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  1. Beiträge anzeigen #1
    Apprentice Avatar von sz3 marian
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    Post Gothic challenge quiz

    First of all, I want to say hello to you guys. I represent the romanian community of gothic fans.

    Now, I want to challenge you to a small Gothic quiz, which has three parts.
    This quiz contains true or false questions, hotspots and many others. (you will see).

    First part has 25 questions, and you have 6 minutes to complete this first part of the quiz. If you want, you can post your score in this thread. (I haven't been able to make a database to keep the score yet)

    If you want to test your Gothic knowledge play it from: http://pepetheshepherd.byethost7.com/quizmaker.html

    Now, i want to apologise for any languages mistakes, I'm not perfect at english.

    The quiz was made in articulate quizmaker, and for this reason i had to upload it somewhere. I chose a free webhosting site, so I can't be suspected of advertising.

    Geändert von sz3 marian (27.08.2011 um 10:04 Uhr)

  2. Beiträge anzeigen #2
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    Comodo claims phishing alert.

  3. Beiträge anzeigen #3
    Apprentice Avatar von sz3 marian
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    Comodo claims phishing alert.
    Can't be...it's safe......

  4. Beiträge anzeigen #4
    Cat  Avatar von Larisa
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    Zitat Zitat von sz3 marian Beitrag anzeigen
    Now, i want to apologise for any languages mistakes, I'm not perfect at english. [/CENTER]
    Entire sentences are still in Romanian.

  5. Homepage besuchen Beiträge anzeigen #5
    Fighter Avatar von Darth Crow
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    And how can I answer the first question? I can't see any field or something where I can write that order... or where to drag the sentences...
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  6. Beiträge anzeigen #6
    Apprentice Avatar von sz3 marian
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    I'm trying to find out why these errors has appeared... I translated everything in english...

    Can anyone please try if this works: http://pepetheshepherd.byethost7.com/assessment.swf
    Many thanks.
    Geändert von sz3 marian (27.08.2011 um 10:02 Uhr)

  7. Beiträge anzeigen #7
    Hero Avatar von Tratos
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    There is still romanian left in there.

  8. Beiträge anzeigen #8
    Apprentice Avatar von sz3 marian
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    Zitat Zitat von Tratos Beitrag anzeigen
    There is still romanian left in there.
    Thanks. I'll try to repair.

  9. Beiträge anzeigen #9
    General Avatar von KGS
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    too bad there are questions about gothic 3

  10. Beiträge anzeigen #10
    Schwertmeister Avatar von warstrike
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    In gothic 2 u can learn sneaking from "Bartok" . I wrote it and said it`s wrong . There are many questions with wrong right answers

  11. Beiträge anzeigen #11
    Apprentice Avatar von sz3 marian
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    I'll repair every single mistake today. And everything will be in english.

    I think is all correct now. I've edited the links.

    too bad there are questions about gothic 3
    Be glad I didn't put questions from Arcania. )
    Geändert von sz3 marian (27.08.2011 um 10:12 Uhr)

  12. Beiträge anzeigen #12
    Apprentice Avatar von DarkGothic
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    You should really correct the question about bengar's farm because ,well as i saw at the quiz review the correct answer is at the top left corner of map which actually isn't.And there are still a few more romanian things around there like "Regele decide to send 100 paladins to the island of Khorinis"(something like that)
    Just reading threads
    Geändert von DarkGothic (27.08.2011 um 17:48 Uhr)

  13. Beiträge anzeigen #13
    Ranger Avatar von GmanXTS
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    Realy good work with the quiz .
    Congratulations gor the work. Work on the english corections though

  14. Beiträge anzeigen #14
    Apprentice Avatar von sz3 marian
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    Most mistakes from the quiz comes from the translation. The original quiz was in romanian, and now I translated everything. But with the second part of the quiz this problem will not exist anymore, because I will create it directly in english. I hope i won't make too much gramathical mistakes when I'll write it, and if I do, you will excuse me.

    The second part of the quiz I'll try to make it more interesting.

    Zitat Zitat von DarkGothic Beitrag anzeigen
    You should really correct the question about bengar's farm because ,well as i saw at the quiz review the correct answer is at the top left corner of map which actually isn't.And there are still a few more romanian things around there like "Regele decide to send 100 paladins to the island of Khorinis"(something like that)
    Thanks. I'll do that.
    Geändert von sz3 marian (27.08.2011 um 18:45 Uhr)

  15. Beiträge anzeigen #15
    Ranger Avatar von GmanXTS
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    Since i am an ambitions fan i am trying to hit a good score i go through the quiz daily.
    Found another error in the programing, although the order is right the answer is wrong, see for your self (down)

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

  16. Beiträge anzeigen #16
    Apprentice Avatar von sz3 marian
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    Zitat Zitat von GmanXTS Beitrag anzeigen
    Since i am an ambitions fan i am trying to hit a good score i go through the quiz daily.
    Found another error in the programing, although the order is right the answer is wrong, see for your self (down)

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    I think my mistake was that i haven't put different names for the option: paladin. And because of that, the program takes 3 different options (same names) of paladins, not one for all of them.

    As i said, part two of the quiz will be 100% clean, and I will repair the mistakes from this one. Thanks again .

  17. Beiträge anzeigen #17
    Adventurer Avatar von rhaz
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    Yeah I also gave it a try and btw I'm also from Romania... umm the issues mentioned by the good people of this forum have still not been solved, as well as some remaining Romanian in some of the text can still be found (see "Varantului" which is the Romanian Genitive for "Varant"). Additionally some English grammatical errors (see "throwed" instead of "thrown") are still present.

    Really nice initiative, but maybe you should consider putting some more effort into it and try and make it as good as possible.

    All the best,

  18. Beiträge anzeigen #18
    Veteran Avatar von Grimbor
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    I have some Corrections as well:

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    There is a question: "Choose the right order of events:" and the answer contained:
    3.) Regele (whoever this is, i bet the romanian word for King) decides to send Lord Hagen with 100 Paladinsto the island of Khorinis.
    4.) the king loses control over Myrtana
    It is not made clear during the events of the game, wether king Rhobar send his paladins before or after he lost control. According to the dragon hunter Feros (or Dan, I'm not quite sure) most of Myrtana was already in the hands of the orcs before the events of Gothic 2.

    Secondly: What did you mean with "Y'Berion's obedients"? Those loyal to him? All of the persons mentioned were loyal to their spiritual leader, so why those three?

    Thirdly, there is a question where you have to put the ranks of Adanos' followers in ascending order. Beside the fact, that the "solution-order" is descending, an that the "circle of water" ARE the "water-mages", there is no clear rank system in this case. No ring member is superior to a druid. The rangers an druids are a system almost completely seperated from the nomads, the water mages and the ring. (I hope I could express myself, because I'm no native speaker).

    Fourthly: The question "What NPC's betrayed the Nameless hero in Gothic 2"
    1.) Grim does not appear in the whole game, he betrays the hero in part 1.
    2.) Fester betrays the hero as well, because he promises him his vote to be accepted as mercenary but refuses later.

    Fifthly: "Who said: "They want to meet you and Lester. At your usual rendevouz."?"
    When did Diego say this? Do you mean after the Old Camp's shutdown at the beginning of chapter four in part 1? If yes, Diego says something quite different there. This Dialoque line was said by The Hero to Gorn.

    Sixthly: I'm sorry to correct you, but Paladin Armor is not the most expensive Armor of the game. You have to pay more for the Dragon Hunter Armor (12.000 Gold if I'm not mistaken) and the Paladin Armor you get for free. So the Paladin Armor is WORTH more money than Dragon Hunter Armor, but the latter is more expensive.

    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.
    "Verrat ist nur eine Frage des Datums"
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    Armand Jean du Plessis, cardinal-duc de Richelieu et de Fronsac
    Geändert von Grimbor (11.09.2011 um 23:58 Uhr)

  19. Beiträge anzeigen #19
    Apprentice Avatar von sz3 marian
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    Thanks for all those reported mistakes, and I'm sorry that i haven't posted recently.

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    I had to format my disk and i've lost the internet connection...


    Fourthly: The question "What NPC's betrayed the Nameless hero in Gothic 2"
    1.) Grim does not appear in the whole game, he betrays the hero in part 1.
    2.) Fester betrays the hero as well, because he promises him his vote to be accepted as mercenary but refuses later.
    My mistake.

    Secondly: What did you mean with "Y'Berion's obedients"? Those loyal to him? All of the persons mentioned were loyal to their spiritual leader, so why those three?
    Yes, those loyal to Y'beryon who stayed in Swamp camp (without leaving it) in Gothic 1. The rest of the choices were not good because:
    1. Baal Isidro was settled in New camp.
    2. Gor Na Kosh stayed in the mine.

    I'm sorry to correct you, but Paladin Armor is not the most expensive Armor of the game. You have to pay more for the Dragon Hunter Armor (12.000 Gold if I'm not mistaken) and the Paladin Armor you get for free. So the Paladin Armor is WORTH more money than Dragon Hunter Armor, but the latter is more expensive.
    I took the information from here ->http://www.worldofgothic.com/gothic2/?go=g2ruestungen.

    "circle of water" ARE the "water-mages"
    These options can be put as equals. I should have mentioned that...my bad.

    @ rhaz:Really nice initiative, but maybe you should consider putting some more effort into it and try and make it as good as possible.
    And i swear I will.

  20. Beiträge anzeigen #20
    Schwertmeister Avatar von warstrike
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    Well? what about it? Any news on the project? Some updated version? Some fixes?

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