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  1. nudelsalat vs. Legolas - nudelsalat gewinnt!
  2. [GFX-BattleThread] Verabredungen / Regeln / Rangliste
  3. Xephon -vs- Artifex - Xephon gewinnt!
  4. Shyuan -vs- DragonRune - Shyuan gewinnt!
  5. Freezy -vs- Schmok - Schmok gewinnt!
  6. Xephon -vs- (nunu)noRkia - Xephon gewinnt... schonwieder ;)
  7. Codec -vs- Icarus - Icarus gewinnt!
  8. Schmok -vs- nudelsalat - Unendschieden!
  9. Nathano -vs- Xephon - Nathano gewinnt!
  10. Faithi -vs- Schmogga - Faith gewinnt!
  11. Shyuan vs. DaDing - Shyuan gewinnt!
  12. Icarus -vs- Che_Guevera - Icarus gewinnt
  13. [FRAGMENT] Phini-Chan -vs- nudelsalat
  14. Icarus -vs- DragonRune - Dragonrune gewinnt!
  15. Legolas -vs- Nathano - Nathano gewinnt!
  16. Avrilan -vs- Ranmaru-kun - Ranmaru-kun gewinnt!
  17. Chuck -vs- Snaky - Snake´s Bite gewinnt!
  18. k.nightmare -vs- Icarus - k.nightmare gewinnt!
  19. Shyuan rul0rt Artifex \o/ - Artifex gewinnt!
  20. Aurae -vs- DragonRune - Unentschieden!
  21. Nazgul -vs- Jackie James - Jackie James gewinnt!
  22. [FRAGMENT] Henry -vs- Estragon
  23. [FRAGMENT] Ancient -vs- AoL
  24. [Battle-Bay -Ende] - Faith gewinnt!
  25. [FRAGMENT] Ranmaru-kun -vs- -=]Che_Guevara[=-
  26. Re-Do -vs- Gruz - Re-Do gewinnt!
  27. Legolas -vs- Xephon - Xephon gewinnt!
  28. FFA (Free for All) Battle
  29. [FFA Battle -Ende] - Ranmaru-kun gewinnt!
  30. [FRAGMENT] Neoron -vs- Lucleonhart
  31. [FRAGMENT] Genji °.Ó -vs- Gruzli Ò.ô
  32. [FRAGMENT] Janus1810 -vs- Schmok
  33. [Battle-Forum] Datenwiederherstellung!
  34. Battleideen 4 all
  35. .:: The Neverendling Battle ::.
  36. Sigcontest: GFX-Forum Sigs
  37. [inaktiv] Kushel_Baer vs. Brainhacker
  38. Wer bekommt die extra Zwiebel, Mahmut oder the_question? - *zwiebel an tq übergeb*
  39. [inaktiv] kinetic-engine -vs.- k.nightmare
  40. Xephon vs. Faith - faithyy gewinnt!
  41. Deflorationsbattle^2: BeyondTheTruth vs. Kretzsche - unentschieden!
  42. Ganzo vs. kretzsche - kretzsche gewinnt!
  43. [Battle-Bay #2] Besprechungs-Thread
  44. The_question vs. Nethbek vs. Paint - tQ gewinnt!
  45. Mäxchen vs. Legolas - the second - Mäxchen gewinnt!
  46. BeyondTheTruth vs. Targor - BTT gewinnt!
  47. [Battle-Bay #2] .......velocity! - Schmok gewinnt!
  48. [Umfrage] Xephon vs. Kretzsche (inaktiven Battle)
  49. TQ vs. Mahmut vs. Paint, the day after... - Mahmut und nicht tQ gewinnt :D!
  50. Gebt euren Werken Namen
  51. Targor vs. Snizzle - Snizzle gewinnt!
  52. [inaktiv] Erkan vs. SanSiro
  53. Büla Bü vs. Black Knight - Black Knight gewinnt!
  54. Neoron vs. kretzsche - Neoron gewinnt!
  55. Dark Master vs. Mosh - Dark Master gewinnt!
  56. Dark Master vs. Büla Bü - unentschieden!
  57. SanSiro vs. Fenrir - SanSiro gewinnt!
  58. Tornum vs. SanSiro - unentschieden!
  59. Tornum vs. TruckerB | Paint Shop Pro8 vs. Paint - TruckerB gewinnt!
  60. [Profi-Battle xD] Nethbek -vs.- Nirazul
  61. Valender vs. Neoron
  62. [battle] Targor vs Kretzsche - kretsche gewinnt!
  63. Der böse Kritik Thread, vom bösen BTT (böserweise schon wieder kein Battlethread)
  64. Mäxchen gegen Schmok a.k.a. "Operation GFX-Overlord" - Schmok gewinnt!
  65. .::[Kojak vs. Nafolux]::. - Kojak gewinnt!
  66. Selarius -vs.- Tornum - Selarius gewinnt!
  67. [Paint-Battle] Lokia vs. Khurad - Lokia gewinnt!
  68. Unas vs. Nafolux - Nafolux gewinnt!
  69. Übung macht Maika[Van-Sanshi vs. San Siro]
  70. Der 2 Versuch [SanSiro vs. Fenrir]
  71. [Gfx-Battle] The_question vs. fighting_faith vs. Paint - faith gewinnt!
  72. <[SPECIAL]> Ava und Sigschmiede-Wettbewerb
  73. Unas vs. Raven-Kid - Raven-Kid gewinnt!
  74. [Atmo-Battle]The golden Crow vs. Blacksword Katan - Katan gewinnt!
  75. [Revanche] Mosh vs. Dark Master [GFX-Battle]
  76. [Battle] Kojak vs. Drakmann
  77. [SPECIAL - 1. Halbfinale] Pimp up my Sig&Ava!
  78. [SPECIAL - 2. Halbfinale] Pimp up my Sig&Ava!
  79. [GFX-Battle] SanSiro vs blue lord
  80. [Paint, unser Feind-Battle] Achondrias -vs.- Nirazul - unentschieden!
  81. Büla Bü vs. San Siro - unentschieden!
  82. GFX-Texturenbattle
  83. [GFX-Battle] tolkien-fan vs. blue lord
  84. [Battle] Serena vs. Seloron - Seloron gewinnt!
  85. [Battle] Serena vs. Talvar - unentschieden!
  86. Wir sagen nein zur Selbststimme!
  87. The Hall of Battles
  88. [Battle] Seloron vs. MNMega - Seloron gewinnt!
  89. [SPECIAL - El Grande Finale] Pimp up my Sig&Ava!
  90. Teamvorstellungen
  91. Texturbattle - Testrunde - Neoron vs. blue-lord
  92. [OT] Teamvorstellungen
  93. Die verschiedenen Arten von Battles
  94. [Battle] Kampf der Geschlechter - Serena vs. Kretzsche - Serena gewinnt!
  95. Punktevergabe und Punktetabelle
  96. [TAG-Team-Battle] Foederati vs. P.A.I.N.
  97. [Senf] Ordnung muss sein (ohne Verluste)
  98. [Battle] Büla Bü vs. Kain - Kain gewinnt!
  99. [Battle] Nafolux vs. Seloron - Nafolux gewinnt!
  100. [Battle] maximus88 -vs. kretzsche666 - maximus gewinnt!
  101. [GFX-BattleThread] Verabredungen / Regeln / Rangliste #2
  102. Signaturcontest für 'Die Schmiede' (SIG AUS!)
  103. Teambattle: die Massenvernichtungswaffeln gegen Twilight
  104. Freizügigkeit – Wo liegt die Schmerzgrenze?
  105. [Battle] Seloron vs. Kelv - Seloron gewinnt!
  106. [Battle] Serena vs. Serena
  107. [Battle] Fighting_Faith vs. Serena
  108. Speed-Battle
  109. [Battle] Selarius vs. Fenris
  110. [Battle]Fargas Ferrigan vs. Nicolei
  111. [FFA] Nebel, Drachen, Lensflare und...
  112. [Path-Battle] Katan vs. Seloron - Katan gewinnt!
  113. [Battle] Seloron vs. SanSiro - Seloron gewinnt!
  114. [Path-Battle] Katan the Cat vs. Büla the Bü - Katan gewinnt!
  115. Dark Master vs. SanSiro
  116. [Battle]SanSiro vs SiMoN - SiMoN gewinnt!
  117. [Battle] kretzsche vs. Büla Bü - kretzsche gewinnt!
  118. [Battle] Seloron vs Simon Balthier - Seloron gewinnt!
  119. [Gfx-Battle] The_question vs. Achondrias vs. Paint - T_q gewinnt!
  120. [Battle] Mäxchen -vs.- Nirazul - Nirazul gewinnt!
  121. [Battle] L0effel vs. Simon Balthier - Simon Balthier gewinnt!
  122. Cathal vs. Kaligulas
  123. [Path-Battle] Katan vs. Simon Balthier
  124. [Battle] The Dark Master vs. The Soccer Area (SanSiro)
  125. [Atmobattle] Drakemirow vs. SanSiro - Drakemirow gewinnt!
  126. [Battle] Seloron vs. Fenris - Fenris gewinnt!
  127. [Battle] Simba vs. Fenris - Fenris gewinnt!
  128. Büla Bü -vs.- Gardist_Thorus (Xalvi)
  129. [Battle] Simon Balthier vs. Büla Bü
  130. [Battle] Drake vs. Simon Balthier - Drake von Drachenfels gewinnt!
  131. Kain vs. Drake | Kämpfchen unter Freunden
  132. [Battle]Drister Black vs. Nobody2
  133. Ankündigung an alle Battler
  134. [Battle] SanSiro vs. Leogun - SanSiro gewinnt!
  135. [Der 2 Versuch Battle] SanSiro vs. Leogun
  136. [BATTLE] Leogun vs. Derion - Derion gewinnt!
  137. Revanche | Kain(Neoron) vs. kretzsche - Kain gewinnt!
  138. [Battle] Alveron vs. Jahizar
  139. [Battle] Jahizar vs. Derion
  140. [Signaturen Battle] Leogun vs. SanSiro
  141. [BATTLE] Nobody² vs. Drake
  142. suche gegner
  143. [Battle]Eleen vs. Drake - Drake von Drachenfels gewinnt!
  144. [Battle]Nirazul vs SenseOne
  145. [Battle]Leogun vs eLeEn
  146. [Battle]Drakemirow -vs.- Stoffel - Stoffel gewinnt!
  147. [Battle] Hölli|Mäxchen
  148. [Battle] Liu De Hua vs. Kain (Neoron)
  149. [Battle] Seloron vs. Janus
  150. [Battle] eleen vs. Leogun
  151. [Battle]eLeEn vs Legolas
  152. [Battle]Nafolux versus Phili! - Nafolux gewinnt!
  153. [Battle]Meister Innos vs Fanarak
  154. X-Mas-Battle-Bay
  155. [Battle]Hornet vs. Fanarak
  156. [battle] eleen vs janus
  157. Arrassil versus "der Pate" Phili - Arrassil gewinnt!
  158. [Teambattle] Puaoas vs Hell`s Angels
  159. [Battle] Yrifa vs. Drakimaus
  160. [Battle] Jahizar vs. Mgssy1
  161. Fake Battle Thread (Umfrage xx)
  162. [Battle: Photo-mounting] Darkwolf Katan vs. Häschen Nira
  163. Tornum (gut)<->Mgssy1 (schlecht)
  164. stoffel vs. Kain
  165. [Battle] Sister of mercy vs. Derion
  166. [Battle] Lariala vs. Seloron
  167. [Battle] - Arkanis vs. Derion
  168. [Battle] ~mgssy1 vs. Drakimaus~
  169. [Battle] Sister of mercy vs. mgssy1
  170. [Battle] featherhold VS. Mgssy1
  171. [Teambattle] Ghosts vs. Psychos
  172. [Battle] Fighting_Faith -vs- Stoffel
  173. [Battle] Liu De Hua vs. DarkBasti
  174. [Battle] James Bond vs. DarkBasti
  175. [Battle] Dansard vs. mgssy1
  176. [Battle] Arrassil gegön mgssy1
  177. [Battle] Fenris vs. Seloron
  178. [Battle] Lakos vs. Sister of Mercy
  179. [3er Battle] YoTcA vs Arsl vs Fanny
  180. [Fake-Battle]TruckerB vs. Sentinel
  181. [GFX-Battle] Xelar vs. Arrassil
  182. [Battle] Broken Mirror -vs- Klaatsch
  183. [Fake-Battle] Sentinel VS. Punkpferd
  184. [Battle]Sentinel vs. Angríst
  185. Will ein battle :-)
  186. [Battle] Tornum vs. den 2. Joe :D
  187. [TEAM-BATTLE] Thorn, Punkpferd VS Sentinel, Angríst
  188. [Battle]Sentinel vs. Joe
  189. [Battle] Exterminas vs. mgssy1
  190. [Free 4 all-Battle]Wer möcht battlen
  191. [Battle] Phylas VS |Thorn|
  192. [Ani-Battle]Angríst VS Punkpferd
  193. [Battle] Eldarion vs. Wenthoff
  194. Webdesign-Who`s the Best?
  195. Mgss YY VS Magier XXXD
  196. [Battle]Magier XX vs. |Thorn|
  197. [GFX-BATTLE] Xelar vs eXact.-
  198. Exact VS Mgssy1
  199. [Battle | Revenge] Drakemirow -vs.- Stoffel
  200. da Floyd Fox vs unBEATable Hutmensch
  201. [Fake-Battle]swordfish vs. Magier XX
  202. [Schlacht xD] Derion vs. Arrassil
  203. [Fake-Battle] Domingo vs. furzniak
  204. [Fake-Battle] Sentinel -VS- Swordfish
  205. [Gfx-Battle]Narrow Bob vs. Blackstar26
  206. [Battle] blackstar26 vs. DarkBasti
  207. [Battle]Arkanis vs. Narrow Bob
  208. [Battle] Magier XX vs. Jodob
  209. [Tuningcar Battle]Klaatsch vs. SanSiro
  210. [sig-battle] SanSiro -vs.- Johannes B.
  211. Drakemirow °~V.S~° Xilthon
  212. [Battle]Seloron vs. Anáwiel
  213. [Fake-Battle] DarkBasti vs. Griffin
  214. [Fake-Battle] furzniak vs. TruckerB
  215. [Battle(!)] Angríst vs. eXact.-
  216. [Fake-Battle] Jahüüü vs. Derüüü
  217. [Pivot Battle] All vs. All
  218. [Fake-Battle] Slavik vs. furzniak
  219. [Fake-Battle] Slavik vs Daric
  220. [Tuningbattle]Xilthon - Klaatsch (*klatsch*) xD
  221. [Tuning-Battle] Magier XX -vs- -M-
  222. [Fake-Battle]Domingo vs. Daric vs. TruckerB
  223. Sansiro III. vom Rang vs. Nafolux der Doofe von Beruf [Battle]
  224. [Fake-Battle] Drakenstein -vs.- Sentinel
  225. [Tuningbattle] Sister of mercy vs. mgssy1
  226. [Fake-Battle] ScheissBear /VERSUS\ eXact.-
  227. [SB]Drakemirrow vs Mgssy1
  228. [PM Battle] -M- vs. Katan
  229. [Fake-Battle] furzniak vs. Schwuppi vs. Mhc-Alex (Radial) vs. Homie Gamal
  230. [0815Battle] Dr. Nirazul vs. Mr. Kretzsche
  231. sig battle northon vs grandpa
  232. [Battle]Nortü vs. Philü
  233. [PF-User SigBattle xD] Jeder gg. Jeden
  234. [Tune battle/fotobearbeitung]mgssy1 vs Grandpa
  235. [Fake-Battle] Jerar vs. furzniak
  236. postapokalyptischer [Tuning-Battle] Sister gegen Schmok
  237. [Battle]Mgssy1 vs. Narrow Bob
  238. [SB] John Hawkins der Pirat VS: Bart Roberts, der ex-Pirat
  239. [HP-Design-Battle] Eldaril vs. eXact
  240. [Fake-Battle] Hitman (Zer0!) vs. furzniak (Pr0!)
  241. [Battle] Bart vs. John
  242. [SB]Johnny vs. Angie
  243. [Battle] Phill ~vs~ John
  244. [Fake-Battel]ZerO vs n00b
  245. [Fake-Battle]blacky ~vs~ Johny
  246. [Zeichenbattle] Maxim vs Jaheira
  247. [Battle] Mgssy1 vs. Exterminas
  248. [Fake-Battle] Domingo vs. John Hawkins
  249. [Battle] Morrak -vs- Dansard
  250. [Fake-Battle] Brian vs The Sandman