Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Where are the bandits near Akil's farm?

15.06.2005, 14:01
I am trying to find these bandits, and have had no luck. This is for a quest early on in Gothic 2. Also, once you go on to the next chapters, can you still do quests that you missed from chapter 1? And can you finish quests that you still have from chapter 1 once you move on to chapter 2?

15.06.2005, 14:10
Some quests yes, but some are needed for passing the chapters....there are also some quests later in the game that dissapear after you passed a chapter...but in general they stay in the quest log.....:D

those bandits, are, try this to pics..... link (http://worldofgothic.com/images/g2pics/akillkreuzung.jpg) and link (http://worldofgothic.com/images/g2pics/akillsdiebe.jpg) .
"You will find the bandits behind Akil's farm."

15.06.2005, 14:23
rekinu, thank you so much. How could I have missed that cave? Maybe because everytime I went to look for it, it was dark out. Thanks again.

15.06.2005, 14:43
no problem, whenever you need sth we ALL are here at you service...:D

15.06.2005, 14:51
and dont furget yto bring back the sheep :D

15.06.2005, 15:33
well, lettero , I understand, youre wish to post, but try not to spam....:D oke? we all spamed once in our life.... :rolleyes: , but that is over (at least for me...) so...please........;) oke ?