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  1. #1 Zitieren
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    Jun 2008
    I'm asking you here, because i know you guys have a good taste

    Any Gothic/Risen-like RPG out there i should try?
    aqwerty ist offline

  2. #2 Zitieren

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Sep 2004
    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    Tomorrow, the SureAI mod team will release Nehrim. A total conversion mod for Oblivion. From what I've seen from the trailers, it seems to be an interesting mod that cannot be compared with vanilla Oblivion and its flaws. The landscape is rich and detailed, you can mine ore, forge weapons, dig for treasures, gain XP and LP and spend them at trainers, etc. There's even a medieval band making a performance in the game.

    GamersGlobal (a german webzine) rated the mod 7.5/10. And they thought it to be good enough to apply the normal rating criteria that they also use for commercial full-price titles. It got no milder evaluation for "just being a free fan mod" as other mods they've rated. They wrote that the story is epic and interesting, the side quests mostly brilliant. It still had flaws but overall they seemed very content with the mod and said that in many parts it beats a lot of commercial AAA titles.

    And since it's free, I'll definitely give it a look. Alas, I'm not sure if (and when) it will be released in english, too.
    EDIT: The link to the project homepage is: www.nehrim.de

    Other than that, why don't you tell us which game you already know? That would help because we don't need to suggest those.

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    foobar ist offline Geändert von foobar (09.06.2010 um 17:43 Uhr)

  3. #3 Zitieren
    Knight Commander
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    It seems that Germans have the best ideas for RPGs and also have a knack for modding most games, especially large mods. There's Community Civ 5 for Civilization 4 which was started by a German mod team who did most of the work and only put it CivFanatics.com later on after which many modders from other nations participated in it. But the main modders and the Project leader are from Germany. I'll check Nehrim out too - especially if they make the HDR more respectable.
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  4. #4 Zitieren
    Knight Avatar von RobinHood 13.
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    WoW, that looks awesome. As soon as they get english subtitles out, which I've understood they're working on (hopefully won't take to long), I'll play it.

    Bye bye generic landscapes, and the voice acting sounded really good also (something you wouldn't expect for a mod).
    RobinHood 13. ist offline

  5. #5 Zitieren

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
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    and the voice acting sounded really good also (something you wouldn't expect for a mod).
    They said they had the help of 56 professional voice actors and a sound studio (well, for the german version).

    EDIT: In case some of you understand a little german, here's the release trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGkqjabgVks&fmt=18
    There are other trailers in english on the project site but this one is more recent and better I think. It gives hints about the story and it seem as if there are believable characters with real motivations and individual goals. No simple black/white scheme.

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

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    foobar ist offline Geändert von foobar (09.06.2010 um 20:07 Uhr)

  6. #6 Zitieren
    Knight Avatar von RobinHood 13.
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    Judging by the little I've seen this could be one of the best new rpg games.
    Oblivion got that undeserved, this however looks promising.

    Even though I don't understand german, that's fine aslong as I have subtitles.
    Better have good voice acting in german with subtitles than bad voice acting in english.

    In movies however, one must always have the original actors. Anything else just looks and sounds silly. I know many countries do (like france). What they do is ruin the entire movie, disgracing it. I'm just baffled by why people want to watch those rather than the original versions.
    RobinHood 13. ist offline

  7. #7 Zitieren
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    Oct 2006
    So we have english subtitles...?
    Talek ist offline

  8. #8 Zitieren
    Knight Avatar von RobinHood 13.
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    So we have english subtitles...?
    It's being worked on, I believe, but that won't be released tomorrow. Hopefully it won't take to long.
    RobinHood 13. ist offline

  9. #9 Zitieren

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Sep 2004
    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
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    So we have english subtitles...?
    As I understand it, they will only release the german version some time today. They are working on english subtitles but they are unable to release the english version together with the german one. It will follow later. When it's done.

    BTW: Here's the translation of the texts in the release trailer:

    I knew it had to be fate. Something that the gods made. And that is good for me.

    All the gods are nothing more than powerful mages, also called the Lightborn. But that alone doesn't give them the right to rule over mankind. Don't you think so, too? It is an unjust aristocracy.

    For the freedom of mankind. Remember that. For the freedom of mankind.

    Welcome, Shadowborn. Welcome to the place where fate is created.

    The only thing that is enlightening about religion is a burning temple at night.

    See, my empire, all of this now falls into the hands of one who believes that he is the last hope for mankind. A fool he is!

    This disgusting expansion of mankind. Under the sun of the creator there should be no place for such imperfection.

    You should not just ask yourself whether a reign is righteous, of such a kind the reign of the Lightborn was probably not. You also have to ask yourself whether a reign may be necessary. And that it was.


    ...but in your arrival I hear the footsteps of fate.


    For the freedom of mankind!

    The power to crush you lies here in my hands! And with it the freedom of this world!


    And from the sacrifice of thousands a new order will be created... as it... as it was foretold.

    I will create a better world then any before!

    Kill me, go forth and create a new order... and then watch it crumble again.

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

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    foobar ist offline Geändert von foobar (10.06.2010 um 00:54 Uhr)

  10. #10 Zitieren
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    The landscape is rich and detailed, you can mine ore, forge weapons, dig for treasures, gain XP and LP and spend them at trainers, etc. There's even a medieval band making a performance in the game.
    So they transformed Oblivion into Gothic
    For the most recent Elex news, the new Piranha Bytes RPG, visit us at World of Elex!!!
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  11. #11 Zitieren
    Veteran Avatar von vic1968
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    @aqwerty: Try Venetica by Deck13.
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  12. #12 Zitieren
    Veteran Avatar von Sorren
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    Some other games you could try are Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and Fable - The Lost Chapters.
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  13. #13 Zitieren
    Waldläufer Avatar von Mental Gear
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    Sorry no Gothic/Risen like recommendation, but maybe I can interest you with the magic words Zelda and Ocarina .
    To find it just type in "Ocarina of Time Emulated PC version" as search.
    The best game ever. I would almost die for a modern 1:1 version of this game with top notch graphics, yeah only dreaming I know.
    Have fun if you play it
    [Bild: project642010-06-1023-e7ux.jpg]
    Mental Gear ist offline Geändert von Mental Gear (10.06.2010 um 22:39 Uhr)

  14. #14 Zitieren
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    @Mental Gear

    Oh good memories

    I think i never finished the game, going to give it another try now.
    So thanks for reminding me about it !
    aqwerty ist offline

  15. #15 Zitieren
    Veteran Avatar von Aetherian
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    If you haven't yet I'd suggest you try Divinity II: Eco Draconis. I put off getting it for quite awhile because of all the bad press it was getting, but I'm finding it MUCH more fun so far than the mightily touted Dragon Age ever was.

    It was reported to be quite buggy at release but I have the 1.3 patch and haven't seen any game killing bugs yet. The game is pretty demanding on my (below) average rig though, just have to dumb down the graphic settings sometimes.
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  16. #16 Zitieren

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
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    If you haven't yet I'd suggest you try Divinity II: Eco Draconis.
    It was interesting until I acquired dragon shape. Then it turned into some kind of arcade-shooter and I stopped playing. But it might indeed be something for people who prefer a more action oriented gameplay.

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

    foobar erklärt die Welt der Informatik: Was ist ein Zeichensatz?Was ist die 32Bit-Grenze?Warum sind Speicheroptimierer Unsinn?Wie teste ich meinen RAM?Was ist HDR?Was ist Tesselation?Warum haben wir ein Urheberrecht?Partitionieren mit MBR oder GPT?Was hat es mit dem m.2-Format auf sich?Warum soll ich meine SSD nicht zum Anschlag befüllen?Wer hat an der MTU gedreht?UEFI oder BIOS Boot?Was muss man über Virenscanner wissen?Defragmentieren sinnvoll?Warum ist bei CCleaner & Co. Vorsicht angesagt?Was hat es mit 4Kn bei Festplatten auf sich?Was ist Bitrot?Was sind die historischen Hintergründe zur (nicht immer optimalen) Sicherheit von Windows?Wie kann ich Datenträger sicher löschen?Was muss ich bzgl. Smartphone-Sicherheit wissen?Warum sind Y-Kabel für USB oft keine gute Idee?Warum sind lange Passwörter besser als komplizierte?Wie funktionieren Tintenstrahldrucker-Düsen?Wie wähle ich eine Linux-Distribution für mich aus?Warum ist Linux sicherer als Windows?Sind statische Entladungen bei Elektronik wirklich ein Problem?Wie repariere ich meinen PC-Lüfter?Was ist die MBR-Lücke?Wie funktioniert eine Quarz-Uhr?Was macht der Init-Prozess unter Linux und wie schlimm ist SystemD?Mainboard-Batterie - wann wechseln?Smartphone ohne Google?
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  17. #17 Zitieren
    Knight Commander
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    Right from the starting, it's combat system irked me: Why don't things recoil or suffer some form of setback upon being hit? All that happens on being hit is that the health drops. No animation interruptions, nothing - even old games had the feature that upon hit, there would be a split second of recoil of the victim. But not in Div2
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  18. #18 Zitieren
    Local Hero
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    I'm still waiting for the game that actually allows me to see where I hit my opponents :P

    I mean, if I swing a sword at someone, and that someone is constantly moving, sometimes I hit only his arm. I would LOVE to then see his arm be sent flying backwards (with his body turning in that direction and all that follows with it) because of the force of my blow. I'm not talking about mutilation, just a visual cue about the power behind the blows and the forces that go into battle.

    Also, when swinging a sword in the middle of a group of enemies, I would love to see my sword impact all those around me, and preferably see my sword slow down from enemy to enemy, instead of just going through every enemy undisturbed (clipping through the enemy models)..

    Same with magic effects: I've long dreamt of having a mage cast a fireball into the middle of a group of orcs and then see those orcs be thrown around like ragdolls because of the force from the explosion that follows. Also, if the battle takes place in a forest (for example) I would love to see trees fall over and catch fire from the effect of the fireball! That way playing a (high level) mage would finally feel as powerful as I always imagined them to be.

    The technology is out there! It just takes one tech savvy RPG developer to put it all together! Just look at Far Cry 2 for the destructible environments and the way everything in that game can catch fire. Look at the software from NaturalMotion called Euphoria, used in (among other titles) GTA4, for programs that would allow characters to react believably to force.

    Some day we'll see all of this in the same amazing game.
    mkreku ist offline

  19. #19 Zitieren
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    well i'm not really sure, mage already fill too much like a mofo, too much powerfull.
    In fact, i think it would be good to re-think magic system. I use same tactics as in most other games, shoot with fireball or something run away, drink potion, repeat the process....would be cool if they worked on it a bit in R2.

    Also, again, i'd strongly like to suggest PB to take a look at some of the baldur's gate 2 spells. There are all sorts of defensive spells, like making you invisible, or having several 'clones' of you (Who don't do any damage, but are there to trick the oponent)....All i see in PB games are mostly just and only regular offensive spells.

    Would be great if you had all sorts of additional defensive and neutral spells aswell.
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  20. #20 Zitieren
    Ritter Avatar von Bruell
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    Tomorrow, the SureAI mod team will release Nehrim.

    And since it's free, I'll definitely give it a look. Alas, I'm not sure if (and when) it will be released in english, too.
    EDIT: The link to the project homepage is: www.nehrim.de

    Other than that, why don't you tell us which game you already know? That would help because we don't need to suggest those.
    I gave it a look, all I can say amazing and it looks like a oblivion to gothic conversion, am downloading it can't wait to play.
    Thanks allot Foobar for pointing this one out!
    Bruell ist offline

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