: Mass Effect 3
    Race: Prothean
    Squadmate: Yes
    The Protheans are an extinct alien race which mysteriously vanished over 50,000 years ago. The only known space-faring species of their time, the Protheans arose from a single planet and developed an immense galaxy-wide empire.
    Not much is known about them, but many of their artifacts, ruins and technology have apparently survived the ages.

    10 Jahre ist es her, als ich für The Witcher Community am 22.02.2009 The Witcher Texturen Mod erstellt hatte
    aufgrund meines
    Jubiläums Dieses Jahr.

    hab ich ein neues anniversary Setup erstellt meine Mod ist hier zu finden
    Danke für 10 Jahre

    #EUdubbingforKH (Kingdom Hearts EU Dubbing)

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  11. #71
    #16  Forenperser's Avatar
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    Irgendwo da draußen.....
    Danke dafür.
    Seh dieses Bild von Kai Leng das erste Mal.
    Nicht übel.
    “Right wing or left wing, tyrants always try to control communication. They always fail.”

    - Margarita Engle -
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  12. #72
    Heldin Eliza Shepard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forenperser View Post
    Danke dafür.
    Seh dieses Bild von Kai Leng das erste Mal.
    Nicht übel.
    Echt - du findest den Typen "nicht übel"?
    Also, mir wird beim Anschauen schon übel. [Bild: igitt.gif]
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  13. #73
    #16  Forenperser's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    Irgendwo da draußen.....
    Naja, er ist halt ein Feind, und sieht dementsprechend aus
    Saren sah ja auch nicht gerade hübsch aus, aber eben stimmig.
    “Right wing or left wing, tyrants always try to control communication. They always fail.”

    - Margarita Engle -
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  14. #74
    Heldin Eliza Shepard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forenperser View Post
    Naja, er ist halt ein Feind, und sieht dementsprechend aus
    Saren sah ja auch nicht gerade hübsch aus, aber eben stimmig.
    Also, dann lieber Saren oder einen Husk als Kai Leng. Hoffentlich kann Shep den frühzeitig eins mit der Macht werden lassen. **Widow lad**
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  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butzilla View Post
    Der Action Mode ist eher für Shooter Fans konzipiert, die nicht überlegen und entscheiden wollen.

    Aber grundsätzlich ist es doch egal, denn wer die volle Story erleben will spielt einfach den RPG Mode. Es ist ja nicht so, dass die Story unter den verschiedenen Modi leidet, nein es ist einfach ein Komforttool, welches Voreinstellungen am Gameplay vornimmt.

    Also quasi, dass was man sonst alleine in den Optionen einstellen muss.
    Wer keine Story erleben will kauft sich kein Spiel das zur Hälfte aus Cutscenes besteht, das ist doch Unsinn hoch 20.

    Und das hat ja auch nichts mit abwegen oder sonst was zu tun, fast immer 3 Dialogoptionen, auch noch teilweise mit Rot und Blau (Gibts vlt. auch noch die Symbole wie in Dragon Age 2 ?) unterlegt, das störrt doch keinen Menschen.

    Diese Zielgruppenverbreiterung ist ja seit Jahren Teil der Industrie udn bewegt sie von der Kunstform weg, zur Massenunterhaltung - ist ja kein Geheimnis.
    Es gibt allerdings eine gewisse Balance zu halten und Genres existieren ja auch nicht zum Spaß.

    Bioware treibt es aber auf die Spitze.
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  16. #76
    Deus Virdo's Avatar
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    Ich frage mich woher er diese Infos hat, weiß nicht vorallem da drin steht das Kai Leng
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    Ein Squadmate ist, dachte der wäre ein Gegenspieler

    Falls das in den Leaks stand spart euch die antwort danke
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  17. #77
    Swiss Quality  Butzilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Bizzy- View Post
    Wer keine Story erleben will kauft sich kein Spiel das zur Hälfte aus Cutscenes besteht, das ist doch Unsinn hoch 20.

    Und das hat ja auch nichts mit abwegen oder sonst was zu tun, fast immer 3 Dialogoptionen, auch noch teilweise mit Rot und Blau (Gibts vlt. auch noch die Symbole wie in Dragon Age 2 ?) unterlegt, das störrt doch keinen Menschen.

    Diese Zielgruppenverbreiterung ist ja seit Jahren Teil der Industrie udn bewegt sie von der Kunstform weg, zur Massenunterhaltung - ist ja kein Geheimnis.
    Es gibt allerdings eine gewisse Balance zu halten und Genres existieren ja auch nicht zum Spaß.

    Bioware treibt es aber auf die Spitze.
    Du musst diesen Modus ja nicht wählen. Und es hat rein gar keine Effekte auf das Game.

    Es ist als ob du ein Häckchen in den Optionen setzten würdest bei: "Entscheidung automatisch wählen"
    So wie du in ME1 wählen konntest, ob die Skillpunkte automatisch oder eben manuell verteilt werden. Ist das gleiche Prinzip, an der Story und am Gameplay ändert sich dadurch grundsätzlich nichts, nur dass du die Kontrolle abgibst anstatt sie selber zu behalten.
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  18. #78
    Ritter OneOfMany's Avatar
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    So eine Funktion ist ja auch nichts neues Blade Runner zB hatte dieselbe Option.
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  19. #79
    Deus Virdo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butzilla View Post
    Du musst diesen Modus ja nicht wählen.
    Ich verstehe nicht warum man sich ständig über etwas künstlich aufregen muss was man eh nicht nutzen will. Es ist immer noch jedem selbst überlassen wie er ein Spiel spielt da braucht man nicht über Sinn oder Unsinn eines OPTIONALEN Modus diskutieren
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  20. #80
    best seat in the house  DJ-Jäger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Virdo View Post
    Ich verstehe nicht warum man sich ständig über etwas künstlich aufregen muss was man eh nicht nutzen will. Es ist immer noch jedem selbst überlassen wie er ein Spiel spielt da braucht man nicht über Sinn oder Unsinn eines OPTIONALEN Modus diskutieren
    ...den man btw auch mitten im Spiel wechseln kann, soweit ich das mitbekommen habe. Sagt einem der jeweilige Modus nicht zu, probiert man eben einen anderen aus.
    Und wenn ich das noch richtig in Erinnerung habe, wird es den frei wählbaren Schwierigkeitsgrad auch noch geben. Im Prinzip kann sich so jeder sein ganz persönliches Spielerlebnis zusammenschustern. Worüber also aufregen? MMn ist da nichts negatives.
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