View Full Version : Elex - Modifications and Editing

  1. [Release] ELEX-Autowalker
  2. Elex NeffO´s Vegetation Mod 1.0
  3. Änderung der Position und Rotation von Entities in Sektoren (.elexsecdoc)
  4. Ist das Modden von Skripten möglich?
  5. [Mod] Monster XP Plus
  6. [Mod] Use stims out of your Inventory
  7. Mod-Ideen, Vorschläge, Machbarkeit
  8. Schwierigkeiten beim Verpacken
  9. Crafting and Item pickup
  10. [Request] Mod that applies the "highlight items" effect permanently
  11. [Mod] Weather SFX Volume
  12. [Request] Mod für zum besseren Inventar?=
  13. [MOD] Recycling Machine
  14. [Tool] GUID Finder
  15. NPC Interaction - Create Vendor or Trainer
  16. [Mod] Helmet's with Item Sight buff from Sunglasses
  17. Sectors - Enable Sectors depending on Quest Status
  18. Guidelines for Modding
  19. Start a quest by drinking a potion?
  20. [Release] Alb Armors
  21. [Mod] AlbMod - Play as Alb after the Credits
  22. Soundtrack austauschen
  23. risen ost to elex project
  24. [Mod] Knife Mod Issue
  25. [Tool] ElexModMerger
  26. [Mod] Fanmade Soundtrack ELEX
  27. is it possible to get back the weather from before the update ?
  28. Grafik-Down-Tweak möglich
  29. ELEX weather overhaul - WIP
  30. Could someone can tell me how to edit existing NPC?
  31. [Request] No Rain/Snow mod
  32. [tool] Elex Resource Manager
  33. Beschreibungen und Texte wo?
  34. [Release] Jetpack Modification Console
  35. [Release] Main Menu - Test Level Option enabler
  36. [Release] World Test Events enabler
  37. [Release] Ingame Cheat GUI
  38. [release] ELEX string table [un]packer (lianzifu)
  39. Music
  40. Idee: Explorer
  41. Albs befehligen
  42. BigBang besucht Logan
  43. AlbMod - Play as Alb after the Credits ????
  44. [Mod] Held mit Bart und Haaren
  45. Help creating a sound mod
  46. [Mod] No-Coldness Elex potions
  47. [Request] Alternatives Aussehen (mehr davon...)
  48. [Help] Making few mods and new to this too
  49. [Help] Waffen der NPC
  50. [ request / idea ] Partially disable free camera with weapon drawn
  51. Exchange monster graphics?
  52. [Request] Creating Community Mods/ Making a discord for them/ Working together
  53. physiscs ON
  54. "Rotzende" Monster
  55. Requesting help changing item and creature values
  56. Mod Request: Natural Health Regeneration
  57. Platzierte Objekte ingame bewegen
  58. Follower
  59. Weg mit Hotel Goliet
  60. (Wip) Savegame Gameevent Logger
  61. Editing items models
  62. Elex Wetter ändern oder auch permanent ?
  63. [Mod] Gemstone item modding
  64. Darker nights?
  65. [Request] Cleric PSI and Berserker Fist to pick up at world or from quest
  66. Swamp Spider and Mutant?
  67. [Tool] (WIP) Info - und Quest-Editor
  68. [info] Welt-Sektor-Dateien (elexsecdoc)
  69. Has anyone tried to "fix" the current lighting system?
  70. [Overview] research results
  71. [WiP]Anzeige von XP und Kältewert
  72. Is it possible to reduce XP received/slow leveling and increase the cost of items in shops?
  73. Need some help customizing appearance and adding items to game
  74. Request: Item Bar
  75. Normalen Monster Respawn deaktivieren?
  76. Editing the ELEX FlashMovie files?
  77. [Ask/Request] Seeker Shot Marking Target System
  78. [Help request] How can i modify an effect sound?
  79. [MOD]Darker Nights and Fixed HDR
  80. Elex Overhaul Mod
  81. [Mod] Inoffizielles Update
  82. Gesicht wie ein Alb
  83. Skill/Perk Adjustments?
  84. Item-Inventar-Werte ändern z.b Schaden, etc.
  85. Einmalzauber
  86. more fun with ELEX
  87. Zarkoms Hammer/ Zarkom NPC Eintrag
  88. Geisterwolf
  89. Ein "neues" Spiel
  90. Nach installierter Mod Helme in Dialogen wieder unsichtbar machen
  91. how do i turn any npc into a teacher and/or merchant?
  92. need help fully recreating alb commander jax
  93. Elex Anyone know how to change ones rank?
  94. anyone know the sector this entry is found in?
  95. Kleine Änderung in der Schadensberechnung
  96. erste Person umschalten möglich?
  97. Suche Mod für übersichtlicheres Gepäck oder Inventar ?
  98. about mods creation
  99. nur ein Detail - aber es stört mich
  100. monster templates
  101. how to make a new recipe
  102. [Mod] rings and amulets combining recipes
  103. using infocommands to change a mesh
  104. Custom dialogs
  105. ingame pictures
  106. How can I edit Companion relations ?/Wie kann ich Companion-Beziehungen bearbeiten?
  107. ELEX ChestInventory Modifier
  108. Kamera zentrieren?
  109. Elex Community Patch?
  110. Looking for HUD manual Modification
  111. [Help] Change the stock of ammunition sold by NPC sellers
  112. [Release] No fixed death from Radiation Zones
  113. Restoring the old depth of field
  114. Modding Skills/Perks
  115. Swapping main character with own character /Modding Spieler Charakter
  116. [Mod Request] Stealth/Sneak Visibility Indicator
  117. Suche Mod oder Config.ini Mod, welche Pop-ins/Pop-ups von Objekten reduziert
  118. Die Sache mit dem nutzlosen Loot in Openworld Spielen
  119. [Request] Increase the size of the fonts of the game.
  120. Das Wetter und die Beleuchtung in Elex
  121. [RELEASE] Moonglasses
  122. ELEX leere Welt
  123. Immersiver Kampf - 404 oder "W-T-Fack, wie mach ich dat? "
  124. Debugging ELEX - ASM Kenntnisse erforderlich
  125. Mod request: Replace helmets with hairs
  126. latest compatible fmod64.dll and D3DCompiler_47.dll
  127. Creating new MusicZones sectors/editing existing ones?
  128. [Doubt] Traveling merchants immortals
  129. Mod gegen Spinnen?
  130. ELEX II latest compatible fmod.dll and D3DCompiler_47.dll
  131. Teaser für potentielle Quest-Info-Editor coder
  132. ELEX 2 world sector files, elex2sec
  133. Vorschläge für Elex 2 Modifikationen
  134. ELEX 2 teleporters
  135. to be fixed (was mich stört)
  136. new infoscript for Nasty
  137. ELEX 2 Localization Help
  138. "Salmei, Dalmei, Adomei": let's craft
  139. w_info.hdrdoc, FacialExpression (da guckste dumm:D)
  140. Dem Bonus an die Wäsche - riskant -
  141. Genome class hashes
  142. gCInfoCommands
  143. Begleiter Loyalität ändern
  144. ELEX 2 mods
  145. ELEX 2 Map Marker
  146. Jetpack position adjustment
  147. ELEX modding
  148. Elex Skript Mods?
  149. Equipment template using more than one mesh at once
  150. Elex 2 Modding - How to mod the game GUIDE
  151. Make my inactive companions go to certain places
  152. ELEX 2 - Debug mode
  153. chest in E2
  154. ELEX 2 meshes
  155. Viewing distance of vegetation, rocks..
  156. ELEX II latest compatible fmod.dll and D3DCompiler_47.dll 16.12.2022
  157. [Tutorials] ELEX 1 Modding videotutorials
  158. Elex 2, w_weather.hdr(doc)
  159. Elex 1, icons
  160. Elex 2, icons
  161. [Mods] My small mods
  162. die Transformation
  163. Tasks for modders
  164. Are there any Jax Face fixes?
  165. [tool] Localization Hashes
  166. ELEX 2 MOD Jax's Brewing & Liquor Company
  167. Quest-Katalog (with NPC names)
  168. E2 - Change the World
  169. Managing tiles (WIP)
  170. Exploring the .blob files
  171. .elexmsh files?
  172. Notizzettel/flyers
  173. Skyscrapers and related
  174. SocketItems, ElexitBags and all the rest
  175. Stealing delay
  176. Elex 2 difficuilty.hdr ?
  177. Bastion redesign
  178. Elex 1, debugging the Abessa City fate
  179. Elex 2, fix broken quests in a savegame
  180. Makar und der Teddy
  181. Is there a hard coded cap on damage reduction by armor?
  182. Text Fonts
  183. Mission Target
  184. Elex Jetpack Modding?
  185. Elex 2 smithing recipie
  186. elex 2 String packing with unpacker
  187. elex 2 editing trader inventory
  188. Ace of Spades - Quest Mod for Elex
  189. Abandoned Berserker Camp: Broken Quest Fix - Elex 1
  190. E2 -Replacing vanilla items, problem
  191. DirectX12 und Texture Mods
  192. Animation
  193. Сhairs
  194. A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
  195. (Mod for Elex 2) Less Overpowered Fire Rain
  196. Quests und so
  197. Elex (1) monster respawn
  198. Elex Mod-List 2024
  199. Elex (1) quest list (with parent quests)
  200. Compiled info on ELEX stuff
  201. Elex 2 How to unpack the w_focus.hdr file.
  202. Itemmaps für Elex (1)
  203. North is calling
  204. [GUIDE] Modding (editing/adding) icons in ELEX
  205. How the albs were able to destroy ABECity
  206. Link Collection of problems and solutions in this forum