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Forum: Risen - English Boards

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  1. Gothic, the first RPG series from Piranha Bytes.

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  2. Here you will find all the latest news from World of Risen and you could previously comment on it. This forum is now in read-only mode. Please use the German forum Risen - Diskussion for new questions (also in English).

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  3. Gathering place for community discussion on Risen related topics. This forum is now in read-only mode. Please use the German forum Risen - Diskussion for new questions (also in English).

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  4. This is the off-topic board in the English World of Risen. Here you can talk about everything not directly related to the Risen series. This forum is now in read-only mode. Please use the German forum Risen - Diskussion for new questions (also in English).

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  5. For questions about technical or gameplay issues regarding RISEN 3. This forum is now in read-only mode. Please use the German forum Risen - Diskussion for new questions (also in English).

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  6. Stuck with a quest? Technical problems with RISEN 2: Dark Waters? Here you can ask for help! This forum is now in read-only mode. Please use the German forum Risen - Diskussion for new questions (also in English).

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  7. Stuck with a quest? Technical problems with RISEN? Here you can ask for help! This forum is now in read-only mode. Please use the German forum Risen - Diskussion for new questions (also in English).

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  8. Here you can present your modifications, ask questions about existing mods or on how to create your own one. Hier kannst du deine Modifikationen vorstellen oder Fragen über vorhandene oder die Erstellung eigener Mods stellen.

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    1. (geschlossen) The North ist eine Risen 1 Mod, die sich hauptsächlich mit der Vergrößerung der Welt Faranga im Norden der Insel beschäftigt.

  1. 15.03.2007

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