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  1. #1 Reply With Quote
    Schwertmeister CzarnyAfgan's Avatar
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    [RELEASE] A.R.B.M. - Another Risen Balancing Mod

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    Hi guys! I want to present you my balancing mod.

    Author: CzarnyAfgan

    A.R.B.M. is another balancing mod for Risen, created especially to work with Kuchenschlachter "Radical Reballancing Mod".

    +What's the biggest difference between A.R.B.M. and other, already created balancing mods?

    -A.R.B.M. is divided into parts, so you can choose which elements of mod you wish to use and which to leave as game deafults.

    Short list of changes:

    -damage of swords has been modified
    -damage of bows has been modified
    -damage of crossbow has been modified
    -damage of staffs has been modified and increased, now they are almost as powerfull as 2H swords
    -damage of axes was not modified as they are allready well balanced
    -protection values of helmets and shields also were increased
    -few minor changes related to prices, for example prices of plants were increased, so now gathering plants brings more money
    -prices of animal trophies were also increased, this at last makes hunting profitable
    -modifyvalues of max dexterity and max strength potions doubled, giving you possibility to create stronger hero in the last chapters of the game, maximum strength/dexterity limit is still set to 200, I am waiting for Kuchenschlachter step, to set the maximum limit to 300pts.
    -prices of health and mana potions decreased
    -prices of gold/amber/sapphire/diamonds etc. increased, so now mining is more profitable
    -armour values were not changed
    -every stoneplate read gives now 10pts to intelligence ( instead of four )- Risen is quite short game, there are some really fancy spell runes, but they require loads of intelligence skill to use them...less intelligence limit means more fun when playing
    -other few minor changes

    -SWORDS damage was increased a bit, but at the same time you will see exact differences between damage done by 1hander/bastards/2handers, now there are also smaller differences between damage done by each sword and they are really leveled for example: titan BSword does 90 dmg, titan 2H does 125dmg, 2H obsidian does 120dmg, 2H souldrinker does 112dmg, 2H demon does 88dmg, Evil Bsword does 73 dmg etc.
    -BOWS a little more damage to make it ideal weapon for a hunter/archer type of hero
    -CROSSBOWS have a little more damage, and are almost as lethal as bows, they seemed to be little underpowered before
    -STAFFS do more damage ( almost as much as 2handed swords ) - you handle the staff - you do more damage than 1handed and Bastard swords, but at the same time, you cannot use shield, so you have less overal protection and you are vulnerable to range attacks
    -AXES were already well balanced, so I did not change anything ( axes do more dmg than 1H swords, but they do less damage than 2H swords and also have less range than 2handers, but shield can be handled, I think it will be allright )


    ALSO RECOMENDED TO PLAY WITH Kuchenschlachter "Radical Reballancing Mod"

    Don't use this mod together with other balancing mods, may crash the game!


    -Bronko sword does more damage now.
    -I have increased damage of weapons like saber/sickle/machete/cutlass/lizardsword which are used by lizards/gnomes/skeletons so it may occur, that apart from increased dmg done by our hero, monsters/NPC which use those weapons will also do more damage.
    -I did not have time to modify statistics of the rings and amulets, but I will try to do it soon. I will also edit power of each offensive spell if there's a need to do it.

    Any suggestions? , tell me via this topic.


    DOWNLOAD LINK: ( ver.1.0 )



    UPDATE! Version 1.0.1. is out!

    DOWNLOAD LINK: ( ver. 1.0.1 )


    List of updates:
    -new images for Risen MDS
    -crossbows are more powerfull now ( dmg multiplied by x1.35 instead of x1.2 [ in version 1.0 ] )
    -rings and amulets are also reballanced
    -every skillmastery ring - example "ring of staff fighter" gives now two points to mastery instead of one

    Download the file, then unpack it, choose which elements of the mod you want to use, and then copy&paste them into your Risen Mod Starter/Fan Mods folder.


    CzarnyAfgan is offline Last edited by CzarnyAfgan; 07.11.2011 at 15:25.

  2. #2 Reply With Quote
    Join Date
    May 2009
    one suggestion, don't be as lazy as i am: write a detailed documentation.
    [Bild: dtc_sig.jpg]

    Harald Iken: Überhaupt sollte man als Spieleentwickler das Wort "einfach" oder noch besser "mal eben" aus seinem Wortschatz streichen.
    Kuchenschlachter is offline

  3. #3 Reply With Quote
    Schwertmeister CzarnyAfgan's Avatar
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    Updated to version 1.0.1.
    CzarnyAfgan is offline

  4. #4 Reply With Quote
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    PLS reupp the version 1.0.1.
    Artimis is offline

  5. #5 Reply With Quote
    Schwertmeister CzarnyAfgan's Avatar
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    Warsaw, Poland
    CzarnyAfgan is offline

  6. #6 Reply With Quote
    Just arrived
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    Jun 2020
    Hey man can you please re upload this mod, its exactly what i was looking for.
    Dylannorman is offline

  7. #7 Reply With Quote
    Adventurer xivragis's Avatar
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    nice mod, available in mod starter
    xivragis is offline

  8. #8 Reply With Quote
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Unweit von Khorinis
    Servus, leider funktioniert bei mir der Downloadlink nicht mehr, gibts die Mod noch zum Download ?
    RagnarRPG is offline

  9. #9 Reply With Quote
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Unweit von Khorinis
    Vielleicht hat noch jemand die Mod auf der Platte ? Wäre echt cool wenn er sie dann teilen würde.
    Per PN oder so im Zweifel.
    Hatte die Mod damals auf der Platte, aber hab vor geraumer Zeit den Pc neu aufgesetzt und meine Platte nicht richtig gesichert...
    Da gingen sämtliche Risen Mods über Bord
    RagnarRPG is offline

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