Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : MW Graphics Extender

15.03.2007, 15:58

Ich habe was im Internet geguckt und bin üder das mod gestolpert und wer bracuht dan noch Oblivion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sachaut selber:

MGE is a project the wrap the various DirectX dlls used by morrowind. Despite it's name, it wraps the input and sound dlls as well as graphics. It also interfaces with MWSE to make even more functions available to modders. A partial list of the current features includes:

> Adds an oblivion style distant land feature.
> Adds a semi-faked HDR effect. (DX9 only)
> Allows morrowind to make use of the graphics drivers ‘application preference’ setting for antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and vWait, mipmap detail, refresh rate, etc.
> Allows global render state changes, such as disabling or enabling fog, dithering, specular highlighting etc.
> Lets you change morrowinds screen resolution to non 4:3 values.
> Fixes the white loading screens you get when trying to use antialiasing.
> Provides a partial fix for morrowinds checkerboard lighting problem.
> Lets you run morrowind in 16 bit colour mode
> Lets you run morrowind on graphics cards which do not support 16 bit colour, as long as they support all other DX8 features.
> Adds fullscreen, customizable hardware and software shaders, up to 32 of which can be run at once.
> Some performance enhancements such as changing depth buffer format and disabling multithreaded DX.
> Lets you take screenshots even when antialiasing is enabled, and in any of 6 different formats (bmp, jpeg, gif, tiff, dds and png)
> Lets you use different fogging modes. (Including the more accurate ranged vertex mode)

> 14 different types of macro that can be attached to any key, including entering console commands, changing MGE graphics settings on the fly, and remapping any normally unmappable morrowind controls.
> Time based triggers, which can be set to push keys after set periods of time. Useful for automatic saving.
> All macros can also use up to 8 mouse buttons as if they were keyboard keys. Macros can also be bound to the mouse wheel.
> Lets you skip the opening movie and disable the console.
> Lets you use daggerfall style combat controls, where you move the mouse back and for to swing your weapon.

> Lets you completely disable sound, and even run morrowind without any sound hardware installed.

> Allows scripts to change global graphics settings, including specular highlighting, fogging, shading model etc.
> Allows scripts to load and set fullscreen shaders
> Allows scripts to change fog density, zoom, screen rotation etc.
> Allows scripts to load .x files, and then position, texture, and apply vertex/pixel shaders to the loaded mesh.
> Gives scripts control over the players input. You can disable individual keys, force key presses etc.
> Lets scripts add extra bits of HUD.
> Gives scripts control over the colour of fog, the background, sky, sunlight and a few other global colours.
> Lets modders attach shaders to ingame morrowind objects, so that effects such as bump mapping can be applied.

> Provides an inbuilt shader editor to aid in writing your own fullscreen shaders, as well as many example shaders.
> Provides a height map to normal map converter, a mesh format converter and a normal/tangent/binormal calculator.
> Includes a feature to prevent morrowind hogging 100% of your cpu time.
> Priveds a utility to generate heightmaps and low details textures and meshes of your installed plugins, for use with the distant land feature.

Erklärung ,Trailler und Screens Hier (http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=575572)

16.03.2007, 21:53
Hier sind noch mehr screenies mit MGE:
(Warum wurden die hier eigentlich gelöscht? Ich suche mir hier nen Wolf und der Bilderthread ist gelöscht worden...)

17.03.2007, 16:51
dws was hastn du für n system?
bei mir sieht das game nichmal halb sogut aus wie bei dir auf den screens Oo
haste da nen mod drauf der die grafik verbessert oder so?

17.03.2007, 19:33
Das macht überwiegend o.a. MGE (ein Zusatzprogramm). Man kann in MGE auch verschiedene shader einstellen, bei mir läuft ein HDR2 shader unter MGE, den ich inzwischen leicht heruntergedimmt habe (war doch etwas zu grell). Alles weitere machen diverse Texturenreplacer (überwiegend grVultures Ultimate Textures) und eine gute Grafikkarte mit viel Power...

MGE gibt es hier: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=656349&st=0

Das mit den shadern editieren ist ... etwas kompliziert zu verklickern. Davor steht mal die Installation von MGE und die Grundeinstellungen (Antialiazing, AF, usw.). Die o.a. unendliche Sichtweite ist so eine Sache für sich; ich benutze sie nicht... ist mir noch zu beta und meine Versuche damit waren mit meinen 300 aktiven Mods ziemlich absturzbetont.