View Full Version : Risen 3 EE Graphic and Perfomance

30.01.2016, 14:17
So, i have completed Risen 3: Titan Lords 3 times before Enchanted Edition came out on my old computer and it works fine, and looks good. Now i just checked how EE works on my new computer an... I'm little disappointed.

Yes, it works fine, with all details on i didn't had even one drop below 60 fps but i just realized that game have FPS lock on 62 fps when v-sync is off. Also most of graphic options makes no difference. Just compare this screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/V50hu

Can you see what option i have changed? It's Viewable Landscape Distance from low to high and i cant even say which is which. Many other options doesn't make difference too, which is sad. I can't check is changing anything affects on performance, because no matter what i try to do i have always 62 fps.

31.01.2016, 19:16
So what exactly do you need help with? What's your question?

31.01.2016, 23:18
Sorry, i forgot to make a queston :O

So, is there a way to unlock fps lock?

31.01.2016, 23:28
Did you try your luck with the configuration file?

Possibly interesting settings might be:

<Window Top="0" SafetyFramePercentage="0.0" Right="1024" RefreshRate="0" Name="Risen 3 - Titan Lords" Left="0" FullScreen="false" FPSLimitToRefreshRate="true" FPSLimit="0" Center="false" CaptureCursor="true" Bottom="768" AdapterNumber="0">
<Timer MinFPS="10.00" MaxFPS="120.00" FixedFPS="-1.00" AverageFPS="30.00">

02.02.2016, 09:41
Thanks a lot! Earlier I've tried changing MaxFPS and AverageFPS from ConfigDefault.xml, I've even tried changing RefreshRate from ConfigUser.xml, and none of this works. Changing FPSLimitToRefreshRate to false disable a lock, which solve my problem. Thanks!