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  1. #381
    Kämpferin Avatar von Jenny PB
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    Aug 2009
    Hello everybody,
    allright, there are no new questions at the moment, but i can answer some open questions i think. Yes, we're working on a new project and edit many features you wanted us to. Answers to it's content can be given after the announcement. And yes, we will announce earlier this time. But we still have to wait a little bit.

    Zitat Zitat von Maladiq Beitrag anzeigen
    Hey, guys, can you ask DS to give you the Risen 1, 2 and 3 websites and host them at your website? R1 and R2 websites were really nice and it's a shame they are not online anymore
    Yes we liked those sites, too. But i don't think they will be online again.

    Zitat Zitat von KayAU Beitrag anzeigen
    After playing Risen 3 for about 15 hours, I find myself liking it more and more. One thing annoys me, though: enemies seem to have no way of hitting me while I am rolling, even if I roll right into their attacks. This seems a bit silly to me, and combined with the fact that I can eat and drink instantly, it means I can make myself impervious to damage and heal up completely whenever I want to during a fight. This makes the game too easy, I think, even on hard.

    Is there any chance you could fix this, at least for the highest difficulty setting? Or perhaps you could introduce a new, higher difficulty setting, called something like "Gothic", where you can be hit while rolling, and where your companions are a bit squishier? As it is, I found there was no actual need for me to participate in 99% of the battles when I brought a companion along.

    Zitat Zitat von Jobesky Beitrag anzeigen
    Please add new difficulty, it's too easy!
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    Will there be a patch for the game that adds a harder difficulty setting?
    Yes we did it. It's late, but we did it with the 1.2 Patch. http://risen3.deepsilver.com/de/patch-download

    Zitat Zitat von AshleyG Beitrag anzeigen
    Why does you game suck?
    Ok that was harsh.
    Why do you still have a combat system that at best is unsatisfying and most of the time frustrating after so many people said they hated it and had no fun? The animals being faster than the hero 5 seconds "fast" attack is really a pain for people who don't know to dodge or don't like dodging (as myself).

    I didn't like the story either, but I think the magic combat was original and quite fun even thought limited.
    Hm, the fighting system divides the players. We allready have many ideas to make it better. But it can be changed not before the next game.

    Zitat Zitat von TheDoctor Beitrag anzeigen
    Have PB considered hiring proffesional story-writers? Of course, your story-writers are proffesional as well. But I am still posing the question.
    Are you planning on taking a "technical" approach to the storytelling of your next game, like you most likely will graphics and interaction design? I mean analyzing the impact the story has made on gamers, decide where it can be improved and take the necessary steps to make it so.
    No, we're mostly the same all the years. But we improved our skills in interactive storytelling. Maybe you will like it next time...

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    Oh and another question. Will your next game have forests? Not parks. Forests.
    Ask us again after the announcement.

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    Hi, Michael Rüve.

    Since you just released Risen 3, this new game in franchise grows interest in older games - Risen 1 & 2, and this will lead to a temporary boost of sales of older Risen titles. Dont you think its a great chance to update a little both games?

    We don't think so. If there's no publisher, who has an interest to sell these games again, we're not able to update them.

    Zitat Zitat von warstrike Beitrag anzeigen
    So what happens now?
    We're working on our new project night and day. And we are looking forward to tell you more. Soon.

    Kind Regards,
    Jenny PB ist offline

  2. #382

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Sep 2004
    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    My question: Will the next project - whatever it'll be - have a rich and detailed narrative background (lore, fictional history, etc.)? Will we learn (ideally through dialogs and not just books) about the game world's nations, politics, religions, history, geography, myths and legends, superstitions and folklore, songs and literature?

    Because - and maybe that's just me - stuff like that is far more important to me than whether or not the combat system has an invincibility roll.

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

    foobar erklärt die Welt der Informatik: Was ist ein Zeichensatz?Was ist die 32Bit-Grenze?Warum sind Speicheroptimierer Unsinn?Wie teste ich meinen RAM?Was ist HDR?Was ist Tesselation?Warum haben wir ein Urheberrecht?Partitionieren mit MBR oder GPT?Was hat es mit dem m.2-Format auf sich?Warum soll ich meine SSD nicht zum Anschlag befüllen?Wer hat an der MTU gedreht?UEFI oder BIOS Boot?Was muss man über Virenscanner wissen?Defragmentieren sinnvoll?Warum ist bei CCleaner & Co. Vorsicht angesagt?Was hat es mit 4Kn bei Festplatten auf sich?Was ist Bitrot?Was sind die historischen Hintergründe zur (nicht immer optimalen) Sicherheit von Windows?Wie kann ich Datenträger sicher löschen?Was muss ich bzgl. Smartphone-Sicherheit wissen?Warum sind Y-Kabel für USB oft keine gute Idee?Warum sind lange Passwörter besser als komplizierte?Wie funktionieren Tintenstrahldrucker-Düsen?Wie wähle ich eine Linux-Distribution für mich aus?Warum ist Linux sicherer als Windows?Sind statische Entladungen bei Elektronik wirklich ein Problem?Wie repariere ich meinen PC-Lüfter?Was ist die MBR-Lücke?Wie funktioniert eine Quarz-Uhr?Was macht der Init-Prozess unter Linux und wie schlimm ist SystemD?Mainboard-Batterie - wann wechseln?Smartphone ohne Google?
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  3. #383
    Warrior Avatar von The Ore Baron
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    May 2012
    Even though it's still too early to talk about the new project itself, I was wondering if you could perhaps provide some information on two things that you should already have some information on.

    1) Are there any critical staff changes planned, compared to Risen 3? I'm talking project managing, level design, story and writing, mainly.

    2) Could we learn what points of criticism for Risen 3 posted here on WoR and elsewhere did the PB team take most seriously and are hoping to improve on?
    The Ore Baron ist offline

  4. #384
    Kämpferin Avatar von Jenny PB
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    Aug 2009
    allright, some new questions.
    Zitat Zitat von foobar Beitrag anzeigen
    My question: Will the next project - whatever it'll be - have a rich and detailed narrative background (lore, fictional history, etc.)? Will we learn (ideally through dialogs and not just books) about the game world's nations, politics, religions, history, geography, myths and legends, superstitions and folklore, songs and literature?

    Because - and maybe that's just me - stuff like that is far more important to me than whether or not the combat system has an invincibility roll.
    Yes, we're working on that. But there are no songs planned...

    Zitat Zitat von The Ore Baron Beitrag anzeigen
    Even though it's still too early to talk about the new project itself, I was wondering if you could perhaps provide some information on two things that you should already have some information on.

    1) Are there any critical staff changes planned, compared to Risen 3? I'm talking project managing, level design, story and writing, mainly.

    2) Could we learn what points of criticism for Risen 3 posted here on WoR and elsewhere did the PB team take most seriously and are hoping to improve on?
    To 1. No, i don't think so. Of course every project there's someone who leaves and we need some new people who work with us especially during crunch times. But we will still be the same.

    To 2. Yes, of course we want to tell you. But at first we're waiting for the announcement. It's a long time till release, yet.

    Kind Regards,
    Jenny PB ist offline

  5. #385
    Registriert seit
    Dec 2014
    Since the iron is still hot.....

    1) Upon release of Risen 3, numerous threads appeared on Steam forums complaining about the default gamepad config and looking for workarounds for it. Do PB acknowledge that the default gamepad configuration in Risen 3 was totally unusable to a great number of gamers and therefore, will PB be sure to allow for gamepad input remapping in future titles? I suspect that console gamers were bundled with the same unchangeable gamepad configuration, and this is no trifling issue, as if a gamer cannot enjoy controlling the game, then he cannot enjoy the game.

    2) Has there been a conscious decision by those who create the in-game characters and write the stories, to move from a darker 'Brothers Grimm' cartoon style towards the brighter Walt Disney cartoon style which is where Risen 3 is decidedly at? (I suspect most long standing fans of PB games prefer the way the story was told in the older games).
    MatDerKater ist offline Geändert von MatDerKater (20.03.2015 um 12:38 Uhr)

  6. #386
    Warrior Avatar von Morgannin09
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    Oct 2012
    I did do my best to peruse the Question thread in the German forums, so I know your team finally got dev kits for current-gen consoles. Do you think these consoles are easier to work with and can lead to higher quality console ports of your games? All three Risen titles were criticized across the board for the technical problems of their 360 and PS3 versions, likely because your team wasn't very practiced in console development, and Wizarbox were pretty bloody lousy at doing that for you.

    What is your process for writing the story, setting, and character backgrounds and personalities? Kind of a vague question, but I'm only asking because it seems like quite a few plot holes and omitted details were present in the last two games. For example, the manual and a lot of pre-release material for Risen 2 played up a lot of deep characterization for some of the main characters, such as the bitter, alcoholic Nameless Hero, and a suggested romance between him and Patty. A lot of this didn't really show up very much in the game - Patty only exhibited any affection for the Hero in the Treasure Isle quest, and the whole facade of alcoholism, depression and misanthropy from the Hero vanished as soon as the prologue was over.
    YouTube channel for Let's Plays and shenanigans: https://www.youtube.com/c/Morgannin
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  7. #387

    Avatar von Michael Rüve
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    bei Piranha Bytes
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    Do you think these consoles are easier to work with and can lead to higher quality console ports of your games?
    Unconditional yes.
    Michael Rüve ist offline

  8. #388
    Ranger Avatar von Grimmwulf
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    Jun 2005
    According to Wikipedia, Rhianna Pratchet was the lead writer of the original Risen. According to other sources, she was one of the members of the team who rewrote the script for the English localization. I'm assuming the latter is correct?
    Das war's mit dir, du Mistvieh!
    Verdammte Enten!
    Grimmwulf ist offline Geändert von Grimmwulf (20.03.2015 um 18:20 Uhr)

  9. #389

    Avatar von Michael Rüve
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    bei Piranha Bytes
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    According to other sources, she was only one of the members of the team who rewrote the script for the English localization. I'm assuming the latter is correct?

    I do not know which role she had in the localization team - but she had nothing to do with the German (thus: original) texts. Does she speak German?
    Michael Rüve ist offline

  10. #390
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    Mar 2015
    In Risen 3: Titan Lords there are NPC named Henrik and Magnus. Are they same people that we can meet in Risen on Faranga, or they are just completely new people with the same names?

    I'm an administrator of polish Risenpedia (Risen Wiki), i hope you can help us a little with making better articles.
    xenonisbad ist offline

  11. #391
    Ranger Avatar von Grimmwulf
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    Zitat Zitat von Michael Rüve Beitrag anzeigen

    I do not know which role she had in the localization team - but she had nothing to do with the German (thus: original) texts. Does she speak German?
    No idea, I just happened to see her name when I visited the Risen wiki page in order to check the release date. Didn't seem right. I've added Filler, Hoge, Kalveram & Pankratz as writers instead. Let me know if that's incorrect.
    Das war's mit dir, du Mistvieh!
    Verdammte Enten!
    Grimmwulf ist offline

  12. #392
    Warrior Avatar von Morgannin09
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    No idea, I just happened to see her name when I visited the Risen wiki page in order to check the release date. Didn't seem right. I've added Filler, Hoge, Kalveram & Pankratz as writers instead. Let me know if that's incorrect.
    Her personal website states:

    "Piranha Bytes/Deep SilverRhianna worked as part of a team of three writers on the English speaking localisation rewrite of this hardcore role-playing game. Risen was nominated for the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain’s Best Videogame Script award in 2010."

    Link: http://www.rhiannapratchett.com/games.php

    EDIT: So this leads me to wonder, is there any substantial story differences between the German and English versions of the game? Surely nothing that affects continuity, but I'm just curious if anyone on the forum or Piranha Bytes themselves can note any differences, or if it's all just in the language and specific dialog.
    YouTube channel for Let's Plays and shenanigans: https://www.youtube.com/c/Morgannin
    Morgannin09 ist offline

  13. #393
    Warrior Avatar von The Ore Baron
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    Zitat Zitat von Michael Rüve Beitrag anzeigen
    I do not know which role she had in the localization team...
    Could we get some information on how much PB is involved with the translation works, if at all? I take it that it's more of Deep Silver's turf. Does anyone at PB play the English versions of the games? Have there been any complaints about the way English translation/voicing is handled?
    Last two questions apply to any languages, really, not just English.
    The Ore Baron ist offline

  14. #394
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    Could we get some information on how much PB is involved with the translation works, if at all? I take it that it's more of Deep Silver's turf. Does anyone at PB play the English versions of the games? Have there been any complaints about the way English translation/voicing is handled?
    Last two questions apply to any languages, really, not just English.
    I sit in my front room playing the German version of the game. Despite it being a foreign/2nd language to me, I personally find the German voices a bit asquiff and really can't stand the Gnome or Native voices in particular. My girlfriend who is German, also looks up from time to time and is like "WTF is that!?" or "really, that is the best voice they could come up with for that character"?

    I think that the bottom line is that all the voices are a bit off for the whole game across all languages.

    Having said that, now that I have gotten away from the Gnome Island and Kili, and am now on Calador, I am finding the voice acting and the sorts of characters I meet much more to my tastes.
    MatDerKater ist offline

  15. #395
    Schwertmeister Avatar von warstrike
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    Jun 2005
    Are you still working with Deep Silver?

    Sorry if this was discussed before...haven't been active here lately.
    warstrike ist offline

  16. #396
    Kämpferin Avatar von Jenny PB
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    Aug 2009

    i hope you all had a nice weekend. I have been at a karaoke bar, and it was quite funny.
    So to your questions:

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    What is your process for writing the story, setting, and character backgrounds and personalities?...
    Sometimes ideas we have designed are too expensive to realize them in crunch times. It would have been nice to see a romance between Patty and the Player from Risen 2, but we didn't had enough time to realize it in a satisfactory way. The same we can say about the old Player in Risen 3. Anyway he's in the game. After Risen 3 we let no grass grow under our feed to improve our skills in interactive storytelling and making characters. So on the one hand we want to bring more lore into the whole game setting and give more information about the worlds background and on the other hand we want to give important characters more personal motivation and depth. We also want to make the world more earnest, to let the player feel its dangerousness. I'm curious, how you will like it.

    Zitat Zitat von Morgannin09 Beitrag anzeigen
    EDIT: So this leads me to wonder, is there any substantial story differences between the German and English versions of the game?...
    No there are no substantial story differences. Sometimes jokes for example are funny in german but not in english and otherwise. Those localisation problems shall be corrected by native speakers, who know the peculiarity of their language.

    Zitat Zitat von The Ore Baron Beitrag anzeigen
    Could we get some information on how much PB is involved with the translation works, if at all? I take it that it's more of Deep Silver's turf. Does anyone at PB play the English versions of the games? Have there been any complaints about the way English translation/voicing is handled?
    Last two questions apply to any languages, really, not just English.
    German is the native language of the most of us. So some of us play the game in english of course, because we want to know the result, but we write every dialogue in german and accompany the german voice recordings. Before we can start the localization all texts in the game have to be almost finished, because it is very expensive to change texts afterwards. Every written text in the inventory, GUI, dialogues, quests, logs, tutorial, objects etc. has to be translated into several languages. We have to pay attention that words in german or english often are shorter than the same words in French or Russian for example, so there has to be enough space in the Interface. Every text has got it's own ID to reintegrate it in the game. And the studios for the localization get supervised by Deep Silver. I hope you can imagine that localization is a quite complex topic.

    have a nice day and warm regards,
    Jenny PB ist offline

  17. #397
    Registriert seit
    Dec 2014
    Guess I don't get to find whether or not PB recognise that the default and unchangeable gamepad configuration for Risen 3 was totally unusable to many gamers. Perhaps questions which also come across as criticism (although very warranted imo) are not appreciated so much? Whilst I am (still) at it, the hard coded WASD double tap = roll, is also a total pest that gets in the way of the user playing the game the way they want to play it.

    Regarding 'depth of characters'. None of the Gothic games had 'depth' as such to any of their characters and since most long standing fans of the series still regard those games as the best games, I wonder how necessary a path this is to go down? Frankly put, there are lots of other RPGs out there with 'depth' added to their characters with a 'binary morality' system to boot and none of them do anything for me except bore me and/or make me cringe and hate the character that I am playing with, along with all his companions.

    I am by now really thoroughly enjoying Risen 3. I have gotten away from the Gnome Island and Kili, with all the ultra naff Walt Disney characters and am on Calador. Everything about Calador takes me right back to what I loved so much about the Gothic series of games. Calador is the most misogynist/chauvinist area in any PB game since the Gothic series. Full of growling n screeching cartoon nasty b'stards and otherwise 'real men'. I love it. Scenery is also amazing but I would say that about the whole game in general.

    But going back to when I was playing on the Gnome Isles or the Eingeborener Island (Kili). I was hating much of the dialogue. I found (and still do find), the combat pretty bad, but I was still enjoying the game. This tells me that the big strength in PB games is not in their storytelling via the character dialogue, or from a slick arcade combat system, but rather more the way in which they craft their game worlds. It isn't just about having their worlds looking gorgeous (plenty borefest RPGs have much better visuals than PB games), but about making them interesting. From the clever placement of 'high value'/'rare' items in ornate little nooks n crannies, to quaint little touches like a couple of human skeletons sitting down side by side next to a tree, one with an apple on his head, with a knife piercing through it! It is the care and attention to detail in PB game worlds that lead to the gamer becoming so absorbed in the game world. Creating game worlds that are genuinely compelling to explore and interac t with, is the one thing that PB do better than anyone else. I would never have tolerated Risen 3's dodgy combat or much of it's cringey dialogue in any other game.

    I would suggest that PB need to focus on what they do better than anyone else and not worry too much about niches which aren't really their department. I suspect that things like the main protagonist having a 'romantic interest' would be more likely to serve as an obstacle to immersion in the game world rather than a catalyst for it.

    Give me a Risen 3, with good combat and a 100% Calador/Gothic atmosphere, an intuitive method of controlling the game, or at least a means to edit it to my liking (more and more people are playing PC games console style), and I would be one delighted consumer, and I suspect that this would please the majority of PB fans who want essentially the same thing.......basically a Gothic clone done with modern tech.
    MatDerKater ist offline Geändert von MatDerKater (23.03.2015 um 19:09 Uhr)

  18. #398
    Warrior Avatar von Morgannin09
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    I do think the gamepad issue is a genuine concern. I barely played with a gamepad, and I didn't find it totally unbearable, but it certainly was awkward, coming off of more suitable configurations in games like Dark Souls and The Witcher 2. We'd simply like to hear that PB recognizes what a problem it was, and hopefully can ensure the next title has a more conventional button mapping, or even better, allows people to map it to their liking.

    Now here's an idea that may sound a bit outrageous, but... Has Piranha Bytes considered anything like a closed beta tech demo? By getting a couple hundred players, get them all to sign NDA's, and provide them with small alpha builds that contain no story, no real characters, and no spoilers of any kind, you can have real players testing things like combat mechanics, menus and UI, controls, AI and difficulty, and other basic gameplay mechanics, so they can provide feedback just on how the game plays, while you still have time to make adjustments based on their feedback. Perhaps a bit idealistic of me - I'm sure there are many reasons why 99% of publishers and developers balk at the idea of someone getting a glimpse at pre-release builds of their games.
    YouTube channel for Let's Plays and shenanigans: https://www.youtube.com/c/Morgannin
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  19. #399
    Registriert seit
    Mar 2015
    1. Did Risen 3 will get more patches, updates or even bigger Addon like Night of the Raven? Risen 3 is on third place (after G1 and G2). Its great game, but when i saw ending ... I dont want that story will be continue in Risen 4.
    2. Did you think about Gothic 3 Remake? There is more chance for Gothic 1/2 remake or Gothic 3?
    3. If Risen would be continued, it will have NPCs from previous Risen 1 and 2? I would be glad if i can see triplets again and Azuro or Captain Romanov Ghost. Or maybe Child of Don Esteban who continued his fight against Inquisition.
    4. Why we don't get ogres, ashbeast, worms, and this little snail in Risen 2/3
    Schmidtek ist offline

  20. #400

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Sep 2004
    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    This thread has reached the limit of 400 posts and is therefore now closed.

    A new thread has been created here:

    Please continue in the new thread.

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

    foobar erklärt die Welt der Informatik: Was ist ein Zeichensatz?Was ist die 32Bit-Grenze?Warum sind Speicheroptimierer Unsinn?Wie teste ich meinen RAM?Was ist HDR?Was ist Tesselation?Warum haben wir ein Urheberrecht?Partitionieren mit MBR oder GPT?Was hat es mit dem m.2-Format auf sich?Warum soll ich meine SSD nicht zum Anschlag befüllen?Wer hat an der MTU gedreht?UEFI oder BIOS Boot?Was muss man über Virenscanner wissen?Defragmentieren sinnvoll?Warum ist bei CCleaner & Co. Vorsicht angesagt?Was hat es mit 4Kn bei Festplatten auf sich?Was ist Bitrot?Was sind die historischen Hintergründe zur (nicht immer optimalen) Sicherheit von Windows?Wie kann ich Datenträger sicher löschen?Was muss ich bzgl. Smartphone-Sicherheit wissen?Warum sind Y-Kabel für USB oft keine gute Idee?Warum sind lange Passwörter besser als komplizierte?Wie funktionieren Tintenstrahldrucker-Düsen?Wie wähle ich eine Linux-Distribution für mich aus?Warum ist Linux sicherer als Windows?Sind statische Entladungen bei Elektronik wirklich ein Problem?Wie repariere ich meinen PC-Lüfter?Was ist die MBR-Lücke?Wie funktioniert eine Quarz-Uhr?Was macht der Init-Prozess unter Linux und wie schlimm ist SystemD?Mainboard-Batterie - wann wechseln?Smartphone ohne Google?
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