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  1. #1 Zitieren
    Demigod Avatar von Rashnu
    Registriert seit
    Dec 2005
    Guarding Chinvat Bridge (As-Sirāt); a bridge finer than a hair and sharper than a sword.
    Im offiziellen Forum hat Colin Johanson schon vor einigen Tagen etwas sehr aufregendes zu künftigen Content-Erweiterungen von GW2 gesagt:

    Hey guys,

    Just to help provide some clarity on this, we’ll be releasing within the next couple of weeks a high level summary of our big plans for the first half of 2013 to help provide more transparency into our plans with the game going forward. This will include providing more details about our goals for the game, information about the stories and features that you’ll see in the Jan/Feb/March releases.

    To set expectations accordingly, the January release will be a relatively small release that sets the table for the stories and features we plan to roll out with the Feb/March releases and beyond. Also, there will be no new race, profession, or new region with these larger Feb/March releases. One of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as strong as possible, ensuring there are reasons to go to all the locations in the world we’ve already built, and strengthening the core game we’ve provided. In saying this will be an expansions worth of stuff in these releases, we’re talking about the number of new features that will be rolled out across PvE, WvW, and PvP in early 2013, which usually you’d only find in an expansion for a traditional MMORPG.

    More details and specifics to come in the next couple of weeks, but I hope that helps provide some more insight into what to expect at a very high level.
    Schon am 1. Dezember hat er in einem Interview gesagt:

    We had a huge Halloween update in October, we just had a big one in November, we have a giant Christmas update coming in December, and all of those have gone over really well, and I think in December people are going to be really excited. But January and February are actually the biggest updates to date. They’re even bigger than all the stuff we did in October, November and December. And I think that when people see how much stuff they’re gonna get for no monthly fee in January and February, they’re probably going to be blown away. These two months combined are basically an expansion’s worth of content for free.
    [Bild: Rashnu340obenGIF.gif][Bild: nds_banner_156x60_rounded.jpg]
    [Bild: Rashnu340untenlinks.gif][Bild: Rashnu340untenrechts.gif][Bild: oaqmBDA_Nein_113x60.jpg]
    "Greeting to thee; well hast thou come; from that mortal world hast thou come to this pure, bright place."
    Rashnu ist offline Geändert von Rashnu (12.01.2013 um 01:48 Uhr)

  2. #2 Zitieren
    Demigod Avatar von Rashnu
    Registriert seit
    Dec 2005
    Guarding Chinvat Bridge (As-Sirāt); a bridge finer than a hair and sharper than a sword.
    Der gute Colin hat vorgestern auf den offiziellen GW2-Seiten nachgelegt und seine schon im Beitrag oben genannten Einlassungen zur weiteren Entwicklung von GW2 nun näher erläutert:

    Unsere Ziele im neuen Jahr sehen unter anderem die weitere Verbesserung der Bereiche des Spiels vor, die 2012 erfolgreich waren, und aus den Situationen Lehren zu ziehen, die nicht so toll funktioniert haben. Wir wollen sicherstellen, dass 2013 ein Jahr wird, das keiner von uns jemals vergisst.
    Grosse Worte, die er weiter erklärt.

    Einer unserer Schwerpunkte besteht darin, das System der Errungenschaften zu erweitern und in Schwung zu bringen. Spieler sollen in der Lage sein, neue Belohnungen für Errungenschaften zu verdienen und Fortschritte auf Errungenschaftspfaden zu machen, die sich die Erfahrung einer offenen Welt zunutze machen. Für eure Errungenschaften werden wir Marken einführen, die ihr gegen eine Belohnung eurer Wahl eintauschen könnt – darunter neue Belohnungen wie Aufgestiegenen-Ausrüstung und Infusionen. Tägliche Errungenschaften werden Unterstützung erhalten und jeden Tag variieren, um Spielern aus verschiedenen Teilen der Spielwelt einen Anreiz zu geben, gemeinsam zu spielen. Außerdem haben wir vor, zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ein System hinzuzufügen, mit dem ihr eine Untergruppe von Errungenschaften abschließen könnt, um eure Tagesquote zu erfüllen. Wenn beispielsweise 6 tägliche Errungenschaften zur Auswahl stehen, müsst ihr nur 4 von ihnen abschließen und könnt euch so auf die Errungenschaften konzentrieren, die euch am meisten interessieren.

    Wir werden auch weiterhin „kosmetische“ Belohnungen wie Titel, Medaillen (für den Abschluss einer Karte), einzigartige Looks, usw. als Preise für das Vollenden bestimmter Teile des Spiels anbieten, die das Prestige eures Charakters anzeigen, ihm aber keinen Vorteil gegenüber anderen Charakteren verleihen.
    Dazu gibt es eine Grafik mit gedachten Belohnungen für Dailies:

    [Bild: 61efeToken-Items.jpg]

    Interessant. Bin mal gespannt, was in den Klassen-Truhen drin ist. Ein Szepter für einen Nekro?

    Bedeutet dann wohl vermutlich auch, dass für Dailies keine zufälligen Itemshop-Teile mehr als Belohnung bei rumkommen können. Zwar konnte ich auf die meisten dieser Gemshop-Sachen getrost verzichten (Instant-Merchant, Bankzugriff oder AH-Zugriff im freien Feld), aber zwei Sachen nehme ich davon ausdrücklich aus. Zum einen die goldenen Transmutationssteine (für 80er Sachen) und vor allem das Schwarzlöwen-Ausbauwerkzeug!

    Zu Gilden sagt er was komisches:

    Deshalb arbeiten wir an neuartigen Inhalten, die Anfang 2013 in das Spiel eingeführt werden und es Gilden ermöglichen sollen, gemeinsam Missionen zu bestreiten. Manche Missionen werden Inhalte speziell für Gilden enthalten, die innerhalb bestimmter Vorgaben oder Zeitlimits abgeschlossen werden müssen. Bei anderen Missionen wird es hingegen darum gehen, dass Gilden neue Inhalte entwerfen, an denen dann alle Spieler in dieser Welt teilhaben können.
    Bin gespannt, wie das funktionieren soll.

    Zum WvW gibt auch einiges:

    wollen wir Verbesserungen an der Anzeigeverzögerung vornehmen. Vor Kurzem haben wir an den Live-Servern kleine Tests durchgeführt, die uns dabei helfen sollen, die Anzeigeverzögerung möglichst vollständig aus dem WvW zu verbannen. Die Ergebnisse sind vielversprechend und wir arbeiten derzeit an einigen zusätzlichen Features im Zusammenhang mit der Anzeigeverzögerung. Wenn alles nach Plan verläuft, hoffen wir, dass 2013 das Jahr sein wird, in dem wir der Anzeigeverzögerung den Garaus machen oder sie im WvW zumindest stark minimieren können.
    Außerdem arbeiten wir an der Einführung neuer Features. Wir werden ein speziell für das WvW entwickeltes Prestige- und Fortschrittssystem einführen. Damit erhalten Spieler einen Weg, auf dem sie neue Fähigkeiten und Boni exklusiv für das WvW erhalten können, um damit Prestige und sichtbare Titel/Anerkennung zu erlangen. Außerdem werden wir eine neue Motivation ins WvW einführen, die weit über den wöchentlichen Punktestand hinausgeht und Spielern mehr kurzfristige Siegesanreize im WvW bieten wird.
    Und schliesslich auch noch News für PvP-ler:

    Für Spieler, deren Hauptaugenmerk dem Fortschritt im PvP gilt, werden wir unsere PvP-Belohnungssysteme neu bewerten und die Funktionsweise des PvP überholen, um es lohnender und spannender zu gestalten und euch einen Grund dafür zu geben, euch jeden Tag einzuloggen und an Kämpfen teilzunehmen. Wir werden Systeme hinzufügen, die weniger ehrgeizigen Spielern die Suche nach anderen Spielern auf einer ähnlichen Fähigkeitsstufe erleichtern. Außerdem werden wir stärkere Methoden einführen, um PvP-Einsteigern eine sichere und unterhaltsame Umgebung mit mehr Informationen anzubieten, die ihnen beim Entfalten ihrer Fertigkeiten hilft.

    Für Spieler, die sich für kompetitives PvP interessieren, werden wir die zentralen Features hinzufügen, die Guild Wars 2 als wahrhaftig kompetitives Spiel hervorstechen lassen – zum Beispiel die Möglichkeit, andere Wettkämpfer zu beobachten und sich wichtige bewertete Kämpfe anzusehen, um aus ihnen zu lernen. Des Weiteren sollt ihr die Möglichkeit haben, eure eigenen Arenen zu erstellen, in denen eure eigenen Regeln gelten und ihr euer eigenes Teamtraining abhalten könnt. Schließlich wird es gut sichtbare Orte geben, an denen alle Spieler die Rangliste der besten Teams/Spieler der Welt einsehen können. Außerdem wollen wir es einfacher machen, gegen gute Gegner anzutreten und schnell und unkompliziert an Kämpfen teilzunehmen, bei denen die Platzierung wichtig ist. Das bedeutet natürlich auch, dass wir irgendwann große Turniere mit Preisen und vielem mehr veranstalten werden, um dieser kompetitiven PvP-Community gemeinsam mit unseren weniger kompetitiven PvP-Spielern zum Wachstum zu verhelfen.
    Ein Video gibts auch noch:

    [Bild: Rashnu340obenGIF.gif][Bild: nds_banner_156x60_rounded.jpg]
    [Bild: Rashnu340untenlinks.gif][Bild: Rashnu340untenrechts.gif][Bild: oaqmBDA_Nein_113x60.jpg]
    "Greeting to thee; well hast thou come; from that mortal world hast thou come to this pure, bright place."
    Rashnu ist offline Geändert von Rashnu (17.01.2013 um 19:05 Uhr)

  3. #3 Zitieren
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2007
    Es gibt nun eine Eventseite, ähnlich wie bei dem Karkaevent: Eventpage

    Spannend finde ich, neben dem bereits erwähnten, dass sie wohl bereits jetzt die nächsten Aufgestiegenen Items einführen! Es werden die Amulette sein. Zudem wird es zusätzliche Infusions geben. Die Itemspirale wird also auch angezogen.

    Positiv finde ich, dass sie wohl nicht vor haben ein weiteres "Einmalevent" zu machen! Scheinbar haben sie aus dem Feedback des letzten Events gelernt!
    Borega ist offline

  4. #4 Zitieren
    Demigod Avatar von Rashnu
    Registriert seit
    Dec 2005
    Guarding Chinvat Bridge (As-Sirāt); a bridge finer than a hair and sharper than a sword.
    Danke für den Hinweis.

    From Baby Quaggan Backpacks to Riding Brooms to the revamped Box o’ Fun, you’ll find it all in the Gem Store!
    Fliegende Besenstiele? Auweia.

    Schade, dass die Gastfunktion nur innerhalb der Region funktioniert. Als das Team bei einer Podiumsdiskussion zu einer Messe in 2010 gefragt wurde, hat der VP Jonathan Price damals noch gesagt, sie wüssten, wie gerne die Leute in Amerika mit Europäern (und umgekehrt) zusammen zocken. Haben wir ja auch oft genug gemacht. Habe in GW1 auch mit Leuten aus Korea und Singapur gezockt. Das scheint in GW2 nicht mehr zu funktionieren. Sehr schade.
    [Bild: Rashnu340obenGIF.gif][Bild: nds_banner_156x60_rounded.jpg]
    [Bild: Rashnu340untenlinks.gif][Bild: Rashnu340untenrechts.gif][Bild: oaqmBDA_Nein_113x60.jpg]
    "Greeting to thee; well hast thou come; from that mortal world hast thou come to this pure, bright place."
    Rashnu ist offline

  5. #5 Zitieren
    Registriert seit
    Aug 2007
    und hier die Update notes in englischer Sprache! Viel ist geändert worden! Was denkt ihr über die Änderungen? Was glaubt ihr wird viel einfluss auf das Spiel haben? Ich bin gespannt!
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

    Flame and Frost: Prelude
    A mystery presents itself in this first entry in a multipart Living Story series. What could be causing such discord in the foothills of the Shiverpeaks? All those poor homesteaders and ranchers displaced with nowhere to go calls into question if the storms could be that bad—or if there’s something more sinister stirring up the flame and frost. The ground is shaking, and the sky is falling in northern Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau. Norn and charr refugees, crawling from the wreckage of their homes, are fighting their way to shelter in Hoelbrak and the Black Citadel. Many are in shock and wounded; most have only what they can carry on their backs. A call has gone out for volunteers to assist them in their time of need, when the environment itself seems to have become their enemy.

    A new Living Story achievement category has been added, which will contain a series of achievements specific to the storylines unfolding in Tyria.
    The first Living Story achievement, Refugee Volunteer, has been added. Players who complete this achievement by playing the Flame and Frost: Prelude content will be rewarded with the Volunteer title. They will also receive a karma reward via in-game mail.
    More achievements will be added as the Living Story continues to unfold.


    New Living Story events have been added to Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau.


    Starting shortly after the January 28^th^ update, heralds will begin appearing in cities across Tyria. Their task is to keep adventurers apprised of the events currently underway that are driving the Living Story forward. Be sure to check in with them if you need direction.

    Other Content

    Persistent world content related to the story of the refugees has been added to Wayfarer Foothills, Diessa Plateau, the Black Citadel, and Hoelbrak. This content will continue to change and evolve as the story unfolds, so be sure to keep checking back.

    Daily/Monthly Achievements
    A new currency has been added: the laurel. Players earn one laurel for completion of the daily achievement category and ten laurels for completion of the monthly achievement category. This new currency can be spent at laurel vendors in all of the major cities to obtain over 90 items, including:

    A new category of infusion, the utility infusion
    Ascended amulets
    Crafting starter kits
    WvW blueprints
    Obsidian shards
    New boosters, advanced harvesting tools, and crafting trophy bags
    A new, unique miniature: Goedulf, the mythical wolf-cub spirit that protects lost norn children
    A new, unique miniature: Chauncey von Snuffles III, who placed second in the Divinity’s Reach Fanciest Cat competition


    Achievement tracking UI has been added to provide at-a-glance information on daily and monthly achievements as well as quick access to the achievements panel.


    New daily achievements have been added.
    Daily achievements now rotate on a daily basis.
    Daily achievements now only have a single tier.
    The number of achievement points awarded for daily achievements has been adjusted.


    Polished dungeons and removed the ability to use waypoints while any player is in combat.
    Dynamic Leveling
    Attribute calculations for dynamic level scaling have been rebalanced. In general, this means weaker when adjusted down, stronger when adjusted up. Rewards when adjusted down have been increased to compensate. It is now possible to receive your own level of loot from any level of enemy.

    Fractals of the Mists

    Players can now reconnect to the Fractals of the Mists if they are disconnected.
    Players can now connect to a fractal map even if they are not part of the original group that created the fractal instance.
    Players can revive at a checkpoint in fractal maps if the entire party is out of combat.
    Players are no longer prevented from entering fractal maps. The difficulty of the fractals is shared, and players will receive rewards based on their “reward level.”
    Reward level increases as players complete fractal rounds.
    If players have a higher reward level than the current fractal difficulty, they will receive bonus karma at the end of a round. However, item rewards are set to the minimum of the fractal scale and reward level.
    Daily Fractals of the Mists bonus chests are awarded after defeating the kraken. The rewards are now based off of the minimum of the player’s reward level or current fractal scale.


    Players may now log in to a world other than their home world as a guest.
    On the character select screen, click the “World Selection” button.
    Choose a world you would like to guest on and click the “Guest” button.
    Select any of your characters and select “Play” to log in to the world you chose as a guest.
    Guesting has some limits and restrictions:
    You may only guest on worlds in the same region as your home world. Players on American home worlds cannot guest on European worlds or vice versa.
    You may not participate in World vs. World for any guest world. If you choose to enter World vs. World, you will be moved back to your home world. Only changing your home world using a world transfer can change your World vs. World participation.
    You are only eligible to guest on 2 different worlds at a time. Each time you guest on a world, that world becomes available to play on for the next 24 hours. After 24 hours, you may choose to guest on a different world. You may log in to any active guesting world as many times as you wish with no restriction.
    Guesting on worlds that are full or highly populated increases your risk of being put into an overflow map.
    While guesting, all guild influence earned will be applied to your home world, and you will only have access to your home world guild benefits, including the guild vault.

    World Transfer Fee

    It now costs a gem fee to transfer your home world.
    Gem fees for world transfers are based on the population of the world you are transferring to.
    Each account is still limited to one transfer every 7 days.
    Players still cannot transfer to servers that are “Full.”


    The Risen creatures all across Orr have had their population density adjusted.
    Areas, chests, and merchants in Orr now offer better rewards.
    See “World Polish – Orr” below for more details.

    UI Improvements

    Changes have been made to the attributes section of the hero panel to cleanly display more information.
    Several PvP dialogs no longer take UI focus away from chat when opening.
    Players can once again preview armor and weapons that cannot be equipped by their character.

    Structured Player vs. Player
    January 28th – February 4th Is Temple of the Silent Storm Week

    Instead of 3-round paid tournaments, there will be a 1-round match between 2 teams on the Temple of the Silent Storm map.
    The price for entry will be 3 tickets per player.
    Rewards for the test will be reduced from the normal paid tournaments.
    After the game is finished, both teams will be returned to the lobby, where they can reenter the tournament queue.
    To participate, go to the PvP lobby and speak to the Tournament Master.
    At the end of this period, the Temple of the Silent Storm map will be added to the tournament rotation.
    Skillbars now have team-colored backgrounds in sPvP.

    World vs. World

    Character load times in WvW have been improved through the use of preloaded placeholder models.


    Fixed a bug where creatures in dungeons were no longer becoming invulnerable to players they couldn’t reach.
    Updated the costs of several dungeon reward items to be consistent with their costs in other dungeons. These include leggings, chestpieces, and shoulder armor from Ascalonian Catacombs; tridents and assorted armor pieces from Sorrow’s Embrace; and focuses from Caudecus’s Manor.

    Fractals of the Mists

    Swampland fractal: The tripwires have been rebuilt to reflect their names. Several have been lifted out of the ground and made more visible.
    Fractal Marshes: The traps in the first area now scale with the difficulty scale of the fractal.
    Fractals: Added day or night time to specific fractals. Day and night do not cycle.
    Underwater Fractal: The Jelly boss will no longer try to devour NPCs like pets and minions before they try to eat players. If no players are around, it will eat NPCs.
    Fixed various exploits and minor bugs.

    Ascalonian Catacombs

    Story—The Lovers: Reduced health for both bosses and damage from Ralena.
    Story—Coffin Intro: Additional coffins cannot be interacted with once the boss shows up.
    Story—Ranger: Damage has been reduced for the trap skill.
    Story: Some enemy group compositions have been altered.
    Story—Adelbern: Reduced damage and modified his melee attack.
    Explorable—Detha’s Chain: Decreased the recharge time for cannons in the final event and modified their attacks.
    Explorable—Detha’s Chain: Adjusted the respawn rate of the groups at the “Defend Detha and her traps” event.


    Story: Reduced most veterans to regular strength during the ship events.
    Story: Attacking dragons have reduced damage and no longer knock back on their flyover barrages.
    Story: Zhaitan’s acid pools do less damage.
    Explorable: Fixed issues that may have prevented events from starting or ending properly across all paths in the dungeon when an NPC was potentially dying, reviving, or being interacted with.
    Explorable—Seer Path: In the Dwayna fight, the sparks will now target players primarily, and their attacks have been adjusted in a way that should make them chase the player as initially intended.

    Citadel of Flame

    Story: The Baelfire fight now has a safety net in case players fall off. If players die in a dangerous area, their body is teleported to a safe location for players to revive.
    Story—Forgefire Armory Boss: This boss’s damage has been reduced.
    Story—Bolok Barracks Boss: The group composition of the reinforcements summoned by Bolok Barracks boss has been modified.
    Explorable—Magg’s Chain: The event to defend Magg while he plants a bomb has been rebuilt.
    Explorable—Magg’s Chain: The respawn rate of creatures in the magma field has been adjusted.
    Explorable—Rhiannon’s Chain: The torch event at the start has been adjusted to only require 3 torches instead of 5; enemy groups have also been adjusted accordingly.

    Sorrow’s Embrace

    Explorable—Inquest Path: The infinitely spawning waves have been adjusted to no longer spawn when fighting with the golem miniboss. They will continue once the golem event completes. The group compositions were also adjusted to add more variation.

    Crucible of Eternity

    Explorable—Evolved Destroyer: This enemy’s health has been reduced. The time window before the shield turns back on has been increased.
    Explorable—Subject Alpha (All): The enemy’s health has been reduced.

    Twilight Arbor

    Explorable: Leurent’s Elite Guard shields have been fixed so they no longer deal damage after they disappear.
    Explorable—Leurent Boss Encounter: The group composition has been adjusted.
    Explorable—Worm Boss: Spit puddles have reduced damage, but more puddles are created with each attack.

    Honor of the Waves

    Explorable: Aldus Stormbringer adds are no longer veterans and have adjusted respawn times.
    Explorable: Aldus’s invulnerability shield now properly decrements to melee and area attacks.
    Updated the effect for the Cone of Cold skill used by Controller Andal to match the area affected by the skill when he turns.

    World Polish – Orr

    Uncontested waypoints have been added to Cursed Shore and Straits of Devastation. Players that have already achieved map completion will retain it without having to discover these new waypoints.
    Updates have been made to the small statues to the human gods throughout Orr.
    New map icons to indicate the location and status of the statues have been added. Mousing over the icon will display more detailed information.
    The visual effect surrounding each of the god statues has been updated to be more noticeable and to more accurately reflect the range of its influence.
    Various Risen creatures have had their animations and size updated.
    The music that plays during key events that take place at the Orrian temples to the gods and the Gate of Arah has been updated.
    The difficulty of events to claim and defend the Orrian temples and the Gates to Arah will now scale to accommodate a larger number of players.
    The visual impact of taking control of the Orrian temples has been increased.
    Various Risen creatures have had their skills adjusted to use fewer crowd-control skills.
    Fixed a bug that prevented the “Arah Waypoint” from updating properly when the gate to Arah was open in Cursed Shore. This also caused the Arah dungeon marker to erroneously display as contested. The gate to Arah should only be closed when the events leading up to it are active.


    Grenth Temple Chain
    “Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.”
    Clarified event text to provide more guidance on event mechanics.
    Updated enemy waves that appear when the priest reaches certain life totals.
    Added several new abilities to the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth.
    Fixed an issue that would cause enemies to stop spawning if waves were killed in the wrong order.
    Adjusted enemy wave compositions, start locations, and respawn times.
    Adjusted the stacks of corruption that enemy shades apply to players during the fight.
    Updated the visual appearance of the portals to Grenth’s domain and the effect applied to players who step in.
    Fixed a bug that prevented the Risen Priest of Grenth from attacking properly during the event “Stop the Risen Priest of Grenth from retaking the Cathedral of Silence.”
    Fixed a bug that would cause Pact troops to stall at points in the event chain.
    Dwayna Temple Chain
    Adjusted the difficulty of the events that take place inside of the temple.
    Updated the skills for the Risen Priestess of Dwayna.
    Updated the skills for the Statue of Dwayna.
    Adjusted the terrain within the Cathedral of Zephyrs.
    Added a boss camera during the fight with the Statue of Dwayna.
    Melandru Temple Chain
    Updated the Risen Priest of Melandru’s skill set.
    Updated the music that plays during the boss fights.
    Adjusted the terrain inside the Cathedral of Verdance to allow for better creature and player movement.
    Added more noticeable environmental effects to the temple’s contested and uncontested states.
    Updated the participation rewards for the event “Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks” to be more consistent with holdout events at other temples in Orr. Players who participate will earn three times the normal event rewards.
    Lyssa Chain
    Adjusted the difficulty of the events to take over and defend the Cathedral of Eternal Radiance.
    Fixed a bug that prevented the force field surrounding the Risen Priestess of Lyssa from resetting properly.
    Balthazar Chain
    Adjusted the strength of the Risen Priest of Balthazar’s skills.
    Adjusted the number and compositions of enemies that appear during events to take over and defend the Cathedral of Silence.
    Promenade Chain
    Updated the participation rewards for the event “Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah” to be consistent with the holdout events at other temples in Orr. Players who participate will earn three times the normal event rewards.
    Fixed a bug in the event “Aid the Pact soldiers around the airship wreck” that would cause the event to restart prematurely.
    Fixed a bug that could cause the Risen High Wizard to not flee after successfully defending the Pact camp at the Gates of Arah.
    The Gladiator Chain
    Adjusted the start and restart conditions for the event chain.
    Adjusted the difficulty scaling of the events.
    Added visual effects to the event area and Risen creatures featured in the event.
    Changed the starting condition and location of the event “Kill the Risen broodmother.”

    Items & Rewards

    A new Orrian Jewelry Box has been added to karma vendors across Orr.
    The item “Heavy Moldy Bag” has been updated to drop more frequently.
    Various Risen creatures have had their loot tables updated to provide more varied crafting materials.
    The karma vendors featured in temple chains offer new exotic wares.

    World Polish – Other

    Fixed the descriptions for some armorsmithing packs that stated an incorrect level for the armor contained within the pack.
    Fixed a bug that caused the Mystic Forge to give inappropriate rewards when given level 80 masterwork swords.
    Updated the Moa Tonic’s Screech skill description to correctly show only one daze stack.
    Bandithaunt Caverns: It’s no longer possible to create an infinite number of bombs in the caves.
    Locking your Windows User Account will no longer result in the Guild Wars 2 launcher being invisible.
    Trait buffs are no longer reapplied after being resurrected while in a transformation that disables traits.
    Renown regions now reward karma upon completion.
    The contacts list has been significantly improved to enhance performance in crowded maps and for players with many followers and friends.
    Loot interactions now take higher priority than mesmer portals.
    Fixed a bug that could cause rectangular skills to fail to hit the correct targets.
    Fixed a bug that could cause chain skills to sometimes interrupt dodge rolls.
    Fixed a bug that could cause projectiles to sometimes disappear if passing through a field that had expired.
    Fixed a bug that allowed skills that steal or remove boons to manipulate effects that they were not intended to be able to affect.
    Weapons now continue to grant bonus stats while bundles are equipped.
    Bundles from player skills (engineer kits, elementalist conjured weapons, warrior banners) now have base damage that is consistent with the highest rarity weapons available at the level of the player.
    WvW & PvE: Our culling system has been updated to use affinity culling, which favors allowing players to see important enemies regardless of the local player population density.
    Lionguard Lyns has returned to Lion’s Arch but no longer has Black Lion Keys available. Donations toward the rebuilding of Lion’s Arch will continue to be accepted until late February, at which time Lionguard Lyns must return to her normal Lionguard duties. Liquidate those Captain’s Commendations while you can.
    Golem in a Box has been updated to have a 20-second recharge and has been disabled in WvW.
    In PvE, if a player is awarded loot by killing a creature and the loot is of uncommon rarity or higher, a chest will appear that contains the loot that would previously have been on the corpse. If the rarity of the loot on the creature is lower than uncommon, the loot will remain on the creature’s corpse.


    Fixed a bug that could cause events around Eldvin Monastery to not run properly in Queensdale.
    Fixed a bug that could prevent the event to fight the Shadow Behemoth from starting in Queensdale.
    Frostgorge Sound—“Claw of Jormag” Event: Fixed a case where the ice shield would not appear correctly.
    Blazeridge Steppes Event: The ogre beastmaster in Sootpan Kraal now heals a limited amount each fight.
    Master Engineer Steelclaw in the Fields of Ruin now uses a consistent gender for her scenes/greets.
    Diessa Plateau: Fixed a bug that prevented players from using the cattlepult if a cow wandered too far away, blocking the betting minigame.

    Personal Story

    Fixed Zojja and other NPCs having invisible headgear in cinematics.
    “Armor Guard”: Fixed errant minimap marker.
    “A Tangle of Weeds”: Increased the size of the instance so it’s much harder for the lich to fear players out of the map.
    “Volcanic Extraction”: NPCs are now more durable.
    Norn Chapter 3: Fixed an issue where the wrong cinematic was playing.
    “A Sad Duty”: Strengthened the Pact defenders.
    “Suspicious Activity”: Fixed a minor cosmetic bug.
    “A Grisly Shipment”: Playing the story step with party members no longer prevents progression.
    “Source of Orr”: Fixed an issue that could prevent progression after defeating the Eye of Zhaitan.
    “Fixing Blame”: Warmaster Gurnn should now start his cinematic correctly.
    “On Red Alert”: Fixed an issue that could prevent progress if the player bypassed part of the story step.
    “Romke’s Final Voyage”: Fixed an issue that could prevent progress when playing the story step with party members.
    “A Sparkling Rescue”: Zojja will now help players in combat.

    Skill Challenge

    The terror of Ancient Shark Pistrix and his gang of “landsharks” has finally come to an end. Players will now interact with the corpse of Pistrix in his cave in Sparkfly Fen to complete this skill challenge.


    Fixed a bug that prevented Endless Halloween Tonics from being listed on the Trading Post.
    All Halloween tonics have a two-second cooldown for removal.
    Fixed an issue where some rebreather models would cause light armors to display incorrectly.
    Transmuting weapons now preserves the higher rarity of the two items.
    Sigil of Doom: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
    Sigil of Intelligence: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
    Sigil of Leeching: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
    Life-stealing food buffs based on critical hits no longer affect gadgets.
    A Mystic Forge recipe has been added to upgrade the Triforge Amulet to an ascended version with a utility infusion slot.
    The Orichalcum vein in Southsun Cove is now a regular vein instead of a rich vein.

    Profession Skills

    Cancelling executing skills that have no recharge via the [Escape] key or stowing weapons will now trigger a 0.5-second cooldown for that skill.
    Gadgets placed by players (such as turrets) will now apply boons and conditions based on those players’ stats. Those conditions and boons will not be reduced to level-1 values when the triggering gadget is destroyed.
    Updated skill facts.


    Fixed a bug that caused several spells, including Tornado, Arcane Shield, and most frequently Whirlpool, to sometimes fail to display any graphics.
    Arcane Power: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
    Arc Lightning: Fixed a bug which would cause this skill’s animation effects to continue playing after the skill ended.
    Evasive Arcana: This trait no longer enables players to break knockback effects.
    Glyph of Renewal: Increased this skill’s cast time while underwater from 1 second to 3.5 seconds.
    Ice Spikes: This skill now appropriately displays area-of-effect rings.
    Rock Spray: Skill facts for this skill now display the proper distance and bleed damage.
    Vapor Form: This skill will no longer allow players to rally off of kills that grant zero experience. This skill will now also properly restore death state on completion.


    Removed collision from engineer turrets that were causing player pathing issues.
    Elixir X: Fixed a bug where this skill’s tooltip did not reflect the cooldown reduction from Fast-Acting Elixirs.
    Hair Trigger: Fixed a bug which prevented this trait from working correctly for some skills.
    Healing Turret: Fixed issues with this skill’s description when the Deployable Turrets trait was equipped.
    Incendiary Ammo: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.Reinforced Shield: Fixed a bug which prevented this trait from reducing Static Shield’s cooldown if the Throw Shield skill was activated.
    Reserve Mines: This trait’s area-of-effect rings now display the appropriate area that they can be triggered at.
    Speedy Gadgets: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from reducing the cooldown of Throw Mine.
    Toss Elixir S: This skill will no longer remove transforms from players.


    Absolute Resolution: This trait now functions with Battle Presence.
    Battle Presence: This trait no longer misses pulses or spams “immune” text.
    Empower: This skill now appropriately applies might for 10 seconds.
    Selfless Daring: This trait no longer enables players to break knockback effects.
    Shield of the Avenger: Fixed the damage displayed in this skill’s Command variant.
    Spirit weapons are now susceptible to attacks.
    Sword of Justice: Fixed the damage displayed the descriptions for this skill and its Command variant.
    Sword Wave: This skill is now able to strike gadgets that are low to the ground.
    Zealot’s Flame: Added burning information to this skill’s description.


    Cleansing Conflagration: This trait should now remove a condition at the beginning of The Prestige instead of at the end of the skill.
    Duelist’s Discipline: This trait no longer reduces damage dealt by the Illusionary Duelist.
    Illusion of Life: This skill should no longer allow players to rally off of creatures that grant no experience.
    Portal Exeunt: Updated the skill fact of this skill to reflect the actual duration. Also added a description to the Portal Uses marker.


    Fixed a bug that caused some minions to be overly aggressive.
    Mark of Evasion: This trait no longer enables players to break knockback effects.
    Necrotic Traversal: Fixed a bug which caused this skill’s descriptionto display an incorrect amount of poison damage.
    Spinal Shivers: Fixed a bug which caused this skill to enter its full cooldown if used when facing away from the target.


    Fixed a bug where aquatic ranger pets could sometimes get on land.
    Drake Pet: This pet will now activate its Tail Swipe skill on a regular basis, and the casting time of that skill has been reduced by 1.25 seconds.
    Entangle: This skill’s bleed effects now properly scale with condition damage and duration.
    Sharpening Stone: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
    Opening Strikes: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.


    Leeching Venoms: This trait no longer affects gadgets.
    Shadow Refuge: Added a radius skill fact to this skill’s description.
    Smoke Screen: This skill’s blinding pulse no longer follows the thief.
    Spider Venom: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
    Devourer Venom: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
    Ice Drake Venom: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
    Skale Venom: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
    Basilisk Venom: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
    Assassin’s Signet: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.


    Arcing Slice: Updated this skill’s description to correctly state the boon it applies.
    Banner of Strength: This skill’s descriptions have been updated.
    Banner of Discipline: This skill’s descriptions have been updated.
    Banner of Tactics: This skill’s descriptions have been updated.
    Empowered: This trait should now appropriately increase damage for the Stability boon.
    Reckless Dodge: This trait no longer enables players to break knockback effects.
    Vengeance: This skill is no longer able to rally a player off of kills that grant zero experience.

    Structured Player vs. Player

    Legacy of the Foefire: Fixed a bug that prevented certain melee skills from hitting the front red/blue base gates.
    Legacy of the Foefire: Fixed a bug that allowed friendly and enemy projectile skills to penetrate the red/blue base gates.
    Legacy of the Foefire: Red/blue keep NPCs have been modified to avoid spawning before the match start countdown begins.
    Legacy of the Foefire: Red/blue lords have been modified to remove up to 3 conditions at the beginning of their heal skill.
    Legacy of the Foefire: Red/blue guards and casters have been modified to engage enemies when the lord enters combat.
    Battle of Kyhlo: Fixed a bug that could cause the repair kit to disappear after switching teams.
    Heart of the Mists: Two unused glory vendors have been removed.
    Fixed trebuchets not being targetable by ranged attacks after being repaired.

    World vs. World

    Siege is no longer usable while inside a WvW jumping puzzle.
    Multiple areas have had their terrain adjusted to prevent players from bypassing gates and walls to get into objectives.
    Superior siege will now be saved properly when maps restart.
    In WvW, different types of loot chests will replace the bag drop depending on loot rarity. Players should now see bags for loot that is lower than uncommon rarity and chests for loot that is uncommon rarity or higher.

    New Items

    Plush Quaggan Backpack Cover is now available in the Gem Store for 300 gems in the Style category. This adorable skin can be applied to any back-slot item, but it also comes with a basic back-slot item with no stats in case you don’t have one.
    The Riding Broom is now available in the Gem Store for 250 gems in the Style category. Simply equip this toy and activate its skill to ride the broom. Riding the broom does not provide a speed bonus.


    Evon Gnashblade’s Box ‘o Fun has been revamped and is now available in the Consumable category for the new low price of 1 for 80 gems or a bundle of 5 for 320 gems. The revamped design offers more control over what effect the box has on those that interact with it.
    All weapon and armor skins now have the option to be converted to PvP skins. When activating a skin you will be given the choice to either apply the skin to a PvE item or convert the skin to a PvP-only item. Either action will consume the skin. This change applies to all unused weapon and armor skins in the game, regardless of when the skin was first released.
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  6. #6 Zitieren
    Demigod Avatar von Rashnu
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    Dec 2005
    Guarding Chinvat Bridge (As-Sirāt); a bridge finer than a hair and sharper than a sword.
    Neben dem Content-Update am 25. Juni wird es auch ein Balance-Update geben. Diesmal wirbeln die Entwickler einiges durcheinander. Aber lest selbst:

    Zitat ArenaNet:


    Einer unserer Schwerpunkte war es, für mehr Vielfalt bei den Builds für alle Klassen zu sorgen. Dafür haben wir einige Eigenschaften überarbeitet, andere kombiniert und in manchen Fällen bestimmte Eigenschaften komplett gegen völlig neue ausgetauscht.

    Außerdem haben wir kleine Verbesserungen an Fertigkeiten und Wertgewichtungen zur Verstärkung bestimmter Fertigkeiten, Waffen und Eigenschaften vorgenommen. Wir bemühen uns dabei, beliebten Builds nach Möglichkeit nicht zu viel von ihrem Kraftpotenzial zu nehmen, weil uns klar ist, dass viele Spieler sie genau so mögen, doch manchmal bleibt uns nichts anderes übrig, als einige Fertigkeiten etwas zu entschärfen. Warum wir nicht einfach schwächere Fertigkeiten stärker machen, um sie an die populären Fertigkeiten anzupassen? Dabei besteht die Gefahr, dass wir einen so genannten „Power Creep“ auslösen, bei dem alle Builds und Klassen im Zuge von Verbesserungen ständig stärker werden, was sich wiederum auf die Stabilität des Spiel-Balancing auswirkt.

    Änderungen an Eigenschaften

    Eins vorweg: Wir haben jede Menge Änderungen an Eigenschaften vorgenommen. Die Wirksamkeit vieler weniger beliebter Eigenschaften wurde erhöht und andere wurden umgestellt und zusammengelegt, um Platz für neue Eigenschaften zu schaffen. Dadurch haben wir für etliche neue Kategorien von Eigenschaften mehrere neue Großmeister-Eigenschaften geschaffen. Beispiel: Elementarmagier verfügen jetzt über eine neue Großmeister-Lufteigenschaft, mit der sie ihre Lufteinstimmung aufladen können, Nekromanten können auf den Zustand Brennen zugreifen und Krieger haben die Option, Zustände zu entfernen, wenn sie Salvenfertigkeiten benutzen.

    Im Hinblick auf diese Änderungen werden wir das Erreichen einiger extrem effektiver Builds etwas schwieriger gestalten. Im Interesse der Build-Vielfalt werden Rang und Wirksamkeit einiger Eigenschaften erhöht.

    Todesschleier des Nekromanten 5

    Mit zunehmendem Wachstum der Klassen in Guild Wars 2 werden wir auch weiterhin nach Wegen suchen, um sie zu verbessern und die Wirksamkeit ihrer Fertigkeiten zu erhöhen. Mit dem nächsten Gewichtungs-Update werden Nekromanten die fünfte Todesschleier-Fertigkeit freischalten: Besudelte Fesseln. Diese Fertigkeit fügt in der Nähe befindlichen Feinden Zustände zu und kontrolliert sie, wenn diese nicht rasch handeln.

    Neuer Zustand

    Mit der Einführung von Besudelte Fesseln fügen wir dem Spiel außerdem einen neuen Zustand hinzu: Pein. Dieser Zustand soll mit Bewegung herumspielen, einer unserer fundamentalen Kampfmechaniken. Feinde, die unter Pein leiden, erleiden in regelmäßigen Abständen Schaden; bewegen sie sich, erleiden sie noch mehr Schaden. Auf der Suche nach Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten für die Vielfalt der Zustände für Diebe und Mesmer haben wir beschlossen, diesen beiden Klassen ebenfalls Pein-Fertigkeiten zu verleihen.

    Änderungen am Zustand Schwäche

    Der Zustand Schwäche wird einer spannenden Änderung unterzogen. Derzeit verringert Schwäche die Regeneration von Ausdauer und führt dazu, dass bei nicht-kritischen Treffern die Chance besteht, dass sie zu Streiftreffern werden. Wir wollten, dass dieser Zustand Spike-Schaden bestraft, er war allerdings nicht besonders überzeugend, da kritische Treffer, die für Spike-Schaden unerlässlich sind, bisher den Effekt von Schwäche umgangen hatten. Jetzt wird Schwäche für alle Treffer, kritische wie nicht-kritische, die Chance bieten, Streiftreffer zu werden. Um diese Änderung zu ermöglichen, haben wir eine ganze Menge Schwächedauern neu gewichtet und glauben, dass diese Änderung dem Zustand mehr Bedeutung und mehr Spielraum verleiht.


    Wie oben schon erwähnt erfolgten viele unserer Änderungen an Fertigkeiten, um für größere Build-Vielfalt bei allen Klassen zu sorgen. Ein zentraler Bereich, den wir uns dabei ansahen, war die Zugänglichkeit von Betäubungsbrechern. Viele Klassen waren wegen der Einschränkung von Betäubungsbrechern auf bestimmte Arten von Hilfsfertigkeiten auf eine oder zwei bestimmte Builds beschränkt. Bei einigen Hilfsfertigkeitsarten waren Betäubungsbrecher im Überfluss vorhanden, bei anderen existierten sie gar nicht. Daher haben wir einige entfernt und sie über mehrere Arten von Hilfsfertigkeiten verteilt. Die Betäubungsbrecher des Elementarmagiers beispielsweise wurden immer durch Schwarzmagien aufgeladen, daher haben wir einige auf andere Kategorien wie Glyphen und Siegel verteilt, damit die meisten Builds zumindest einen brauchbaren Betäubungsbrecher haben.
    [Bild: Rashnu340obenGIF.gif][Bild: nds_banner_156x60_rounded.jpg]
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    "Greeting to thee; well hast thou come; from that mortal world hast thou come to this pure, bright place."
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    Demigod Avatar von Rashnu
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    Guarding Chinvat Bridge (As-Sirāt); a bridge finer than a hair and sharper than a sword.
    Die deutsche Version kann ich grad nicht aufrufen:

    Craft Ascended Weapons

    The Weaponsmith, Artificer, and Huntsman crafting disciplines have
    a new skill cap of 500. We’re introducing new recipes and new materials to be found around the world! Craft your way to 500 to become a Grandmaster Crafter and to learn the secrets of crafting Ascended weapons!

    Legendary Weapon Updates

    Legendary weapons are getting a stat boost and an Offensive Infusion slot to align with the new Ascended weapons! Legendaries are also receiving additional functionality: When out of combat, Legendary weapon bearers will be able to choose between different stat combinations for your weapon. And to top it all off, many Legendaries are getting some aesthetic upgrades!

    Account-Wide Magic Find

    We’re removing Magic Find as an equipment stat. Instead, your Magic Find will now be an account-wide bonus that applies to all of your characters. You can boost your account’s Magic Find using Essences of Luck, which can be earned by salvaging Fine or Masterwork items.

    [Bild: 608b104-King-Toad-Wizard-Weapon.jpg]
    [Bild: Rashnu340obenGIF.gif][Bild: nds_banner_156x60_rounded.jpg]
    [Bild: Rashnu340untenlinks.gif][Bild: Rashnu340untenrechts.gif][Bild: oaqmBDA_Nein_113x60.jpg]
    "Greeting to thee; well hast thou come; from that mortal world hast thou come to this pure, bright place."
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  8. #8 Zitieren
    Demigod Avatar von Rashnu
    Registriert seit
    Dec 2005
    Guarding Chinvat Bridge (As-Sirāt); a bridge finer than a hair and sharper than a sword.
    Zum Update-Termin 10. Dezember 2013 wollen die Entwickler wohl einige bedeutende Balance-Änderungen bei allen Klassen vornehmen. Leider finde ich bisher keine deutsche Version des Original-Entwicklerthreads im Forum.

    Nichts ist bisher final, es sind eher Anregungen, die uns zur Diskussion dienen sollen. Aber das meiste dürfte wohl so umgesetzt werden.


    This patch’s goal for the elementalist was to increase the power of the Earth, Air and Fire lines, while taking away some of the need to go into the Arcane line. This was done by bringing up the base cooldown of attunements so that elementalists aren’t forced to go as deep into Arcane in order to get the old attunement cooldown %’s. In doing so, we decided put some of the most powerful Adept tier traits in Water magic and Arcane to the Master tier to avoid power creep that would have occurred by letting players gain powerful effects in Master and Grandmaster tier of Fire, Air, and Earth and still get the extremely powerful traits in Water and Arcane by only splashing in 10 points.

    Fire II – Burning Fire – This trait has a new effect. Use Cleansing Fire automatically when you have a number of conditions on you. 3 conditions. 40 second cooldown. Moved to Master tier.
    Fire VIII – Conjurer – Moved to Adept tier.
    Fire III – Ember’s Might. The effect of this trait has been changed to Burns you apply last longer. 25%.
    Burning Rage 25 – Increased damage dealt to burning foes from 5% to 10%.
    Air V – Soothing Winds. Increased conversion from 5% to 7%.
    Air XI – Tempest Defense. Decreased the cooldown from 60s to 25s.
    Earth 5 – Stone Flesh – Increased toughness while attuned to Earth Magic to 1.5/level (120 at level 80).
    Earth VII – Strength of Stone. This trait is now Gain condition damage based on your Toughness. 10%.
    Earth XI – Diamond Skin. This trait has been redesigned. Conditions cannot be applied to you when your health is above the threshold. 90%.
    Water I – Aquamancer’s Alacrity. Moved to Master tier.
    Water V – Cleansing Wave. Moved to Master tier.
    Water VIII – Arcane Abatement. Moved to Adept tier.
    Water X – Soothing Wave. Moved to Adept tier.
    Arcane III – Arcane Retribution. Moved to Master tier. Decreased cooldown from 90 seconds to 45 seconds.
    Arcane IV – Final Shielding. Decreased cooldown from 90s to 75s.
    Arcane V – Elemental Attunement. Moved to Master tier.
    Arcane VI – Renewing Stamina. Moved to Master tier.
    Arcane VII – Vigorous Scepter. Moved to Adept tier.
    Arcane VIII – Blasting Staff. Moved to Adept tier.
    Arcane IX – Windborne Dagger. Moved to Adept tier.

    The following changes were done to reduce the necessity of putting points into the Arcane trait line.

    The base cooldown of the attunement that you just left is now reduced from 16 seconds to 13 seconds. Attunement cooldown rate now increases by 1% per point in Arcane down from 2%. The end result is that now Attunements go from 13s to 10s instead of the old range of 16s to 10s.
    Base global attunement cooldown is now 1.625 seconds. Global attunement cooldown rate now decreases by 1% per point in Arcane down from 2%. The end result is that now global attunement cooldown goes from 1.625 to 1.25 instead of the old range of 2.0 to 1.25.


    We wanted to maintain the engineer’s core roles while still increasing build diversity. We also wanted to take out some of the random effects for some of the class’s traits. The biggest change here is allowing Modified Ammunition to work with any skills so that an engineer, regardless of build, can look at putting 30 points into firearms. By increasing the swiftness duration on Speedy Kits, we hope to allow Swiftness to be maintained more reasonably without having to constantly be swapping between Kits. This change will also bring down the total up time for Vigor due to its interaction with Invigorating Speed. We don’t like classes having permanent Vigor, and this is one of the areas we needed to tone down the up time of the engineer’s Vigor.

    Explosives V – Incendiary Powder. Moved to Master tier.
    Explosives VI – Exploit Weakness. Increased the health threshold from 25% to 50%
    Explosives IX – Accelerant packed turrets. Moved to Adept tier.
    Firearms XI – Modified Ammunition. This trait now works regardless of equipped weapon.
    Inventions V – Energized Armor. Increased conversion from 5% to 7%.
    Inventions X – Autotool Installation. Increased healing percent from 1% to 5%. * Decreased interval from 10s to 3s.
    Inventions XI – Elixir Infused bombs. Increased healing scaling by 50%.
    Alchemy V – Blood Injection. Increased conversion from 5% to 7%.
    Alchemy 15 – Transmute. Increased % chance from 8% to 100%. This effect can now only trigger once every 15 seconds.
    Tools VI – Speedy Kits. Increased Swiftness duration to 10s. This effect can now only trigger once every 10 seconds.
    Tools XI – Armor Mods. Changed this to now trigger on struck instead of on critical hit incoming. Reduced the cooldown from 25 seconds to 15 seconds.


    Tanky and supportive guardians are in a strong position in many gametypes. We do feel that damage guardians are not as powerful as they could be. While we don’t want guardians to be as strong offensively as some of the other classes (given their powerful defensive abilities) we opened up more offensive guardian builds.

    Zeal V – Shattered Aegis. Damage instead of Burning.
    Zeal VII – Zealous Blade. This trait now scales with Healing power (2%.)
    Zeal XII – Kindled Zeal. Increased conversion from 10% to 13%.
    Radiance V – Searing Flames. Reduced cooldown from 20s to 10s.
    Radiance X – Powerful blades. Increased damage from 5% to 10%.
    Valor V – Retributive Armor. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 7%.
    Honor VI – Pure of Heart. Increased scaling with Healing power from 25% to 40%.
    Virtues VIII – Supreme Justice. Number of attacks going from 4 to 3.
    Symbol of Swiftness: This skill now applies 4 seconds of swiftness per pulse, rather than 8 seconds if you have no swiftness and 1 second if you have swiftness.


    The bulk of the mesmer changes are focused on two things. 1) Bringing up some of the mesmer support traits and condition removal traits. 2) Reduce dependency on certain trait lines. The changes to Mender’s Purity and Shattered conditions as well as the move of Dazzling Glamours are meant to accomplish the first of these two. The changes to Shattered Strength and Illusionist’s celerity are what we feel accomplish the second one. Before this change mesmers needed to place 25 points into Illusions for many of their builds. Now they can place only 15 points in there to get the Illusion cooldown which will give them back 10 more trait points to open up some new builds. Finally, we felt that the Mantra traits were fairly difficult to collect. Moving Mantra mastery to adept tier takes some trait pressure off of the Dueling line, allowing mantra mesmers to gain a good trait with only 10 points.

    Domination XII – Confounding Suggestions. Changed to increase daze duration by 25%.
    Dueling VI – Protected Mantras. Moved to Master Tier. Increase Toughness from 400 to 600.
    Dueling VII – Mantra Mastery. Moved to Adept Tier.
    Chaos 25 – Chaotic Transference. Increased conversion from 5% to 10%.
    Chaos I – Chaotic Revival. Reduced cooldown from 35s to 10s.
    Chaos VII – Mirror of Anguish. Reduced cooldown from 90s to 60s.
    Inspiration IV – Mender’s Purity. Now removes 2 conditions.
    Inspiration XI – Shattered Conditions. Increased radius from 240 to 600.
    Illusions VI – Illusionary Invigoration. Recharge reduced from 90s to 60s. Moved to Master Tier.
    Illusions VIII – Dazzling Galmours. Moved to Adept Tier.
    Illusions 15 – Shattered Strength – Moved to Grandmaster tier.
    Illusions 25 – Illusionist’s Celerity – Moved to Master tier.


    For the necromancer, we felt that a few traits and skills were too powerful, while others were lacking in efficacy. We brought down some of the raw DPS conditions that necromancer enjoys, while also maintaining their pressure and sustain elements. The necromancer’s mobility will remain where it is currently, as we want the Necromancers to be focused on sustaining themselves through death shroud, siphoning health, and slowing down their opponent’s ability to act.

    Mark of Blood. Removed 1 bleed in PvP only.
    Signet of Spite: Removed one bleed.
    Spite 15 – Death into Life. Increased conversion from 5% to 7%
    Spite X – Chill of Death. Increased trigger threshold from 25% to 50%.
    Curses IV – Weakening Shroud. Increase recharge from 15 to 25.
    Curses VIII – Banshee’s Wail. Increase cooldown reduction from 15% to 20%.
    Death 5 – Reanimator. Decreased cooldown from 30s to 15s.
    Death VIII – Reaper’s Protection. Decreased the cooldown from 90s to 60s.
    Death 25 – Deadly Strength. Increased conversion from 5% to 10%.
    Blood Magic 25 – Blood to Power. Decreased health threshold from 90% to 75%. Increase Power from 90 to 120.
    Soul Reaping II. Vital Persistence. Increased reduction of life force drain from 25% to 50%.


    For the ranger, we’ve adjusted the placement of some traits so that rangers should have more build combinations. For example, by swapping Nature’s Vengeance and Spirits Unbound so that rangers can have spirits follow you in tier 2, players can now opt out of the higher damage output from spirits and still have options elsewhere. We also brought up some Marksmanship and a Skirmishing trait to make power specs more appealing. We feel like rangers also currently have too much endurance regeneration through traits. Due to this, we’ve made adjustments to Wilderness Survival traits, and we’ve also brought down the passive of Sun Spirit and the active effect for Storm Spirit.

    Long Range Shot. Increased the damage at 500 range by 20%.
    Long Range Shot. Increased the damage at 500-1000 range by 15%.
    Marksmanship V – Predator’s Instinct. Increased the threshold from 25% to 50%. Increased the Cripple Duration from 2s to 10s. Increased the cooldown from 15s to 30s.
    Marksmanship VI – Beastmaster’s Bond. Decreased the cooldown from 90s to 60s.
    Skirmishing XII – Moment of Clarity. Stun Duration increased from 50% to 100%.
    Wilderness 5 Natural Vigor. Reduced the increased endurance regeneration from 50% to 25%.
    Wilderness VIII – Oakheart Salve. Decreased the recharge of this trait from 20s->15s
    Wilderness XII – Bark Skin Increased the damage reduction from 30% to 50%.
    Nature Magic I – Circle of Life. Cleared up the text of this trait to clearly identify that it happens when downed, not defeated.
    Nature Magic V – Strength of Spirit. Increased conversion from 5% to 7%
    Nature Magic IX – Two Handed Training. Added the following functionality to this trait. Greatsword and Spear attacks have a chance to grant Fury on hit. 50% chance. 3s Fury. 10s cooldown.
    Nature Magic X – Enlargement. This trait now uses Signet of the Wild to trigger. This reduces the cooldown to 60 seconds and allow it to interact with the Signet of the Beastmaster and Signet Mastery traits.
    Nature Magic VII – Nature’s Vengeance. Moved to Grandmaster Tier.
    Nature Magic XI – Spirits Unbound. Moved to Master Tier.
    Beastmastery VI – Mighty Swap. The might from this trait is now applied to you and your pet.
    Sun Spirit. Reduced the passive burning from 3s to 2s.
    Storm Spirit. Reduced the damage from the Call Lightning skill by 33%.


    One of the issues we are working on for thieves this patch is the dependence on the traits which boost initiative. We did this by shaving a significant amount of initiative gain from these traits while simultaneously boosting the generic rate of initiative gain by 33%. We have also somewhat reduced the effectiveness of high evasion thieves by reducing vigor up time and adding some cast time to the Shadow Return skill on the sword. This prevents these thieves from evading too much and too easily dealing with being disabled (stun, daze, fear, knockdown, etc.). Also we are trying to improve the survivability of thieves in the Acrobatics line through easier access to the Hard to Catch trait and increased effectiveness of the Assassin’s Reward trait. This will reward thieves who are actively engaged in the fight rather than those who are just dodging over and over again. The change to Infusion of Shadow is meant to stop players from gaining initiative by applying stealth while already in stealth. This should keep thieves from being able to recharge all of their power while idling in a very long stealth. We felt that using a lot of different abilities to maintain stealth is ok, but re-using the same ability over and over for almost permanent stealth was just bad for the game, especially when gaining large amounts of initiative.

    Increased the base rate of initiative gain from .75/second to 1/second.
    Shadow Return on Sword. Renamed to Infiltrator’s return. Added a 1/4s cast time.
    Pistol Whip. Reduced the after cast on the first half of this skill by .25 seconds.
    Deadly Arts VI – Sundering Strikes. Increased the trigger chance from 50%. Remove ICD. Decrease Vulnerability duration to 6s.
    Critical Strikes VI – Practiced Tolerance. Increased conversion from 5% to 7%.
    Critical Strikes 15 – Opportunist. Increased trigger chance to 50%. Increase cooldown from 1s to 5s.
    Critical Strikes VIII – Signet Use. Reduced initiative gain from 2 to 1.
    Critical Strike X – Critical Haste. Increase trigger chance to 25%.
    Shadow Arts V – Infusion of Shadow – This trait functionality has been changed to “Gain initiative when you enter stealth.” 2 init.
    Acrobatics III – Vigorous Recovery. Reduced Vigor duration to 4s from 8s.
    Acrobatics IV – Assassin’s Retreat. Increased swiftness duration to 20s.
    Acrobatics IX – Quick Recovery. Reduced initiative gain from 2 to 1.
    Acrobatics X – Assassins Reward. Increased healing scaling by 35%. Moved to Grandmaster Tier.
    Acrobatics XI – Hard to catch. Moved to Master Tier.
    Trickery 5 – Kleptomaniac. Reduce initiative gain from 3 to 2.
    Trickery IV – Flanking Strikes. Move to Master tier.
    Trickery VII – Bountiful Theft. Reduced vigor duration to from 15s to 8s.
    Trickery VIII – Trickster. Move to Adept tier.


    The overall goal here is to reduce the damage for the very high control warriors. This means reducing some dependency on going 30 points into discipline for Burst Mastery, making warriors spend 20 points in Arms to get the benefit of Unsuspecting Foe. We also reduced the damage on the hammer’s burst skill to separate the control from the damage. We don’t mind warriors doing massive damage, or doing great area of effect control, but we’re trying to prevent them from easily doing both. We also increased the readability of Skull Crack, which will allow opposing players to more easily react to it. Combustive Shot on longbow also saw some rework. It will scale better with adrenaline levels, and still provide strong burning per adrenaline level, but the raw damage was toned down slightly.

    Strength 5 – Reckless Dodge. Increased Damage by 25%
    Strength III – Great Fortitude. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 7%.
    Arms IV – Unsuspecting Foe. Moved to Master Tier.
    Arms VII – Crack Shot. Moved to Adept Tier.
    Arms XII – Last Chance. Increased the threshold form 25% to 50%. Reduced the cooldown from 45 seconds to 40seconds.
    Defense 25 – Armored Attack. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 10%.
    Defense XII – Spiked Armor. Reduced the recharge from 15s to 10s.
    Tactics 5 – Determined Revival. Now correctly displays the amount of toughness.
    Tactics 25 – Reviver’s Might. Now applies 3 stacks of Might instead of 1.
    Discipline II – Thrill of the Kill. Increased Adrenaline gain from 1 to 10.
    Discipline XI – Burst Mastery. Reduced damage increase from 10% to 7%. Removed erroneous adrenaline gain fact.
    Earthshaker. Reduced damage by 20%.
    Staggering Blow. Reduced damage by 23%.
    Skull Crack. Increased the cast time from 1/4s to 1/2s. Updated the animation and effects of this skill to be more clear.
    Combustive Shot – Increased pulse duration to 3s. Increased burn duration per pulse to 3s. Normalized damage per pulse. Updated pulses per tier to 2, 3,and 4 respectively for tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3.
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    "Greeting to thee; well hast thou come; from that mortal world hast thou come to this pure, bright place."
    Rashnu ist offline Geändert von Rashnu (02.11.2013 um 16:28 Uhr)

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