- [Release] ELEX-Autowalker
- Elex NeffO´s Vegetation Mod 1.0
- Änderung der Position und Rotation von Entities in Sektoren (.elexsecdoc)
- Ist das Modden von Skripten möglich?
- [Mod] Monster XP Plus
- [Mod] Use stims out of your Inventory
- Mod-Ideen, Vorschläge, Machbarkeit
- Schwierigkeiten beim Verpacken
- Crafting and Item pickup
- [Request] Mod that applies the "highlight items" effect permanently
- [Mod] Weather SFX Volume
- [Request] Mod für zum besseren Inventar?=
- [MOD] Recycling Machine
- [Tool] GUID Finder
- NPC Interaction - Create Vendor or Trainer
- [Mod] Helmet's with Item Sight buff from Sunglasses
- Sectors - Enable Sectors depending on Quest Status
- Guidelines for Modding
- Start a quest by drinking a potion?
- [Release] Alb Armors
- [Mod] AlbMod - Play as Alb after the Credits
- Soundtrack austauschen
- risen ost to elex project
- [Mod] Knife Mod Issue
- [Tool] ElexModMerger
- [Mod] Fanmade Soundtrack ELEX
- is it possible to get back the weather from before the update ?
- Grafik-Down-Tweak möglich
- ELEX weather overhaul - WIP
- Could someone can tell me how to edit existing NPC?
- [Request] No Rain/Snow mod
- [tool] Elex Resource Manager
- Beschreibungen und Texte wo?
- [Release] Jetpack Modification Console
- [Release] Main Menu - Test Level Option enabler
- [Release] World Test Events enabler
- [Release] Ingame Cheat GUI
- [release] ELEX string table [un]packer (lianzifu)
- Music
- Idee: Explorer
- Albs befehligen
- BigBang besucht Logan
- AlbMod - Play as Alb after the Credits ????
- [Mod] Held mit Bart und Haaren
- Help creating a sound mod
- [Mod] No-Coldness Elex potions
- [Request] Alternatives Aussehen (mehr davon...)
- [Help] Making few mods and new to this too
- [Help] Waffen der NPC
- [ request / idea ] Partially disable free camera with weapon drawn
- Exchange monster graphics?
- [Request] Creating Community Mods/ Making a discord for them/ Working together
- physiscs ON
- "Rotzende" Monster
- Requesting help changing item and creature values
- Mod Request: Natural Health Regeneration
- Platzierte Objekte ingame bewegen
- Follower
- Weg mit Hotel Goliet
- (Wip) Savegame Gameevent Logger
- Editing items models
- Elex Wetter ändern oder auch permanent ?
- [Mod] Gemstone item modding
- Darker nights?
- [Request] Cleric PSI and Berserker Fist to pick up at world or from quest
- Swamp Spider and Mutant?
- [Tool] (WIP) Info - und Quest-Editor
- [info] Welt-Sektor-Dateien (elexsecdoc)
- Has anyone tried to "fix" the current lighting system?
- [Overview] research results
- [WiP]Anzeige von XP und Kältewert
- Is it possible to reduce XP received/slow leveling and increase the cost of items in shops?
- Need some help customizing appearance and adding items to game
- Request: Item Bar
- Normalen Monster Respawn deaktivieren?
- Editing the ELEX FlashMovie files?
- [Ask/Request] Seeker Shot Marking Target System
- [Help request] How can i modify an effect sound?
- [MOD]Darker Nights and Fixed HDR
- Elex Overhaul Mod
- [Mod] Inoffizielles Update
- Gesicht wie ein Alb
- Skill/Perk Adjustments?
- Item-Inventar-Werte ändern z.b Schaden, etc.
- Einmalzauber
- more fun with ELEX
- Zarkoms Hammer/ Zarkom NPC Eintrag
- Geisterwolf
- Ein "neues" Spiel
- Nach installierter Mod Helme in Dialogen wieder unsichtbar machen
- how do i turn any npc into a teacher and/or merchant?
- need help fully recreating alb commander jax
- Elex Anyone know how to change ones rank?
- anyone know the sector this entry is found in?
- Kleine Änderung in der Schadensberechnung
- erste Person umschalten möglich?
- Suche Mod für übersichtlicheres Gepäck oder Inventar ?
- about mods creation
- nur ein Detail - aber es stört mich
- monster templates
- how to make a new recipe
- [Mod] rings and amulets combining recipes
- using infocommands to change a mesh
- Custom dialogs
- ingame pictures
- How can I edit Companion relations ?/Wie kann ich Companion-Beziehungen bearbeiten?
- ELEX ChestInventory Modifier
- Kamera zentrieren?
- Elex Community Patch?
- Looking for HUD manual Modification
- [Help] Change the stock of ammunition sold by NPC sellers
- [Release] No fixed death from Radiation Zones
- Restoring the old depth of field
- Modding Skills/Perks
- Swapping main character with own character /Modding Spieler Charakter
- [Mod Request] Stealth/Sneak Visibility Indicator
- Suche Mod oder Config.ini Mod, welche Pop-ins/Pop-ups von Objekten reduziert
- Die Sache mit dem nutzlosen Loot in Openworld Spielen
- [Request] Increase the size of the fonts of the game.
- Das Wetter und die Beleuchtung in Elex
- [RELEASE] Moonglasses
- ELEX leere Welt
- Immersiver Kampf - 404 oder "W-T-Fack, wie mach ich dat? "
- Debugging ELEX - ASM Kenntnisse erforderlich
- Mod request: Replace helmets with hairs
- latest compatible fmod64.dll and D3DCompiler_47.dll
- Creating new MusicZones sectors/editing existing ones?
- [Doubt] Traveling merchants immortals
- Mod gegen Spinnen?
- ELEX II latest compatible fmod.dll and D3DCompiler_47.dll
- Teaser für potentielle Quest-Info-Editor coder
- ELEX 2 world sector files, elex2sec
- Vorschläge für Elex 2 Modifikationen
- ELEX 2 teleporters
- to be fixed (was mich stört)
- new infoscript for Nasty
- ELEX 2 Localization Help
- "Salmei, Dalmei, Adomei": let's craft
- w_info.hdrdoc, FacialExpression (da guckste dumm:D)
- Dem Bonus an die Wäsche - riskant -
- Genome class hashes
- gCInfoCommands
- Begleiter Loyalität ändern
- ELEX 2 mods
- ELEX 2 Map Marker
- Jetpack position adjustment
- ELEX modding
- Elex Skript Mods?
- Equipment template using more than one mesh at once
- Elex 2 Modding - How to mod the game GUIDE
- Make my inactive companions go to certain places
- ELEX 2 - Debug mode
- chest in E2
- ELEX 2 meshes
- Viewing distance of vegetation, rocks..
- ELEX II latest compatible fmod.dll and D3DCompiler_47.dll 16.12.2022
- [Tutorials] ELEX 1 Modding videotutorials
- Elex 2, w_weather.hdr(doc)
- Elex 1, icons
- Elex 2, icons
- [Mods] My small mods
- die Transformation
- Tasks for modders
- Are there any Jax Face fixes?
- [tool] Localization Hashes
- ELEX 2 MOD Jax's Brewing & Liquor Company
- Quest-Katalog (with NPC names)
- E2 - Change the World
- Managing tiles (WIP)
- Exploring the .blob files
- .elexmsh files?
- Notizzettel/flyers
- Skyscrapers and related
- SocketItems, ElexitBags and all the rest
- Stealing delay
- Elex 2 difficuilty.hdr ?
- Bastion redesign
- Elex 1, debugging the Abessa City fate
- Elex 2, fix broken quests in a savegame
- Makar und der Teddy
- Is there a hard coded cap on damage reduction by armor?
- Text Fonts
- Mission Target
- Elex Jetpack Modding?
- Elex 2 smithing recipie
- elex 2 String packing with unpacker
- elex 2 editing trader inventory
- Ace of Spades - Quest Mod for Elex
- Abandoned Berserker Camp: Broken Quest Fix - Elex 1
- E2 -Replacing vanilla items, problem
- DirectX12 und Texture Mods
- Animation
- Сhairs
- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- (Mod for Elex 2) Less Overpowered Fire Rain
- Quests und so
- Elex (1) monster respawn
- Elex Mod-List 2024
- Elex (1) quest list (with parent quests)
- Compiled info on ELEX stuff
- Elex 2 How to unpack the w_focus.hdr file.
- Itemmaps für Elex (1)
- North is calling
- [GUIDE] Modding (editing/adding) icons in ELEX
- How the albs were able to destroy ABECity
- Link Collection of problems and solutions in this forum